884 resultados para high rate


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The market of flowers and ornamentals such as croton (Codiaeum variegatum) and petunia (Petunia×hybrida Vilm.-Andr) have been created new technologies to constantly development, as one of the most promising segments of horticulture. Fertilization providing adequate nutrition and less leaching to the environment is the objective of numerous studies around the world. Therefore, two studies were conducted to evaluate the use of controlled release fertilizer (CRF) on the growth of two ornamental species, and N loss by leaching. The first experiment aim to evaluate sources and rates of CRF and water soluble fertilizer (WSF) on croton growth and nitrogen concentration on drained solution. Results showed that treatments with WSF and low rates of CRF provided higher plants growth, and the amount of N leached was higher for WSF treatments. The second experiment objective to compare plant performance and cost for strategies that potentially provide adequate nutrition during both the production and consumer phases for container-grown Petunia plants. In addition, two experiments were conducted to evaluate nutrient release in sand containers inside of the greenhouse and under controlled temperature conditions without plants. Results showed that during production phase all fertilizer treatments produced high quality plants, and during consumer phase, plants grown with WSF only during the production phase were nutrient-deficient, while plants receiving CRFs were still growing vigorously, especially in a high rate. The release rates of all CRF products were temperature-dependent. In conclusion CRF provided plant growth at the same rate that WSF, with less N leaching and extra cost less than U$0.065 per plant with CRF during production.


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Introdução: A Hiperplasia Adrenal Congênita por deficiência da 21-hidroxilase (HAC) é uma doença com mortalidade neonatal elevada sendo elegível para programas públicos de Triagem Neonatal (TN). A HAC é causada por mutações no gene CYP21A2, as quais acarretam diferentes comprometimentos da atividade enzimática e resultam em espectro amplo de manifestações clínicas. Apesar da eficiência da TN para diagnosticar os casos graves, a taxa elevada de resultados falso-positivos (RFP), principalmente relacionados à prematuridade, é um dos maiores problemas. Porém, resultados falso-negativos também podem ocorrer em coletas antes de 24 horas de vida. No Brasil, a coleta da amostra neonatal difere entre os municípios, podendo ser no terceiro dia de vida como após. Objetivo: Avaliar se os valores da 17OH-progesterona neonatal (N17OHP) das coletas no terceiro dia de vida diferem significativamente das coletas a partir do quarto dia. Determinar qual percentil (99,5 ou 99,8) pode ser utilizado como valor de corte para a N17OHP, de acordo com o peso ao nascimento e tempo de vida na coleta, a fim de que proporcione taxa menor de RFP. Métodos: Foi avaliada, retrospectivamente, a N17OHP de 271.810 recém-nascidos (Rns) de acordo com o tempo de vida na coleta (G1: 48 - = 72h) e peso ao nascimento (P1: <= 1.500g, P2: 1.501-2.000g, P3: 2.001-2.500g e P4: >= 2.500g), pelo método imunofluorimétrico. Testes com resultados alterados foram confirmados no soro por Espectrometria de Massas em Tandem - LC-MS/MS. Rns afetados e/ou assintomáticos e com valores persistentemente elevados de 17OHP sérica foram submetidos ao estudo molécular, sequenciamento do gene CYP21A2. Resultados: os valores da N17OHP no grupo G1 foram significativamente menores do que em G2 em todos os grupos de peso (p < 0.001). A taxa de RFP em G1 e G2 foi de 0,2% para o percentil 99,8 e de 0,5% para o percentil 99,5 em ambos os grupos. O percentil 99,8 da N17OHP foi o melhor valor de corte para distinguir os Rns não afetados dos afetados, cujos valores são: G1 (P1: 120; P2: 71; P3: 39 e P4: 20 ng /mL) e em G2 (P1: 173; P2: 90; P3: 66 e P4: 25 ng/mL). Vinte e seis Rns do grupo G1 apresentaram a forma perdedora de sal (PS) (13H e 13M), nestes a N17OHP variou de 31 a 524 ng/mL e vinte Rns no grupo G2 (8H e 12M), nestes a N17OHP variou de 53 a 736 ng/mL. Para ambos os grupos foram encontrados três Rns com a forma virilizante simples (1H e 2M) e os valores da N17OHP variaram de 36 a 51 ng/mL. Resultados falso-negativos não foram relatados. O valor preditivo positivo (VPP) no teste do papel filtro foi de 5,6% e 14,1% nos grupos G1 e G2, respectivamente, ao se utilizar o percentil 99,8, e de 2,3% e 7% nos grupos G1 e G2 ao se utilizar o percentil 99,5. Dentre os casos com TN alterada (RFP), 29 deles também apresentaram 17OHP sérica elevada quando dosada por LC-MS/MS. Os casos assintomáticos foram acompanhados até normalização da 17OHP sérica e/ou submetidos ao estudo molecular, que identificou dois Rns com genótipo que prediz a forma não clássica. Conclusão: a melhor estratégia para otimização do diagnóstico da HAC na triagem neonatal é se padronizar valores de corte da N17OHP em dois grupos de acordo com o tempo de vida na coleta (antes e depois de 72 horas), subdivididos em quatro grupos de peso. A utilização dos valores de corte do percentil 99,8 se mantém eficaz no diagnóstico da HAC-21OH na triagem neonatal, reduzindo de forma significativa a taxa de RFP, sem perda do diagnóstico da forma PS


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O emprego da flotação por ar dissolvido (FAD) para o pós-tratamento de efluentes de reatores anaeróbios aparenta ser atraente considerando algumas características desse processo físico-químico. A FAD é reconhecidamente um processo de alta taxa, particularmente eficiente na remoção de material particulado em suspensão e de flocos produzidos pela coagulação química de águas residuárias. Além disso, há produção de lodo espesso e provavelmente arraste de parcela de gases e de compostos voláteis, presentes nos efluentes anaeróbios. Entretanto, a concepção de sistemas de FAD deve ser precedida por ensaios em unidades de flotação em escala de laboratório, permitindo a determinação dos principais parâmetros do processo. Neste trabalho, são apresentados e discutidos os resultados obtidos em laboratório e em instalação piloto de flotação com escoamento contínuo recebendo efluente de reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB), com 18 m3 de volume, tratando esgoto sanitário. Os ensaios em unidade em escala de laboratório foram realizados utilizando diferentes dosagens de cloreto férrico (entre 30 e 110 mg/L) ou de polímero catiônico (entre 1,0 e 16,0 mg/L), atuando como coagulantes. Além disso, foram estudadas as condições de floculação (tempo de 15 e de 25 min, e gradiente médio de velocidade de floculação entre 30 e 100 s-1) e diferentes valores de quantidade de ar fornecido ao processo (S*, entre 4,7 e 28,5 g de ar por m3 de efluente). Com a instalação piloto de FAD foram realizados apenas ensaios preliminares variando-se a taxa de aplicação superficial (140 e 210 m3/m2/d) para diferentes valores de S* (14,8 a 29,5 g de ar por m3 de efluente). Com o emprego de dosagem de 65 mg/L de cloreto férrico, de tempo de 15 min e gradiente médio de velocidade de floculação de 80 s-1 e de 19 g de ar por m3 de efluente, foram observados excelentes resultados em laboratório, com elevadas remoções de DQO (89%), de fosfato total (96%), de sólidos suspensos totais (96%), de turbidez (98%), de cor aparente (91%), de sulfetos (não detectado) e NTK (47%). Considerando o sistema UASB e FAD, nos testes em laboratório, foram observadas remoções globais de 97,7% de DQO, de 98,0% de fosfato total, de 98,9% de SST, de 99,5% de turbidez, de 97,8% de cor aparente e de 59,0% de NTK. Nos ensaios com a instalação piloto de FAD, o sistema apresentou remoções de 93,6% de DQO, de 87,1% de SST, de 90% de sulfetos e de 30% de NTK.


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O número de acidentes de trânsito é crescente nas últimas décadas no Brasil. Uma das principais causas de acidentes em rodovias brasileiras é o excesso de velocidade, que contribui para a possibilidade de ocorrência de acidentes. As velocidades praticadas pelos motoristas são também função dos elementos geométricos que compõem a via (raio, rampa, largura da faixa, etc). A consistência de traçado não afeta a expectativa dos motoristas e garante uma operação segura. A maioria dos motoristas consegue perceber as falhas de coordenação, mas tecnicamente, por exemplo, desconhecem a origem das mesmas. Esta pesquisa apresenta como objetivo a análise de consistência de um trecho de uma determinada rodovia do país de múltiplas faixas, com elevado índice de acidentes e alto fluxo de veículos comerciais. Os pontos com maior ocorrência de acidentes foram identificados e realizaram-se medições de velocidade para elaboração de um modelo de previsão de velocidade operacional (V85) do trecho de estudo. De posse deste modelo, procedeu-se à análise de consistência através do método dos critérios de segurança, que identificou 2 seções com problemas de consistência. Por fim, verificou-se se estas seções correspondiam aos locais de maior número de acidentes: a tangente T5 precede uma curva com alto índice de acidentes (km 511+000); o local com maior concentração de acidentes (km 514) foi classificado como RAZOÁVEL.


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Objective: To document the course of psychological symptomology, mental health treatment, and unmet psychological needs using caregiver reports in the first 18 months following pediatric brain injury (BI). Method: Participants included 28 children (aged 1-18 years) who were hospitalized at a children's hospital's rehabilitation unit. Caregiver reports of children's psychological symptoms, receipt of mental health treatment, and unmet psychological needs were assessed at one month, six months, 12 months, and 18 months post-BI. Results: Caregivers reported a general increase in psychological symptoms and receipt of mental health treatment over the 18 months following BI; however, there was a substantial gap between the high rate of reported symptoms and low rate of reported treatment. Across all four follow-up time points there were substantial unmet psychological needs (at least 60% of sample). Conclusions: Findings suggest that there are substantial unmet psychological needs among children during the first 18 months after BI. Barriers to mental health treatment for this population need to be addressed.


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Desde o final do Século XX e início do Século XXI, estudos analisam a elevada taxa de insucesso ou insatisfação com os Programas de Lean. Esta taxa tem se demonstrado demasiadamente elevada, variando entre 66% e 90%. Como efeito deste insucesso, tem-se o desperdício de tempo, dinheiro, recursos e, talvez o pior, tem-se a propagação do medo nos agentes de mudança em empreitar novas iniciativas de mudança. Estudos apontam a falta de alinhamento de tais projetos com a Cultura Organizacional como uma das questões fundamentais deste insucesso. Partindo desta temática de pesquisa, este ensaio teórico pode ser caracterizado como uma abordagem qualitativa de análise do problema, de natureza básica de pesquisa buscando gerar conhecimentos novos e úteis às organizações, sem aplicação prática prevista neste primeiro estágio de pesquisa. A fonte de evidências para sustentar o modelo proposto foi revisão dos estudos de caso encontrados na literatura, sendo utilizadas tanto uma Revisão Bibliográfica Sistemática (RBS) quanto Exploratória, de tal maneira a buscar o \"estado da arte\" no campo de estudo. A Fundamentação Teórica do trabalho é baseada na literatura de quatro grandes campos de estudo: (i) Estratégia, (ii) Lean, (iii) Cultura Organizacional e (iv) Gestão de Mudanças. A RBS tem foco nas interseções destes grandes campos, agregando 190 trabalhos internacionais. Por sua vez, a Revisão Exploratória traz algumas das principais referências dos três campos de estudo, como: Edgar Schein, John Kotter, Kim Cameron, Robert Quinn, David Mann, dentre outros. Desta maneira, este trabalho estudou a influência da cultura organizacional nos projetos de transformação e, a partir da ruptura com a teoria atual, construiu e propôs uma sistemática teórica, intitulada de \"Sistemática de Transformação\" (ou simplesmente \"Sistemática T\"), a qual propõe o alinhamento entre três dimensões: Estratégia, Projeto de Transformação e Cultura Organizacional. Fazendo uso desta sistemática, é esperado que os agentes de mudança consigam ter um planejamento mais eficaz do processo de diagnóstico, avaliação e gestão da cultura organizacional alinhado à Estratégia e também ao Projeto de Transformação da organização, com ênfase nos Programas de Lean. A proposição e uso desta sistemática pode favorecer tanto a discussão acadêmica na área de Gestão de Operações sobre o tema, quanto fornecer subsídios para aplicações práticas mais eficazes.


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The waste of plastic beverage bottles creates environmental problems and takes up a large volume of landfill space. The high rate of consumption of plastics in the State of Florida is challenging the disposal capacity of waste authorities. The lack of the reverse vending machines in the State of Florida, including applicable scientific or technical literature represented an opportunity for this research to discuss the applicability of this equipment as a potential solution for the management of the plastic waste in Florida. With this research document, I will propose a recycling system for plastic bottles made with PET based on the implementation of reverse vending machines, stressing the importance of the creation of policies that promote recycling and public participation.


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The high rate of amphibian endemism and the severe habitat modification in the Caribbean islands make them an ideal place to test if the current protected areas network might protect this group. In this study, we model distribution and map species richness of the 40 amphibian species from eastern Cuba with the objectives of identify hotspots, detect gaps in species representation in protected areas, and select additional areas to fill these gaps. We used two modeling methods, Maxent and Habitat Suitability Models, to reach a consensus distribution map for each species, then calculate species richness by combining specific models and finally performed gap analyses for species and hotspots. Our results showed that the models were robust enough to predict species distributions and that most of the amphibian hotspots were represented in reserves, but 50 percent of the species were incompletely covered and Eleutherodactylus rivularis was totally uncovered by the protected areas. We identified 1441 additional km2 (9.9% of the study area) that could be added to the current protected areas, allowing the representation of every species and all hotspots. Our results are relevant for the conservation planning in other Caribbean islands, since studies like this could contribute to fill the gaps in the existing protected areas and to design a future network. Both cases would benefit from modeling amphibian species distribution using available data, even if they are incomplete, rather than relying only in the protection of known or suspected hotspots.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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The Red Sea has a special place among the adjacent seas of the world. High evaporation, exclusion of its deep water from contact with the Indian Ocean proper and complete absence of continental drainage may result special conditions of the chemistry of the Red Sea. This paper aims to describe and explain the peculiarity of the hydrochemical situation. The influence of the topography, of the inflow and outflow through the straights of Bab el Mandeb, of the evaporation, of the stability of the water layers, and of the circulation will be studied. An attempt is made to estimate the apparent oxygen ultilisation in order to obtain an indication of the biological activity. A further attempt is made toward the quantitative estimation of the circulation of the nutrients and also to obtain some information about transport, dissolution, and precipitation of calcium carbonate. The basis of these investigations are mainly observations of R. V. "Meteor" during the International Indian Ocean Expedition 1964/65. The determination of dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, pH, alkalinity, silicate as well as salinity and temperature forms the necessary basis for such an investigation of the chemical conditions. In the first chapter the methods and some modifications for the determination of the chemical properties as applied during the I.I.O.E. cruise of R. V. "Meteor" are described. The new methods, as worked out and tested under sea going conditions during several years by the author, are described in more detail. These are the methods for nitrate, silicate, the automatic determination of dissolved inorganic phosphate and silicate, the automated determination of total phosphorus, the in situ recording of the oxygen tension, and the modification for the determination of ammonia, calcium, and dissolved oxygen. With these revised methods more than 18,000 determinations have been carried out during the Indian Ocean cruise. The complete working up of the chemical data of the Indian Ocean Expedition of R. V. "Meteor" is devided into four sections: Contributions 1) to the Chemistry of the Red Sea and the Inner Gulf of Aden, 2) to the Gulf of Aden and the Somali Coast Region, 3) to the Western Indian Coast Region, and 4) to the Persian Gulf and the Straits of Oman. This paper presents the first contribution. The special hydrographical conditions are discussed. It can be shown, that the increase of salinity in the surface waters from the south to the north of the Red Sea is only to about 30 % due to evaporation. The remaining increase is presumed to be due to the admixture of deep water to the surface layers. A special rate for the consumption of oxygen (0.114 ml/ l/a) is derived for the deep water of the Red Sea at 1500 m. Based upon the distribution of the dissolved oxygen along the axii of the Red Sea, a chematic model for the longitudinal circulation of the Red Sea is constructed. This model should be considered as a first approximation and may explain the special distribution of phosphate, nitrate, and silicate. Based upon the evaluation of the residence time of the deep water a dissolution rate for silicate is estimated as 1 mygat/a. It seems possible to calculate residence times of water masses outside the Red Sea from the silicate content. The increase of silicate and the consumption of oxygen lead to residence times of the water below the thermocine of 30 to 48 years. The distribution of oxygen in the Straits of Bab el Mandeb is described and discussed. The rate of consumption of the oxygen in the outflowing Red Sea water is estimated to 8.5 ml/ l/a. This rather high rate is explained with reference to the special conditions in the outflowing water. The Red Sea water is characterized initially by a relative high content of oxygen and a low content of nutrients. The increase in nutrients and the decrease in the oxygen content is a secondary process of the Red Sea water on its way to the Arabian Sea. Based upon the vertical distribution of the dissolved inorganic phosphate vertical exchange coefficients of 1 - 4 g/cm/sec and vertical current speeds of 10**-5 to 10**-4 cm/sec are calculated for some stations in the Red Sea. The distribution of phosphate, silicate, nitrate, nitrite and ammonia for the Red Sea and the Straits of Bab el Mandeb are discussed. The special circulation is evaluated and the balance of the nutrients is estimated by means of the brutto transport. The nutrient deficit is assumed to be balanced by sporadic inflow of intermediate water from the Gulf of Aden. An example for such an inflow has been observed and is demonstrated. The silicate-salinity relationships are a suitable way for characterizing water masses in the Red Sea. Equations for the calculation of the different components from the carbonate system, the ion activities, and the calcium carbonate saturation are evaluated. The influence of temperature and pressure is taken into account. The carbonate saturation is calculated from the determined concentrations of calcium, alkalinity, and the hydrogen ion activity. Saturation values of 320 % are found for the surface layer and of 100% ± 1 for the deep water. The extraordinary equilibrium conditions may explain the constant Ca/Cl ratio and also the sedimentation of undissolved carbonate skelecons even in greater depths. A main sedimentation rate of 2 * 10**-3cm/year is evaluated from a total sedimentation of 10 * 106 to/a of calcium carbonate in the Red Sea. The appendix contains those data, which are not published in the data volume of the I.I.O.E. expedition of R. V. "Meteor".


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Males of the eastern mosquito fish (Gambusia holbrooki) possess one of the widest reproductively active temperature ranges for any ectotherm, ranging across seasons from at least 18degreesC to 34degreesC. In this study, we tested the ability of male G. holbrooki to acclimate their sustained swimming performance following long-term exposure to 18degreesC or 30degreesC. We also investigated some of the possible physiological mechanisms associated with thermal acclimation responses in swimming performance, including changes in slow muscle fibre size and abundance and the expression of myosin heavy chains (MyHC). We found that U-crit, of 18degreesC-acclimated G. holbrooki was 20% greater at 18degreesC than 30degreesC-acclimated fish, and the Ucrit of the 30degreesC-acclimated group was more than 15% greater at 30degreesC. Slow, fast and intermediate muscle fibres were identified on the basis of their myosin ATPase staining reaction. Although the number of slow and intermediate muscle fibres was similar between groups, the total cross-sectional area of aerobic fibre types was 40% greater in 18degrees-than 30degreesC-acclimated fish, reflecting an increase in the average fibre diameter. An S58 antibody raised against chicken slow skeletal muscle myosin stained a sub-set of the slow fibres identified by myosin ATPase staining. The number of S58-positive muscle fibres was 50% greater in 30degreesC-than 18degreesC-acclimated fish, implying that different MyHCs are being expressed in cold and warm acclimated individuals. Given the sexually coercive mating system of this species, increases in the sustained swimming performance via thermal acclimation may benefit the ability of males to maintain a high rate of sneaky copulations. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To examine the epidemiology, primary care burden, and treatment of heart failure in Scotland, UK. Design: Cross sectional data from primary care practices participating in the Scottish continuous morbidity recording scheme between 1 April 1999 and 31 March 2000. Setting: 53 primary care practices ( 307 741 patients). Subjects: 2186 adult patients with heart failure. Results: The prevalence of heart failure in Scotland was 7.1 in 1000, increasing with age to 90.1 in 1000 among patients greater than or equal to 85 years. The incidence of heart failure was 2.0 in 1000, increasing with age to 22.4 in 1000 among patients greater than or equal to 85 years. For older patients, consultation rates for heart failure equalled or exceeded those for angina and hypertension. Respiratory tract infection was the most common comorbidity leading to consultation. Among men, 23% were prescribed a beta blocker, 11% spironolactone, and 46% an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. The corresponding figures for women were 20% (p = 0.29 versus men), 7% (p = 0.02), and 34% (p < 0.001). Among patients, 75 years 26% were prescribed a β blocker, 11% spironolactone, and 50% an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. The corresponding figures for patients &GE; 75 years were 19% (p = 0.04 versus patients < 75), 7% (p = 0.04), and 33% (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Heart failure is a common condition, especially with advancing age. In the elderly, the community burden of heart failure is at least as great as that of angina or hypertension. The high rate of concomitant respiratory tract infection emphasises the need for strategies to immunise patients with heart failure against influenza and pneumococcal infection. Drugs proven to improve survival in heart failure are used less frequently for elderly patients and women.


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Background and purpose: Insomnia and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS) are the two most common sleep disorders, and both have significant associated health costs. Despite this, relatively little is known about the prevalence or impact of insomnia in those with OSAHS, although a recent study suggested there may be substantial comorbidity between these disorders [Chest 120 (2001) 1923-9]. The primary aim of this study was to further explore the prevalence of insomnia in OSAHS. A secondary aim was to assess the effect of factors that may impact on both conditions, including mood and sleep-beliefs. Patients and methods: Consecutive patients referred to an accredited Sleep Investigations Unit (n = 105) completed a brief standardized battery of validated questionnaires assessing sleep-related variables and mood. Results: Results showed a high rate of prevalence of clinical insomnia in this OSAHS population, and a strong positive correlation between OSAHS and insomnia symptom severity. Further, OSAHS patients with comorbid insomnia had increased levels of depression, anxiety and stress compared to patients with OSAHS-only, and both patient groups reported similar and significant levels of dysfunctional beliefs about sleep. Findings in relation to habitual sleep, assessed using subjective (diary) and objective criteria (polysomnogram), were mixed but generally showed greater sleep disturbance among those with OSAHS-insomnia compared to those with OSAHS-only. Conclusions: Overall these findings suggest that comorbidity of insomnia in OSAHS patients may lead to increased OSAHS severity and that patients with both conditions may experience more symptoms relating to depression, anxiety and stress. These findings underscore the need for insomnia assessment and management services, even in clinics that primarily service patients with OSAHS. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent studies have indicated that antiretroviral protease inhibitors may affect outcome in malarial disease. We have investigated the antimalarial activities of 6 commonly used antiretroviral agents. Our data indicate that, in addition to the previously published effects on cytoadherence and phagocytosis, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 protease inhibitors saquinavir, ritonavir, and indinavir directly inhibit the growth of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro at clinically relevant concentrations. These findings are particularly important in light of both the high rate of malaria and HIV-1 coinfection in sub-Saharan Africa and the effort to employ highly active antiretroviral therapy in these regions.