952 resultados para distribution structure


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The influence of hydrological dynamics on vegetation distribution and the structuring of wetland environments is of growing interest as wetlands are modified by human action and the increasing threat from climate change. Hydrological properties have long been considered a driving force in structuring wetland communities. We link hydrological dynamics with vegetation distribution across Everglades National Park (ENP) using two publicly available datasets to study the probability structure of the frequency, duration, and depth of inundation events along with their relationship to vegetation distribution. This study is among the first to show hydrologic structuring of vegetation communities at wide spatial and temporal scales, as results indicate that the percentage of time a location is inundated and its mean depth are the principal structuring variables to which individual communities respond. For example, sawgrass, the most abundant vegetation type within the ENP, is found across a wide range of time inundated percentages and mean depths. Meanwhile, other communities like pine savanna or red mangrove scrub are more restricted in their distribution and found disproportionately at particular depths and inundations. These results, along with the probabilistic structure of hydropatterns, potentially allow for the evaluation of climate change impacts on wetland vegetation community structure and distribution.


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The spatial and temporal distribution of planktonic, sediment-associated and epiphytic diatoms among 58 sites in Biscayne Bay, Florida was examined in order to identify diatom taxa indicative of different salinity and water quality conditions, geographic locations and habitat types. Assessments were made in contrasting wet and dry seasons in order to develop robust assessment models for salinity and water quality for this region. We found that diatom assemblages differed between nearshore and offshore locations, especially during the wet season when salinity and nutrient gradients were steepest. In the dry season, habitat structure was primary determinant of diatom assemblage composition. Among a suite of physicochemical variables, water depth and sediment total phosphorus (STP) were most strongly associated with diatom assemblage composition in the dry season, while salinity and water total phosphorus (TP) were more important in the wet season. We used indicator species analysis (ISA) to identify taxa that were most abundant and frequent at nearshore and offshore locations, in planktonic, epiphytic and benthic habitats and in contrasting salinity and water quality regimes. Because surface water concentrations of salts, total phosphorus, nitrogen (TN) and organic carbon (TOC) are partly controlled by water management in this region, diatom-based models were produced to infer these variables in modern and retrospective assessments of management-driven changes. Weighted averaging (WA) and weighted averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) regressions produced reliable estimates of salinity, TP, TN and TOC from diatoms (r2 = 0.92, 0.77, 0.77 and 0.71, respectively). Because of their sensitivity to salinity, nutrient and TOC concentrations diatom assemblages should be useful in developing protective nutrient criteria for estuaries and coastal waters of Florida.


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Theoretical research and specific surface area analysis of nitrogen adsorption indicated that a lot of structural micropores exist in sepiolite minerals fibers. However, the microporous size, existing form, and the distribution relationship between microporous structures were not proved yet. In this paper, the section TEM samples of nanofibers were prepared on the basis of the metal embedding and cutting technique, and the inner structure of sepiolite nanofibers was observed by TEM. The results showed that sepiolite fibers have multiplayer structure similar to concentric circles, and many micropores with the size of about 2–5 nm are normal and parallel to the -axis. The reason for the previously mentioned phenomenon was explained by using BET analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis results.


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Surface freshwater samples from Everglades National Park, Florida, were used to investigate the size distributions of natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) and associated fluorescence characteristics along the molecular weight continuum. Samples were fractionated using size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and characterized by spectroscopic means, in particular Excitation-Emission Matrix fluorescence modeled with parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC). Most of the eight components obtained from PARAFAC modeling were broadly distributed across the DOM molecular weight range, and the optical properties of the eight size fractions for all samples studied were quite consistent among each other. Humic-like components presented a similar distribution in all the samples, with enrichment in the middle molecular weight range. Some variability in the relative distribution of the different humic-like components was observed among the different size fractions and among samples. The protein like fluorescence, although also generally present in all fractions, was more variable but generally enriched in the highest and lowest molecular weight fractions. These observations are in agreement with the hypothesis of a supramolecular structure for DOM, and suggest that DOM fluorescence characteristics may be controlled by molecular assemblies with similar optical properties, distributed along the molecular weight continuum. This study highlights the importance of studying the molecular structure of DOM on a molecular size distribution perspective, which may have important implications in understanding the environmental dynamics such materials.


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Classification procedures, including atmospheric correction satellite images as well as classification performance utilizing calibration and validation at different levels, have been investigated in the context of a coarse land-cover classification scheme for the Pachitea Basin. Two different correction methods were tested against no correction in terms of reflectance correction towards a common response for pseudo-invariant features (PIF). The accuracy of classifications derived from each of the three methods was then assessed in a discriminant analysis using crossvalidation at pixel, polygon, region, and image levels. Results indicate that only regression adjusted images using PIFs show no significant difference between images in any of the bands. A comparison of classifications at different levels suggests though that at pixel, polygon, and region levels the accuracy of the classifications do not significantly differ between corrected and uncorrected images. Spatial patterns of land-cover were analyzed in terms of colonization history, infrastructure, suitability of the land, and landownership. The actual use of the land is driven mainly by the ability to access the land and markets as is obvious in the distribution of land cover as a function of distance to rivers and roads. When considering all rivers and roads a threshold distance at which disproportional agro-pastoral land cover switches from over represented to under represented is at about 1km. Best land use suggestions seem not to affect the choice of land use. Differences in abundance of land cover between watersheds are more prevailing than differences between colonist and indigenous groups.


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The Standard Cosmological Model is generally accepted by the scientific community, there are still an amount of unresolved issues. From the observable characteristics of the structures in the Universe,it should be possible to impose constraints on the cosmological parameters. Cosmic Voids (CV) are a major component of the LSS and have been shown to possess great potential for constraining DE and testing theories of gravity. But a gap between CV observations and theory still persists. A theoretical model for void statistical distribution as a function of size exists (SvdW) However, the SvdW model has been unsuccesful in reproducing the results obtained from cosmological simulations. This undermines the possibility of using voids as cosmological probes. The goal of our thesis work is to cover the gap between theoretical predictions and measured distributions of cosmic voids. We develop an algorithm to identify voids in simulations,consistently with theory. We inspecting the possibilities offered by a recently proposed refinement of the SvdW (the Vdn model, Jennings et al., 2013). Comparing void catalogues to theory, we validate the Vdn model, finding that it is reliable over a large range of radii, at all the redshifts considered and for all the cosmological models inspected. We have then searched for a size function model for voids identified in a distribution of biased tracers. We find that, naively applying the same procedure used for the unbiased tracers to a halo mock distribution does not provide success- full results, suggesting that the Vdn model requires to be reconsidered when dealing with biased samples. Thus, we test two alternative exten- sions of the model and find that two scaling relations exist: both the Dark Matter void radii and the underlying Dark Matter density contrast scale with the halo-defined void radii. We use these findings to develop a semi-analytical model which gives promising results.


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Distribution of diatoms and planktonic and benthic foraminifers, as well as correlation of components of sandy grain size fraction were studied in the Quaternary sediment core LV28-42-5 (720 cm long) col¬lected on the southeastern slope (1045 m depth) of the Institute of Oceanology Rise, Sea of Okhotsk. This study allowed to reconstruct principle features of paleoceanographic evolution. In the course of penultimate and last continental glaciations (isotope stages 6 and 4-2) and during the later period of the last interglacial (substages 5.d-5.a) the following conditions were characteristic of this area: low temperatures of surface water, terrigenous sediment accumulation including coarse grained ice-rafted material, minimum bioproductivity and microfossil content in sediments, low sea level, reduced water exchange with the ocean, low position of old deep Pacific water. During the interglacial optimum (substage 5.e), as well as in the last deglaciation and Holocene (stage 1) water temperature and bioproductivity increased, sea level rose, and active surface water exchange between the Sea of Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan took place. This resulted in intensive inflow of the old deep Pacific water into the Sea of Okhotsk and elevation of its upper boundary by few hundred meters. During the later intervals of these warm periods a dichothermal structure of the upper water layer formed and diatom oozes accumulated.


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The dynamical evolution of dislocations in plastically deformed metals is controlled by both deterministic factors arising out of applied loads and stochastic effects appearing due to fluctuations of internal stress. Such type of stochastic dislocation processes and the associated spatially inhomogeneous modes lead to randomness in the observed deformation structure. Previous studies have analyzed the role of randomness in such textural evolution but none of these models have considered the impact of a finite decay time (all previous models assumed instantaneous relaxation which is "unphysical") of the stochastic perturbations in the overall dynamics of the system. The present article bridges this knowledge gap by introducing a colored noise in the form of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise in the analysis of a class of linear and nonlinear Wiener and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes that these structural dislocation dynamics could be mapped on to. Based on an analysis of the relevant Fokker-Planck model, our results show that linear Wiener processes remain unaffected by the second time scale in the problem but all nonlinear processes, both Wiener type and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type, scale as a function of the noise decay time τ. The results are expected to ramify existing experimental observations and inspire new numerical and laboratory tests to gain further insight into the competition between deterministic and random effects in modeling plastically deformed samples.


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Tropical Cyclones are a continuing threat to life and property. Willoughby (2012) found that a Pareto (power-law) cumulative distribution fitted to the most damaging 10% of US hurricane seasons fit their impacts well. Here, we find that damage follows a Pareto distribution because the assets at hazard follow a Zipf distribution, which can be thought of as a Pareto distribution with exponent 1. The Z-CAT model is an idealized hurricane catastrophe model that represents a coastline where populated places with Zipf- distributed assets are randomly scattered and damaged by virtual hurricanes with sizes and intensities generated through a Monte-Carlo process. Results produce realistic Pareto exponents. The ability of the Z-CAT model to simulate different climate scenarios allowed testing of sensitivities to Maximum Potential Intensity, landfall rates and building structure vulnerability. The Z-CAT model results demonstrate that a statistical significant difference in damage is found when only changes in the parameters create a doubling of damage.


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The Jurassic (hemi)pelagic continental margin deposits drilled at Hole 547B, off the Moroccan coast, reveal striking Tethyan affinity. Analogies concern not only types and gross vertical evolution of facies, but also composition and textures of the fine sediment and the pattern of diagenetic alteration. In this context, the occurrence of the nanno-organism Schizosphaerella Deflandre and Dangeard (sometimes as a conspicuous portion of the fine-grained carbonate fraction) is of particular interest. Schizosphaerella, an incertae sedis taxon, has been widely recorded as a sediment contributor from Tethyan Jurassic deeper-water carbonate facies exposed on land. Because of its extremely long range (Hettangian to early Kimmeridgian), the genus Schizosphaerella (two species currently described, S. punctulata Deflandre and Dangeard and S. astrea Moshkovitz) is obviously not of great biostratigraphic interest. However, it is of interest in sedimentology and petrology. Specifically, Schizosphaerella was often the only component of the initial fine-grained fraction of a sediment that was able to resist diagenetic obliteration. However, alteration of the original skeletal structure did occur to various degrees. Crystal habit and mineralogy of the fundamental skeletal elements, as well as their mode of mutual arrangement in the test wall with the implied high initial porosity of the skeleton (60-70%), appear to be responsible for this outstanding resistance. Moreover, the ability to concentrate within and, in the case of the species S. punctulata, around the skeleton, large amounts of diagenetic calcite also contributed to the resistance. In both species of Schizosphaerella, occlusion of the original skeletal void space during diagenesis appears to have proceeded in an analogous manner, with an initial slight uniform syntaxial enlargement of the basic lamellar skeletal crystallites followed, upon mutual impingement, by uneven accretion of overgrowth cement in the remaining skeletal voids. However, distinctive fabrics are evident according to the different primary test wall architecture. In S. punctulata, intraskeletal cementation is usually followed by the growth of a radially structured crust of bladed to fibrous calcite around the valves. These crusts are interpreted as a product of aggrading neomorphism, associated with mineralogic stabilization of the original, presumably polyphase, sediment. Data from Hole 547B, along with inferences, drawn from the fabric relationships, suggest that the crusts formed and (inferentially) mineralogic stabilization occurred at a relatively early time in the diagenetic history in the shallow burial realm. An enhanced rate of lithification at relatively shallow burial depths and thus the chance for neomorphism to significantly influence the textural evolution of the buried sediment may be related to a lower Mg/Ca concentration ratio in the oceanic system and, hence, in marine pore waters in pre-Late Jurassic times.


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Attempts to classify pelagic sediments have been based either on appearance and composition, or on the ultimate origin of the components. In particular it appears feasible to distinguish minerals which crystallized in sea-water from those which formed in magmas, in hydrothermal solution, or by weathering under acidic conditions. It is the case of iron and manganese oxide mineral aggregates which constitute one of the major types of rock encountered on the ocean floor; according to Menard (unpublished) about 10% of the pelagic area of the Pacific is covered by such nodules. The nodules consist of intimately intergrown crystallites of different minerals among those identified, besides detrital minerals and organic matter, are opal, goethite, rutile, anatase, barite, nontronite, and at least three manganese oxide minerals of major importance. Arrhenius and Korkisch (1959) have attempted to separate from each other the different minerals constituting the nodules, in order to establish the details of their structure and the localization of the heavy metal ions. The results demonstrate (Table II) that copper and nickel are concentrated in the manganese oxide phases concentrated in the reducible fraction. Cobalt, part of the nickel and most of the chromium are distributed between these and the acid-soluble group of the non-manganese minerals, dominated by goethite and disordered FeOOH.


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A general study of structure, biomass, and dynamic estimates on meiofauna was carried out during PREFLEX (1975) and FLEX (1976), in 117- 141 m water depth. On the basis of these data an attempt was made to estimate meiofauna production, and this is discussed in relation to the energy input from the spring phytoplankton bloom. Sampling was performed at five stations, but only the stations 1, 4, and 5 were covered by a complete series from August 1975 to July 1976. At each station, from four replicate box core samples, two were withdrawn to study the abundance, distribution, and biomass of meiofauna, the content of chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE), and chemical and grain size analyses. At all stations grain size fell in the range of fine sand having median diameters (MD) of < 125 µm. From station 1 to 5 an increase in MD was observed. Highest values of CPE (7.81 µg m l**-1) and organic matter (4.7 %) were obtained in June and July (1976)/ August (1975), respectively. Meiofauna abundance was fairly uniform at all stations examined. Station 1 displayed maximal numbers during the whole investigation period. The abundance per 100 cm**2 varied between 15,550 and 34,900 organisms. All meiofauna studied both in total and as separate taxa showed annual cycles of abundance. Low abundance values were recorded during early summer, and maximum values during winter. High numbers of Foraminifera were obtained for August 1975 (9,460 per 100 cm**2) and July 1976 (9,710 per 100 cm**2). From December to June the values decreased from 3,280 to 1,030 per 100 cm**2. At station 1 maximum values of meiofauna biomass were recorded ranging from 1.5 to 2.7 g DWT m**-2. The mean meiofauna dry weight amounted to 2.1 g DWT m**-2. Based on minimum production, the P/B ratio for the area of station 1 might have a mean of 1.4. Taking into consideration generation times we believe that a turnover ratio of 2 is a conservative value for the Fladen Ground meiofauna. The annual production would amount to 4.2 g DWT m**-2 yr**-1. This is 27.5 % of the energy supply during the spring phytoplankton bloom, which is channelled into the meiofauna. The hypothesis is put forward that the energetic strategy of deep offshore meiofauna differs distinctively from that of shallow inshore meiofauna. While the shallow inshore meiofauna show a relatively fast response to organic matter input, the deep offshore meiofauna reacts much more slowly, the food energy consumption seems to be spread out over a longer period.


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Juniperus navicularis Gand. is a dioecious endemic conifer that constitutes the understory of seaside pine forests in Portugal, areas currently threatened by increasing urban expansion. The aim of this study is to assess the conservation status of previously known populations of this species located on its core area of distribution. The study was performed in south-west coast of Portugal. Three populations varying in size and pine density were analyzed. Number of individuals, population density, spatial distribution and individual characteristics of junipers were estimated. Female cone, seed characteristics and seed viability were also evaluated. Results suggest that J. navicularis populations are vulnerable because seminal recruitment is scarce, what may lead to a reduction of genetic variability due solely to vegetative propagation. This vulnerability seems to be strongly determined by climatic constraints toward increasing aridity. Ratio between male and female shrubs did not differ from 1:1 in any population. Deviations from 1:1 between mature and non-mature plants were found in all populations, denoting population ageing. Very low seed viability was observed. A major part of described Juniperus navicularis populations have disappeared through direct habitat loss to urban development, loss of fitness in drier and warmer locations and low seed viability. This study is the first to address J. navicularis conservation, and represents a valuable first step toward this species preservation. 


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Through the tough economic and social situation and the lack of values that has been experienced in recent years, local governments especially in Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain have been forced to strongly consider the structure and size of their public sector. Despite some initiative to reduce the number of municipalities and provinces, little substantive progress has been made in improving the management of the local public Administration during this crisis. In this study a territorial administrative reorganization is proposed as a strategy to optimize the structure of local government, analyzing the Spanish situation in general, and an autonomous community in particular.


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The essay intends to demonstrate the need to postulate an (invisible) spiritual reality in the human being as a condition of possibility of the world’s visibility. For that purpose, it employs the phenomenological method. It describes the structure of human sensitive perception. This description firstly presents the world’s structure (first distance). Secondly, it manifests the importance of the body as a border element between the soul and the world and as an organ by means of which the soul structures the world. It is the second distance the distance between the body and the world. But, thirdly, the description states that, no matter how intimately the soul interpenetrates the body and requires it to know the world, the soul is not the body. It is the third distance or the primordial distance between the soul and everything else (including the body itself).