995 resultados para influenza humana
Aquest treball pretén apropar-nos al dibuix infantil a través d’una investigació que s’ha dut a terme amb infants d’edats compreses entre els 3 i 5 anys. Podrem observar si actualment, en el nostre context social, els infants segueixen unes etapes evolutives del dibuix i si l’estimulació de l’entorn influeix per accelerar-ne el procés. El tipus de recerca que s’ha dut a terme és principalment de caire qualitatiu. També hi ha, però, una part de dades quantitatives. Els resultat obtinguts s’han posat en relació amb el marc teòric presentat en la investigació i se n’han pogut extreure unes conclusions.
Introducción: El objetivo de este estudio es reflejar las reacciones físicas y emocionales de los estudiantes de primer curso de Medicina de la Universidad de Barcelona (Campus de Bellvitge) ante la sala de disección. Material y métodos: Los estudiantes responden a tres cuestionarios que valoran la intensidad del miedo, las reacciones físicas y psicológicas frente la sala de disección y los métodos de afrontamiento, en dos momentos del curso: al inicio y al final del curso académico. Resultados: Las reacciones más frecuentes fueron la sensación de disgusto, la pérdida del apetito, las imágenes visuales recurrentes de los cadáveres, el insomnio y las pesadillas. Respecto a los métodos de afrontamiento más usados por los estudiantes para contrarrestar las reacciones adversas correspondieron en juntarse y hacer broma con los amigos, estudiar anatomía y pedir consejo a compañeros y profesores. Conclusiones: La sala de disección representa, para los estudiantes del primer curso de medicina, el primer encuentro relacionado con la muerte y ésta, a la vez, implica el desarrollo de mecanismos de adaptación en su futuro profesional. Los profesores de anatomía no solo tienen una mera función docente como transmisores de contenidos, sino que también deberían dar apoyo a la adaptación progresiva de los alumnos a la sala de disección.
Fundamentos: El examen MIR constituye actualmente el único medio de selección de candidatos para la formación de médicos especialistas en España. Consta de 260 preguntas (10 de ellas son de reserva) de las distintas asignaturas de la licenciatura de medicina. El presente estudio pretende describir la evolución de los contenidos en anatomía humana, bioestadístíca y epidemiología de las distintas convocatorias MIR realizadas desde 1982. Métodos: Se analizaron todos los exámenes MIR generales desde 1982 hasta 1996, incluidas las convocatorias específicas de medicina familiar y comunitaria desde 1995 a 1997. En cada examen, se identificaron los contenidos de todas las preguntas relacionadas con anatomía humana, bioestadistica y epidemiología, según una clasificación en categorías temáticas adaptada de los programas docentes de cada asignatura. El tratamiento estadístico consistió en el análisis descriptivo (tabulación y representación gráfica) de las categorías temáticas y de su accesibilidad para un hipotético opositor/a con unos determinados conocimientos. Resultados: El número de preguntas de cada una de dichas asignaturas no superó en ninguna convocatoria general el 4% del total de preguntas. Las categorías temáticas con mayor frecuencia de aparición fueron, en anatomía humana, extremidad superior e inferior; en bioestadística, probabilidad/pruebas diagnósticas, y epidemiología descriptiva para el caso de epidemiología. Un hipotético opositor/a que no se preparó ningún tema de anatomía humana, bioestadística o epidemiología tan sólo tuvo acceso, respectivamente, a 1, 6 o 3 de las 15 convocatorias generales MIR revisadas. Conclusiones: En el examen MIR, la presencia de contenidos de anatomía humana tiende a disminuir, mientras que los de bioestadística y epidemiología cobran mayor importancia. Un/a opositor/a que domine los conocimientos adquiridos durante su licenciatura tiene acceso temático a la totalidad de preguntas de dichas asignaturas.
The present study aimed to review high resolution computed tomography findings in patients with H1N1 influenza A infection. The most common tomographic findings include ground-glass opacities, areas of consolidation or a combination of both patterns. Some patients may also present bronchial wall thickening, airspace nodules, crazy-paving pattern, perilobular opacity, air trapping and findings related to organizing pneumonia. These abnormalities are frequently bilateral, with subpleural distribution. Despite their nonspecificity, it is important to recognize the main tomographic findings in patients affected by H1N1 virus in order to include this possibility in the differential diagnosis, characterize complications and contribute in the follow-up, particularly in cases of severe disease.
UNLABELLED: Cleavage of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) by host cell proteases is necessary for viral activation and infectivity. In humans and mice, members of the type II transmembrane protease family (TTSP), e.g., TMPRSS2, TMPRSS4, and TMPRSS11d (HAT), have been shown to cleave influenza virus HA for viral activation and infectivityin vitro Recently, we reported that inactivation of a single HA-activating protease gene,Tmprss2, in knockout mice inhibits the spread of H1N1 influenza viruses. However, after infection ofTmprss2knockout mice with an H3N2 influenza virus, only a slight increase in survival was observed, and mice still lost body weight. In this study, we investigated an additional trypsin-like protease, TMPRSS4. Both TMPRSS2 and TMPRSS4 are expressed in the same cell types of the mouse lung. Deletion ofTmprss4alone in knockout mice does not protect them from body weight loss and death upon infection with H3N2 influenza virus. In contrast,Tmprss2(-/-)Tmprss4(-/-)double-knockout mice showed a remarkably reduced virus spread and lung pathology, in addition to reduced body weight loss and mortality. Thus, our results identified TMPRSS4 as a second host cell protease that, in addition to TMPRSS2, is able to activate the HA of H3N2 influenza virusin vivo IMPORTANCE: Influenza epidemics and recurring pandemics are responsible for significant global morbidity and mortality. Due to high variability of the virus genome, resistance to available antiviral drugs is frequently observed, and new targets for treatment of influenza are needed. Host cell factors essential for processing of the virus hemagglutinin represent very suitable drug targets because the virus is dependent on these host factors for replication. We reported previously thatTmprss2-deficient mice are protected against H1N1 virus infections, but only marginal protection against H3N2 virus infections was observed. Here we show that deletion of two host protease genes,Tmprss2andTmprss4, strongly reduced viral spread as well as lung pathology and resulted in increased survival after H3N2 virus infection. Thus, TMPRSS4 represents another host cell factor that is involved in cleavage activation of H3N2 influenza virusesin vivo.
Mercury kept in a garage of a residencial building in Rio de Janeiro was accidentally released and caused local (environmental and human) contamination. The concentration of mercury in indoor air of the most critical site reached 15.5 mg/m³. Outdoor air samples showed concentrations ranging from 0.37 to 6.6 mg/m³ . Seventy five per cent of the urine samples collected from 22 residents in the contaminated building showed levels of mercury higher than those observed in non exposed individuals (>6.9 mg/L); in 30% of these samples, the concentration was higher than 20 mg/L. These values show a high level of human contamination and the final consequences were not so serious owing to the quick action taken by one of the residents.
To evaluate the avian influenza virus (AIV) circulation in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic penguins we carried out a serosurvey on six species from Livingston, Marion and Gough islands. Seropositivity against AIV was performed on serum samples using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and haemagglutination and neuraminidase inhibition assays. Some oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs were also assayed to detect influenza virus genomes by real time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Overall, 12.1% (n = 140) penguins were seropositive to AIV. By species, we detected 5% (n = 19) and 11% (n = 18) seroprevalence in sub-Antarctic rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes spp.) from Gough and Marion islands, respectively, 42% (n = 33) seroprevalence in macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chysolophus Brandt), but no positives in the three other species, gentoo (Pygoscelis papua Forster; n = 25) and chinstrap penguins (P. antarctica Forster; n = 16), from Livingston Island and king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus Miller; n = 27) from Marion Island. While seropositivity reflected previous exposure to the AIV, the influenza genome was not detected. Our results indicate that AIV strains have circulated in penguin species in the sub-Antarctic region, but further studies are necessary to determine the precise role that such penguin species play in AIV epidemiology and if this circulation is species (or genus) specific.
Increasing attention is being paid to the use of biomarkers for determining the exposure of humans to air toxics. Biomarkers include the nonreacted toxic substance, their metabolites, or the reaction products of these toxics with naturally substances in the body. Significant progress has been made in the measurement of biomarkers during the past several years. Much of this progress has been because of the development of advanced analytical techniques for identification and quantification of the chemical species in complex matrix, such as biological fluids. The assessment of the potential cancer risk associated with exposure to benzene at occupational and non-occupational ambient is necessary because of the toxicological implications of this air pollutant. Thus, in this review, the analytical methodologies used to determine the benzene metabolites, in special, urinary muconic acid and S-phenylmercapturic acid, are described and several problems affecting the precision of these procedures are discussed. Finally, in view of the difficulty pointed out for selecting the more adequate biomarker, further studies to evaluate the human exposure levels to benzene should be done.
La cantata humana per a veu solista a la Península Ibèrica a finals del segle XVII i inicis del XVIII. Estudi i edició musical d'una part del còdex 82 de la Colección Pombalinas de la Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocabons (PAHs) and their nitroderivatives (NPAHs) are ubiquitous in the environment and they are produced in several industrial and combustion processes. Some of these compounds are potent carcinogens/mutagens and their determination in biological samples is an important step for exposure control. A review of the analytical methodologies used for the determination of PAHs and their metabolites in biological samples is presented.
En aquest treball de final de carrera explico els conceptes principals dels dispositius tàctils, les seves tecnologies i el disseny centrat en l'usuari (DCU), per tal de poder comprendre com funcionen aquests dispositius i la seva metodologia d'ús.
Recensión al libro de Roberto Andorno, Bioética y dignidad humana, en el cual el autor, actualmente investigador de la Facultad de Derecho de Zurich, y exmiembro del Comité Internacional de Bioética de la UNESCO, nos ofrece la segunda edición de este interesante ensayo que ya fue publicado en 1998, acerca de los fundamentos de la bioética, el concepto de persona, las consecuencias de determinadas visiones utilitaristas de la ciencia, realizando un recorrido acerca de los dilemas bioéticos que se presentan en los diversos momentos de la vida de la persona.
The emergence and pandemic spread of a new strain of influenza A (H1N1) virus in 2009 resulted in a serious alarm in clinical and public health services all over the world. One distinguishing feature of this new influenza pandemic was the different profile of hospitalized patients compared to those from traditional seasonal influenza infections. Our goal was to analyze sociodemographic and clinical factors associated to hospitalization following infection by influenza A(H1N1) virus. We report the results of a Spanish nationwide study with laboratory confirmed infection by the new pandemic virus in a case-control design based on hospitalized patients. The main risk factors for hospitalization of influenza A (H1N1) 2009 were determined to be obesity (BMI≥40, with an odds-ratio [OR] 14.27), hematological neoplasia (OR 10.71), chronic heart disease, COPD (OR 5.16) and neurological disease, among the clinical conditions, whereas low education level and some ethnic backgrounds (Gypsies and Amerinds) were the sociodemographic variables found associated to hospitalization. The presence of any clinical condition of moderate risk almost triples the risk of hospitalization (OR 2.88) and high risk conditions raise this value markedly (OR 6.43). The risk of hospitalization increased proportionally when for two (OR 2.08) or for three or more (OR 4.86) risk factors were simultaneously present in the same patient. These findings should be considered when a new influenza virus appears in the human population