935 resultados para gergil prostate


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Le cancer de la prostate (CP) est le cancer le plus fréquemment diagnostiqué en Amérique du Nord et est au troisième rang en termes de létalité chez les hommes. Suite aux traitements de première ligne, 20 à 30% des patients diagnostiqués avec un cancer localisé auront une récidive biochimique de la maladie. La déplétion androgénique mène fréquemment au développement du stade de résistance à la castration (RC). Ce dernier est associé avec une augmentation de la morbidité (métastases osseuses) et de la mortalité avec une survie moyenne inférieure à deux ans. L’évolution du CP est très hétérogène dans la population et il n’existe actuellement aucun biomarqueur pronostique permettant d’identifier les patients à risque de récurrence biochimique, de métastases osseuses et de développement d’une résistance à la castration. De nombreuses études ont démontré que les cytokines inflammatoires IL-6 et IL-8 jouent un rôle dans la pathogénèse du CP, notamment dans le développement de la résistance à la castration. Par ailleurs, les niveaux sériques élevés de ces cytokines ont été associés à un mauvais pronostic. Précédemment, notre laboratoire a démontré in vitro que la protéine IKKε entraîne une augmentation de la sécrétion de ces cytokines dans les cellules du CP et qu’elle est exprimée davantage dans les tissus de cancers plus avancés. Le premier objectif du présent mémoire fut d’évaluer dans des tissus humains la corrélation d’IKKε, IL-6 et IL-8 avec des paramètres cliniques. Nos résultats soulignent le potentiel d’IKKε comme biomarqueur tissulaire pronostique de récurrence biochimique et de métastases osseuses. Nous n’avons trouvé aucune association entre IL-6/IL-8 et les paramètres cliniques inclus dans l’étude. Le second objectif de ce projet fut d’évaluer la coexpression de ces trois molécules dans l’épithélium du CP. Nos résultats confirment les observations in vitro en mettant en évidence une forte association entre l’expression d’IKKε, IL-6 et IL-8. Le troisième objectif fut d’évaluer la relation entre les niveaux sériques et tissulaires d’IL-6 et d’IL-8. Aucune relation significative n’a été établie, suggérant que les cytokines sériques ne sont pas uniquement d’origine prostatique. En conclusion, mon projet de maîtrise aura permis de préciser le potentiel d’IKKε comme biomarqueur tissulaire pronostique et de valider pour la première fois dans des tissus humains sa co-expression avec les cytokines IL-6 et IL-8, dont le rôle dans la pathogénèse de la maladie est bien établi. Une étude plus exhaustive des voies de signalisation d’IKKε reste d’intérêt pour élucider notamment les mécanismes par lesquels IKKε stimule la production de cytokines et par quels moyens cette protéine pourrait être impliquée dans le développement d’un état résistant à la castration.


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Els pacients amb càncer presenten una taxa de supervivència superior si es diagnostiquen a estadis inicials, per la qual cosa és indispensable disposar de marcadors tumorals adequats. Glicoformes de proteïnes específiques es podrian utilizar com marcadors tumorals. S’han investigat les subformes i glicosilació de l’Antígen Prostàtic Específic (PSA) per millorar la seva capacitat de diagnosis de pacients amb càncer de pròstata vs aquells amb hiperplàsia benigna prostàtica. També s’han avaluat glicoproteïnes sèriques amb alteracions glucídiques en pacients de càncer de pàncrees, comparat amb pacients amb pancreatitis crònica i controls. S’ha observat una disminució de la fucosilació core i sialilació del PSA en càncer de pròstata i un augment de la fucosilació core i Sialyl-Lewis X en algunes Proteïnes de fase Aguda en càncer de pàncrees. Aquest canvis s’haurien d’avaluar en un cohort de pacients més gran per determinar el seu paper en el cribratge, diagnòstic o monitorització dels cancers estudiats.


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Phytoestrogens are polyphenolic secondary plant metabolites that have structural and functional similarities to 17β-oestradiol and have been associated with a protective effect against hormone-related cancers. Most foods in the UK only contain small amounts of phytoestrogens (median content 21 μg/100 g) and the highest content is found in soya and soya-containing foods. The highest phytoestrogen content in commonly consumed foods is found in breads (average content 450 μg/100 g), the main source of isoflavones in the UK diet. The phytoestrogen consumption in cases and controls was considerably lower than in Asian countries. No significant associations between phytoestrogen intake and breast cancer risk in a nested case-control study in EPIC Norfolk were found. Conversely, colorectal cancer risk was inversely associated with enterolignan intake in women but not in men. Prostate cancer risk was positively associated with enterolignan intake, however this association became non-significant when adjusting for dairy intake, suggesting that enterolignans can act as a surrogate marker for dairy or calcium intake.


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Epidemiological evidence based on both case–control and prospective cohort studies points to an overall positive relationship between consumption of milk/dairy products and the risk of developing prostate cancer. There are inconsistencies in the data, but taken together, the increased relative risk does not seem to be high. A number of mechanisms have been proposed to account for the relationship, with most attention being focused on the involvement of calcium/vitamin D, insulin-like growth factor-1 and oestrogens, although it is unlikely that a single factor in milk is implicated. In any event, any added risk of prostate cancer from increased milk consumption has to be set alongside other evidence, which shows that increased milk consumption can provide substantially reduced risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and colorectal cancer, particularly because cardiovascular disease accounts for vastly more deaths than prostate cancer (although the latter is of course restricted to men).


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The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of prostate cancer in patients who have an elevated referral prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which subsequently falls to within their normal age-specific reference range prior to prostate biopsy. The study demonstrated that of the 160 patients recruited, 21 (13%) had a repeat PSA level which had fallen back to within their normal range. Five of these 21 patients (24%) were diagnosed with prostate cancer following biopsy, two of whom had a benign prostate examination. The study, therefore, demonstrates that normalisation of the PSA level prior to biopsy does not exclude the presence of prostate cancer even when the prostate feels benign.


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Differences in the expression of cell surface proteins between a normal prostate epithelial (1542-NP2TX) and a prostate cancer cell line (1542-CP3TX) derived from the same patient were investigated. A combination of affinity chromatographic purification of biotin-tagged surface proteins with mass spectrometry analysis identified 26 integral membrane proteins and 14 peripheral surface proteins. The findings confirm earlier reports of altered expression in prostate cancer for several cell surface proteins, including ALCAM/CD166, the Ephrin type A receptor, EGFR and the prostaglandin F2 receptor regulatory protein. In addition, several novel findings of differential expression were made, including the voltage-dependent anion selective channel proteins Porin 1 and 2, ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) and Scavenger receptor B1. Cell surface protein expression changed both qualitatively and quantitatively when the cells were grown in the presence of either or both interferon INFalpha and INFgamma. Costimulation with type I and II interferons had additive or synergistic effects on the membrane density of several, mainly peripherally attached surface proteins. Concerted upregulation of surface exposed antigens may be of benefit in immuno-adjuvant-based treatment of interferon-responsive prostate cancer. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that differences in the expression of membrane proteins between normal and prostate cancer cells are reproducibly detectable following vectorial labelling with biotin, and that detailed analysis of extracellular-induced surface changes can be achieved by combining surface-specific labelling with high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry.


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The development of normal and abnormal glandular structures in the prostate is controlled at the endocrine and paracrine levels by reciprocal interactions between epithelium and stroma. To study these processes it is useful to have an efficient method of tissue acquisition for reproducible isolation of cells from defined histologies. Here we assessed the utility of a standardized system for acquisition and growth of prostatic cells from different regions of the prostate with different pathologies, and we compared the abilities of stromal cells from normal peripheral zone (PZ-S), benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH-S), and cancer (CA-S) to induce the growth of a human prostatic epithelial cell line (BPH-1) in vivo. Using the tissue recombination method, we showed that grafting stromal cells (from any histology) alone, or BPH-1 epithelial cells alone produced no visible grafts. Recombining PZ-S with BPH-1 cells also produced no visible grafts (n = 15). Recombining BPH-S with BPH-1 cells generated small, well-organized and sharply demarcated grafts approximately 3-4 mm in diameter (n = 9), demonstrating a moderate inductive ability of BPH-S. Recombining CA-S with BPH-1 cells generated highly disorganized grafts that completely surrounded the host kidney and invaded into adjacent renal tissue, demonstrating induction of an aggressive phenotype. We conclude that acquisition of tissue from toluidine blue dye stained specimens is an efficient method to generate high quality epithelial and/or stromal cultures. Stromal cells derived by this method from areas of BPH and cancer induce epithelial cell growth in vivo which mimics the natural history of these diseases.


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To determine the intra-individual (physiological) variation of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) measurements in men after a benign prostatic biopsy. Sixty-four men were prospectively assessed, all of whom had a benign prostatic biopsy within the preceding 13 months. The degree of intra-individual variability was established by calculating the coefficient of variation on four PSA levels obtained from each patient weekly over a month. Six patients were subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer and their data are presented separately. In the remaining 58 patients the median (range) individual mean PSA value was 6.3 (0.5-34.1) ng/mL. The median (range) coefficient of variation within the group was 9.5 (2.4-76.1)%. There was a clear linear relationship between mean PSA level and the standard deviation. In 48 of the 63 patients analysed, the coefficient of variation for serum PSA values in the group as a whole was greater than the variation claimed for the assay technique. The significance of the linear relationship between PSA and the standard deviation is discussed, with particular reference to those men who had a benign prostate biopsy.


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Objectives: To determine the incidence and clinical relevance of newly diagnosed cases of prostate cancer in a group of men who had an elevated PSA and benign prostate biopsy 7 years previously. Patients and Method: Patients under the age of 80 years with an elevated PSA who had had a benign prostate biopsy in the 12 months between March 1, 1994 and February 28, 1995 were studied. One hundred and sixty four patients with a mean age of 66.8 years (range 47-79 years) were identified. The mean PSA for this group was 10.3 ng/ml (range 4.1-81 ng/ml). One hundred and fifty nine of the 164 (97%) hospital records were available for review and all but 21 (12.8%) of the General Practitioners were contacted. Results: Eighteen (11%) of the original 164 patients were subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer, 2 died from their disease. Conclusions: In a population where the follow-up of patients with a benign biopsy was arranged on clinical grounds alone, 11% of the study group were diagnosed with prostate cancer during a seven-year follow-up. Although some of these cancers appear to be slow growing, most of those diagnosed in the initial follow-up period were deemed to be clinically significant and a small proportion progressed rapidly to metastases. All patients who have an elevated PSA, but benign biopsy, should undergo a period of PSA monitoring until it is clear that their PSA is not rising. We propose an initial intensive monitoring period to avoid missing those with clinically aggressive disease. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Differences in the expression of cell surface proteins between a normal prostate epithelial (1542-NP2TX) and a prostate cancer cell line (1542-CP3TX) derived from the same patient were investigated. A combination of affinity chromatographic purification of biotin-tagged surface proteins with mass spectrometry analysis identified 26 integral membrane proteins and 14 peripheral surface proteins. The findings confirm earlier reports of altered expression in prostate cancer for several cell surface proteins, including ALCAM/CD166, the Ephrin type A receptor, EGFR and the prostaglandin F2 receptor regulatory protein. In addition, several novel findings of differential expression were made, including the voltage-dependent anion selective channel proteins Porin 1 and 2, ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) and Scavenger receptor B1. Cell surface protein expression changed both qualitatively and quantitatively when the cells were grown in the presence of either or both interferon INF alpha and INF gamma. Costimulation with type I and II interferons had additive or synergistic effects on the membrane density of several, mainly peripherally attached surface proteins. Concerted upregulation of surface exposed antigens may be of benefit in immuno-adjuvant-based treatment of interferon-responsive prostate cancer. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that differences in the expression of membrane proteins between normal and prostate cancer cells are reproducibly detectable following vectorial labelling with biotin, and that detailed analysis of extracellular-induced surface changes can be achieved by combining surface-specific labelling with high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry.