962 resultados para metals in urine
En septiembre del 2009 se evaluó el contenido de trazas de metales en los bancos naturales de Meca-Lozas (Tacna), Tancona y Punta Coles (Moquegua), en un ámbito donde la temperatura fue inferior al patrón estacional y en presencia de Aguas Costeras Frías en toda la columna de agua. Las trazas de cobre, plomo y cadmio contenidos en agua de los tres bancos naturales, no superaron los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental para Conservación del Ambiente Acuático (Grupo 4). Las trazas de cobre, plomo, cadmio y cinc para sedimentos, no superó al Probable Nivel de Efecto estipulado en la Tabla de Protección Costera de los EE UU, a excepción del cobre que superó el estándar en una estación (136,99 μg/g) de Meca-Las Lozas. Sólo las concentraciones traza de cobre en los tres bancos naturales y en los cuerpos eviscerados de caracol negro (Thaisella chocolata), lapa (Fissurella sp.), chanque (Concholepas concholepas) y choro (Aulacomya atra) superaron el límite máximo permisible internacional estipulado por la FAO, siendo la mayor concentración de 1782,27 μg/g en la especie Fissurella sp. muestreada en Meca-Lozas, por lo que se concluye que las especies que bioacumulan más trazas de cobre son Fissurella sp., Thaisella chocolata, Concholepas concholepas y Aulacomya atra.
The widespread use of combination antiretroviral therapy (ARVs) has considerably improved the prognosis of patients infected with HIV. Conversely, considerable advances have been recently realized for the therapy of hepatitis C infection with the recent advent of potent new anti-HCV drugs that allow an increasing rate HCV infection cure. Despite their overall efficacy, a significant number of patients do not achieve or maintain adequate clinical response, defined as an undetectable viral load for HIV, and a sustained virological response (or cure) in HCV infection. Treatment failure therefore still remains an important issue besides drugs toxicities and viral resistance which is not uncommon in a significant percentage of patients who do not reach adequate virological suppression. The reasons of variability in drug response are multifactorial and apart from viral genetics, other factors such as environmental factors, drug- drug interactions, and imperfect compliance may have profound impact on antiviral drugs' clinical response. The possibility of measuring plasma concentration of antiviral drugs enables to guide antiviral drug therapy and ensure optimal drug exposure. The overall objective of this research was to widen up the current knowledge on pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic factors that influence the clinical response and toxicity of current and newly approved antiretroviral and anti-HCV drugs. To that endeavour, analytical methods using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry have been developed and validated for the precise and accurate measurement of new antiretroviral and anti-HCV drugs . These assays have been applied for the TDM of ARVs and anti-HCV in patients infected with either HIV or HCV respectively, and co-infected with HIV- HCV. A pharmacokinetic population model was developed to characterize inter and intra-patient variability of rilpivirine, the latest marketed Non Nucleoside Reverse transcriptase (NNRTI) Inhibitor of HIVand to identify genetic and non genetic covariates influencing rilpivirine exposure. None of the factors investigated so far showed however any influence of RPV clearance. Importantly, we have found that the standard daily dosage regimen (25 mg QD) proposed for rilpivirine results in concentrations below the proposed therapeutic target in about 40% of patients. In these conditions, virologie escape is a potential risk that remains to be further investigated, notably via the TDM approach that can be a useful tool to identify patients who are at risk for being exposed to less than optimal levels of rilpivirine in plasma. Besides the last generation NNRTI rilpivirine, we have studied efavirenz, the major NNRTI clinically used so far. Namely for efavirenz, we aimed at identifying a potential new marker of toxicity that may be incriminated for the neuropsychological sides effects and hence discontinuation of efavirenz therapy. To that endeavour, a comprehensive analysis of phase I and phase II metabolites profiles has been performed in plasma, CSF and in urine from patients under efavirenz therapy. We have found that phase II metabolites of EFV constitute the major species circulating in blood, sometimes exceeding the levels of the parent drug efavirenz. Moreover we have identified a new metabolite of efavirenz in humans, namely the 8-OH-EFV- sulfate which is present at high concentrations in all body compartments from patients under efavirenz therapy. These investigations may open the way to possible alternate phenotypic markers of efavirenz toxicity. Finally, the specific influence of P-glycoprotein on the cellular disposition of a series ARVs (NNRTIs and Pis] has been studies in in vitro cell systems using the siRNA silencing approach. -- Depuis l'introduction de la thérapie antirétrovirale (ARVs) la morbidité et la mortalité liées au VIH ont considérablement diminué. En parallèle le traitement contre le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC) a connu récemment d'énormes progrès avec l'arrivée de nouveaux médicaments puissants, ce qui a permis une augmentation considérable de la guérison de l'infection par le VHC. En dépit de l'efficacité de ces traitements antiviraux, les échecs thérapeutiques ainsi que les effets secondaires des traitements restent un problème important. Une réponse imparfaite ou la toxicité du traitement est certainement multifactorielle. Le suivi thérapeutique des médicaments [Therapeutic Drug Monitoring TDM) à travers la mesure des concentrations plasmatiques constitue une approche importante pour guider le traitement médicamenteux et de s'assurer que les patients sont exposés à des concentrations optimales des médicaments dans le sang, et puissent tirer tout le bénéfice potentiel du traitement. L'objectif global de cette thèse était d'étudier les facteurs pharmacocinétiques et pharmacogénétiques qui influencent l'exposition des médicaments antiviraux (ARVs et anti- VHC) récemment approuvés. A cet effet, des méthodes de quantification des concentrations plasmatiques des médicaments antirétroviraux, anti-VHC ainsi que pour certains métabolites ont été développées et validées en utilisant la Chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse tandem. Ces méthodes ont été utilisées pour le TDM des ARVs et pour les agents anti-VHC chez les patients infectés par le VIH, et le VHC, respectivement, mais aussi chez les patients co-infectés par le VIH-VHC. Un modèle de pharmacocinétique de population a été développé pour caractériser la variabilité inter-et intra-patient du médicament rilpivirine, un inhibiteur non nucléosidique de la transcriptase de VIH et d'identifier les variables génétiques et non génétiques influençant l'exposition au médicament. Aucun des facteurs étudiés n'a montré d'influence notable sur la clairance de la rilpivirine. Toutefois, la concentration résiduelle extrapolée selon le modèle de pharmacocinétique de population qui a été développé, a montré qu'une grande proportion des patients présente des concentrations minimales inférieures à la cible thérapeutique proposée. Dans ce contexte, la relation entre les concentrations minimales et l'échappement virologique nécessite une surveillance étroite des taux sanguins des patients recevant de la rilpivirine. A cet effet, le suivi thérapeutique est un outil important pour l'identification des patients à risque soient sous-exposés à lai rilpivirine. Pour identifier de nouveaux marqueurs de la toxicité qui pourraient induire l'arrêt du traitement, le profil des métabolites de phase I et de phase II a été étudié dans différentes matrices [plasma, LCR et urine) provenant de patients recevant de l'efavirenz. Les métabolites de phase II, qui n'avaient à ce jour jamais été investigués, constituent les principales espèces présentes dans les matrices étudiées. Au cours de ces investigations, un nouveau métabolite 8- OH-EFV-sulfate a été identifié chez l'homme, et ce dernier est. présent à des concentrations importantes. L'influence de certains facteurs pharmacogénétique des patients sur le profil des métabolites a été étudiée et ouvre la voie à de possibles nouveaux marqueurs phénotypiques alternatifs qui pourraient possiblement mieux prédire la toxicité associée au traitement par l'efavirenz. Finalement, nous nous sommes intéressés à étudier dans un modèle in vitro certains facteurs, comme la P-glycoprotéine, qui influencent la disposition cellulaire de certains médicaments antirétroviraux, en utilisant l'approche par la technologie du siRNA permettant de bloquer sélectivement l'expression du gène de cette protéine d'efflux des médicaments. -- Depuis l'introduction de la thérapie antiretrovirale (ARVs] la morbidité et la mortalité liées au VIH ont considérablement diminué. En parallèle le traitement contre le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC) a connu récemment d'énormes progrès avec l'arrivée de nouveaux médicaments puissants, ce qui a permis une augmentation considérable de la guérison de l'infection par le VHC. En dépit de l'efficacité de ces traitements antiviraux, les échecs thérapeutiques ainsi que les effets secondaires des traitements restent un problème important. Il a pu être démontré que la concentration de médicament présente dans l'organisme est corrélée avec l'efficacité clinique pour la plupart des médicaments agissant contre le VIH et contre le VHC. Les médicaments antiviraux sont généralement donnés à une posologie fixe et standardisée, à tous les patients, il existe cependant une importante variabilité entre les concentrations sanguines mesurées chez les individus. Cette variabilité peut être expliquée par plusieurs facteurs démographiques, environnementaux ou génétiques. Dans ce contexte, le suivi des concentrations sanguines (ou Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, TDM) permet de contrôler que les patients soient exposés à des concentrations suffisantes (pour bloquer la réplication du virus dans l'organisme) et éviter des concentrations excessives, ce qui peut entraîner l'apparition d'intolérence au traitement. Le but de ce travail de thèse est d'améliorer la compréhension des facteurs pharmacologiques et génétiques qui peuvent influencer l'efficacité et/ou la toxicité des médicaments antiviraux, dans le but d'améliorer le suivi des patients. A cet effet, des méthodes de dosage très sensibles et ont été mises au point pour permettre de quantifier les médicaments antiviraux dans le sang et dans d'autres liquides biologiques. Ces méthodes de dosage sont maintenant utilisées d'une part dans le cadre de la prise en charge des patients en routine et d'autre part pour diverses études cliniques chez les patients infectés soit par le HIV, le HCV ou bien coinfectés par les deux virus. Une partie de ce travail a été consacrée à l'investigation des différents facteurs démographiques, génétiques et environnementaux qui pourraient l'influencer la réponse clinique à la rilpivirine, un nouveau médicament contre le VIH. Toutefois, parmi tous les facteurs étudiés à ce jour, aucun n'a permis d'expliquer la variabilité de l'exposition à la rilpivirine chez les patients. On a pu cependant observer qu'à la posologie standard recommandée, un pourcentage relativement élevé de patients pourrait présenter des concentrations inférieures à la concentration sanguine minimale actuellement proposée. Il est donc utile de surveiller étroitement les concentrations de rilpivirine chez les patients pour identifier sans délai ceux qui risquent d'être sous-exposés. Dans l'organisme, le médicament subit diverses transformations (métabolisme) par des enzymes, notamment dans le foie, il est transporté dans les cellules et tissus par des protéines qui modulent sa concentration au site de son action pharmacologique. A cet effet, différents composés (métabolites) produits dans l'organisme après l'administration d'efavirenz, un autre médicament anti-VIH, ont été étudiés. En conclusion, nous nous sommes intéressés à la fois aux facteurs pharmacologiques et génétiques des traitements antiviraux, une approche qui s'inscrit dans l'optique d'une stratégie globale de prise en charge du patient. Dans ce contexte, le suivi des concentrations sanguines de médicaments constitue une des facettes du domaine émergent de la Médecine Personnalisée qui vise à maximiser le bénéfice thérapeutique et le profil de tolérance des médicaments antiviraux
Maghemite (g-Fe2O3) is the most usually found ferrimagnetic oxide in red basalt-derived soils. The variable degrees of ionic substitution of Fe3+ for different metals (e.g. Ti4+, Al3+, Mg2+, Zn2+, and Mn2+) and non-metals in the maghemite structure influence some cristallochemical features of this iron oxide. In this study, synthetic Zn-substituted maghemites were prepared by co-precipitation in alkaline aqueous media of FeSO4.7H2O with increasing amounts of ZnSO4.7H2O to obtain the following sequence of Fe3+ for Zn2+ substitutions: 0.0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, and 0.30 mol mol-1. The objective of this work was to evaluate the cristallochemical alterations of synthetic Zn-substituted maghemites. The dark black synthetic precipitated material was heated to 250 °C during 4 h forming a brownish maghemite that was characterized by chemical analysis as well as X ray diffraction (XRD), specific surface area and mass-specific magnetic susceptibility. The isomorphic substitution levels observed were of 0.0013, 0.0297, 0.0590, 0.1145, 0.1764, 0.2292 and 0.3404 mol mol-1, with the formation of a series of maghemites from Fe2Zn0O3 to Fe(1.49)Zn(0.770)O3 . The increase in Fe3+ for Zn2+ substitution, [Zn mol mol-1] increased the dimension a0 of the cubic unit cells of the studied maghemites according to the regression equation: a0 = 0.8343 + 0.02591Zn (R² = 0.98). On the other hand, the mean crystallite dimension and mass-specific magnetic susceptibility of the studied maghemites decreased with increasing isomorphic substitution.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, modified to enhance its anabolic actions (promotion of protein synthesis and muscle growth). They have numerous side effects, and are on the International Olympic Committee's list of banned substances. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry allows identification and characterisation of steroids and their metabolites in the urine but may not distinguish between pharmaceutical and natural testosterone. Indirect methods to detect doping include determination of the testosterone/epitestosterone glucuronide ratio with suitable cut-off values. Direct evidence may be obtained with a method based on the determination of the carbon isotope ratio of the urinary steroids. This paper aims to give an overview of the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids in sport and methods used in anti-doping laboratories for their detection in urine, with special emphasis on doping with testosterone. METHODS: Review of the recent literature of anabolic steroid testing, athletic use, and adverse effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids. RESULTS: Procedures used for detection of doping with endogenous steroids are outlined. The World Anti-Doping Agency provided a guide in August 2004 to ensure that laboratories can report, in a uniform way, the presence of abnormal profiles of urinary steroids resulting from the administration of testosterone or its precursors, androstenediol, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone or a testosterone metabolite, dihydrotestosterone, or a masking agent, epitestosterone. CONCLUSIONS: Technology developed for detection of testosterone in urine samples appears suitable when the substance has been administered intramuscularly. Oral administration leads to rapid pharmacokinetics, so urine samples need to be collected in the initial hours after intake. Thus there is a need to find specific biomarkers in urine or plasma to enable detection of long term oral administration of testosterone.
Exposure to various pesticides has been characterized in workers and the general population, but interpretation and assessment of biomonitoring data from a health risk perspective remains an issue. For workers, a Biological Exposure Index (BEI®) has been proposed for some substances, but most BEIs are based on urinary biomarker concentrations at Threshold Limit Value - Time Weighted Average (TLV-TWA) airborne exposure while occupational exposure can potentially occurs through multiple routes, particularly by skin contact (i.e.captan, chlorpyrifos, malathion). Similarly, several biomonitoring studies have been conducted to assess environmental exposure to pesticides in different populations, but dose estimates or health risks related to these environmental exposures (mainly through the diet), were rarely characterized. Recently, biological reference values (BRVs) in the form of urinary pesticide metabolites have been proposed for both occupationally exposed workers and children. These BRVs were established using toxicokinetic models developed for each substance, and correspond to safe levels of absorption in humans, regardless of the exposure scenario. The purpose of this chapter is to present a review of a toxicokinetic modeling approach used to determine biological reference values. These are then used to facilitate health risk assessments and decision-making on occupational and environmental pesticide exposures. Such models have the ability to link absorbed dose of the parent compound to exposure biomarkers and critical biological effects. To obtain the safest BRVs for the studied population, simulations of exposure scenarios were performed using a conservative reference dose such as a no-observed-effect level (NOEL). The various examples discussed in this chapter show the importance of knowledge on urine collections (i.e. spot samples and complete 8-h, 12-h or 24-h collections), sampling strategies, metabolism, relative proportions of the different metabolites in urine, absorption fraction, route of exposure and background contribution of prior exposures. They also show that relying on urinary measurements of specific metabolites appears more accurate when applying this approach to the case of occupational exposures. Conversely, relying on semi-specific metabolites (metabolites common to a category of pesticides) appears more accurate for the health risk assessment of environmental exposures given that the precise pesticides to which subjects are exposed are often unknown. In conclusion, the modeling approach to define BRVs for the relevant pesticides may be useful for public health authorities for managing issues related to health risks resulting from environmental and occupational exposures to pesticides.
Drug screening is an important issue in clinical and forensic toxicology. Gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) remains the gold standard technique for the screening of unknown compounds in urine samples. However, this technique requires substantial sample preparation, which is time consuming. Moreover, some common drugs such as cannabis cannot be easily detected in urine using general procedures. In this work, a sample preparation protocol for treating 200 μL of urine in less than 30 min is described. The enzymatic hydrolysis of glucuro-conjugates was performed in 5 min thanks to the use of microwaves. The use of a deconvolution software allowed reducing the GC-MS run to 10 min, without impairing the quality of the compound identifications. Comparing the results from 139 authentic urine samples to those obtained using the current routine analysis indicated this method performed well. Moreover, additional 5-min GC-MS/MS programs are described, enabling a very sensitive target screening of 54 drugs, including THC-COOH or buprenorphine, without further sample preparation. These methods appeared as an interesting alternative to immuno-assays based screening. The analytical strategy presented in this article proved to be a promising approach for systematic toxicological analysis (STA) of drugs in urine.
The AASHO specifications for highway bridges require that in designing a bridge, the live load must be multiplied by an impact factor for which a formula is given, dependent only upon the length of the bridge. This formula is a result of August Wohler's tests on fatigue in metals, in which he determined that metals which are subjected to large alternating loads will ultimately fail at lower stresses than those which are subjected only to continuous static loads. It is felt by some investigators that this present impact factor is not realistic, and it is suggested that a consideration of the increased stress due to vibrations caused by vehicles traversing the span would result in a more realistic impact factor than now exists. Since the current highway program requires a large number of bridges to be built, the need for data on dynamic behavior of bridges is apparent. Much excellent material has already been gathered on the subject, but many questions remain unanswered. This work is designed to investigate further a specific corner of that subject, and it is hoped that some useful light may be shed on the subject. Specifically this study hopes to correlate, by experiment on a small scale test bridge, the upper limits of impact utilizing a stationary, oscillating load to represent axle loads moving past a given point. The experiments were performed on a small scale bridge which is located in the basement of the Iowa Engineering Experiment Station. The bridge is a 25 foot simply supported span, 10 feet wide, supported by four beams with a composite concrete slab. It is assumed that the magnitude of the predominant forcing function is the same as the magnitude of the dynamic force produced by a smoothly rolling load, which has a frequency determined by the passage of axles. The frequency of passage of axles is defined as the speed of the vehicle divided by the axle spacing. Factors affecting the response of the bridge to this forcing function are the bridge stiffness and mass, which determine the natural frequency, and the effects of solid damping due to internal structural energy dissipation.
Lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is accompanied by polyuria, downregulation of aquaporin 2 (AQP2), and cellular remodeling of the collecting duct (CD). The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is a likely candidate for lithium entry. Here, we subjected transgenic mice lacking αENaC specifically in the CD (knockout [KO] mice) and littermate controls to chronic lithium treatment. In contrast to control mice, KO mice did not markedly increase their water intake. Furthermore, KO mice did not demonstrate the polyuria and reduction in urine osmolality induced by lithium treatment in the control mice. Lithium treatment reduced AQP2 protein levels in the cortex/outer medulla and inner medulla (IM) of control mice but only partially reduced AQP2 levels in the IM of KO mice. Furthermore, lithium induced expression of H(+)-ATPase in the IM of control mice but not KO mice. In conclusion, the absence of functional ENaC in the CD protects mice from lithium-induced NDI. These data support the hypothesis that ENaC-mediated lithium entry into the CD principal cells contributes to the pathogenesis of lithium-induced NDI.
Excessive alcohol consumption represents a major risk factor for morbidity and mortality. It is therefore indispensable to be able to detect at-risk drinking. Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) is a specific marker of alcohol consumption. The determination of ethyl glucuronide in urine or blood can be used to prove recent driving under the influence of alcohol, even if ethanol is no longer detectable. The commercialization of an EtG specific immunological assay now allows to obtain preliminary results rapidly and easily with satisfying sensitivity. Moreover, the detection of ethyl glucuronide in hair offers the opportunity to evaluate an alcohol consumption over a long period. The EtG concentration in hair is in correlation with the amount of ingested alcohol. Thus, the analysis of ethyl glucuronide can be used to monitor abstinence, to detect alcohol relapse and to identify at-risk drinkers. However, a cut off allowing to detect chronic alcohol abuser reliably still does not exist. Therefore, it is recommended to perform the analysis of ethyl glucuronide in complement to the existing blood markers. A study financed by the Swiss Foundation for Alcohol Research is actually conducted by the West Switzerland University Center of Legal Medicine in order to establish an objective cut-off.
A fatality due to ingestion of a reversible inhibitor of monoamine-oxidase A (MAO-A) is reported. Moclobemide is generally considered as a safe drug far less toxic than tricyclic anti-depressants. However, severe intoxications may result from interactions with other drugs and food such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), anti-Parkinsonians of the MAOI-type (e.g. selegiline) or tyramine from ripe cheese or other sources. In the present case, high levels of moclobemide were measured in peripheral blood exceeding toxic values reported so far in the scientific literature. The body fluid concentrations of moclobemide were of 498 mg/l in peripheral whole blood, 96.3 mg/l in urine while an amount of approximately 33 g could be recovered from gastric contents. The other xenobiotics were considered of little toxicological relevance. The victim (male, 48-year-old) had a past history of depression and committed one suicide attempt 2 years before death. Autopsy revealed no evidence of significant natural disease or injury. It was concluded that the manner of death was suicide and that the unique cause of death was massive ingestion of moclobemide.
Urinary magnesium and pH are known to modulate urinary calcium excretion, but the mechanisms underlying these relationships are unknown. In this study, the data from 17 clinical trials in which urinary magnesium and pH were pharmacologically manipulated were analyzed, and it was found that the change in urinary calcium excretion is directly proportional to the change in magnesium excretion and inversely proportional to the change in urine pH; a regression equation was generated to relate these variables (R(2) = 0.58). For further exploration of these relationships, intravenous calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, or vehicle was administered to rats. Magnesium infusion significantly increased urinary calcium excretion (normalized to urinary creatinine), but calcium infusion did not affect magnesium excretion. Parathyroidectomy did not prevent this magnesium-induced hypercalciuria. The effect of magnesium loading on calciuria was still observed after treatment with furosemide, which disrupts calcium and magnesium absorption in the thick ascending limb, suggesting that the effect may be mediated by the distal nephron. The calcium channel TRPV5, normally present in the distal tubule, was expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Calcium uptake by TRPV5 was directly inhibited by magnesium and low pH. In summary, these data are compatible with the hypothesis that urinary magnesium directly inhibits renal calcium absorption, which can be negated by high luminal pH, and that this regulation likely takes place in the distal tubule.
We herein report an autopsy case involving a 27-year-old Caucasian woman suffering from chronic adrenocortical insufficiency with a background of a polyendocrine disorder. Postmortem biochemistry revealed pathologically decreased aldosterone, cortisol, and dehydroepiandrosterone levels in postmortem serum from femoral blood as well as decreased cortisol and 17-hydroxycorticosteroid in urine. Decreased vitreous sodium and increased 3-beta-hydroxybutyrate and C-reactive protein concentrations were observed. The cause of death was determined to be acute adrenocortical insufficiency. Fasting ketoacidosis was postulated to have precipitated the Addisonian crisis. Traumatic causes of death and third-party involvement were excluded. The case highlights the importance of systematically performing exhaustive postmortem biochemical investigations to formulate appropriate hypothesis regarding the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the death process.
The conditions for the analysis of selected doping substances by UHPSFC-MS/MS were optimized to ensure suitable peak shapes and maximized MS responses. A representative mixture of 31 acidic and basic doping agents was analyzed, in both ESI+ and ESI- modes. The best compromise for all compounds in terms of MS sensitivity and chromatographic performance was obtained when adding 2% water and 10mM ammonium formate in the CO2/MeOH mobile phase. Beside mobile phase, the nature of the make-up solvent added for interfacing UHPSFC with MS was also evaluated. Ethanol was found to be the best candidate as it was able to compensate for the negative effect of 2% water addition in ESI- mode and provided a suitable MS response for all doping agents. Sensitivity of the optimized UHPSFC-MS/MS method was finally assessed and compared to the results obtained in conventional UHPLC-MS/MS. Sensitivity was improved by 5-100-fold in UHPSFC-MS/MS vs. UHPLC-MS/MS for 56% of compounds, while only one compound (bumetanide) offered a significantly higher MS response (4-fold) under UHPLC-MS/MS conditions. In the second paper of this series, the optimal conditions for UHPSFC-MS/MS analysis will be employed to screen >100 doping agents in urine matrix and results will be compared to those obtained by conventional UHPLC-MS/MS.
PAH (N-(4-aminobenzoyl)glycin) clearance measurements have been used for 50 years in clinical research for the determination of renal plasma flow. The quantitation of PAH in plasma or urine is generally performed by colorimetric method after diazotation reaction but the measurements must be corrected for the unspecific residual response observed in blank plasma. We have developed a HPLC method to specifically determine PAH and its metabolite NAc-PAH using a gradient elution ion-pair reversed-phase chromatography with UV detection at 273 and 265 nm, respectively. The separations were performed at room temperature on a ChromCart (125 mmx4 mm I.D.) Nucleosil 100-5 microm C18AB cartridge column, using a gradient elution of MeOH-buffer pH 3.9 1:99-->15:85 over 15 min. The pH 3.9 buffered aqueous solution consisted in a mixture of 375 ml sodium citrate-citric acid solution (21.01 g citric acid and 8.0 g NaOH per liter), added up with 2.7 ml H3PO4 85%, 1.0 g of sodium heptanesulfonate and completed ad 1000 ml with ultrapure water. The N-acetyltransferase activity does not seem to notably affect PAH clearances, although NAc-PAH represents 10.2+/-2.7% of PAH excreted unchanged in 12 healthy subjects. The performance of the HPLC and the colorimetric method have been compared using urine and plasma samples collected from healthy volunteers. Good correlations (r=0.94 and 0.97, for plasma and urine, respectively) are found between the results obtained with both techniques. However, the colorimetric method gives higher concentrations of PAH in urine and lower concentrations in plasma than those determined by HPLC. Hence, both renal (ClR) and systemic (Cls) clearances are systematically higher (35.1 and 17.8%, respectively) with the colorimetric method. The fraction of PAH excreted by the kidney ClR/ClS calculated from HPLC data (n=143) is, as expected, always <1 (mean=0.73+/-0.11), whereas the colorimetric method gives a mean extraction ratio of 0.87+/-0.13 implying some unphysiological values (>1). In conclusion, HPLC not only enables the simultaneous quantitation of PAH and NAc-PAH, but may also provide more accurate and precise PAH clearance measurements.
Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia eri mittausmenetelmillä metallipinnoitettujen elektrodien kulumista kulumiskokeiden aikana. Mittausmenetelminä olivat käytössä syklinen voltammetria, polarisaatiokäyrän määritys ja sähkökemiallinen impedanssispektrometria, jotka olivat offline-mittausmenetelmiä. Näiden menetelmien avulla pystyttiin seuraamaan yksittäisten elektrodien kulumista ajon aikana. Elektrodin pinnoitteen alkuaineiden pitoisuuksia tutkittiin myös elektronimikroskoopin röntgenspektrometrin avulla. Työn aikana tehdyissä kulumiskokeista havaittiin elektrodin kuluvan sitä nopeammin mitä suurempi on virrantiheys. Työssä tehtyjen elektronimikroskooppikokeiden avulla havaittiin, että harvinaisten metallien seostaminen pinnoitteeseen pidentää metallipinnoitetun elektrodin käyttöikää. Syklisen voltammetrian avulla pystyttiin seuraamaan elektrodin pinta-alan muuttumista ajon aikana. Työssä käytettyjen kulumiskokeiden avulla ei suoranaisesti pystytty määrittämään elektrodin jäljellä olevaa elinikää.