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A study of spin-orbit mixing and nephelauxetic effects in the electronic spectra of nickel(II)-encapsulating complexes involving mixed nitrogen and sulfur donors is reported. As the number of sulfur donors is systematically varied through the series [Ni(N6-xSx)](2+) (x = 0-6), the spin-forbidden (3)A(2)g --> E-1(g) and (3)A(2g) --> (1)A(1g) transitions undergo a considerable reduction in energy whereas the spin-allowed transitions are relatively unchanged. The [Ni(diAMN(6)sar)](2+) and [Ni(AMN(5)Ssar)](2+) complexes exhibit an unusual band shape for the (3)A(2g) --> T-3(2g) transition which is shown to arise from spin-orbit mixing of the E spin-orbit levels associated with the E-1(g) and T-3(2g) states. A significant differential nephelauxetic effect also arises from the covalency differences between the t(2g) and e(g) orbitals with the result that no single set of Racah B and C interelectron repulsion parameters adequately fit the observed spectra. Using a differential covalency ligand-field model, the spectral transitions are successfully reproduced with three independent variables corresponding to 10Dq and the covalency parameters f(t) and f(e), associated with the t(2g) and e(g) orbitals, respectively. The small decrease in f(t) from unity is largely attributed to central-field covalency effects whereas the dramatic reduction in f(e) with increasing number of sulfur donors is a direct consequence of the increased metal-ligand covalency associated with the sulfur donors. Covalency differences between the t(2g) and e(g) orbitals also result in larger 10Dq values than those obtained simply from the energy of the (3)A(2g) --> T-3(2g) spin-allowed transition.


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The ground and excited state geometry of the six-coordinate copper(II) ion is examined in detail using the CuF64- and Cu(H2O)(6)(2+) complexes as examples. A variety of spectroscopic techniques are used to illustrate the relations between the geometric and electronic properties of these complexes through the characterization of their potential energy surfaces.


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Dopamine agonists are the treatment of choice for prolactinomas. However, there are still controversies concerning dose, treatment duration and criteria for drug withdrawal in different clinical situations. The aim of this study was to assess diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to prolactinomas among members of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (SBEM). SBEM members answered a questionnaire sent by e-mail that included 18 questions related to controversial issues about the management of prolactinomas. Among SBEM members, 721 (approximately 24% of total) answered the questionnaire. Concerning the diagnosis, 38% of the respondents stated that prolactin levels < 100 ng/ml would exclude the presence of a prolactinoma. Most of them favored the screening for macroprolactin in asymptomatic individuals instead of a routine screening (74% vs. 26%). Regarding the treatment, 70% of the respondents chose cabergoline as the drug of choice to treat macroprolactinomas whereas similar proportions advised cabergoline or bromocriptine as the best treatment for microprolactinomas (52% vs. 48%). Only 20% and 34% of respondents favored treatment withdrawal 2-3 years after prolactin normalization in patients with macroprolactinomas and microprolactinomas, respectively. In case of pregnancy, only 58 and 70% of respondents advocated discontinuation of treatment with dopamine agonists in patients with macroprolactinomas and microprolactinomas, respectively. Finally, only 36% would allow breast-feeding without restriction, 44% would restrict it to patients with microprolactinomas and 20% would not recommend it for women with prolactinomas There are several points of disagreement among SBEM members regarding the management of prolactinomas.


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Here we investigated the possible association between the carboxypeptidase A (CPA)-like activity of the rat mesenteric arterial bed (MAB) perfusate and the ability of this fluid of forming angiotensin (Ang) 1-9 and Ang 1-7 upon incubation with Ang I and Ang II, respectively. Initially, we observed that anion exchange chromatography of the perfusate would consistently split the characteristic Z-Val-Phe-hydrolyzing activity of CPA-like enzymes into five distinct peaks, whose proteolytic activities were then determined using also Ang I and Ang II as substrates. The resulting proteolytic profile for each peak indicated that rat MAB perfusate contains a complex mixture of carboxypeptidases; tentatively, five carboxypeptidases were distinguished based on their substrate preferences toward Z-Val-Phe. Ang I and Ang II. The respective reactions, namely, Z-Val-Phe cleavage, Ang I to Ang 1-9 conversion and Ang II to Ang 1-7 conversion, were inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline and nearly fully blocked by potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor. Also, all the CPA-like activity peaks prepared by anion exchange chromatography were tested negative for contaminating Ang I-converting enzyme-2, cathepsin A and prolylcarboxypeptidase. Overall, our results indicate that rat MAB perfusate contains a multiplicity of Ang I and Ang II-processing CPA-like enzymes whose proteolytic specificities suggest they might perform peculiar regulatory roles in the local resin-angiotensin system. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The lateral part of intermediate layer of superior colliculus (SCI) is a critical substrate for successful predation by rats. Hunting-evoked expression of the activity marker Fos is concentrated in SCI while prey capture in rats with NMDA lesions in SCI is impaired. Particularly affected are rapid orienting and stereotyped sequences of actions associated with predation of fast moving prey. Such deficits are consistent with the view that the deep layers of SC are important for sensory guidance of movement. Although much of the relevant evidence involves visual control of movement, less is known about movement guidance by somatosensory input from vibrissae. Indeed, our impression is that prey contact with whiskers is a likely stimulus to trigger predation. Moreover, SCI receives whisker and orofacial somatosensory information directly from trigeminal complex, and indirectly from zona incerta, parvicelular reticular formation and somatosensory barrel cortex. To better understand sensory guidance of predation by vibrissal information we investigated prey capture by rats after whisker removal and the role of superior colliculus (SC) by comparing Fos expression after hunting with and without whiskers. Rats were allowed to hunt cockroaches, after which their whiskers were removed. Two days later they were allowed to hunt cockroaches again. Without whiskers the rats were less able to retain the cockroaches after capture and less able to pursue them in the event of the cockroach escaping. The predatory behaviour of rats with re-grown whiskers returned to normal. In parallel, Fos expression in SCI induced by predation was significantly reduced in whiskerless animals. We conclude that whiskers contribute to the efficiency of rat prey capture and that the loss of vibrissal input to SCI, as reflected by reduced Fos expression, could play a critical role in predatory deficits of whiskerless rats. (C) 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.