863 resultados para flash fiction
Il s’agit ici d’explorer le plaisir pris à la lecture des romans policiers, lecture qui implique la participation du lecteur à des représentations violentes et cruelles. Dans son récit autobiographique Les Mots, Jean-Paul Sartre déclare en conclusion d’un passage consacré à ce qu’il appelle les «vraies lectures de son enfance» – ces lectures lui sont données par les livres d’aventures et les magazines pour enfants, il les oppose aux lectures savantes –: «Cette double vie n’a jamais cessé: aujourd’hui encore, je lis plus volontiers les “Série Noire” que Wittgenstein».
Imagen tomada de noche, con luz de flash, donde se puede apreciar la textura de una reja de color blanco, que permite ver a través de ella algunas bicicletas colgadas.
Contemporary Central American fiction has become a vital project of revision of the tragic events and the social conditions in the recent history of the countries from which they emerge. The literary projects of Sergio Ramirez (Nicaragua), Dante Liano (Guatemala), Horacio Castellanos Moya (El Salvador), and Ramon Fonseca Mora (Panama), are representative of the latest trends in Central American narrative. These trends conform to a new literary paradigm that consists of an amalgam of styles and discourses, which combine the testimonial, the historical, and the political with the mystery and suspense of noir thrillers. Contemporary Central American noir narrative depicts the persistent war against social injustice, violence, criminal activities, as well as the new technological advances and economic challenges of the post-war neo-liberal order that still prevails throughout the region. Drawing on postmodernism theory proposed by Ihab Hassan, Linda Hutcheon and Brian MacHale, I argued that the new Central American literary paradigm exemplified by Sergio Ramirez’s El cielo llora por mí, Dante Liano’s El hombre de Montserrat, Horacio Castellanos Moya’s El arma en el hombre and La diabla en el espejo, and Ramon Fonseca Mora’s El desenterrador, are highly structured novels that display the characteristic marks of postmodern cultural expression through their ambivalence, which results from the coexistence of multiple styles and conflicting ideologies and narrative trends. The novels analyzed in this dissertation make use of a noir sensitivity in which corruption, decay and disillusionment are at their core to portray the events that shaped the modern history of the countries from which they emerge. The revolutionary armed struggle, the state of terror imposed by military regimes and the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime, are among the major themes of these contemporary works of fiction, which I have categorized as perfect examples of the post-revolutionary post-modernism Central American detective fiction at the turn of the 21st century.
Suggesting that the political diversity of American science fiction during the 1960s and early 1970s constitutes a response to the dominance of social liberalism throughout the 1940s and 1950s, I argue in Making the Men of Tomorrow that the development of new hegemonic masculinities in science fiction is a consequence of political speculation. Focusing on four representative and influential texts from the 1960s and early 1970s, Philip K. Dick’s The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch and Ubik, Robert A. Heinlein’s The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, and Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Dispossessed, this thesis explores the relationship between different conceptions of hegemonic masculinity and three separate but related political ideologies: the social ethic, market libertarianism, and socialist libertarianism. In the first two chapters in which I discuss Dick’s novels, I argue that Dick interrogates organizational masculinity as part of a larger project that suggests the inevitable infeasibility of both the social ethic and its predecessor, social liberalism. In the next chapter, I shift my attention to Heinlein’s The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress as a way of showing how, unlike Dick, other authors of the 1960s and early 1970s sought to move beyond social liberalism by imagining how new political ideologies, in this case market libertarianism, might change the way men see themselves. Having demonstrated how the libertarian potential of Heinlein’s novel is ultimately undermined by its insistent and uncompromising biological determinism, I then discuss how Le Guin’s The Dispossessed uses the socialist libertarianism of the moon Anarres to suggest a more egalitarian form of masculinity, one that makes possible, to some extent at least, a future in which men might embrace not only the mutual aid of socialism, but also the primacy of individual rights that is at the heart of all forms of libertarianism and liberalism.
This periodical tells about all the activities going on at the Sandhill Farmers Market and other markets in the Columbia area. Many things are hot linked to the market flash including recipes, planting tips, Clemson University and the South Carolina Farmer's Market.
This periodical tells about all the activities going on at the Sandhill Farmers Market and other markets in the Columbia area. Many things are hot linked to the market flash including recipes, planting tips, Clemson University and the South Carolina Farmer's Market.
This periodical tells about all the activities going on at the Sandhill Farmers Market and other markets in the Columbia area. Many things are hot linked to the market flash including recipes, planting tips, Clemson University and the South Carolina Farmer's Market.
No Brasil, a viticultura ocupa uma área de aproximadamente 71 mil hectares, com vinhedos estabelecidos desde o extremo sul do País, em latitude de 31 o Sul, até regiões situadas muito próximas ao equador, em latitude de 5 o Sul. Em função da diversidade ambiental, existem no País pólos vitícolas típicos de regiões temperadas, caracterizadas por um período de repouso hibernal; pólos em áreas subtropicais, onde a videira é cultivada com dois ciclos anuais, definidos em função de um período de temperaturas mais baixas, nos quais há risco de geadas; e pólos de viticultura tropical, onde é possível a realização de podas sucessivas, com a realização de dois e meio a três ciclos vegetativos por ano. Nos últimos anos, as estatísticas oficiais registram uma produção de uvas que varia em torno de 1,2 milhão de toneladas por ano. Deste volume, cerca de 45% é destinado ao processamento para a elaboração de vinhos, sucos e outros derivados, e 55% comercializado para o consumo in natura no mercado interno e exportação.
This thesis brings together feminist documentary film theory and feminist new materialism(s) to describe how feminist material-discursive practices in a sample of Spanish and Italian documentary cinema made between 2013-2018 (can) visualise gender in/equalities. The accomplished objectives have been: 1. Building a bridge between feminist documentary film theory and Karen Barad’s diffractive methodology by approaching non-fiction cinema that deals with social inequalities as a diffraction apparatus. 2. Developing a feminist toolbox for a response-able gaze by gathering different insights from feminist film theory. 3. Identifying feminist material-discursive practices in a sample of documentary films produced in Spain and Italy over the last six years (2013-2018). 4. Analysing the effects that these feminist material-discursive practices in documentary cinema have, particularly in terms of visualising gender in/equalities on both sides of the camera and on both sides of the screen. 5. Revealing patterns between the ten case studies by reading through one another (i.e. diffractively) insights raised in each one of them. In ten documentary films/case studies, I identify patterns of continuities and differences concerning feminist material-discursive practices at four levels: content, form, production and reception. In terms of contents, I detect two patterns in which feminist material-discursive practices may operate: enacting the right to appear or enacting the right to look back and/or against the grain. As for the forms, I exemplify how feminism politicises Bill Nichols’s six modes of representation. My analysis of production practices is elaborated along the filmmakers’ self-positions/situatedness, tensions/obstructions, and effects/affects/emotions regarding four key concepts: documentary cinema, equality, gender and feminism(s). And in the case of reception practices, I identify patterns of affective identification and/or intellectual reflections.
This dissertation explores the entanglement between the visionary capacity of feminist theory to shape sustainable futures and the active contribution of feminist speculative fiction to the conceptual debate about the climate crisis. Over the last few years, increasing critical attention has been paid to ecofeminist perspectives on climate change, that see as a core cause of the climate crisis the patriarchal domination of nature, considered to go hand in hand with the oppression of women. What remains to be thoroughly scrutinised is the linkage between ecofeminist theories and other ethical stances capable of countering colonising epistemologies of mastery and dominion over nature. This dissertation intervenes in the debate about the master narrative of the Anthropocene, and about the one-dimensional perspective that often characterises its literary representations, from a feminist perspective that also aims at decolonising the imagination; it looks at literary texts that consider patriarchal domination of nature in its intersections with other injustices that play out within the Anthropocene, with a particular focus on race, colonialism, and capitalism. After an overview of the linkages between gender and climate change and between feminism and environmental humanities, it introduces the genre of climate fiction examining its main tropes. In an attempt to find alternatives to the mainstream narrative of the Anthropocene (namely to its gender-neutrality, colour-blindness, and anthropocentrism), it focuses on contemporary works of speculative fiction by four Anglophone women authors that particularly address the inequitable impacts of climate change experienced not only by women, but also by sexualised, racialised, and naturalised Others. These texts were chosen because of their specific engagement with the relationship between climate change, global capitalism, and a flat trust in techno-fixes on the one hand, and structural inequalities generated by patriarchy, racism, and intersecting systems of oppression on the other.
Questa Tesi di Laurea è legata agli aspetti tecnologici dell'esperimento Gamma-Flash, progetto coordinato dall'Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica finanziato dall'Agenzia Spaziale Italiana che ha lo scopo di studiare eventi altamente energetici che avvengono in atmosfera denominati Terrestial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs). Questi eventi hanno uno stretto legame con i fulmini che avvengono durante episodi temporaleschi. I fulmini producono particelle ionizzate ed elettroni che per effetto bremmstrahlung emettono radiazione in un ampio intervallo di energie da centinaia di keV a decine di MeV. Questo tipo di eventi è stato rivelato da numerose missioni da satellite fin dagli anni '90 (BATSE/CGRO) e successivamente con i satelliti RHESSI, AGILE, BeppoSAX e Fermi. Molto più rare sono le osservazioni di questi eventi da terra o da rivelatori posti su velivoli. Gamma-Flash ha lo scopo di realizzare strumentazione per la rivelazione di questi eventi da un osservatorio posto su M.te Cimone (2165m s.l.m) e su un aereo in grado di raggiungere quote di 8-10000m. L'esperimento viene effettuato attraverso rivelatori a scintillazione e con elettronica dedicata la cui risposta in energia dipende dalla temperatura di funzionamento. È quindi importante conoscere come il detector si comporta al variare della temperatura, che, soprattutto nell'esperimento terrestre, può variare di decine di gradi anche su tempi scala brevi. Scopo di questa tesi è stato quindi di caratterizzare uno dei rivelatori che saranno posti all'Osservatorio O. Vittori di M.te Cimone utilizzando una camera climatica che simula le condizioni di temperatura variabili e riscontrabili durante l'esperimento.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Being the commonest ocular disorder, dense cataracts disable fundoscopic examination and the diagnosis of retinal disorders, which dogs may be predisposed. The aim of this study was to compare the electroretinographic responses recorded according to the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision human protocol to evaluate retinal function of diabetic and non diabetic dogs, both presenting mature or hypermature cataracts. Full-field electroretinogram was recorded from 66 dogs, with ages varying from 6 to 15 years old allocated into two groups: (1) CG, non diabetic cataractous dogs, and (2) DG, diabetic cataractous dogs. Mean peak-to-peak amplitude (microvolts) and b-wave implicit time (milliseconds) were determined for each of the five standard full-field ERG responses (rod response, maximal response, oscillatory potentials, single-flash cone response and 30 Hz flicker). Comparing CG to DG, ERGs recorded from diabetic dogs presented lower amplitude and prolonged b-wave implicit time in all ERG responses. Prolonged b-wave implicit time was statistically significant (p< 0.05) at 30 Hz flicker (24.0 ms versus 22.4 ms). These data suggests full-field ERG is capable to record sensible alterations, such as flicker's implicit time, being useful to investigate retinal dysfunction in diabetic dogs.
To validate a practical technique of simultaneous evaluation of the plasma, acrosomal and mitochondrial membranes in equine spermatozoa three fluorescent probes (PI, FITC-PSA and MITO) were associated. Four ejaculates from three stallions (n=12) were diluted in TALP medium and split into 2 aliquots, 1 aliquot was flash frozen in liquid nitrogen to induce damage in cellular membranes. Three treatments were prepared with the following fixed ratios of fresh semen: flash frozen semen: 100:0 (T100), 50:50 (T50), and 0:100 (T0). A 150-µL aliquot of diluted semen of each treatment was added of 2 µL of PI, 2 µL of MITO and 80 µL of FITC-PSA; incubated at 38.5ºC/8 min, and sperm cells were evaluated by epifluorescent microscopy. Based in regression analysis, this could be an efficient and practical technique to assess damage in equine spermatozoa, as it was able to determine the sperm percentage more representative of the potential to fertilize the oocyte.