801 resultados para dilemas
Se historicamente a educação escolar no Brasil foi marcada por um profundo corte elitista, o processo de democratização do ensino apresentou incontestáveis avanços desde a Constituição de 1988. A caminhada pela universalização, no entanto, não se deu à margem de suas heranças históricas, bem como novas fronteiras surgiram para o desafio da educação emancipatória. Esta obra reúne 17 ensaios que debatem os dilemas existentes no cotidiano da sala de aula. Divididos em três partes - " Educação, culturas realidade social", "Políticas educacionais" e "A escola" -, os textos coligidos abordam temas variados relacionados à prática escolar, como cidadania, políticas afirmativas e gestão administrativa, e compõem um cenário contemporâneo dos principais desafios colocados para a educação de nosso tempo.
This article proposes to engage in dialogue with the work and the trajectory of Caio Prado Júnior, one of the most influential historians and Marxist intellectuals of Brazil. The intention is not to evaluate his production in detail, nor follow the relationships she had with the Brazilian society and the historian’s political options, something already conducted by several researchers. Instead, its intention is to “use” his trajectory and style to freely reflect on some traces of Marxism in Brazil and especially on certain dilemmas inherent in the performance of the Marxist intellectuality. Caio Prado Jr. will, therefore, be treated here as a parameter for a broader reflection on the intellectuals.
This article supposes that the Brazilian public university has dilemmas and challenges due to a more complex process that affects the whole society: Brazil has to deal with specific problems of its modernization process, at the same time that it is under pressure by the new challenges that are resulted from the globalization process. Based on a specialized literature, the aim of this article is to show how this interweaving modern/hypermodern process is challenging Brazilian public university toward more and more complex and diversified demands.
This article shows some reflections on the dilemmas of contemporary education, especially those that go without a horizon of truth and value, that are foundation and justification for the setting up of the modern school. Such reflections are grounded in the texts of Friedrich Nietzsche to discuss the dissolution of metaphysics, regarded here as an element of destabilization of the symbolic repertoire of the school. It is suggested at the end, the recovery of the interpretive act as an alternative to the emptying of the concepts of truth and value and recognition of dialogue as a privileged place to get closer to temporary and circumstantial truth.
In this article the issue of continuing education is associated with the needs analysis, according to the theoretical used. The aim of this study is identify the factors that motivate or discourage the continuing education of educational managers (principals, vice-principals, coordinators and educational assistants) into ten public schools in the city of Araraquara. The managers have been heard through questionnaire, report narratives and interviews. The position of the Education Department have been got through an interview. According to these managers reports it was possible to notice the distance between the conceptions of the creators of the courses, represented by the Municipal Education, and their target. The results give evidences that the training offered do not correspond to the needs faced by these principals and teachers, their conceptions and dilemmas are not taken into consideration to elaborate a continuing education initiative.
Essa coletânea reúne alguns trabalhos apresentados e discutidos no “Encontro internacional participação, democracia e políticas públicas: aproximando agendas e agentes”, realizado na Faculdade de Ciências e Letras da Unesp de Araraquara em abril de 2013. O encontro foi organizado pelo Grupo de Pesquisa Participação, Democracia e Políticas Públicas, formado por docentes e pesquisadores ligados ao Departamento de Antropologia, Política e Filosofia e também ao Departamento de Administração Pública desta faculdade. A proposta do encontro partiu do diagnóstico de ambos os departamentos da necessidade de se ampliar os debates que relacionem as temáticas da participação, das políticas públicas e da democracia no Brasil e na América Latina, no atual contexto de insuficiência das instituições políticas calcadas no âmbito da democracia liberal e de uma notória “crise da representação”. O livro foi dividido em três partes, “Ação coletiva e institucionalização: interfaces socioestatais”, que trata dos processos de institucionalização dos movimentos sociais; “Instituições participativas da teoria à implementação: dilemas e desafios”, sobre estratégias de governança; e “Participação como política e a política da participação: difusão, impactos, poder”, sobre políticas públicas e o trabalho das ONGs nas ações governamentais.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
The initial teacher training can be enhanced with the participation of undergraduates in specific programs aimed at the relationship between the university and the primary education system, such as Pibid and Education Center, promising initiatives that aim to strengthen the transition from student paper the teacher. Given the importance of such programs, we analyzed in this study the impacts of the partnership between university and public school in initial teacher training of undergraduates and graduates of UNESP in Bauru, specifically in the Faculty of Education. The programs selected as objects of study of this research to draw together teaching, research and extension to enhance the link between licensing and school environment promoting the experience of concrete situations of teaching even during training, are seeking to consolidate a horizontal relationship between university and public school to both involved understand and contribute in some way to solve the dilemmas faced by the education system. In addition to identifying the similarities and singularities between programs and analyze the contributions of those in initial formation, we attempted to verify what challenges and solutions were experienced by students during the participation in the projects. In general, it can be said that participation in programs such as Pibid and Education Center are key to improving the quality of initial teacher training
Considering that our practice is intended to deconstruct stigmas andstereotypes socially produced and institutionalized from normativities ofgender and sexuality, this work proposes a reflection on two issues which hascaused concerns: the secrecy and the ethics in relation to the patients whocome to us. This is because, most of these are LGBTs (lesbian, gay, bisexual,transvestite, transsexual and transgender), and that by being in a situation ofghettoization created by homophobia and resized by inner city context, aresubject to coexist and to relate, what makes be serviced by the same internshipproject or have friends or lovers in this. And, in this configuration, the group isquestioned by ethical dilemmas which imposes on the therapeutic relationship,forcing him to repositioning the respect of aesthetics, this is, the pictureframe setting, the treatment policy, the transference, the ethics and thesecrecy, forcing these concepts to the limit.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The article aims to give a brief reflection about education in the context of consumer society from the contemporary society analyzes performed by polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. It’s highlighted the relationship between the educational institution and the discourse of the market and consumption that building practices that feedback into the practices and values defended by contemporary capitalism. Also it is indicated the effects produced by this relationship on the question of teaching and learning and teacher training. Finally, the article analyzes the dilemmas of the current school in the face of the weakening of human relations and their role in addressing of the problems identified.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC