938 resultados para misleading, obligations, regulators, utmost good faith, Australia, Singapore, People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong


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Arts organisations, unsure of the level of continued government funding available and confronted with the need ever to improve, are seeking new ideas upon which they can focus. At a time when leadership and governance in arts organisations have changed in line with cultural expectations, how is their ethical stance assessed? How does their ethical stance impact on reputation? The challenge to build a good reputation starts at the top of the organisation; however, traditionally, one type of arts organisation, art museums, has focused on the activities level. In an age of globalisation, economic restructuring and technological change, museums therefore may be seen as a contradiction. Traditionally seen as temples for the muses, today’s museums are being challenged to be ethical for society and to build their reputation. As a solution, proposes a cooperative model of cultural organisational ethics that attempts to provide a framework by which arts organisations can put in place ethical artefacts that enhance organisational reputation, rather than detract from it.


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This study aimed to assess the dietary changes that occur for migrants moving from a low-income to a high-income country. The sample included 45 females who had migrated to Australia from Somalia within the past 5years (1996-2001). The data for the study was derived from structured interviews conducted by a bilingual interviewer and anthropometry. Usual dietary intake and frequency of consumption of 54 foods were determined both for Australia (current home) and for Somalia (previous home). In Australia, subjects maintained the structure of the diet from their country of birth. They did increase their consumption of some processed food, such as instant noodles, crisps, and pizza. However, there was little evidence that the subjects adopted ready or partially prepared meals or takeaway meals. A significant addition to the diet in Australia was the use of breakfast cereals. Significant substitutions were of ready-baked bread for traditional bread and lamb for camel meat. The mean BMI of the sample was 27.4kg/m2. Sixty percent of the sample were overweight or obese (BMI>25). Some of the dietary changes observed may be consistent with increased energy intake and altered nutrient density. Given the association between transition to a high-income diet and obesity, it is important that migrants are encouraged to retain the best of their traditional diet while adopting healthy foods from host country.


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Public and private third-party payers in many countries encourage or mandate the use of generic drugs. This article examines the development of generics policy in Australia, against the background of a description of international trends in this area, and related experiences of reference pricing programs. The Australian generics market remains underdeveloped due to a historical legacy of small Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme price differentials between originator brands and generics. It is argued that policy measures open to the Australian government can be conceived as clustering around two different approaches: incremental changes within the existing regulatory framework, or a shift towards a high volume/low price role of generics which would speed up the delivery of substantial cost savings, and could provide enhanced scope for the financing of new, patented drugs.


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This article focuses generally on the interaction among several internal company law doctrines such as the supremacy of the articles of association; that other organs cannot interfere with powers exclusively conferred upon a particular organ; that courts will not readily interfere with internal company matters; that directors are under a duty to act in good faith and in the best interest of the company as a whole and under a duty to use their powers for proper or permissible purposes; and that there are some remedies available to shareholders if directors did not perform their powers for a proper or permissible purpose. The specific aim with the article is to establish when and why the courts will be prepared to set aside decisions by directors if they have taken them for an improper or impermissible purpose. The article concludes that the courts will be prepared to set the decisions of directors aside when they have used a particular power substantially or primarily for an improper or impermissible purpose. When the exercise of directors' powers is challenged under circumstances where there were both permissible and impermissible purposes for exercising a particular power, there is no alternative for the court but to inquire into the complex area of the state of mind of those who acted and the motive on which they acted. This is, in fact, second-guessing the decisions of directors.


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The type material of Loxocythere (Loxocythere) ouyenensis (Chapman, 1914) from mid Cenozoic strata of the Mallee Bore No. 11 in the Murray Basin, S.E. Australia is partially redescribed and refigured. This species belongs to a discrete group of large elongate Cenozoic fossil and living Loxocythere species, the carapaces of which possess sub-rectangular inner margin outlines, and broadly rounded posterior extremities. Some much smaller but otherwise very similarly shaped species, that have previously been placed under the genus Microcytherura (i.e. Microcytherura? peterroyi Yassini and Jones, 1995) or the genus Hemiparvocythere Hartmann, 1982 (i.e. Hemiparvocythere Iagunicola Hartmann, 1982), are also known from marine Cenozoic strata and modern seas of the Australasian region. There is a marked difference in the shape of the inner margin between this group of small Australasian forms and European species of Microcytherura s.s .. The former have broadly rounded posterior inner margins, whilst the latter have acutely rounded posterior inner margins. The latter also usually present posterior extremities located well below mid carapace height. It is here argued that this difference in inner margin shape between smaller Australasian species such as Microcytherura? peterroyi, and European species of Microcytherura s.s ., suggests that there is not a direct phylogenetic relationship between these two species groups.


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It is commonly assumed that solar hot water systems save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The net energy requirement of solar hot water systems has rarely been analysed, including their embodied energy. The extent to which solar hot water systems save energy compared to conventional systems in Melbourne, Australia, is shown through a comparative net energy analysis. It was shown that the embodied energy component of the net energy requirement of solar and conventional hot water systems was insignificant. The solar hot water systems provided a net energy saving compared to the conventional systems after 0.5–2 years, for electric- and gas-boosted systems respectively.


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In 1955 29 Asian, African and Middle Eastern nations gathered in Bandung. Indonesia, to discuss a range of issues including colonialism, racialism, economic development, war and peace. India's Prime Minister. Jawaharlal Nehru, was one of the key figures at the conference, but the Chinese Prime Minister, Chou En-lai. was the primary focus of world attention and media interest. The conference raised awkward questions for the Australian government. It highlighted the point that Australia was geographically part of Asia and had a vital interest in the region, but the fact that Australia had not been invited to attend the conference emphasised its status as a nation apart, racially and culturally. The Bandung conference provides an ideal opportunity to examine thinking about Australia's place in Asia as key figures in the Department of External Affairs. journalists and Asianist intellectuals debated whether or not Australia should attend.


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Comparison of issues regarding the policy of Australian and Canadian governments of removing aboriginal children from their families and placing them in institutions - some Canadian claimantThis article provides a comparative overview of issues pertaining to the stolen generation in Canada and Australia. It includes a historical overview of the removal and detaining of aboriginal children in Canada and Australia. As a consequence of the revelations of this past practice, litigation has been undertaken by members of the stolen generations in both Canada and Australia. The article includes a summary of the key cases in Canada and Australia. Unlike in Australia, some Canadian aboriginal claimants have successfully brought actions for compensation against the federal Canadian government for the damages stemming from their experiences in the aboriginal residential schools. In the course of this discussion, the various causes of actions relied upon by the plaintiffs are examined While the plaintiffs in these leading Canadian cases were ultimately successful under at least one of their heads of claim, the approaches in these cases in regard to the Crown's liability for breaching fiduciary duties, the duty of care, and non-delegable duties is inconsistent. Thus even in regard to the Canadian jurisprudence key legal issues pertaining to the Crown's liability for the aboriginal residential school experience continues to be unresolved.


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This article investigates aspects of the production, dissemination and consumption of UNESCO’s first international touring exhibition, Australian Aboriginal Culture, in order to explore the relationship between UNESCO and Australia in the development of a key cultural heritage program. It argues that the exhibition indicates a national and international spirit of universalism that attempted to address crosscultural ignorance in a period of post-war optimism.


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A modified quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) method was used to determine sensory profiles of 8 soymilk products: 3 manufactured in Australia, 3 manufactured in Singapore, 1 manufactured in Malaysia, and 1 manufactured in Hong Kong. A panel (n= 7) was selected, trained in descriptive profiling of soymilk, and developed a soymilk language that was used to evaluate the flavor attributes of the soymilk products. A repeated-measure ANOVA showed highly reproducible panel performance, and significant differences in soymilk attributes among all soymilks. A principal component analysis (PCA) revealed 2 main groupings among the soymilks that corresponded to cultural origin: Australia and Asia (Singapore and Hong Kong/Malaysia). Products from Australia were significantly stronger in milky, astringent, salty notes and pale in color, while products from Asia were significantly stronger in beany, cooked beans, sweet, and pandan notes (P < 0.05). In addition, the Asian soymilks could be separated into 2 subgroups, with Singaporean soymilks having deeper color, greater viscosity, and less green flavor than Hong Kong/Malaysia soymilks. Australian produced soymilk is bovine-milk-like compared with Asian soymilk, presumably due to bovine milk being the primary source of milk in Australia. We conclude that culture-specific flavor preferences are a determining factor in flavor profiles of soymilks from geographically distinct regions.


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Following its time-honoured 'great and powerful friends' foreign policy tradition, Australia has been cultivating close ties simultaneously with the United States and China. Yet, as a rivalry between the two powers apparently looms large, Australia faces an acute dilemma. While the rise of China and the question of Taiwan are often cited as main causes of US-China discord, this article argues that the American neoconservative policy on China, underpinned by a belief in both military strength and moral clarity, is integral to this growing competition and is, by extension, partly responsible for the emergence of Australia's predicament. To avoid such a difficult choice, the article suggests that Australia should strive to curb the policy influence of neoconservatism both in the United States and at home by pursuing a more independent foreign policy, making clear its strategic postures on US-China relations, and helping establish a trilateral strategic forum between Australia, the United States, and China.


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Delamination resistance and nanocreep properties of 2/2 twill weave carbon epoxy composites manufactured by hot press, autoclave, and QuickstepTM process are characterized and analyzed. Quickstep is a fluid filled, balanced pressure heated floating mold technology, which is recently developed in Perth, Western Australia for the manufacture of advanced composite components. Mode I and Mode II interlaminar fracture toughness tests, and nanoindentation creep tests on matrix materials show that the fast ramp rate of the Quickstep process provides mechanical properties comparable to that of autoclave at a lower cost for composite manufacturing. Low viscosity during ramping process and good fiber wetting are believed to be the reasons that this process produces composites with high delamination and creep-resistant properties. Nanocreep properties are analyzed using a Kelvin–Voigt model.


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Objective: To evaluate the implementation of the folate-neural tube defect (NTD) health claim and its impact on the availability of folate-fortifed food in Australia.

Methods: During late 2005, a survey was conducted in 16 supermarkets across all Australian capital cities to identify the use of the folate-NTD health claim on the labels of the 128 food products listed in food standard 1.1A.2: 'Transitional standard - Health claims' and the number of products fortifed with folic acid.

Results: Seventy-nine per cent of existing listed food products were found and two of these were implementing the folate-NTD health claim. Forty-four per cent of these listed products, previously fortifed with folic acid, were no longer fortifed. One hundred and seventeen generally available food products were fortifed with folic acid, predominantly breakfast cereals (73%). Twenty-seven per cent of these folate-fortifed products were listed in the transitional standard.

Conclusions: The health claim was not used widely to inform women of child-bearing age of the importance of periconceptional folate intake. The increased availability of folate-fortifed products generally has occurred independently of the health claim. Defciencies in the verifcation system of the tested regulatory framework are identifed. The voluntary regulatory provisions for both folate fortifcation and the use of the health claim diminished the States' infuence over their implementation of public health tools.


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This paper examines the acculturation challenges facing Iraqi refugees in Australia, and the impact of humanitarian visa category. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with Temporary Protection Visa (TPV) holders and Permanent Protection Visa (PPV) holders living in Melbourne. The findings indicate that TPV holders identify the temporary visa regime as the primary obstacle to successful integration into Australian society. The findings also suggest that TPV refugees have developed a greater level of social ties outside their ethnic groups and are less focused on issues of cultural maintenance than refugees with PPVs. The insecurity associated with the temporary protection regime appears to have led to a decreased focus on cultural maintenance, in favour of the more immediate “survival” focus on material settlement needs and visa status. While the increased social contacts of TPV refugees with some mainstream groups may be considered a partial indicator of successful acculturation, these developments cannot be equated with “settlement” as the social ties are of a temporary or unstable nature. The overriding impact of the temporary visa regime is one of creating obstacles to the effective integration of TPV refugees.


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Physical inactivity is increasing in Australia and active forms of transportation may be one way to increase the working population’s daily physical activity. We used travel-to-work data from employed persons aged 15 years and over participating in the 1996 (n=7,636,319) and 2001(n=8,298,606) Australian censuses to determine prevalence and trends in walking and cycling to work by state and gender, and differences in prevalence by age. In 2001, 3.8% of Australians walked to work and <1% cycled. Over 64% travelled to work by car. There have been small declines in walking (men and women) and cycling (men) over the 5-years from 1996 to 2001. People were more likely to walk or cycle to work if they lived in the Northern Territory, if they were male or if they were aged 15 to 24 years. They were more likely to travel by car if they lived in the Australian Capital Territory, if they were male, or if they were aged 45-54 years. Few people walk or cycle to work in Australia. Efforts to encourage active transportation are urgently needed.