802 resultados para diabetes mellitus, experimental
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O diabetes mellitus do tipo 1 (T1D) é uma doença autoimune cujo tratamento é parcialmente eficaz. A terapia existente visa apenas controlar a progressão da patologia através da injeção diária de insulina exógena, portanto, uma alternativa terapêutica ou profilática para a doença é necessária. A indução do T1D por administração de estreptozotocina (STZ) em camundongos C57BL/6 é considerada um modelo bastante adequado para a investigação dessas estratégias. Além disto, vários trabalhos demonstram que o contato com antígenos ambientais pode diminuir ou impedir as manifestações clínicas do T1D e de outras doenças autoimunes. Assim, o objetivo geral desta investigação foi avaliar o efeito da infecção prévia com Strongyloides venezuelensis no desenvolvimento do T1D. Inicialmente, acompanhamos a dinâmica da infecção em camundongos C57BL/6 para a determinação da resposta imune estabelecida na fase de recuperação da infecção, e posteriormente, avaliamos o efeito da infecção no T1D. Durante a fase de recuperação, caracterizada pelo desaparecimento de ovos nas fezes, ocorreu uma resposta imune de padrão misto (Th1/Th2) com predomínio de Th2, caracterizado pela presença de IgG1 e produção significativa de IL-4, IL-5 e IL-10. Este padrão de resposta determinou um efeito protetor discreto no desenvolvimento do T1D, caracterizado por diminuição do percentual de ilhotas com inflamação mais acentuada. Estes resultados mostram, portanto, que a infecção prévia com S. venezuelensis não impediu, de forma significativa, o desenvolvimento de insulite em modelo experimental de diabetes induzido por STZ
Abstract Background Because cardiomyopathy is the leading cause of death in diabetic patients, the determination of myocardial function in diabetes mellitus is essential. In the present study, we provide an integrated approach, using noninvasive echocardiography and invasive hemodynamics to assess early changes in myocardial function of diabetic rats. Methods Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin injection (STZ, 50 mg/kg). After 30 days, echocardiography (noninvasive) at rest and invasive left ventricular (LV) cannulation at rest, during and after volume overload, were performed in diabetic (D, N = 7) and control rats (C, N = 7). The Student t test was performed to compare metabolic and echocardiographic differences between groups at 30 days. ANOVA was used to compare LV invasive measurements, followed by the Student-Newman-Keuls test. Differences were considered significant at P < 0.05 for all tests. Results Diabetes impaired LV systolic function expressed by reduced fractional shortening, ejection fraction, and velocity of circumferential fiber shortening compared with that in the control group. The diabetic LV diastolic dysfunction was evidenced by diminished E-waves and increased A-waves and isovolumic relaxation time. The myocardial performance index was greater in diabetic compared with control rats, indicating impairment in diastolic and systolic function. The LV systolic pressure was reduced and the LV end-diastolic pressure was increased at rest in diabetic rats. The volume overload increased LVEDP in both groups, while LVEDP remained increased after volume overload only in diabetic rats. Conclusion These results suggest that STZ-diabetes induces systolic and diastolic dysfunction at rest, and reduces the capacity for cardiac adjustment to volume overload. In addition, it was also demonstrated that rodent echocardiography can be a useful, clinically relevant tool for the study of initial diabetic cardiomyopathy manifestations in asymptomatic patients.
Secondary complications of diabetes mellitus often involve gastrointestinal dysfunction. In the experimental Goto Kakizaki rat, a model of Type II diabetes, hyperglycaemia and reduced glucose clearance is associated with elevated plasma endothelin (ET)-1 levels and selective decreases in nitric oxide synthase in circular muscle, longitudinal muscle and neuronal elements of the gastrointestinal tract. Functionally, this is accompanied by decreased nitrergic relaxatory responses of jejunal longitudinal muscle to tetrodotoxin-sensitive electrical field stimulation. Long-term treatment with a selective ET A-type receptor antagonist, markedly reduced hyperglycaemia and restored plasma glucose clearance rates towards normal. This was associated with a restoration of N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester-sensitive relaxatory responses of jejunal longitudinal muscle to electrical field stimulation. The results indicate that beneficial effects of ETA receptor blockade on gastrointestinal function may result from an improvement in insulin sensitivity with concomitant reduction of the severity of hyperglycaemia. ETA receptor blockade may represent a new therapeutic principle for improving glucose tolerance in Type II diabetes and could be beneficial in alleviating or preventing hyperglycaemia-related secondary complications in this condition.
As queimaduras são eventos comuns e recorrentes no dia a dia dos atendimentos médicos. Há uma constante busca para entender a sua fisiopatologia, no intuito de minimizar seus resultados devastadores. Plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) é um concentrado de plaquetas com capacidade de liberação local de múltiplos fatores de crescimento (FC) que aceleram a cicatrização. Este estudo consiste em dois experimentos: o primeiro visa validar um modelo experimental para a criação de queimaduras de tamanho e profundidade padronizados e, o segundo, avalia o uso de PRP em queimaduras. Para o desenvolvimento de queimaduras na validação do modelo experimental, foi idealizado um equipamento que permitisse o controle preciso da temperatura, além da utilização em conjunto de uma técnica inovadora de fixação que garante pressão constante no momento das queimaduras. Para o primeiro experimento, foram utilizados 12 ratos, por grupo, submetidos a queimaduras de 60 oC, 70 oC ou 80 oC por dez segundos, com um equipamento que desenvolvemos. Metade dos animais de cada grupo foi morta no terceiro dia e suas feridas foram analisadas por histologia, e, na outra metade, a ferida foi mensurada e acompanhada até o seu fechamento. No uso de PRP em queimaduras, foram avaliadas queimaduras de segundo grau (SG), segundo grau com diabetes mellitus induzido (SGD) e queimaduras de terceiro grau (TG). Noventa animais foram distribuídos em três grupos (SG, SGD e TG), onde, em cada um, dez animais foram tratados, dez serviram de controle e dez foram utilizados para o preparo do PRP. As áreas das feridas foram acompanhadas até o vigésimo primeiro dia, quando os animais foram mortos e biópsias de pele foram realizadas. Os resultados da validação do modelo mostram que as queimaduras produzidas com 60 oC foram de SG superficial (28% da derme envolvida); com 70 oC foram de SG profundo (72% da derme envolvida); e com 80 oC foram de TG (100% da derme envolvida). Em relação ao uso de PRP em queimaduras, observou-se que nos grupos tratados SG e SGD houve aceleração do fechamento da ferida e redução no número de células CD31, CD163, CD68, MPO e TGF-β positivas, e aumento do número de células MMP2 positivas. A neoepiderme foi mais fina nos controles dos grupos SG e SGD, e o tecido de granulação foi reduzido nos controles SGD e TG. O modelo utilizado é seguro e confiável para produzir queimaduras regulares e uniformes, de diâmetros variados, pela capacidade do controle fino da temperatura e pelo posicionamento do animal, e reprodutíveis. PRP parece acelerar a cicatrização de queimaduras de SG e SGD, mas não de TG.
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and of the metabolic syndrome is rising worldwide and reaching epidemic proportions. These pathologies are associated with significant morbidity and mortality, in particular with an excess of cardiovascular deaths. Type 2 diabetes mellitus and the cluster of pathologies including insulin resistance, central obesity, high blood pressure, and hypertriglyceridemia that constitute the metabolic syndrome are associated with low levels of HDL cholesterol and the presence of dysfunctional HDLs. We here review the epidemiological evidence and the potential underlying mechanisms of this association. We first discuss the well-established association of type 2 diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance with alterations of lipid metabolism and how these alterations may lead to low levels of HDL cholesterol and the occurrence of dysfunctional HDLs. We then present and discuss the evidence showing that HDL modulates insulin sensitivity, insulin-independent glucose uptake, insulin secretion, and beta cell survival. A dysfunction in these actions could play a direct role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
La diabetes mellitus es una de las patologías frecuentes durante el embarazo, existe literatura que la ha relacionado con un mayor riesgo de aparición de incontinencia urinaria en el postparto patología que de manera clara afecta la calidad de vida de las mujeres, pero a la fecha la literatura no es concluyente. Con la presente revisión sistemática se pretendió evaluar la evidencia relacionada con la diabetes gestacional como causa de incontinencia urinaria en el postparto.
Physical exercises have been recommended in the prevention of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), but the mechanisms involved in this intervention are not yet fully understood. Experimental models offer the opportunity for the study of this matter. The present study was designed to analyze the diabetes evolution in rats submitted to neonatal treatment with alloxan with the objective of verifying the suitability of the model to future studies with exercises. For this, newly born rats (6 days old) received intraperitoneal alloxan (A = 200 mg/kg of body weight). Rats injected with vehicle (citrate buffer) were used as controls (C). The fasting blood glucose level (mg/dL) was higher in the alloxan group at the day 28 (C=47.25 +/- 5.08; A=54.51 +/- 7.03) but not at the 60 day of age (C=69.18 +/- 8.31; A=66.81 +/- 6.08). The alloxan group presented higher blood glucose level during glucose tolerance test (GTT) (mg/dL. 120 min) in relation to the control group both at day 28 (C=16908.9 +/- 1078.8; A=21737,7 +/- 1106.4) and at day 60 (C=11463.45 +/- 655.30; A=15282.21 +/- 1221.84). Insulinaemia during GTT (ng/mL.120 min) was lower at day 28 (C=158.67 +/- 33.34; A=123.90 +/- 19.80), but presented no difference at day 60 (C=118.83 +/- 26.02; A=97.8 +/- 10.88). At day 60, the glycogen concentration in the soleus muscle (mg/100mg) was lower in the alloxan group (0.3 +/- 0.13) in relation to the control group (0.5 +/- 0.07). No difference was observed between groups in relation to (mu mol/g.h): Glucose Uptake (C = 5.8 +/- 0.63; A = 5.2 +/- 0.73); Glucose Oxidation (C= 4.3 +/- 1.13; A= 3.9 +/- 0.44); Glycogen Synthesis (C= 0.8 +/- 0.18; A= 0.7 +/- 0.18) and Lactate Production (C= 3.8 +/- 0.8; A= 3.8 0.7) by the isolated soleus muscle. The glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (16.7mM) by the isolated islets (ng/5 islets. h) of the alloxan group was lower (14.3 +/- 4.7) than the control group (32.0 +/- 7.9). Thus, we may conclude that this neonatal diabetes induction model gathers interesting characteristics and may be useful for further studies on the role of the exercise in the diabetes mellitus appearance.
Cem ratos norvégicus, machos, com aproximadamente 3 meses de idade foram distribuídos por sorteio em 2 grupos experimentais: Grupo Controle (GC): com 50 ratos sadios, não diabéticos e Grupo Diabético (GD): com 50 ratos diabéticos, induzidos pela aloxana, sem qualquer tratamento. Cada grupo foi dividido em 5 subgrupos com 10 ratos cada e sacrificados com 1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses de seguimento, respectivamente. Parâmetros clínicos (peso, ingestão hídrica e alimentar, e diurese) e laboratoriais (glicemia, glicose urinária e insulina) foram documentados em todos os momentos de avaliação. Um segmento do nervo ciático foi obtido de cada animal, em ambos os grupos, para estudo à MO. e ME. Alterações clínicas e laboratoriais significativas (P<0,01), compatíveis com diabetes grave, foram observadas em todos os animais do GD a partir do 4o dia após a indução. Ratos de ambos os grupos apresentaram alterações no número de fibras mielínicas e nos depósitos intraaxonais de glicogênio que não diferiram, estatisticamente, aos 1, 3 e 6 meses de seguimento. Entretanto, aos 9 e 12 meses, ratos do GD apresentaram diminuição significativa no número de fibras mielínicas, com aumento do número de fibras mielínicas de menor calibre, quando comparados com ratos do GC (P<0,05). Grânulos de glicogênio intraaxonais também foram mais acentuados em ratos do GD no 9o e 12o mês de seguimento. Não foram observadas diferenças na densidade de fibras amielínicas ou alterações ultraestruturais significativas entre os dois grupos, em relação aos espaços intraaxonais e endoneurais, bainhas de mielina e células de Schwann durante todo o estudo.
We have described previously the prophylactic and therapeutic effect of a DNA vaccine encoding the Mycobacterium leprae 65 kDa heat shock protein (DNA-HSP65) in experimental murine tuberculosis. However, the high homology of this protein to the corresponding mammalian 60 kDa heat shock protein (Hsp60), together with the CpG motifs in the plasmid vector, could trigger or exacerbate the development of autoimmune diseases. The non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse develops insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) spontaneously as a consequence of an autoimmune process that leads to destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. IDDM is characterized by increased T helper 1 (Th1) cell responses toward several autoantigens, including Hsp60, glutamic acid decarboxylase and insulin. In the present study, we evaluated the potential of DNA-HSP65 injection to modulate diabetes in NOD mice. Our results show that DNA-HSP65 or DNA empty vector had no diabetogenic effect and actually protected NOD mice against the development of severe diabetes. However, this effect was more pronounced in DNA-HSP65-injected mice. The protective effect of DNA-HSP65 injection was associated with a clear shift in the cellular infiltration pattern in the pancreas. This change included reduction of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells infiltration, appearance of CD25(+) cells influx and an increased staining for interleukin (IL)-10 in the islets. These results show that DNA-HSP65 can protect NOD mice against diabetes and can therefore be considered in the development of new immunotherapeutic strategies.
This study aimed to evaluate whether maternal obesity leads to the onset of diabetes in adult Wistar rats offspring. MSG solution neonatally administration induced obesity in rats (F(1)MSG group, n = 30); and saline solution was also administrated to control rats (F1CON group, n = 13). In 3rd month of age, both control and MS G groups were mated for offspring (generation FA named as F2CON, n = 28 and F(2)MSG groups, n = 15; and so both generations were studied until 7th month of life. Lee Index was measured for experimental obesity validation from 5th to 7th month. Glycemia was weekly determined during pregnancy and monthly from 3rd to 7th month. In the end of experimental period all rats were submitted to oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), with estimation of total area under the curve (AUC); and insulin tolerance test (ITT). Rats were then anesthetized and killed. Data were statistically analyzed with significance level of p < 0.05. Lee Index has confirmed obesity in all MSG rats. Glycemic levels comparisons between generations showed significant maternal interference in control and MSG groups. OGTT analysis showed higher glycemia in obese rats (F(1)MSG) and their offspring (F(2)MSG) as compared to their respective controls; and MSG groups increased AUC from OGTT. As regards ITT, F(2)MSG showed higher glycemia at 30 and 120 min, suggesting a delay of insulin action decreasing. Although glucose intolerance and insulin resistance clinical conditions represent as a factors for type 2 Diabetes mellitus development, this experimental model proposal was not efficient to induce type 2 Diabetes mellitus, but for obesity developing, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in successive generations of rats. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aims: To discuss the importance of studying animal models to test hypotheses about the mechanisms of urinary continence and pathophysiology of diabetes and urinary incontinence. Source of Data: A literature review was conducted in PubMed and SciELO. The key words used were diabetes, urinary incontinence, urethra, human and rats. Summary of Findings: There is a strong relation between the genesis of urinary incontinence and diabetes mellitus. Due to the similarity of normal distribution of skeletal muscle and urethra anatomy between humans and rats, these animal models have been used in current research about these disorders. Conclusions: The use of rats as an animal model is suitable for experimental studies that test hypotheses about the mechanisms of continence and pathophysiology of the binomial diabetes mellitus and urinary incontinence, thus enabling solutions of great value in clinical practice.
The presence of diabetes in pregnancy leads to hormonal and metabolic changes making inappropriate intrauterine environment, favoring the onset of maternal and fetal complications. Human studies that explore mechanisms responsible for changes caused by diabetes are limited not only for ethical reasons but also by the many uncontrollable variables. Thus, there is a need to develop appropriate experimental models. The diabetes induced in laboratory animals can be performed by different methods depending on dose, route of administration, and the strain and age of animal used. Many of these studies are carried out in neonatal period or during pregnancy, but the results presented are controversial. So this paper, addresses the review about the different models of mild diabetes induction using streptozotocin in pregnant rats and their repercussions on the maternal and fetal organisms to propose an adequate model for each approached issue. © 2013 D. C. Damasceno et al.