933 resultados para liberal ideology
Ethos is the spirit that motivates ideas and practices. When we talk casually about the ethos of a town, state, or country we are describing the fundamental or at least underlying rationale for action, as we see it. Ideology is a way of looking at things.It is the set of ideas that constitute one’s goals, expectations, and actions. In this brief essay I want to create a space where we might talk about the ethos and ideology in knowledge organization from a particular point of view; combining ideas and inspiration from the Arts and Crafts movement of the early Twentieth Century, critical theory in extant knowledge organization work, the work of Slavoj Žižek, and the work of Thich Nhat Hahn on Engaged Buddhism.I will expand more below, but we can say here and now that there are many open questions about ethos and ideology in and of knowledge organization, both its practice and products. Many of them in classification, positioned as they are around identity politics of race, gender, and other marginalized groups, ask the classificationist to be mindful of the choice of terms and relationships between terms. From this work we understand that race and gender requires special consideration, which manifests as a particular concern for the form of representation inside extant schemes. Even with these advances in our understanding there are still other categories about which we must make decisions and take action. For example, there are ethical decisions about fiduciary resource allocation, political decisions about standards adoption, and even broader zeitgeist considerations like the question of Fordist conceptions (Day, 2001; Tennis 2006) of the mechanics of description and representation present in much of today’s practice.Just as taking action in a particular way is an ethical concern, so too is avoiding a lack of action. Scholars in Knowledge Organization have also looked at the absence of what we might call right action in the context of cataloguing and classification. This leads to some problems above, and hints at larger ethical concerns of watching a subtle semantic violence go on without intervention (Bowker and Star, 2001; Bade 2006).The problem is not to act or not act, but how to act or not act in an ethical way, or at least with ethical considerations. The action advocated by an ethical consideration for knowledge organization is an engaged one, and it is here where we can take a nod from contemporary ethical theory advanced by Engaged Buddhism. In this context we can see the manifestation of fourteen precepts that guide ethical action, and warn against lack of action.
This paper provides rationale for considering precepts for an engaged knowledge organization based on a Buddhist conception of intentional action. Casting knowledge organization work as craft, this paper employs Žižek’s conception of vio- lence in language as a call to action. The paper closes with a listing of precepts for an engaged knowledge organization.
El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar la influencia del regionalismo post-liberal en la cooperación sur-sur (CSS) de América Latina. Se analiza y explica cómo las dinámicas del regionalismo post-liberal del nuevo milenio, mediante esquemas de integración regional como la UNASUR, dieron paso al resurgimiento de la CSS en América Latina, no como una herramienta a favor de la integración, sino como un instrumento del liderazgo regional. Siguiendo finalmente la perspectiva neorrealista de Kenneth Waltz, con la cual se explican las transformaciones estructurales que dieron paso a un nuevo modelo de integración y los procesos de CSS que dentro de éste se desarrollan.
El propósito de esta monografía es comprender cuál ha sido el rol de la Unión Africana (UA), dentro de la misión de paz AMISOM en el periodo de 2007- 2013. Por ello, el trabajo abarca aspectos geopolíticos e históricos, que han influido en la configuración del conflicto armado de Somalía y que han llevado progresivamente a la creación, evolución e implementación de mecanismos como las misiones de paz. Además, se abarcan los planteamientos del neo-funcionalismo y el neo-regionalismo para comprender las estructuras y las dinámicas propias de la UA y así, comprender la naturaleza tanto de sus acciones, como de sus propósitos; propósitos que aclaman el fomento del panafricanismo. Desde aquí se puede entender como su rol ha contribuido con el crecimiento del mercado de la industria militar en la región, a costa de la responsabilidad de proteger. Por último, se concluye que dichas dinámicas han llevado a la creación de comunidades de inseguridad.
La presente disertación tiene como objetivo analizar la «igualdad de género» en el feminismo liberal y en el feminismo de la diferencia a través de las novelas literarias Dimensión de la angustia y Las andariegas. La influencia de algunas corrientes políticas puede permear ideológicamente herramientas como la literatura, que a su vez, puede cumplir una función de denuncia social basada en dicha influencia. Así, en Dimensión de la angustia se muestra cómo la igualdad de género es percibida como la consecución jurídica de una situación igualitaria, premisa básica del feminismo liberal; y, en Las andariegas se plasma la igualdad de género como la necesidad de crear una identidad propia de la mujer alejada de la creación social de «lo femenino», hipótesis que maneja el feminismo de la diferencia. En este sentido, para la realización del presente análisis se empleó el enfoque feminista, y se hizo uso de fuentes primarias como las obras Vindicación de los Derechos de la Mujer de Mary Wollstonecraft, y Espéculo de la otra mujer de Luce Irigaray, y como fuentes secundarias se usaron las novelas Dimensión de la Angustia y Las andariegas.
Análisis de la dinámica legitimadora de la Corte Constitucional en el tributo de estampillas, considerado desde la jurisdicción departamental, en el Estado colombiano.
Introducción Hace unos años escuchamos a un amigo describir a una afrolimonense conocida suya de esta manera: “¡Que mujerzota, maje! Tiene el cuerpo de una negra y la cara de una blanca.” Tal comentario, de ninguna manera fuera de contexto en los entornos sociales capitalinos, pone en manifiesto la continua vitalidad de dos jerarquías que confieren autoridad de una manera tan arraigada, que casi pasa desapercibida. El sujeto, masculino y blanco, nunca duda de tener el derecho de calificar al objeto (femenino o negro). El comentario nos recordó la anécdota autobiográfica de Frantz Fanon…
ResumenBalance bibliográfico sobre la tierra y el proceso de reforma liberal en Costa Rica, cuyo objetivo es detectar vacíos, contradicciones y campos de interés que estimulan las futuras investigaciones orientadas hacia el ámbito de los estudios comparativos.AbstractDiscusses the main Works on land tenure and the effects of the liberal reforms in Costa Rica. It points out the gaps, contradictions and fields of interest to encourage more research from a comparative perspective.
ResumenContribución al esfuerzo por comprender un período considerado calve en la historia de los países centroamericanos. Se analiza la formación del estado liberal en Honduras y los aspectos más relevantes de la economía hondureña de 1870 a 1930, para luego examinar si surgió o no una “oligarquía hondureña”AbstractIn this contribution to a key period of the history of Central America, the author discusses the Liberal State in Honduras and major aspects of the Honduran economy from 1870 to 1930. Subsequently, he addresses the question of whether or not a “Honduran oligarchy” developed during that period.
IntroducciónPara empezar, no está de más una sincera felicitación al Centro de Investigaciones Histórica de la Universidad de Costa Rica, ya que se hacía urgente en nuestro medio. La obra del Profesor Orlando Salazar Mora, que pretendemos comentar, forma parte de ese encomiable esfuerzo y es importante aclarar que, ninguno de los argumentos aquí desarrollados, quiere abarcar a la colección (16 volúmenes) como un todo. Esto es convendiente señalarlo puesto que, con frecuencia, ciertas susceptibilidades de salón pudieran sentirse aludidas, cuando se trata de estudiar un libro que forma parte de un proyecto más vasto...
ResumenEste artículo se refiere a los tipos de discursos que se gestaron en Centroamérica a fines del siglo pasado: el discurso modernista, de carácter principalmente literario y artístico, y el discurso nacional, de carácter más ideológico. Hace mención de la vida errante que llevaron muchos intelectuales centroamericanos.AbstractThis article refers to two types of discourse in late nineteenth century Central America: that of modernism, primarily literary and artistic, and national discourse, more ideological nature. The author also discusses the geographically mobile life of many Central American intellectuals.
Resumen Este artículo procura establecer algunas de las múltiples interacciones posibles, entre la evolución de las precipitaciones, como uno de los factores climáticos de mayor incidencia histórica en las sociedades humanas, y la dinámica económica y socioambiental de Costa Rica, en un período en el que, al tiempo que se consolidaba como Estado-Nación y se definía de forma definitiva su rol agroexportador en el mercado mundial, se construían nuevas relaciones con el medio biofísico, guiadas por la dominante e incuestionable ideología del ?progreso?. Además de la dimensión objetiva del impacto de las lluvias, el trabajo procura realizar un breve repaso por las representaciones dominantes de este factor climático, frecuentemente dicotómicas y a la vez ambivalentes, como lo deja entrever el carácter ?bondadoso? o ?malsano? que a las lluvias y sus consecuencias, otorgaron diversos sujetos histórico-sociales. Abstract This papers analyses the relationship between the evolution of rainfalls and economic and socioenvironmental dynamism in Costa Rica in a period of State-building process, the consolidation of global economic exchange, and the definition of new relations with the environment, all guided by the ?progress? ideology. Besides analyzing the real impact of rainfall, this essay studies the major social representations of rainfall and its characterization by a diversity of historical subjects.
In its open and private-based dimension, the Internet is the epitome of the Liberal International Order in its global spatial dimension. Therefore, normative questions arise from the emergence of powerful non-liberal actors such as China in Internet governance. In particular, China has supported a UN-based multilateral Internet governance model based on state sovereignty aimed at replacing the existing ICANN-based multistakeholder model. While persistent, this debate has become less dualistic through time. However, fear of Internet fragmentation has increased as the US-China technological competition grew harsher. This thesis inquires “(To what extent) are Chinese stakeholders reshaping the rules of Global Internet Governance?”. This is further unpacked in three smaller questions: (i) (To what extent) are Chinese stakeholders contributing to increased state influence in multistakeholder fora?; (ii) (how) is China contributing to Internet fragmentation?; and (iii) what are the main drivers of Chinese stakeholders’ stances? To answer these questions, Chinese stakeholders’ actions are observed in the making and management of critical Internet resources at the IETF and ICANN respectively, and in mobile connectivity standard-making at 3GPP. Through the lens of norm entrepreneurship in regime complexes, this thesis interprets changes and persistence in the Internet governance normative order and Chinese attitudes towards it. Three research methods are employed: network analysis, semi-structured expert interviews, and thematic document analysis. While China has enhanced state intervention in several technological fields, fostering debates on digital sovereignty, this research finds that the Chinese government does not exert full control on its domestic private actors and concludes that Chinese stakeholders have increasingly adapted to multistakeholder Internet governance as they grew influential within it. To enhance control over Internet-based activities, the Chinese government resorted to regulatory and technical control domestically rather than establishing a splinternet. This is due to Chinese stakeholders’ interest in retaining the network benefits of global interconnectivity.
By investigating the inner working of leading financial institutions, and their dense interconnections, this thesis explores the evolution of traditional financial instruments like bonds to tackle sustainability issues. Building on fieldwork among green financiers, the thesis is based upon participant observation of working groups appointed to define standards for sustainable bonds. Engaging critical theory, one claim is that investors are increasingly recruited or interpellated by an emerging global green ideological apparatus, aimed at ensuring the reproduction of existing social relations. Taking stock of the proliferation of both public and private actors in the definition of green standards and practices, the thesis proposes that this green ideology is becoming hegemonic. Focusing on the case of green bond pricing, it suggests that environmental and climate labels and other financial green signifiers for financial products take on brand-like qualities. Crystallizing imaginaries, meanings, and forms of personhood, they play a fundamental role in what is defined as a dual process of valuation-cum-subjectivation. Identifying themselves as “green”, financiers valuate differently green and brown assets allowing a ‘green’ financial value to slowly come to matter. Yet, alongside their ideological role, green labels have come to be almost exclusively standardized with reference to specific Climate Scenarios (e.g. Net Zero). These scenarios coordinate the optimal path towards achieving a carbon neutral world and represent the quintessential example of socioeconomic planning, crucially undermining neoliberal ideas of ‘the market’ as the ultimate calculative device.
In this paper, I argue against the contemporary tendency to confine ideology to the sphere of subjectivity and point of view, as defended by Paul Simpson (1993) in his book Language, Ideology, and Point of View. My principal criticism against the view is that it simply amounts to a re-affirmation of certain of the conceptual categories with which we have for long been accustomed to think. Rather, I contend, we ought to try to interrogate those very categories with a view to teasing out the instabilities that characterise them. I argue that there is an urgent need to deconstruct the very opposition between ideology, point of view etc. on the one hand, and science, theory, or whatever that one might wish to posit on the other.