997 resultados para deus Senaicos
This work posits a mutual implication between metaphysics and morality in the philosophy of Schopenhauer and seeks to clarify the many nuances that take place in this relation. Each chapter offers a perspective in which the relation between metaphysics and morality can be addressed. Thus, by exposing some important aspects of representation theory of Schopenhauer, we try, in the first chapter, explain the relationship between his idealism and his conception of morality; in the second chapter, the determinism present both in nature and in moral actions, determinism that establishes the relationship between morality and metaphysics through the very notion of a metaphysical nature; in the third chapter, relationship between metaphysics and morality that takes place through the notion of freedom as denial of the previous determinism, freedom possible to the genius, to the saint and to the ascetic. All of these perspectives, however, presuppose the distinction between phenomenon and thing-initself, figuring this distinction as crucial in building of this metaphysic that seeks to protect the moral significance of the world while denying the existence of God
This thesis aims at studying the concept of participation according to John Scotus Eriugena. The development of our research is based on an identification of Eriugena s sources, investigating the concept of participation since Dyonisus and the Greek Christian fathers, until the Periphyseon. To Eriúgena, the terms that are brought together in participation God, causes, and effects are, while everything that falls out of participation is not. Leaning on his understanding of the relation between cause and effect, according to which the effects participate in the cause and somehow are contained in it, he told us that all things and beings subsist eternally in God, and that God can signify Himself through the created things and beings. To Eriugena, creatures exist because they participate in the Divine Nature and receive their being from It, for nothing truly exists outside of It.
Pour formuler une discussion sur le nihilisme, l'enquête sur le premier chapitre examine les preuves historiques et philosophiques de montrer que la réflexion sur le nihilisme comme un problème philosophique, suite à l'analyse et la critique du philosophe Friedrich Nietzsche à partir des principaux concepts au sein de son travail: décrépitude, la mort de Dieu, la dévaluation des valeurs, transvaluation des valeurs, volonté de puissance et éternel retour, ils sont quelques-uns des concepts et servir de cadre au point critique de la métaphysique. Le deuxième chapitre est une analyse des idées qui ont émergé de la lecture de Nietzsche qui sont développées entre le philosophe Martin Heidegger et Ernst Jünger. Un dialogue qui limite le nihilisme et ses ramifications pour l'ère de la technique, et finalement vaincre leur pensée ou dépassement.
Diese Masterthese beschäftigt sich mit der Erforschung der Frage nach dem Begriff Leben ohne Warum basierend auf den Werken des Meisters Eckhart, genauer gesagt, auf den Deutschen Predigten , auf Das Buch der göttlichen Tröstung , Von dem edlen Menschen , Die Reden der Unterweisung und Von Abgeschiedenheit . Bei der Theorie der Abgeschiedenheit versucht man die Idee des Lebens ohne warum zu verstehen und zu zeigen, die Gott und der Mensch ent-decken kann. So wird erstmals eine Reflexion darüber beschrieben, was Abgeschiedenheit ist, und zwar mittels dreier Dimensionen: Ontik, Ontologisch und Mystik. Die Ontik der absoluten Armut fordert eine Analyse der Ontologie aller Ontik und das bedeutet nach Eckhart das Gotteswesen in seiner Gottheit, die unbegreifbar für den Menschen ist. Unterdessen bringt die Analyse des Wesens Gottes des Menschenlebens wieder die Einheit zwischen dem Ontischen und dem Ontologischen in der Welt. Die mystische Dimension begründet diese Einheit als Absolutum ohne Warum . Aber die Möglichkeit des Sprechens und des Denkens über die Abgeschiedenheit führt zum erfüllten Leben. Es gibt keine endgültige Predigt, keine wundersame Methode, keinen bekannten Weg oder keine leistungsfähige Strategie dafür nur in der Vollendung des Lebens ist es möglich, die subtile Äusserung von Gott, die uns entgeht, zu empfinden. Um diese Erfüllung zu erklären und die Lebensbedeutung als ohne Warum zu verstehen, untersucht diese Masterthese unter vier Perspektiven: arché und telos des Lebens, die Zeit unter dem Begriff des nun, das verbum und das ego sum qui sum, was das Leben als ohne Warum beweist und die Beharrlichkeit in der täglich von der Welt verstandenen Transzendenz. Es ist schwierig die Tiefe des Leben-ohne-Warum-Begriffs von Meister Eckhart auszudrücken, weil seine ganze Bemühung darin besteht, die Kräfte dieser Ent-deckung vor einer begrenzten Bestimmung zu schützen. Und in dieser Hinsicht öffnet er einen neuen Horizont für den Grund des Lebens. Es gibt keine Routine und Determination bei Meister Eckhart. Alles, was ist, spiegelt das Außerordentliche, seine dringende Absicht ist die Widerherstellung der Einheit mit dem Gegenwärtigen, mit dem Wesentlichen, mit dem Leben im Alltag ohne Warum
The thinking dialog between Heidegger s philosophy and the poetry of Hölderlin and Rilke must be dealt in language s domains. The difficulty to establish this dialog comes from the man in itself, unable to think out of the understructure of science and the modern technique. The poetic language was forgotten or ignored, turning itself obsolete in front of improvements and resources of the technique. Heidegger searches the essences to the poetry so may it be comprehended in its plenitude for the man. Technique, poetry and existence must be pronounced and investigated so the being shows itself again. To Heidegger, the man lives in a period of uncertainty due finding himself at the sunset of age. The uncertainty generates the poverty and the night of world represents the absence of god and original truth. Only with the fundamental comprehension of poetry, the man of today can project himself to the future not anymore as technique product, but with freedom to choose. The message of poetry of Hölderlin and Rilke, according to Heidegger s interpretation, transmits an alert to the contemporary man against the coming danger in his maintained relation with nature. The purpose of the following work is to build this thinking dialog, without disfigure the poetry, but taking approach over its essence, so from there to remove its true existential value.
The general objective of this dissertation is to analyze the metaphysical aspects of "rational mechanics" of Isaac Newton, clarifying, by scientific and philosophical discourse, their main elements, with emphasis to the presence of one entity infinitely rational behind all the phenomena of nature, and to the Newton's insight as certain empiricist which, however, accepts deductions metaphysics; a philosopher-scientist. The specific objectives are detailed below: a) brief presentation of the development of modern science, since the Pre-Socratics, seeking to understand the historical conjecture that enabled the rise of Newtonian mechanics; b) presentation of the elements of scientific methodology and philosophical, aimed at comprehension of certain "Newtonian methodology", understanding how this specific methodology able to present empirical aspects, mathematics, philosophic and religious in communion; c) to understand, from the Newtonian concepts, both concerning man's role in the world as the "notional notions" of mass, space, time and movement, necessary for analysis and understanding of certain metaphysical aspects in the Newtonian physics; d) to present the Newtonian concepts related to the ether, to understand why it necessarily assumes metaphysics characteristics and mediation between the bodies; e) to present and understand the factors that lead the empiricist Newton to assume the religion in his mechanics, as well as, the existence and functions of God in nature, to object to the higher content of his metaphysics; f) to highlight the metaphysical elements of his classical mechanics, that confirm the presence of concepts like God Creator and Preserver of the natural laws; g) at last, to analyze the importance of Newton to the modern metaphysics and the legacy to philosophy of science at sec. XVII to science contemporary
This work treats about the speeches that produced the crisis of symbols of Ceará, researching on matters and ways of expression of space between 1950s and 1970s. Therefore, we search discursive practices that since the end of nineteenth century built the identity of Ceará and in the middle of twentieth century produced the crisis of modes of seeing and telling the space in front of enunciations of the national modernization, especially with the emergence of politics by SUDENE to the Northeast, the progressive actions by Catholic Church, the defense of tradition by regional literature of union of Ceará Clã. The contradictions between the glorification and fear the modernization of Brazil produced on the space speeches that his identity would be fractured, that the old symbols of drought, cangaço, mysticism and colonels declined. Among analyzed speeches, we centered the analysis of Trilogia da Maldição formed of novels O Dragão, of 1964, Os Verdes Abutres da Colina and João Pinto de Maria: a biografia de um louco by José Alcides Pinto. In this novel, the enunciation of the crisis of symbologies about the space produced another aesthetic, the allegory, which, mixed with the mystical and melancholy, in search of ways to restore the language of the old themes Ceará, drop of Ceará the same stigma of anti-modern space, where the images of delay changed icons of a fractured identity in front of the modern streams, where the word was transformed in the dimension precarious and redeemer of the tradition, of old, of nature, of the plenitude of senses. In Jose Alcides, the colonel returns as the origin of the lost space, the drought is the revolt of God against the devil place, the apocalypse, the end imminent threat to the village, signs that fantastic, however, are in dialogue with the settings space and time in which they were produced
The aim of this study is to understand the version of St. Francis of Assisi created by Friar Thomas of Celano in his hagiographic works. That study also it examines how the Order of Friars Minor and the Papacy have understood the relationship between Christians and the world and turned thisunderstanding in a version of the Saint. Factors such as the replacement of Neoplatonism byAristotelianism as philosophical paradigm and economic and social changes have contributed to change the interpretation of the biblical mandate to not love the world , no longer interpreted as materiality, but as an order for Christians to flee sin. The rejection of the world was replaced by a greater appreciation of nature and society. Moreover, increasingly, the body went from enemy to friend, becoming the brotherbody. Such analysis is important to review the idea, so common in the historiography of what MaxWeber called Worldly Asceticism, the Christian life lived in society, only emerged in Protestantism in opposition to monasticism. The mendicant orders, especially the minority tried during the thirteenth century, the period of analysis of this work, experience the loving nature of Christianity and acting,through preaching and charity in the cities.To make this work, were analyzed the hagiographic discourse (on San Francisco) made by Thomas of Celano, Vita beati Francisci (called Vita Prima) and Memorial in desideiro anime (named Vita Secunda) and, from this, understand the Celano´s interpretation on how it should be the Christian's relationship with the world. The world ceased to be adistorted reflection of a perfect reality, becoming the perfect reflection of God's goodness.
This study aid to understand the work conditions of street vendors located on the sidewalks of two malls in Brazil Northeast Natal / RN - Both malls Natal Shopping and Via Direta, to analyze their inclusion in the informal economy and to study the supposed autonomy provided by work as self-employment in its both aspects economic and social analyzing the importance on the condition of "masters of their own business" has for the street vendors, as an alternative to not submission to the figure of the boss, that represents the exploitation of one class over another. The theoretical and methodological aspects that support this study was aimed in discussion on the restructuring of production, considering its effects on the world of work, pointing to unemployment as one of the potencies element of excluded processes that exciting workers to engage in the informal market. Informality is presented as a survival strategy and as integrating part of the reproduction of capital. This research was conducted under a critical perspective, whish has been utilized quantitative and qualitative analyses. The results of this study format questions that provided during the research process the socio-economic characterization of workers, main cause of this study, and how street vendors expres their status of workers as self-employed for their work, and the perception that they have on their form of inclusion in the informal market.
O problema de fundo da especulação eckhartiana é a verdade do ser uno enquanto Deus e divino ligada à questão do seu conhecimento. Operando uma síntese da tradição neoplatônico-agostiniana e do pensamento do Pseudo-Dionísio Areopagita, o mestre dominicano funda os alicerces da sua teologia unitiva na teoria do ser.
Cette étude a comme sujet principal la formation humaine de l instituteur. L objectif général est d analyser et décrire les conditions créées par les vécus d un atelier corps biographique pour la resignification de la corporéité de l instituteur, fixant les questions suivantes pour l investigation : Quelles sont les implications du vécu de l atelier corps biographique dans la vie des instituteurs ? La recherche a été exposée sur l approche qualitative, suivant les principes de la recherche-action reliée à la méthode des histoires de vie. Pour révéler la beauté et la complexité du processus poïétique de la formation humaine, nous nous sommes servi de la métaphore du "dessus de lit en patchwork" comme opérateur cognitif en attachant les principes de la corporéité fondés sur la Théorie de la complexité (MORIN, 2005), la Théorie autopoïétique (MATURANA ; VARELA, 2001), la Théorie du flux (CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, 1999), les approches de transdisciplinarité (LA TORRE; MORAES, 2008), et d autobiographie (JOSSO, 2004; PINEAU, 2003; PASSEGGI, 2000;), joignant la conception de l éducation comme pratique d autonomie, de liberté, d espoir et de l enchantement (FREIRE, 1996, 1992; ASSMANN, 1995). Nous avons eu comme scène du développement de la recherche, l Unidade Educacional Infantil (UEI), la garderie qui accueille les enfants des fonctionnaires de l Université Fédérale du Rio Grande do Norte. Treise élèves (enfants), des institutrices titulaires, vacataires, boursières ont participé de l'investigation. En conptant sur eux, nous avons développé un atelier corps biographique, dans lequel nous avons réalisé 10 vécus dans la période qui a couvert le deuxième semestre de 2007 jusqu au deuxième semestre de 2008, en manifestant la réflexivité autobiographique, le ludique, la créativité, la sensibilité et la réflexivité du vécu. Nous avons utilisé comme instruments pour la construction des donnés, l observation participante, les propres vécus, le port folio, la technique du jeu de sable et l'enregistrement photographique. L analyse a montré que le vécu de la formation humaine à partir des principes de la corporéité, implique dans un parcours vers soi-même dans lequel émergent les expériences qui nous ont constitués en tant qu êtres existentiels. Pour finaliser, nous avons aperçu les répercussions dans la vie professionnelle et personnelle de ces institutrices, qui comme moi pensaient avoir besoin d exposer leur luminosité intérieure pour que l on la redécouvre. Lors des vécus des tissages, les institutrices se sont montrées impliquées aux moments de jeux, de création, de réalisation, d afection et d action réflexive, dans lesquelles la teneur humaine cachée, a été révélée, en ouvrant les possibilités pour le sentiment du mouvement de naissance de l humanisation intérieure. Pour conclure, le corps joyeux de savoir et de beauté a été révélé, et dans sa rencontre avec soi-même et avec l autre, a pu être auto- recréé
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of Resilon (Resilon Research, LLC, North Branford, CT) and 2 types of gutta-percha to fill simulated lateral canals when using the Obtura II system (Model 823-700; Obtura Spartan, Fenton, MO). Methods: Forty-five human single-rooted teeth were selected and subjected to root canal preparation. After that, simulated lateral canals were made at 2, 5, and 8 mm from the working length (WL). The specimens were divided into 3 groups (n = 15) according to the filling material used: Obtura Flow 150 gutta-percha (Obtura flow), Odous Endo Flow gutta-percha (Odous; Odous de Deus Ind e Corn. Ltda Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil), and Resilon pellets (Resilon). Root canals were filled using the Obtura II system with the tip inserted to 3 mm from the WL. No sealer was used for root canal obturation. Specimens were subjected to a tooth decalcification and clearing method, and filling of the lateral canals was analyzed by digital radiography and photographs. The measurement of lateral canal filling was done using Image Tool software (UTHSCSA Image Tool for Windows version 3.0, San Antonio, TX). Data were statistically analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance. Results: All materials showed an ability to penetrate into the simulated lateral canals, with a minimum percentage of 73% in all thirds of the root canal. Conclusions: It was concluded that gutta-percha and Resilon are solid core materials with a lateral canal filling ability when used with the Obtura II system. (J Endod 2012;38:676-679)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objectives: To evaluate the attractiveness of a smile according to variations from esthetic norms, photographic framing, and the order of the presentation of photographs.Materials and Methods: A photograph of an individual was selected and digitally manipulated to create the following smiles: an ideal control smile (I), a smile with diastema (D1), a smile with midline deviation (LM3), a smile with deviation from the long axes of the lateral incisors (10D), and a smile with an inverted smile arc (LSRV). The manipulated photographs were developed in framings of the face and of the mouth and evaluated by 20 laypeople. For half the evaluators, the presentation started with facial photographs and, for the other half, the presentation began with the mouth shots. Evaluators were asked to rank the photographs from the least to the most attractive; then, each photograph was awarded a mark (scale of 0.0 to 10.0).Results: In both presentations, the smiles I, LM3, 10D, and LSRV received favorable ratings, whereas the D1 smile got poor ratings. The photographic framings used (face vs mouth) and the order of presentation of the photographs did not influence the rankings.Conclusion: The absence of variations from beauty norms of a smile has a positive impact on its esthetic perception, but variations from the norms do not necessarily result in reduced attractiveness. (Angle Orthod. 2009;79:634-639.)
O propósito deste trabalho é estabelecer o caminho percorrido pelo idealismo em sua participação na construção das Ciências da Natureza desde a antigüidade até o final do século XX. Para os pensadores antigos, o mundo físico era governado pela idéia, e o modo de apreendê-la era por meio da contemplação da alma ou da observação e da lógica. Na escolástica essa idéia é Deus. Na renascença, Deus se torna matemático. em Galileu a Matemática do mundo é entendida pela experimentação. Para Descartes o mundo é mecânico e entendido por hipóteses dedutivas. Newton enxerga o mundo mecânico construído e corrigido pelo Deus geômetra e entendido pela observação e experimentação. Os empiristas retiram a idéia do universo e a colocam no espírito humano. em Kant as regras que organizam as idéias na mente também organizam o mundo mecânico. em Hegel o real só é real porque é racional, e essa racionalidade vem de Deus, que transforma o mundo natural e atinge o espírito humano. Os pensadores, influenciados por Hegel, percebem a incapacidade das leis da mecânica explicarem as leis da vida. Comte e Bergson procuram, de forma diferente, submeter às leis da Física às leis das ciências da vida. O universo mecanicista é absorvido pelo determinismo relativista e pelo probabilismo quântico. A linguagem da lógica se associa ao empirismo na descrição da ciência procurando retirar dela o idealismo e a metafísica e, após um período de florescimento, acaba não tendo sucesso. A dificuldade da apreensão do real volta a ser o problema da ciência no final do século XX, e a procura de uma possível solução reaproxima a ciência do idealismo.