965 resultados para distrofias de retina


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Dentro del estudio de la expresión de diferentes genes, el teleósteo Danio rerio (Pez cebra) ha sido modelo de estudio del desarrollo de los vertebrados. Esta especie es ventajosa para este fin por diferentes razones, entre- ellas están la producción de grandes camadas durante todo el año, son fácilmente mantenidos, sus embriones son transparentes y se desarrollan fuera de la madre, tienen un desarrollo rápido, ya que en las 24 horas post -fecundación ya están formados la mayor parte de tejidos y primordios de los órganos, se pueden generar mutantes que se pueden propagar y estudiar muy fácilmente. Este trabajo pretende mostrar la relación entre la expresión temprana del Factor de Crecimiento Fibroblástico tipo 8 (FGF8) y el desarrollo del Sistema Nervioso Central de esta especie.


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OBJETIVOS: Determinar los factores pronóstico, cambios maculares morfológicos y de capa de fibras nerviosas ganglionares posterior a vitrectomía pars plana, en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal de antes y después (3y6 meses) de la vitrectomía pars plana (VPP) en pacientes con membrana epirretiniana, agujero macular, síndrome de tracción vítreo macular y opacidades vítreas no-inflamatorias. Se realizó seguimiento clínico y con tomografía de coherencia óptica. RESULTADOS: Grupo de 60 pacientes (mujeres 65.0%), edad promedio 65.45+9.49años y tiempo de enfermedad promedio 23+29.79meses. Las indicaciones de VPP (n=60ojos) fueron agujero macular (38.3%) y membrana epirretiniana (36.7%). Se encontró diferencia significativa entre grosor del complejo capa de células ganglionares (CCG)+capa plexiforme interna (CPI) inicial y 3 meses (p=0.039), correlación entre grosor del complejo CCG+CPI al tercer y sexto mes (r=0.704,p<0.001) y grosor del complejo CCG+CPI al tercer mes con grosor foveal central (CFT) al tercer y sexto mes (r=–0.594,p<0.001 y r=–0.595,p=0.001). Mayores de 65años tenían menor grosor de CFNG a 6meses (r=-0.528,p=0.007). El grosor de CFNG promedio y la presencia de la zona elipsoide inicial fueron factores pronósticos de buena agudeza visual al tercer mes de VPP (r2=0.414,p=0.018, y r2=0.414,p=0.010). CONCLUSIÓN: El grosor de CFNG y la presencia de la zona elipsoide inicial tienen alta capacidad predictiva de buena agudeza visual al tercer mes de VPP, y, correlación inversa entre grosor del complejo CCG+CPI con CFT al tercer y sexto mes de VPP.


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Estudio Casos y Controles 1:1 que busca la relación entre la DMRE e HTA. Se estudian otras variables. Muestra de 400 pacientes, edad promedio 66,9 años +/-9,2 años. HTA y DM OR 2,315 y OR 4,626. Oclusión vascular OR 13,549 (IC 95% 3,023-60,724).


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Objetivo: Describir el comportamiento del desprendimiento del vítreo posterior (DVP) en pacientes expuestos a cirugía de catarata mediante la biomicroscopia, la ecografía ocular y la tomografía de coherencia óptica macular. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, una serie de casos clínicos de 13 pacientes expuestos a cirugía de catarata en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional entre febrero a julio de 2015, con seguimiento a 12 meses. Durante 6 visitas se les realizó toma de agudeza visual mejor corregida y biomicroscopía. Tambíen se les realizó ecografia ocular y tomografia de coherencia óptica macular. Resultados: El porcentaje de DVP por biomicroscopia cambió desde un 7.7% a un 38.4%. El porcentaje de DVP por ecografía en el área nasal cambió de 92.3% a 76.9%. En el área temporal la tasa de DVP cambió de 84.6% y a 76.9%. En al área superior se mantuvo en un 61.5%. En el área inferior varió de un 69.2% a un 76.9%. Y por último, en el área macular de un 53.8% a un 76.9%. El porcentaje de DVP por OCT cambio desde un 69.2% a un 76.9%, en la visita cero y la visita cuatro, respectivamente. Conclusiones: La cirugía de catarata acelera el proceso del DVP. Hubo una progresión del DVP según la biomicroscopia y el OCT, la ecografía no la consideramos una herramiento eficaz para describir la progresión del DVP. 


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Monográfico con el título: 'Visión y deporte'. Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'Visión y deporte'. Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Resúmen basado en el del autor. Resúmen en castellano y en inglés


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Uno de los poetas más olvidados al estar confrontado con los grandes. Se trata de rescatar su poesía, profusamente estudiada a principios de siglo y señalar lo original de sus aciertos y su influjo poco reconocido, en la lírica contemporánea. Rueda en sus versos fue expansivo, soleado como Málaga. La luz lo irradiaba todo y el oxígeno. En su estética se le acusa de falta de tino y de selección en los temas, en las imágenes y en los vocablos; se censura lo desmesurado e hiperbólico de su imaginación; se le tacha de gárrulo, de vano y superficial. La falta de formas pulidas y trabajadas, exiguo poder de síntesis, la escasa percepción de lo exquisito, del matiz, son según la mayor parte de los críticos, lunares en su labor poética. El preparó al menos la retina poética española, de visión harto burda en su tiempo, incapaz de percibir los juegos colorísticos y luminosos y los hizo aptos para los sutiles malabarismos ópticos de los modernistas.


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Monográfico con el título: 'Luz y color'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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A toxocarose é uma das infestações parasitárias provocadas por helmintas, mais frequentes no Mundo. É uma zoonose com prevalência mais elevada na população pediátrica causada por um nemátodo intestinal do género Toxocara. As espécies mais frequentes são Toxocara canis (T. canis) e Toxocara cati (T. cati). Em 1950, Wilder descreveu clinicamente a infestação por Toxocara sp. através da identificação deste num granuloma localizado na retina de uma criança (Castelo, Dinis & Rocha, 2008; Humbert, Buchet & Barde, 1995). Esta parasitose tem três apresentações clínicas caracterizadas conforme a gravidade do quadro: larva migrans visceral (LMV), larva migrans ocular (LMO) ou formas subclínicas ou assintomáticas (Castelo, Dinis & Rocha, 2008; Humbert, Buchet & Barde, 1995). O diagnóstico de toxocarose baseia-se em métodos imunológicos sensíveis, como é o caso da técnica ELISA ou western-blot, em que são usados antigénios excretóriossecretórios do género Toxocara. Foi sensivelmente há duas décadas que a disponibilidade de testes imunológicos específicos e sensíveis utilizados para diagnóstico da toxocarose melhorou o conhecimento sobre esta parasitose. É por este motivo que se pode afirmar que esta zoonose apresenta seroprevalência mais elevada em países desenvolvidos industrializados e também em algumas ilhas tropicais (Magnaval et al., 2001). De acordo com o quadro clínico apresentado é instituída a terapêutica ainda que não exista consenso quanto à melhor terapêutica a instituir em cada situação e quando se deve iniciar o tratamento em casos assintomáticos (Castelo; Dinis; Rocha, 2008). A prevenção é necessária para evitar possíveis recontaminações, como por exemplo, desparasitar os animais de estimação e educar as pessoas sobre questões sanitárias (Magnaval et al., 2001; Humbert, Buchet & Barde, 1995). No presente trabalho pretende-se estudar a toxocarose caracterizando o parasita e o seu ciclo de vida, identificar a principal via transmissão desta zoonose, quais as espécies envolvidas na transmissão da toxocarose aos humanos e o principal grupo de risco. Pretende-se também, com base em dados bibliográficos, conhecer a prevalência da toxocarose nas zonas urbanas, assim como os fatores que permitem o desenvolvimento do parasita. É também objetivo deste trabalho conhecer as medidas implementadas em Portugal, principalmente na zona urbana de Lisboa, para prevenção e controlo da toxocarose e de que forma os profissionais de saúde (p.e. médicos veterinários e farmacêuticos) contribuem para a prevenção e controlo da toxocarose.


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The avian circadian system is composed of the retina, the mammalian homolog region of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SNC), and the pineal gland. The retina, itself, displays many rhythmic physiological events, such as movements of photoreceptor cells, opsin expression, retinal reisomerization, and melatonin and dopamine production and secretion. Altogether, these rhythmic events are coordinated to predict environmental changes in light conditions during the day, optimizing retina function. The authors investigated the expression pattern of the melanopsin genes Opn4x and Opn4m, the clock genes Clock and Per2, and the genes for the key enzymes N-Acetyltransferase and Tyrosine Hidroxylase in chicken embryo dispersed retinal cells. Primary cultures of chicken retina from 8-day-old embryos were kept in constant dark (DD), in 12-h light/12-h dark (12L:12D), in 12L:12D followed by DD, or in DD in the absence or presence of 100 mu M glutamate for 12 h. Total RNA was extracted throughout a 24-h span, every 3 h starting at zeitgeber time 0 (ZT0) of the 6th day, and submitted to reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) followed by quantitative PCR (qPCR) for mRNA quantification. The data showed no rhythmic pattern of transcription for any gene in cells kept in DD. However under a light-dark cycle, Clock, Per2, Opn4m, N-Acetyltransferase, and Tyrosine Hydroxylase exhibited rhythmic patterns of transcription. In DD, 100 mu M glutamate was able to induce rhythmic expression of Clock, strongly inhibited the expression of Tyrosine Hydroxylase, and, only at some ZTs, of Opn4x and Opn4m. The neurotransmitter had no effect on Per2 and N-Acetyltransferase transcription. The authors confirmed the expression of the protein OPN4x by immunocytochemistry. These results suggest that chicken embryonic retinal cells contain a functional circadian clock, whose synchronization requires light-dark cycle or glutamate stimuli. (Author correspondence: amdlcast@ib.usp.br).


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The temporal organization of mammals presents a daily adjustment to the environmental light/dark cycle. The environmental light detected by the retina adjusts the central clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei, which innervate the pineal gland through a polysynaptic pathway. During the night, this gland produces and releases the nocturnal hormone melatonin, which circulates throughout the whole body and adjusts several bodily functions according to the existence and duration of darkness. We have previously shown that during the time frame of an inflammatory response, pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-a, inhibit while anti-inflammatory mediators, such as glucocorticoids, enhance the synthesis of melatonin, interfering in the daily adjustment of the light/dark cycle. Therefore, injury disconnects the organism from environmental cycling, while recovery restores the light/dark information to the whole organism. Here, we extend these observations by evaluating the effect of a mild restraint stress, which did not induce macroscopic gastric lesions. After 2 h of restraint, there was an increase in circulating corticosterone, indicating activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. In parallel, an increase in melatonin production was observed. Taking into account the data obtained with models of inflammation and stress, we reinforce the hypothesis that the activity of the pineal gland is modulated by the state of the immune system and the HPA axis, implicating the darkness hormone melatonin as a modulator of defense responses.


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We investigated the possible participation of TRPV1 channels in retinal apoptosis and overall development. Retinas from newborn, male albino rats were treated in vitro with capsazepine, a TRPV1 antagonist. The expression of cell cycle markers was not changed after TRPV1 blockade, whereas capsazepine reduced the number of apoptotic cells throughout the retina,increased ERK1/2 and p38 phosphorylation and slightly reduced JNK phosphorylation. The expression of BAD, Bcl-2, as well as integral and cleaved capsase-3 were similar in all experimental conditions. Newborn rats were kept for 2 months after receiving high doses of capsazepine. In their retinas, calbindin and parvalbumin protein levels were upregulated, but only the number of amacrine-like, parvalbumin-positive cells was increased. The numbers of calretinin, calbindin, ChAT, vimentin, PKC-alpha and GABA-positive cells were similar in both conditions. Protein expression of synapsin Ib was also increased in the retinas of capsazepine-treated rats. Calretinin, vimentin, GFAP, synapsin Ia, synaptophysin and light neurofilament protein levels were not changed when compared to control values. Our results indicate that TRPV1 channels play a role in the control of the early apoptosis that occur during retinal development, which might be dependent on MAPK signaling. Moreover, it seems that TRPV1 function might be important for neuronal and synaptic maturation in the retina. (C) 2011 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Traditional retinal projections target three functionally complementary systems it) the brain of mammals: the primary visual system, the visuomotor integration systems and the circadian timing system. In recent years, studies in several animals have been conducted to investigate the retinal projections to these three systems, despite some evidence of additional targets. The aim of this study was to disclose a previously unknown connection between the retina and the parabrachial complex of the common marmoset, by means of the intraocular injection of cholera toxin Subunit b. A few labeled retinal fibers/terminals that are detected in the medial parabrachial portion of the marmoset brain show clear varicosities, Suggesting terminal fields. Although the possible role of these projections remains unknown, they may provide a modulation of the cholinergic parabrachial neurons which project to the thalamic dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Connexin (Cx) channels and hemichannels are involved in essential processes during nervous system development such as apoptosis, propagation of spontaneous activity and interkinetic nuclear movement. In the first part of this study, we extensively characterized Cx gene and protein expression during retinal histogenesis. We observed distinct spatio-temporal patterns among Studied Cx and an overriding, ubiquitous presence of Cx45 in progenitor cells. The role of Cx-mediated communication was assessed by using broad-spectrum (carbenoxotone, CBX) and Cx36/Cx50 channel-specific (quinine) blockers. In vivo application of CBX, but not quinine, caused remarkable reduction in retinal thickness, suggesting changes in cell proliferation/apoptosis ratio. Indeed, we observed a decreased number of mitotic cells in CBX-injected retinas, with no significant changes in the expression of PCNA, a marker for cells in proliferative state. Taken together, Our results pointed a pivotal role of Cx45 in the developing retina. Moreover, this study revealed that Cx-mediated Communication is essential in retinal histogenesis, particularly in the control of cell proliferation. (C) 2009 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.