916 resultados para finite element technique


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Ya en el informe acerca del estado de la tecnología en la excavación profunda y en la construcción de túneles en terreno duro presentado en la 7ª Conferencia en Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería de la Cimentación, Peck (1969) introdujo los tres temas a ser tenidos en cuenta para el diseño de túneles en terrenos blandos: o Estabilidad de la cavidad durante la construcción, con particular atención a la estabilidad del frente del túnel; o Evaluación de los movimientos del terreno inducidos por la construcción del túnel y de la incidencia de los trabajos subterráneos a poca profundidad sobre los asentamientos en superficie; o Diseño del sistema de sostenimiento del túnel a instalar para asegurar la estabilidad de la estructura a corto y largo plazo. Esta Tesis se centra en los problemas señalados en el segundo de los puntos, analizando distintas soluciones habitualmente proyectadas para reducir los movimientos inducidos por la excavación de los túneles. El objeto de la Tesis es el análisis de la influencia de distintos diseños de paraguas de micropilotes, pantalla de micropilotes, paraguas de jet grouting y pantallas de jet grouting en los asientos en superficie durante la ejecución de túneles ejecutados a poca profundidad, con objeto de buscar el diseño que optimice los medios empleados para una determinada reducción de asientos. Para ello se establecen unas premisas para los proyectistas con objeto de conocer a priori cuales son los tratamientos más eficientes (de los propuestos en la Tesis) para la reducción de asientos en superficie cuando se ha de proyectar un túnel, de tal manera que pueda tener datos cualitativos y algunos cuantitativos sobre los diseños más óptimos, utilizando para ello un programa de elementos finitos de última generación que permite realizara la simulación tensodeformación del terreno mediante el modelo de suelo con endurecimiento (Hardening Soil Small model), que es una variante elastoplástica del modelo hiperbólico, similar al Hardening Soil Model. Además, este modelo incorpora una relación entre deformación y el modulo de rigidez, simulando el diferente comportamiento del suelo para pequeñas deformaciones (por ejemplo vibraciones con deformaciones por debajo de 10-5 y grandes deformaciones (deformaciones > 10-3). Para la realización de la Tesis se han elegido cinco secciones de túnel, dos correspondiente a secciones tipo de túnel ejecutado con tuneladora y tres secciones ejecutados mediante convencionales (dos correspondientes a secciones que han utilizado el método Belga y una que ha utilizado el NATM). Para conseguir los objetivos marcados, primeramente se ha analizado mediante una correlación entre modelos tridimensionales y bidimensionales el valor de relajación usado en estos últimos, y ver su variación al cambio de parámetros como la sección del túnel, la cobertera, el procedimiento constructivo, longitud de pase (métodos convencionales) o presión del frente (tuneladora) y las características geotécnicas de los materiales donde se ejecuta el túnel. Posteriormente se ha analizado que diseño de pantalla de protección tiene mejor eficacia respecto a la reducción de asientos, variando distintos parámetros de las características de la misma, como son el empotramiento, el tipo de micropilotes o pilote, la influencia del arriostramiento de las pantallas de protección en cabeza, la inclinación de la pantalla, la separación de la pantalla al eje del túnel y la disposición en doble fila de la pantalla de pantalla proyectada. Para finalizar el estudio de la efectividad de pantalla de protección para la reducción de asiento, se estudiará la influencia de la sobrecarga cercanas (simulación de edificios) tiene en la efectividad de la pantalla proyectada (desde el punto de vista de reducción de movimientos en superficie). Con objeto de poder comparar la efectividad de la pantalla de micropilotes respecto a la ejecución de un paraguas de micropilotes se ha analizado distintos diseños de paraguas, comparando el movimiento obtenido con el obtenido para el caso de pantalla de micropilotes, comparando ambos resultados con los medidos en obras ya ejecutadas. En otro apartado se ha realizado una comparación entre tratamientos similar, comparándolos en este caso con un paraguas de jet grouting y pantallas de jet grouting. Los resultados obtenidos se han con valores de asientos medidos en distintas obras ya ejecutadas y cuyas secciones se corresponden a los empleados en los modelos numéricos. Since the report on the state of technology in deep excavation and tunnelling in hard ground presented at the 7th Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Peck (1969) introduced the three issues to be taken into account for the design of tunnels in soft ground: o Cavity Stability during construction, with particular attention to the stability of the tunnel face; o Evaluation of ground movements induced by tunnelling and the effect of shallow underground workings on surface settlement; o Design of the tunnel support system to be installed to ensure short and long term stability of the structure. This thesis focuses on the issues identified in the second point, usually analysing different solutions designed to reduce the movements induced by tunnelling. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the influence of different micropile forepole umbrellas, micropile walls, jet grouting umbrellas and jet grouting wall designs on surface settlements during near surface tunnelling in order to use the most optimal technique to achieve a determined reduction in settlement. This will establish some criteria for designers to know a priori which methods are most effective (of those proposed in the thesis) to reduce surface settlements in tunnel design, so that it is possible to have qualitative and some quantitative data on the optimal designs, using the latest finite element modelling software that allows simulation of the ground’s infinitesimal strain behaviour using the Hardening Soil Small Model, which is a variation on the elasto-plastic hyperbolic model, similar to Hardening Soil model. In addition, this model incorporates a relationship between strain and the rigidity modulus, simulating different soil behaviour for small deformations (eg deformation vibrations below 10-5 and large deformations (deformations > 10-3). For the purpose of this thesis five tunnel sections have been chosen, two sections corresponding to TBM tunnels and three sections undertaken by conventional means (two sections corresponding to the Belgian method and one corresponding to the NATM). To achieve the objectives outlined, a correlation analysis of the relaxation values used in the 2D and 3D models was undertaken to verify them against parameters such as the tunnel cross-section, the depth of the tunnel, the construction method, the length of step (conventional method) or face pressure (TBM) and the geotechnical characteristics of the ground where the tunnel is constructed. Following this, the diaphragm wall design with the greatest efficiency regarding settlement reduction was analysed, varying parameters such as the toe depth, type of micropiles or piles, the influence of bracing of the head protection diaphragm walls, the inclination of the diaphragm wall, the separation between the diaphragm wall and the tunnel axis and the double diaphragm wall design arrangement. In order to complete the study into the effectiveness of protective diaphragm walls ofn the reduction of settlements, the influence of nearby imposed loads (simulating buildings) on the effectiveness of the designed diaphragm walls (from the point of view of reducing surface movements) will be studied. In order to compare the effectiveness of micropile diaphragm walls regarding the installation of micropile forepole umbrellas, different designs of these forepole umbrellas have been analysed comparing the movement obtained with that obtained for micropiled diaphragm walls, comparing both results with those measured from similar completed projects. In another section, a comparison between similar treatments has been completed, comparing the treatments with a forepole umbrella by jet grouting and jet grouting walls. The results obtained compared with settlement values measured in various projects already completed and whose sections correspond to those used in the numerical models.


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Swift heavy ion irradiation (ions with mass heavier than 15 and energy exceeding MeV/amu) transfer their energy mainly to the electronic system with small momentum transfer per collision. Therefore, they produce linear regions (columnar nano-tracks) around the straight ion trajectory, with marked modifications with respect to the virgin material, e.g., phase transition, amorphization, compaction, changes in physical or chemical properties. In the case of crystalline materials the most distinctive feature of swift heavy ion irradiation is the production of amorphous tracks embedded in the crystal. Lithium niobate is a relevant optical material that presents birefringence due to its anysotropic trigonal structure. The amorphous phase is certainly isotropic. In addition, its refractive index exhibits high contrast with those of the crystalline phase. This allows one to fabricate waveguides by swift ion irradiation with important technological relevance. From the mechanical point of view, the inclusion of an amorphous nano-track (with a density 15% lower than that of the crystal) leads to the generation of important stress/strain fields around the track. Eventually these fields are the origin of crack formation with fatal consequences for the integrity of the samples and the viability of the method for nano-track formation. For certain crystal cuts (X and Y), these fields are clearly anisotropic due to the crystal anisotropy. We have used finite element methods to calculate the stress/strain fields that appear around the ion-generated amorphous nano-tracks for a variety of ion energies and doses. A very remarkable feature for X cut-samples is that the maximum shear stress appears on preferential planes that form +/-45º with respect to the crystallographic planes. This leads to the generation of oriented surface cracks when the dose increases. The growth of the cracks along the anisotropic crystal has been studied by means of novel extended finite element methods, which include cracks as discontinuities. In this way we can study how the length and depth of a crack evolves as function of the ion dose. In this work we will show how the simulations compare with experiments and their application in materials modification by ion irradiation.


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The boundary element method (BEM) has been applied successfully to many engineering problems during the last decades. Compared with domain type methods like the finite element method (FEM) or the finite difference method (FDM) the BEM can handle problems where the medium extends to infinity much easier than domain type methods as there is no need to develop special boundary conditions (quiet or absorbing boundaries) or infinite elements at the boundaries introduced to limit the domain studied. The determination of the dynamic stiffness of arbitrarily shaped footings is just one of these fields where the BEM has been the method of choice, especially in the 1980s. With the continuous development of computer technology and the available hardware equipment the size of the problems under study grew and, as the flop count for solving the resulting linear system of equations grows with the third power of the number of equations, there was a need for the development of iterative methods with better performance. In [1] the GMRES algorithm was presented which is now widely used for implementations of the collocation BEM. While the FEM results in sparsely populated coefficient matrices, the BEM leads, in general, to fully or densely populated ones, depending on the number of subregions, posing a serious memory problem even for todays computers. If the geometry of the problem permits the surface of the domain to be meshed with equally shaped elements a lot of the resulting coefficients will be calculated and stored repeatedly. The present paper shows how these unnecessary operations can be avoided reducing the calculation time as well as the storage requirement. To this end a similar coefficient identification algorithm (SCIA), has been developed and implemented in a program written in Fortran 90. The vertical dynamic stiffness of a single pile in layered soil has been chosen to test the performance of the implementation. The results obtained with the 3-d model may be compared with those obtained with an axisymmetric formulation which are considered to be the reference values as the mesh quality is much better. The entire 3D model comprises more than 35000 dofs being a soil region with 21168 dofs the biggest single region. Note that the memory necessary to store all coefficients of this single region is about 6.8 GB, an amount which is usually not available with personal computers. In the problem under study the interface zone between the two adjacent soil regions as well as the surface of the top layer may be meshed with equally sized elements. In this case the application of the SCIA leads to an important reduction in memory requirements. The maximum memory used during the calculation has been reduced to 1.2 GB. The application of the SCIA thus permits problems to be solved on personal computers which otherwise would require much more powerful hardware.


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El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de herramientas numéricas basadas en técnicas de onda completa para el diseño asistido por ordenador (Computer-Aided Design,‘CAD’) de dispositivos de microondas. En este contexto, se desarrolla una herramienta numérica basada en el método de los elementos finitos para el diseño y análisis de antenas impresas mediante algoritmos de optimización. Esta técnica consiste en dividir el análisis de una antena en dos partes. Una parte de análisis 3D que se realiza sólo una vez en cada punto de frecuencia de la banda de funcionamiento donde se sustituye una superficie que contiene la metalización del parche por puertas artificiales. En una segunda parte se inserta entre las puertas artificiales en la estructura 3D la superficie soportando una metalización y se procede un análisis 2D para caracterizar el comportamiento de la antena. La técnica propuesta en esta tesis se puede implementar en un algoritmo de optimización para definir el perfil de la antena que permite conseguir los objetivos del diseño. Se valida experimentalmente dicha técnica empleándola en el diseño de antenas impresas de banda ancha para diferentes aplicaciones mediante la optimización del perfil de los parches. También, se desarrolla en esta tesis un procedimiento basado en el método de descomposición de dominio y el método de los elementos finitos para el diseño de dispositivos pasivos de microonda. Se utiliza este procedimiento en particular para el diseño y sintonía de filtros de microondas. En la primera etapa de su aplicación se divide la estructura que se quiere analizar en subdominios aplicando el método de descomposición de dominio, este proceso permite analizar cada segmento por separado utilizando el método de análisis adecuado dado que suele haber subdominios que se pueden analizar mediante métodos analíticos por lo que el tiempo de análisis es más reducido. Se utilizan métodos numéricos para analizar los subdominios que no se pueden analizar mediante métodos analíticos. En esta tesis, se utiliza el método de los elementos finitos para llevar a cabo el análisis. Además de la descomposición de dominio, se aplica un proceso de barrido en frecuencia para reducir los tiempos del análisis. Como método de orden reducido se utiliza la técnica de bases reducidas. Se ha utilizado este procedimiento para diseñar y sintonizar varios ejemplos de filtros con el fin de comprobar la validez de dicho procedimiento. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la utilidad de este procedimiento y confirman su rigurosidad, precisión y eficiencia en el diseño de filtros de microondas. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is the development of numerical tools based on full-wave techniques for computer-aided design ‘CAD’ of microwave devices. In this context, a numerical technique based on the finite element method ‘FEM’ for the design and analysis of printed antennas using optimization algorithms has been developed. The proposed technique consists in dividing the analysis of the antenna in two stages. In the first stage, the regions of the antenna which do not need to be modified during the CAD process are initially characterized only once from their corresponding matrix transfer function (Generalized Admittance matrix, ‘GAM’). The regions which will be modified are defined as artificial ports, precisely the regions which will contain the conducting surfaces of the printed antenna. In a second stage, the contour shape of the conducting surfaces of the printed antenna is iteratively modified in order to achieve a desired electromagnetic performance of the antenna. In this way, a new GAM of the radiating device which takes into account each printed antenna shape is computed after each iteration. The proposed technique can be implemented with a genetic algorithm to achieve the design objectives. This technique is validated experimentally and applied to the design of wideband printed antennas for different applications by optimizing the shape of the radiating device. In addition, a procedure based on the domain decomposition method and the finite element method has been developed for the design of microwave passive devices. In particular, this procedure can be applied to the design and tune of microwave filters. In the first stage of its implementation, the structure to be analyzed is divided into subdomains using the domain decomposition method; this process allows each subdomains can be analyzed separately using suitable analysis method, since there is usually subdomains that can be analyzed by analytical methods so that the time of analysis is reduced. For analyzing the subdomains that cannot be analyzed by analytical methods, we use the numerical methods. In this thesis, the FEM is used to carry out the analysis. Furthermore the decomposition of the domain, a frequency sweep process is applied to reduce analysis times. The reduced order model as the reduced basis technique is used in this procedure. This procedure is applied to the design and tune of several examples of microwave filters in order to check its validity. The obtained results allow concluding the usefulness of this procedure and confirming their thoroughness, accuracy and efficiency for the design of microwave filters.


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In this chapter, we are going to describe the main features as well as the basic steps of the Boundary Element Method (BEM) as applied to elastostatic problems and to compare them with other numerical procedures. As we shall show, it is easy to appreciate the adventages of the BEM, but it is also advisable to refrain from a possible unrestrained enthusiasm, as there are also limitations to its usefulness in certain types of problems. The number of these problems, nevertheless, is sufficient to justify the interest and activity that the new procedure has aroused among researchers all over the world. Briefly speaking, the most frequently used version of the BEM as applied to elastostatics works with the fundamental solution, i.e. the singular solution of the governing equations, as an influence function and tries to satisfy the boundary conditions of the problem with the aid of a discretization scheme which consists exclusively of boundary elements. As in other numerical methods, the BEM was developed thanks to the computational possibilities offered by modern computers on totally "classical" basis. That is, the theoretical grounds are based on linear elasticity theory, incorporated long ago into the curricula of most engineering schools. Its delay in gaining popularity is probably due to the enormous momentum with which Finite Element Method (FEM) penetrated the professional and academic media. Nevertheless, the fact that these methods were developed before the BEM has been beneficial because de BEM successfully uses those results and techniques studied in past decades. Some authors even consider the BEM as a particular case of the FEM while others view both methods as special cases of the general weighted residual technique. The first paper usually cited in connection with the BEM as applied to elastostatics is that of Rizzo, even though the works of Jaswon et al., Massonet and Oliveira were published at about the same time, the reason probably being the attractiveness of the "direct" approach over the "indirect" one. The work of Tizzo and the subssequent work of Cruse initiated a fruitful period with applicatons of the direct BEM to problems of elastostacs, elastodynamics, fracture, etc. The next key contribution was that of Lachat and Watson incorporating all the FEM discretization philosophy in what is sometimes called the "second BEM generation". This has no doubt, led directly to the current developments. Among the various researchers who worked on elastostatics by employing the direct BEM, one can additionallly mention Rizzo and Shippy, Cruse et al., Lachat and Watson, Alarcón et al., Brebbia el al, Howell and Doyle, Kuhn and Möhrmann and Patterson and Sheikh, and among those who used the indirect BEM, one can additionally mention Benjumea and Sikarskie, Butterfield, Banerjee et al., Niwa et al., and Altiero and Gavazza. An interesting version of the indirct method, called the Displacement Discontinuity Method (DDM) has been developed by Crounh. A comprehensive study on various special aspects of the elastostatic BEM has been done by Heisse, while review-type articles on the subject have been reported by Watson and Hartmann. At the present time, the method is well established and is being used for the solution of variety of problems in engineering mechanics. Numerous introductory and advanced books have been published as well as research-orientated ones. In this sense, it is worth noting the series of conferences promoted by Brebbia since 1978, wich have provoked a continuous research effort all over the world in relation to the BEM. In the following sections, we shall concentrate on developing the direct BEM as applied to elastostatics.


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As is well known B.E.M. is obtained as a mixture of the integral representation formula of classical elasticity and the discretization philosophy of the finite element method (F.E.M.). The paper presents the application of B.E.M. to elastodynamic problems. Both the transient and steady state solutions are presented as well as some techniques to simplify problems with a free-stress boundary.


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Crystallization and grain growth technique of thin film silicon are among the most promising methods for improving efficiency and lowering cost of solar cells. A major advantage of laser crystallization and annealing over conventional heating methods is its ability to limit rapid heating and cooling to thin surface layers. Laser energy is used to heat the amorphous silicon thin film, melting it and changing the microstructure to polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) as it cools. Depending on the laser density, the vaporization temperature can be reached at the center of the irradiated area. In these cases ablation effects are expected and the annealing process becomes ineffective. The heating process in the a-Si thin film is governed by the general heat transfer equation. The two dimensional non-linear heat transfer equation with a moving heat source is solve numerically using the finite element method (FEM), particularly COMSOL Multiphysics. The numerical model help to establish the density and the process speed range needed to assure the melting and crystallization without damage or ablation of the silicon surface. The samples of a-Si obtained by physical vapour deposition were irradiated with a cw-green laser source (Millennia Prime from Newport-Spectra) that delivers up to 15 W of average power. The morphology of the irradiated area was characterized by confocal laser scanning microscopy (Leica DCM3D) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM Hitachi 3000N). The structural properties were studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy (Renishaw, inVia Raman microscope).


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En esta tesis se aborda el problema de la modelización, análisis y optimización de pórticos metálicos planos de edificación frente a los estados límites último y de servicio. El objetivo general es presentar una técnica secuencial ordenada de optimización discreta para obtener el coste mínimo de pórticos metálicos planos de edificación, teniendo en cuenta las especificaciones del EC-3, incorporando las uniones semirrígidas y elementos no prismáticos en el proceso de diseño. Asimismo se persigue valorar su grado de influencia sobre el diseño final. El horizonte es extraer conclusiones prácticas que puedan ser de utilidad y aplicación simple para el proyecto de estructuras metálicas. La cantidad de publicaciones técnicas y científicas sobre la respuesta estructural de entramados metálicos es inmensa; por ello se ha hecho un esfuerzo intenso en recopilar el estado actual del conocimiento, sobre las líneas y necesidades actuales de investigación. Se ha recabado información sobre los métodos modernos de cálculo y diseño, sobre los factores que influyen sobre la respuesta estructural, sobre técnicas de modelización y de optimización, al amparo de las indicaciones que algunas normativas actuales ofrecen sobre el tema. En esta tesis se ha desarrollado un procedimiento de modelización apoyado en el método de los elementos finitos implementado en el entorno MatLab; se han incluido aspectos claves tales como el comportamiento de segundo orden, la comprobación ante inestabilidad y la búsqueda del óptimo del coste de la estructura frente a estados límites, teniendo en cuenta las especificaciones del EC-3. También se ha modelizado la flexibilidad de las uniones y se ha analizado su influencia en la respuesta de la estructura y en el peso y coste final de la misma. Se han ejecutado algunos ejemplos de aplicación y se ha contrastado la validez del modelo con resultados de algunas estructuras ya analizadas en referencias técnicas conocidas. Se han extraído conclusiones sobre el proceso de modelización y de análisis, sobre la repercusión de la flexibilidad de las uniones en la respuesta de la estructura. El propósito es extraer conclusiones útiles para la etapa de proyecto. Una de las principales aportaciones del trabajo en su enfoque de optimización es la incorporación de una formulación de elementos no prismáticos con uniones semirrígidas en sus extremos. Se ha deducido una matriz de rigidez elástica para dichos elementos. Se ha comprobado su validez para abordar el análisis no lineal; para ello se han comparado los resultados con otros obtenidos tras aplicar otra matriz deducida analíticamente existente en la literatura y también mediante el software comercial SAP2000. Otra de las aportaciones de esta tesis es el desarrollo de un método de optimización del coste de pórticos metálicos planos de edificación en el que se tienen en cuenta aspectos tales como las imperfecciones, la posibilidad de incorporar elementos no prismáticos y la caracterización de las uniones semirrígidas, valorando la influencia de su flexibilidad sobre la respuesta de la estructura. Así, se han realizado estudios paramétricos para valorar la sensibilidad y estabilidad de las soluciones obtenidas, así como rangos de validez de las conclusiones obtenidas. This thesis deals with the problems of modelling, analysis and optimization of plane steel frames with regard to ultimate and serviceability limit states. The objective of this work is to present an organized sequential technique of discrete optimization for achieving the minimum cost of plane steel frames, taking into consideration the EC-3 specifications as well as including effects of the semi-rigid joints and non-prismatic elements in the design process. Likewise, an estimate of their influence on the final design is an aim of this work. The final objective is to draw practical conclusions which can be handful and easily applicable for a steel-structure project. An enormous amount of technical and scientific publications regarding steel frames is currently available, thus making the achievement of a comprehensive and updated knowledge a considerably hard task. In this work, a large variety of information has been gathered and classified, especially that related to current research lines and needs. Thus, the literature collected encompasses references related to state-of-the-art design methods, factors influencing the structural response, modelling and optimization techniques, as well as calculation and updated guidelines of some steel Design Codes about the subject. In this work a modelling procedure based on the finite element implemented within the MatLab programming environment has been performed. Several keys aspects have been included, such as second order behaviour, the safety assessment against structural instability and the search for an optimal cost considering the limit states according to EC-3 specifications. The flexibility of joints has been taken into account in the procedure hereby presented; its effects on the structural response, on the optimum weight and on the final cost have also been analysed. In order to confirm the validity and adequacy of this procedure, some application examples have been carried out. The results obtained were compared with those available from other authors. Several conclusions about the procedure that comprises modelling, analysis and design stages, as well as the effect of the flexibility of connections on the structural response have been drawn. The purpose is to point out some guidelines for the early stages of a project. One of the contributions of this thesis is an attempt for optimizing plane steel frames in which both non-prismatic beam-column-type elements and semi-rigid connections have been considered. Thus, an elastic stiffness matrix has been derived. Its validity has been tested through comparing its accuracy with other analytically-obtained matrices available in the literature, and with results obtained by the commercial software SAP2000. Another achievement of this work is the development of a method for cost optimization of plane steel building frames in which some relevant aspects have been taken in consideration. These encompass geometric imperfections, non-prismatic beam elements and the numerical characterization of semi-rigid connections, evaluating the effect of its flexibility on the structural response. Hence, some parametric analyses have been performed in order to assess the sensitivity, the stability of the outcomes and their range of applicability as well.


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La corrosión del acero es una de las patologías más importantes que afectan a las estructuras de hormigón armado que están expuestas a ambientes marinos o al ataque de sales fundentes. Cuando se produce corrosión, se genera una capa de óxido alrededor de la superficie de las armaduras, que ocupa un volumen mayor que el acero inicial; como consecuencia, el óxido ejerce presiones internas en el hormigón circundante, que lleva a la fisuración y, ocasionalmente, al desprendimiento del recubrimiento de hormigón. Durante los últimos años, numerosos estudios han contribuido a ampliar el conocimiento sobre el proceso de fisuración; sin embargo, aún existen muchas incertidumbres respecto al comportamiento mecánico de la capa de óxido, que es fundamental para predecir la fisuración. Por ello, en esta tesis se ha desarrollado y aplicado una metodología, para mejorar el conocimiento respecto al comportamiento del sistema acero-óxido-hormigón, combinando experimentos y simulaciones numéricas. Se han realizado ensayos de corrosión acelerada en condiciones de laboratorio, utilizando la técnica de corriente impresa. Con el objetivo de obtener información cercana a la capa de acero, como muestras se seleccionaron prismas de hormigón con un tubo de acero liso como armadura, que se diseñaron para conseguir la formación de una única fisura principal en el recubrimiento. Durante los ensayos, las muestras se equiparon con instrumentos especialmente diseñados para medir la variación de diámetro y volumen interior de los tubos, y se midió la apertura de la fisura principal utilizando un extensómetro comercial, adaptado a la geometría de las muestras. Las condiciones de contorno se diseñaron cuidadosamente para que los campos de corriente y deformación fuesen planos durante los ensayos, resultando en corrosión uniforme a lo largo del tubo, para poder reproducir los ensayos en simulaciones numéricas. Se ensayaron series con varias densidades de corriente y varias profundidades de corrosión. De manera complementaria, el comportamiento en fractura del hormigón se caracterizó en ensayos independientes, y se midió la pérdida gravimétrica de los tubos siguiendo procedimientos estándar. En todos los ensayos, la fisura principal creció muy despacio durante las primeras micras de profundidad de corrosión, pero después de una cierta profundidad crítica, la fisura se desarrolló completamente, con un aumento rápido de su apertura; la densidad de corriente influye en la profundidad de corrosión crítica. Las variaciones de diámetro interior y de volumen interior de los tubos mostraron tendencias diferentes entre sí, lo que indica que la deformación del tubo no fue uniforme. Después de la corrosión acelerada, las muestras se cortaron en rebanadas, que se utilizaron en ensayos post-corrosión. El patrón de fisuración se estudió a lo largo del tubo, en rebanadas que se impregnaron en vacío con resina y fluoresceína para mejorar la visibilidad de las fisuras bajo luz ultravioleta, y se estudió la presencia de óxido dentro de las grietas. En todas las muestras, se formó una fisura principal en el recubrimiento, infiltrada con óxido, y varias fisuras secundarias finas alrededor del tubo; el número de fisuras varió con la profundidad de corrosión de las muestras. Para muestras con la misma corrosión, el número de fisuras y su posición fue diferente entre muestras y entre secciones de una misma muestra, debido a la heterogeneidad del hormigón. Finalmente, se investigó la adherencia entre el acero y el hormigón, utilizando un dispositivo diseñado para empujar el tubo en el hormigón. Las curvas de tensión frente a desplazamiento del tubo presentaron un pico marcado, seguido de un descenso constante; la profundidad de corrosión y la apertura de fisura de las muestras influyeron notablemente en la tensión residual del ensayo. Para simular la fisuración del hormigón causada por la corrosión de las armaduras, se programó un modelo numérico. Éste combina elementos finitos con fisura embebida adaptable que reproducen la fractura del hormigón conforme al modelo de fisura cohesiva estándar, y elementos de interfaz llamados elementos junta expansiva, que se programaron específicamente para reproducir la expansión volumétrica del óxido y que incorporan su comportamiento mecánico. En el elemento junta expansiva se implementó un fenómeno de despegue, concretamente de deslizamiento y separación, que resultó fundamental para obtener localización de fisuras adecuada, y que se consiguió con una fuerte reducción de la rigidez tangencial y la rigidez en tracción del óxido. Con este modelo, se realizaron simulaciones de los ensayos, utilizando modelos bidimensionales de las muestras con elementos finitos. Como datos para el comportamiento en fractura del hormigón, se utilizaron las propiedades determinadas en experimentos. Para el óxido, inicialmente se supuso un comportamiento fluido, con deslizamiento y separación casi perfectos. Después, se realizó un ajuste de los parámetros del elemento junta expansiva para reproducir los resultados experimentales. Se observó que variaciones en la rigidez normal del óxido apenas afectaban a los resultados, y que los demás parámetros apenas afectaban a la apertura de fisura; sin embargo, la deformación del tubo resultó ser muy sensible a variaciones en los parámetros del óxido, debido a la flexibilidad de la pared de los tubos, lo que resultó fundamental para determinar indirectamente los valores de los parámetros constitutivos del óxido. Finalmente, se realizaron simulaciones definitivas de los ensayos. El modelo reprodujo la profundidad de corrosión crítica y el comportamiento final de las curvas experimentales; se comprobó que la variación de diámetro interior de los tubos está fuertemente influenciada por su posición relativa respecto a la fisura principal, en concordancia con los resultados experimentales. De la comparación de los resultados experimentales y numéricos, se pudo extraer información sobre las propiedades del óxido que de otra manera no habría podido obtenerse. Corrosion of steel is one of the main pathologies affecting reinforced concrete structures exposed to marine environments or to molten salt. When corrosion occurs, an oxide layer develops around the reinforcement surface, which occupies a greater volume than the initial steel; thus, it induces internal pressure on the surrounding concrete that leads to cracking and, eventually, to full-spalling of the concrete cover. During the last years much effort has been devoted to understand the process of cracking; however, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the mechanical behavior of the oxide layer, which is essential in the prediction of cracking. Thus, a methodology has been developed and applied in this thesis to gain further understanding of the behavior of the steel-oxide-concrete system, combining experiments and numerical simulations. Accelerated corrosion tests were carried out in laboratory conditions, using the impressed current technique. To get experimental information close to the oxide layer, concrete prisms with a smooth steel tube as reinforcement were selected as specimens, which were designed to get a single main crack across the cover. During the tests, the specimens were equipped with instruments that were specially designed to measure the variation of inner diameter and volume of the tubes, and the width of the main crack was recorded using a commercial extensometer that was adapted to the geometry of the specimens. The boundary conditions were carefully designed so that plane current and strain fields were expected during the tests, resulting in nearly uniform corrosion along the length of the tube, so that the tests could be reproduced in numerical simulations. Series of tests were carried out with various current densities and corrosion depths. Complementarily, the fracture behavior of concrete was characterized in independent tests, and the gravimetric loss of the steel tubes was determined by standard means. In all the tests, the main crack grew very slowly during the first microns of corrosion depth, but after a critical corrosion depth it fully developed and opened faster; the current density influenced the critical corrosion depth. The variation of inner diameter and inner volume of the tubes had different trends, which indicates that the deformation of the tube was not uniform. After accelerated corrosion, the specimens were cut into slices, which were used in post-corrosion tests. The pattern of cracking along the reinforcement was investigated in slices that were impregnated under vacuum with resin containing fluorescein to enhance the visibility of cracks under ultraviolet lightening and a study was carried out to assess the presence of oxide into the cracks. In all the specimens, a main crack developed through the concrete cover, which was infiltrated with oxide, and several thin secondary cracks around the reinforcement; the number of cracks diminished with the corrosion depth of the specimen. For specimens with the same corrosion, the number of cracks and their position varied from one specimen to another and between cross-sections of a given specimen, due to the heterogeneity of concrete. Finally, the bond between the steel and the concrete was investigated, using a device designed to push the tubes of steel in the concrete. The curves of stress versus displacement of the tube presented a marked peak, followed by a steady descent, with notably influence of the corrosion depth and the crack width on the residual stress. To simulate cracking of concrete due to corrosion of the reinforcement, a numerical model was implemented. It combines finite elements with an embedded adaptable crack that reproduces cracking of concrete according to the basic cohesive model, and interface elements so-called expansive joint elements, which were specially designed to reproduce the volumetric expansion of oxide and incorporate its mechanical behavior. In the expansive joint element, a debonding effect was implemented consisting of sliding and separation, which was proved to be essential to achieve proper localization of cracks, and was achieved by strongly reducing the shear and the tensile stiffnesses of the oxide. With that model, simulations of the accelerated corrosion tests were carried out on 2- dimensional finite element models of the specimens. For the fracture behavior of concrete, the properties experimentally determined were used as input. For the oxide, initially a fluidlike behavior was assumed with nearly perfect sliding and separation; then the parameters of the expansive joint element were modified to fit the experimental results. Changes in the bulk modulus of the oxide barely affected the results and changes in the remaining parameters had a moderate effect on the predicted crack width; however, the deformation of the tube was very sensitive to variations in the parameters of oxide, due to the flexibility of the tube wall, which was crucial for indirect determination of the constitutive parameters of oxide. Finally, definitive simulations of the tests were carried out. The model reproduced the critical corrosion depth and the final behavior of the experimental curves; it was assessed that the variation of inner diameter of the tubes is highly influenced by its relative position with respect to the main crack, in accordance with the experimental observations. From the comparison of the experimental and numerical results, some properties of the mechanical behavior of the oxide were disclosed that otherwise could not have been measured.


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El análisis de estructuras mediante modelos de elementos finitos representa una de las metodologías más utilizadas y aceptadas en la industria moderna. Para el análisis de estructuras tubulares de grandes dimensiones similares a las sobrestructuras de autobuses y autocares, los elementos de tipo viga son comúnmente utilizados y recomendados debido a que permiten obtener resultados satisfactorios con recursos computacionales reducidos. No obstante, los elementos de tipo viga presentan importante desventaja ya que las uniones modeladas presentan un comportamiento infinitamente rígido, esto determina un comportamiento mas rígido en las estructuras modeladas lo que se traduce en fuentes de error para las simulaciones estructurales (hasta un 60%). Mediante el modelado de uniones tubulares utilizando elementos de tipo área o volumen, se pueden obtener modelos más realistas, ya que las características topológicas de la unión propiamente dicha pueden ser reproducidas con un mayor nivel de detalle. Evitándose de esta manera los inconvenientes de los elementos de tipo viga. A pesar de esto, la modelización de estructuras tubulares de grandes dimensiones con elementos de tipo área o volumen representa una alternativa poco atractiva debido a la complejidad del proceso de modelados y al gran número de elementos resultantes lo que implica la necesidad de grandes recursos computacionales. El principal objetivo del trabajo de investigación presentado, fue el de obtener un nuevo tipo de elemento capaz de proporcionar estimaciones más exactas en el comportamiento de las uniones modeladas, al mismo tiempo manteniendo la simplicidad del procesos de modelado propio de los elementos de tipo viga regular. Con el fin de alcanzar los objetivos planteados, fueron realizadas diferentes metodologías e investigaciones. En base a las investigaciones realizadas, se obtuvo un modelo de unión viga alternativa en el cual se introdujeron un total seis elementos elásticos al nivel de la unión mediante los cuales es posible adaptar el comportamiento local de la misma. Adicionalmente, para la estimación de las rigideces correspondientes a los elementos elásticos se desarrollaron dos metodologías, una primera basada en la caracterización del comportamiento estático de uniones simples y una segunda basada en la caracterización del comportamiento dinámico a través de análisis modales. Las mejoras obtenidas mediante la implementación del modelo de unión alternativa fueron analizadas mediante simulaciones y validación experimental en una estructura tubular compleja representativa de sobrestructuras de autobuses y autocares. En base a los análisis comparativos realizados con la uniones simples modeladas y los experimentos de validación, se determinó que las uniones modeladas con elementos de tipo viga son entre un 5-60% más rígidas que uniones equivalentes modeladas con elementos área o volumen. También se determinó que las uniones área y volumen modeladas son entre un 5 a un 10% mas rígidas en comparación a uniones reales fabricadas. En los análisis realizados en la estructura tubular compleja, se obtuvieron mejoras importantes mediante la implementación del modelo de unión alternativa, las estimaciones del modelo viga se mejoraron desde un 49% hasta aproximadamente un 14%. ABSTRACT The analysis of structures with finite elements models represents one of the most utilized an accepted technique in the modern industry. For the analysis of large tubular structures similar to buses and coaches upper structures, beam type elements are utilized and recommended due to the fact that these elements provide satisfactory results at relatively reduced computational performances. However, the beam type elements have a main disadvantage determined by the fact that the modeled joints have an infinite rigid behavior, this shortcoming determines a stiffer behavior of the modeled structures which translates into error sources for the structural simulations (up to 60%). By modeling tubular junctions with shell and volume elements, more realistic models can be obtained, because the topological characteristics of the junction at the joint level can be reproduced more accurately. This way, the shortcoming that the beam type elements present can be solved. Despite this fact, modeling large tubular structures with shell or volume type elements represents an unattractive alternative due to the complexity of the modeling process and the large number of elements that result which imply the necessity of vast computational performances. The main objective of the research presented in this thesis was to develop a new beam type element that would be able to provide more accurate estimations for the local behavior of the modeled junctions at the same time maintaining the simplicity of the modeling process the regular beam type elements have. In order to reach the established objectives of the research activities, a series of different methodologies and investigations have been necessary. From these investigations an alternative beam T-junction model was obtained, in which a total of six elastic elements at the joint level were introduced, the elastic elements allowed us to adapt the local behavior of the modeled junctions. Additionally, for the estimation of the stiffness values corresponding to the elastic elements two methodologies were developed, one based on the T-junction’s static behavior and a second one based on the T-junction’s dynamic behavior by means of modal analysis. The improvements achieved throughout the implementation of this alternative T-junction model were analyzed though mechanical validation in a complex tubular structures that had a representative configuration for buses and coaches upper structures. From the comparative analyses of the finite element modeled T-junctions and mechanical experimental analysis, was determined that the beam type modeled T-junctions have a stiffer behavior compared to equivalent shell and volume modeled T-junctions with average differences ranging from 5-60% based on the profile configurations. It was also determined that the shell and volume models have a stiffer behavior compared to real T-junctions varying from 5 to 10% depending on the profile configurations. Based on the analysis of the complex tubular structure, significant improvements were obtained by the implementation of the alternative beam T-junction model, the model estimations were improved from a 49% to approximately 14%.


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Safety is one of the most important feature in the aviation industry, and this involves too many factors. One of these is the aircraft maintenance. Over time, the procedures have been changing, and improving themselves. Non Destructive Testing (NDT) appeared in the late 19th century as a great option, because it enabled to inspect any structure without damaging it. Nowadays, there are several kinds of NDT, but ultrasound is one of the most widely used. This Master Thesis is devoted to an innovative ultrasound technique for crack detection. A technique, whose main aim lies in getting a good location of defects from a few measures, breaking with the currently widespread methods, as phased array. It is not necessary to use trains of waves, only discrete excitations, which means a great saving of time and energy. This work is divided into two steps: the first is to develop a multiphysics simulator, which is able to solve linear elasticity 3D problems (via Finite Element Method, FEM). This simulator allows to obtain in a computationally efficient way the displacement field for different frequencies and excitations. The solution of this elastic problem is needed to be used in the second step, which consists of generating a code that implements a mathematical tool named topological derivative, allowing to locate defects in the studied domain. In this work, the domain is a plate, and the defect is a hidden spherical void. The simulator has been developed using open source software (Elmer, Gmsh, ...), achieving a highly versatile simulator, which allows to change the configuration easily: domain size and shape, number and position of transducers, etc. Just one comercial software is used, Matlab. It is used to implement the topological derivative. In this work, the performance of the method is tested in several examples comparing the results when one or more frequencies are considered for different configurations of emisors/receptors.


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La necesidad de desarrollar técnicas para predecir la respuesta vibroacústica de estructuras espaciales lia ido ganando importancia en los últimos años. Las técnicas numéricas existentes en la actualidad son capaces de predecir de forma fiable el comportamiento vibroacústico de sistemas con altas o bajas densidades modales. Sin embargo, ambos rangos no siempre solapan lo que hace que sea necesario el desarrollo de métodos específicos para este rango, conocido como densidad modal media. Es en este rango, conocido también como media frecuencia, donde se centra la presente Tesis doctoral, debido a la carencia de métodos específicos para el cálculo de la respuesta vibroacústica. Para las estructuras estudiadas en este trabajo, los mencionados rangos de baja y alta densidad modal se corresponden, en general, con los rangos de baja y alta frecuencia, respectivamente. Los métodos numéricos que permiten obtener la respuesta vibroacústica para estos rangos de frecuencia están bien especificados. Para el rango de baja frecuencia se emplean técnicas deterministas, como el método de los Elementos Finitos, mientras que, para el rango de alta frecuencia las técnicas estadísticas son más utilizadas, como el Análisis Estadístico de la Energía. En el rango de medias frecuencias ninguno de estos métodos numéricos puede ser usado con suficiente precisión y, como consecuencia -a falta de propuestas más específicas- se han desarrollado métodos híbridos que combinan el uso de métodos de baja y alta frecuencia, intentando que cada uno supla las deficiencias del otro en este rango medio. Este trabajo propone dos soluciones diferentes para resolver el problema de la media frecuencia. El primero de ellos, denominado SHFL (del inglés Subsystem based High Frequency Limit procedure), propone un procedimiento multihíbrido en el cuál cada subestructura del sistema completo se modela empleando una técnica numérica diferente, dependiendo del rango de frecuencias de estudio. Con este propósito se introduce el concepto de límite de alta frecuencia de una subestructura, que marca el límite a partir del cual dicha subestructura tiene una densidad modal lo suficientemente alta como para ser modelada utilizando Análisis Estadístico de la Energía. Si la frecuencia de análisis es menor que el límite de alta frecuencia de la subestructura, ésta se modela utilizando Elementos Finitos. Mediante este método, el rango de media frecuencia se puede definir de una forma precisa, estando comprendido entre el menor y el mayor de los límites de alta frecuencia de las subestructuras que componen el sistema completo. Los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de este método evidencian una mejora en la continuidad de la respuesta vibroacústica, mostrando una transición suave entre los rangos de baja y alta frecuencia. El segundo método propuesto se denomina HS-CMS (del inglés Hybrid Substructuring method based on Component Mode Synthesis). Este método se basa en la clasificación de la base modal de las subestructuras en conjuntos de modos globales (que afectan a todo o a varias partes del sistema) o locales (que afectan a una única subestructura), utilizando un método de Síntesis Modal de Componentes. De este modo es posible situar espacialmente los modos del sistema completo y estudiar el comportamiento del mismo desde el punto de vista de las subestructuras. De nuevo se emplea el concepto de límite de alta frecuencia de una subestructura para realizar la clasificación global/local de los modos en la misma. Mediante dicha clasificación se derivan las ecuaciones globales del movimiento, gobernadas por los modos globales, y en las que la influencia del conjunto de modos locales se introduce mediante modificaciones en las mismas (en su matriz dinámica de rigidez y en el vector de fuerzas). Las ecuaciones locales se resuelven empleando Análisis Estadístico de Energías. Sin embargo, este último será un modelo híbrido, en el cual se introduce la potencia adicional aportada por la presencia de los modos globales. El método ha sido probado para el cálculo de la respuesta de estructuras sometidas tanto a cargas estructurales como acústicas. Ambos métodos han sido probados inicialmente en estructuras sencillas para establecer las bases e hipótesis de aplicación. Posteriormente, se han aplicado a estructuras espaciales, como satélites y reflectores de antenas, mostrando buenos resultados, como se concluye de la comparación de las simulaciones y los datos experimentales medidos en ensayos, tanto estructurales como acústicos. Este trabajo abre un amplio campo de investigación a partir del cual es posible obtener metodologías precisas y eficientes para reproducir el comportamiento vibroacústico de sistemas en el rango de la media frecuencia. ABSTRACT Over the last years an increasing need of novel prediction techniques for vibroacoustic analysis of space structures has arisen. Current numerical techniques arc able to predict with enough accuracy the vibro-acoustic behaviour of systems with low and high modal densities. However, space structures are, in general, very complex and they present a range of frequencies in which a mixed behaviour exist. In such cases, the full system is composed of some sub-structures which has low modal density, while others present high modal density. This frequency range is known as the mid-frequency range and to develop methods for accurately describe the vibro-acoustic response in this frequency range is the scope of this dissertation. For the structures under study, the aforementioned low and high modal densities correspond with the low and high frequency ranges, respectively. For the low frequency range, deterministic techniques as the Finite Element Method (FEM) are used while, for the high frequency range statistical techniques, as the Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA), arc considered as more appropriate. In the mid-frequency range, where a mixed vibro-acoustic behaviour is expected, any of these numerical method can not be used with enough confidence level. As a consequence, it is usual to obtain an undetermined gap between low and high frequencies in the vibro-acoustic response function. This dissertation proposes two different solutions to the mid-frequency range problem. The first one, named as The Subsystem based High Frequency Limit (SHFL) procedure, proposes a multi-hybrid procedure in which each sub-structure of the full system is modelled with the appropriate modelling technique, depending on the frequency of study. With this purpose, the concept of high frequency limit of a sub-structure is introduced, marking out the limit above which a substructure has enough modal density to be modelled by SEA. For a certain analysis frequency, if it is lower than the high frequency limit of the sub-structure, the sub-structure is modelled through FEM and, if the frequency of analysis is higher than the high frequency limit, the sub-structure is modelled by SEA. The procedure leads to a number of hybrid models required to cover the medium frequency range, which is defined as the frequency range between the lowest substructure high frequency limit and the highest one. Using this procedure, the mid-frequency range can be define specifically so that, as a consequence, an improvement in the continuity of the vibro-acoustic response function is achieved, closing the undetermined gap between the low and high frequency ranges. The second proposed mid-frequency solution is the Hybrid Sub-structuring method based on Component Mode Synthesis (HS-CMS). The method adopts a partition scheme based on classifying the system modal basis into global and local sets of modes. This classification is performed by using a Component Mode Synthesis, in particular a Craig-Bampton transformation, in order to express the system modal base into the modal bases associated with each sub-structure. Then, each sub-structure modal base is classified into global and local set, fist ones associated with the long wavelength motion and second ones with the short wavelength motion. The high frequency limit of each sub-structure is used as frequency frontier between both sets of modes. From this classification, the equations of motion associated with global modes are derived, which include the interaction of local modes by means of corrections in the dynamic stiffness matrix and the force vector of the global problem. The local equations of motion are solved through SEA, where again interactions with global modes arc included through the inclusion of an additional input power into the SEA model. The method has been tested for the calculation of the response function of structures subjected to structural and acoustic loads. Both methods have been firstly tested in simple structures to establish their basis and main characteristics. Methods are also verified in space structures, as satellites and antenna reflectors, providing good results as it is concluded from the comparison with experimental results obtained in both, acoustic and structural load tests. This dissertation opens a wide field of research through which further studies could be performed to obtain efficient and accurate methodologies to appropriately reproduce the vibro-acoustic behaviour of complex systems in the mid-frequency range.


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The design of shell and spatial structures represents an important challenge even with the use of the modern computer technology.If we concentrate in the concrete shell structures many problems must be faced,such as the conceptual and structural disposition, optimal shape design, analysis, construction methods, details etc. and all these problems are interconnected among them. As an example the shape optimization requires the use of several disciplines like structural analysis, sensitivity analysis, optimization strategies and geometrical design concepts. Similar comments can be applied to other space structures such as steel trusses with single or double shape and tension structures. In relation to the analysis the Finite Element Method appears to be the most extended and versatile technique used in the practice. In the application of this method several issues arise. First the derivation of the pertinent shell theory or alternatively the degenerated 3-D solid approach should be chosen. According to the previous election the suitable FE model has to be adopted i.e. the displacement,stress or mixed formulated element. The good behavior of the shell structures under dead loads that are carried out towards the supports by mainly compressive stresses is impaired by the high imperfection sensitivity usually exhibited by these structures. This last effect is important particularly if large deformation and material nonlinearities of the shell may interact unfavorably, as can be the case for thin reinforced shells. In this respect the study of the stability of the shell represents a compulsory step in the analysis. Therefore there are currently very active fields of research such as the different descriptions of consistent nonlinear shell models given by Simo, Fox and Rifai, Mantzenmiller and Buchter and Ramm among others, the consistent formulation of efficient tangent stiffness as the one presented by Ortiz and Schweizerhof and Wringgers, with application to concrete shells exhibiting creep behavior given by Scordelis and coworkers; and finally the development of numerical techniques needed to trace the nonlinear response of the structure. The objective of this paper is concentrated in the last research aspect i.e. in the presentation of a state-of-the-art on the existing solution techniques for nonlinear analysis of structures. In this presentation the following excellent reviews on this subject will be mainly used.


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The behaviour of the interface between the FRP and the concrete is the key factor controlling debonding failures in FRP-strengthened RC structures. This defect can cause reductions in static strength, structural integrity and the change in the dynamic behavior of the structure. The adverse effect on the dynamic behavior of the defects can be utilized as an effective means for identifying and assessing both the location and size of debonding at its earliest stages. The presence of debonding changes the structural dynamic characteristics and might be traced in modal parameters, dynamic strain and wave patterns etc. Detection of minor local defects, as those origin of a future debonding, requires working at high frequencies so that the wavelength of the excited is small and sensitive enough to detect local damage. The development of a spectral element method gives a large potential in high-frequency structural modeling. In contrast to the conventional finite element, since inertial properties are modeled exactly few elements are necessary to capture very accurate solutions at the highest frequencies in large regions. A wide variety of spectral elements have been developed for structural members over finite and semi-infinite regions. The objective of this paper is to develop a Spectral Finite Element Model to efficiently capture the behavior of intermediate debonding of a FRP strengthened RC beam during wave-based diagnostics.


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Una estructura vibra con la suma de sus infinitos modos de vibración, definidos por sus parámetros modales (frecuencias naturales, formas modales y coeficientes de amortiguamiento). Estos parámetros se pueden identificar a través del Análisis Modal Operacional (OMA). Así, un equipo de investigación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ha identificado las propiedades modales de un edificio de hormigón armado en Madrid con el método Identificación de los sub-espacios estocásticos (SSI). Para completar el estudio dinámico de este edificio, se ha desarrollado un modelo de elementos finitos (FE) de este edificio de 19 plantas. Este modelo se ha calibrado a partir de su comportamiento dinámico obtenido experimentalmente a través del OMA. Los objetivos de esta tesis son; (i) identificar la estructura con varios métodos de SSI y el uso de diferentes ventanas de tiempo de tal manera que se cuantifican incertidumbres de los parámetros modales debidos al proceso de estimación, (ii) desarrollar FEM de este edificio y calibrar este modelo a partir de su comportamiento dinámico, y (iii) valorar la bondad del modelo. Los parámetros modales utilizados en esta calibración han sido; espesor de las losas, densidades de los materiales, módulos de elasticidad, dimensiones de las columnas y las condiciones de contorno de la cimentación. Se ha visto que el modelo actualizado representa el comportamiento dinámico de la estructura con una buena precisión. Por lo tanto, este modelo puede utilizarse dentro de un sistema de monitorización estructural (SHM) y para la detección de daños. En el futuro, podrá estudiar la influencia de los agentes medioambientales, tales como la temperatura o el viento, en los parámetros modales. A structure vibrates according to the sum of its vibration modes, defined by their modal parameters (natural frequencies, damping ratios and modal shapes). These parameters can be identified through Operational Modal Analysis (OMA). Thus, a research team of the Technical University of Madrid has identified the modal properties of a reinforced-concrete-frame building in Madrid using the Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI) method and a time domain technique for the OMA. To complete the dynamic study of this building, a finite element model (FE) of this 19-floor building has been developed throughout this thesis. This model has been updated from its dynamic behavior identified by the OMA. The objectives of this thesis are to; (i) identify the structure with several SSI methods and using different time blocks in such a way that uncertainties due to the modal parameter estimation are quantified, (ii) develop a FEM of this building and tune this model from its dynamic behavior, and (iii) Assess the quality of the model, the modal parameters used in this updating process have been; thickness of slabs, material densities, modulus of elasticity, column dimensions and foundation boundary conditions. It has been shown that the final updated model represents the structure with a very good accuracy. Thus, this model might be used within a structural health monitoring framework (SHM). The study of the influence of changing environmental factors (such as temperature or wind) on the model parameters might be considered as a future work.