999 resultados para könig


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OBJECTIVES The objectives of the present study were to investigate temporal/spectral sound-feature processing in preschool children (4 to 7 years old) with peripheral hearing loss compared with age-matched controls. The results verified the presence of statistical learning, which was diminished in children with hearing impairments (HIs), and elucidated possible perceptual mediators of speech production. DESIGN Perception and production of the syllables /ba/, /da/, /ta/, and /na/ were recorded in 13 children with normal hearing and 13 children with HI. Perception was assessed physiologically through event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded by EEG in a multifeature mismatch negativity paradigm and behaviorally through a discrimination task. Temporal and spectral features of the ERPs during speech perception were analyzed, and speech production was quantitatively evaluated using speech motor maximum performance tasks. RESULTS Proximal to stimulus onset, children with HI displayed a difference in map topography, indicating diminished statistical learning. In later ERP components, children with HI exhibited reduced amplitudes in the N2 and early parts of the late disciminative negativity components specifically, which are associated with temporal and spectral control mechanisms. Abnormalities of speech perception were only subtly reflected in speech production, as the lone difference found in speech production studies was a mild delay in regulating speech intensity. CONCLUSIONS In addition to previously reported deficits of sound-feature discriminations, the present study results reflect diminished statistical learning in children with HI, which plays an early and important, but so far neglected, role in phonological processing. Furthermore, the lack of corresponding behavioral abnormalities in speech production implies that impaired perceptual capacities do not necessarily translate into productive deficits.


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The momentary, global functional state of the brain is reflected by its electric field configuration. Cluster analytical approaches consistently extracted four head-surface brain electric field configurations that optimally explain the variance of their changes across time in spontaneous EEG recordings. These four configurations are referred to as EEG microstate classes A, B, C, and D and have been associated with verbal/phonological, visual, attention reorientation, and subjective interoceptive-autonomic processing, respectively. The present study tested these associations via an intra-individual and inter-individual analysis approach. The intra-individual approach tested the effect of task-induced increased modality-specific processing on EEG microstate parameters. The inter-individual approach tested the effect of personal modality-specific parameters on EEG microstate parameters. We obtained multichannel EEG from 61 healthy, right-handed, male students during four eyes-closed conditions: object-visualization, spatial-visualization, verbalization (6 runs each), and resting (7 runs). After each run, we assessed participants' degrees of object-visual, spatial-visual, and verbal thinking using subjective reports. Before and after the recording, we assessed modality-specific cognitive abilities and styles using nine cognitive tests and two questionnaires. The EEG of all participants, conditions, and runs was clustered into four classes of EEG microstates (A, B, C, and D). RMANOVAs, ANOVAs and post-hoc paired t-tests compared microstate parameters between conditions. TANOVAs compared microstate class topographies between conditions. Differences were localized using eLORETA. Pearson correlations assessed interrelationships between personal modality-specific parameters and EEG microstate parameters during no-task resting. As hypothesized, verbal as opposed to visual conditions consistently affected the duration, occurrence, and coverage of microstate classes A and B. Contrary to associations suggested by previous reports, parameters were increased for class A during visualization, and class B during verbalization. In line with previous reports, microstate D parameters were increased during no-task resting compared to the three internal, goal-directed tasks. Topographic differences between conditions concerned particular sub-regions of components of the metabolic default mode network. Modality-specific personal parameters did not consistently correlate with microstate parameters except verbal cognitive style which correlated negatively with microstate class A duration and positively with class C occurrence. This is the first study that aimed to induce EEG microstate class parameter changes based on their hypothesized functional significance. Beyond, the associations of microstate classes A and B with visual and verbal processing, respectively and microstate class D with interoceptive-autonomic processing, our results suggest that a finely-tuned interplay between all four EEG microstate classes is necessary for the continuous formation of visual and verbal thoughts, as well as interoceptive-autonomic processing. Our results point to the possibility that the EEG microstate classes may represent the head-surface measured activity of intra-cortical sources primarily exhibiting inhibitory functions. However, additional studies are needed to verify and elaborate on this hypothesis.


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komparativisch dargest. von Ed. König


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Boberach: Der Mandatsverzicht wird mit dem Belagerungszustand begründet, die von Landgerichtsrat Ulfert beantragte Dankadresse an den König für die oktroyierte Verfassung abgelehnt


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Boberach: Der Mandatsverzicht wird mit dem Belagerungszustand begründet, die von Landgerichtsrat Ulfert beantragte Dankadresse an den König für die oktroyierte Verfassung abgelehnt


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Boberach: Die künftige Erste Kammer soll dadurch gebildet werden, daß 75 Mitglieder der Zweiten Kammer vom König berufen, 150 Mitglieder von der Zweiten Kammer aus ihrer Mitte gewählt werden


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Boberach: Auf historischer Grundlage soll ein neues Deutsches Reich organisch erwachsen


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Sechsstrophiges Gedicht zu Ehren König Friedrich Wilhelms IV. mit ungebrochen konservativem 'vorparlamentarischem' Selbstverständnis


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Boberach: Wie einst vor Rom, ist jetzt vor Rußland zu warnen. Auch der König von Preußen ist ein Feind des Vaterlands und verantwortlich für die Hungersnot in Schlesien. Ein Parlament, das keine Steuerverweigerung beschließen darf, nützt nichts


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Boberach: Aus einer Übersicht über die politische Entwicklung seit der Revolution, nach der Preußen stärker ist als vorher, wird die Forderung abgeleitet, die Preußen sollten ihrem König vertrauen. Preußen kann auch den in Baden wirksamen französischen Einfluß überwinden. - Wentzke: Übersicht über die politische Entwicklung in Preußen-Deutschland: im Mittelpunkt die Berliner Märztage und die Erstarkung des Preußentums gegenüber der revolutionären und deutschen Bewegung. Mahnt die Preußen zum Vertrauen auf ihren König


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Boberach: Der zum Kaiser gewählte König von Preußen hat sich als Vollstrecker der Konterrevolution erwiesen. Nun soll der Zar in einem Fürstenkongreß dafür sorgen, daß Preußen und Österreich zu einer gemeinsamen Politik finden. Österreich soll einen Föderativstaat Mitteleuropa umgewandelt werden. - Wentzke: Wünscht eine Zusammenkunft der Kaiser von Rußland und Österreich mit dem Preußischen König: Umwandlung des Zentralstaats Österreich in den Föderativstaat Mitteleuropas. Bedauert die Ablehnung der deutschen Kaiserkrone durch Preußen. Die hohe Mission, die entzweiten Fürsten und Völker zum Frieden zu bringen, hat jetzt der Zar


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Abdruck von insgesamt 16 Liedtexten aus den Befreiungskriegen anläßlich des 35. Jahrestages des von König Friedrich Wilhelm III. in Breslau erlassenen Aufrufs zur Bildung freiwilliger Jägerkorps zum Kampf gegen Napoléon (3. Februar 1813)