928 resultados para curriculum in Swedish as Second Language 1
Grand fir (Abies grandis Lindl.) has been developed as a model system for the study of wound-induced oleoresinosis in conifers as a response to insect attack. Oleoresin is a roughly equal mixture of turpentine (85% monoterpenes [C10] and 15% sesquiterpenes [C15]) and rosin (diterpene [C20] resin acids) that acts to seal wounds and is toxic to both invading insects and their pathogenic fungal symbionts. The dynamic regulation of wound-induced oleoresin formation was studied over 29 d at the enzyme level by in vitro assay of the three classes of synthases directly responsible for the formation of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and diterpenes from the corresponding C10, C15, and C20 prenyl diphosphate precursors, and at the gene level by RNA-blot hybridization using terpene synthase class-directed DNA probes. In overall appearance, the shapes of the time-course curves for all classes of synthase activities are similar, suggesting coordinate formation of all of the terpenoid types. However, closer inspection indicates that the monoterpene synthases arise earlier, as shown by an abbreviated time course over 6 to 48 h. RNA-blot analyses indicated that the genes for all three classes of enzymes are transcriptionally activated in response to wounding, with the monoterpene synthases up-regulated first (transcripts detectable 2 h after wounding), in agreement with the results of cell-free assays of monoterpene synthase activity, followed by the coordinately regulated sesquiterpene synthases and diterpene synthases (transcription beginning on d 3–4). The differential timing in the production of oleoresin components of this defense response is consistent with the immediate formation of monoterpenes to act as insect toxins and their later generation at solvent levels for the mobilization of resin acids responsible for wound sealing.
Urinary tract infections, caused mainly by Escherichia coli, are among the most common infectious diseases. Most isolates of the uropathogenic E.coli can express type 1 and P fimbriae containing adhesins that recognize cell receptors. While P fimbriae recognize kidney glycolipid receptors and are involved in peyelonephritis, the urothelial for type 1 fimbriae were not identified. We show that type 1-fimbriated E. coli recognize uroplakins Ia and Ib, two major glycoproteins of urothelial apical plaques. Anchorage of E. coli to urothelial surface via type 1 fimbriae-uroplakin I interactions may play a role in its bladder colonization and eventual ascent through the ureters, against urine flow, to invade the kidneys.
One of the fundamental questions concerning expression and function of dimeric enzymes involves the impact of naturally occurring mutations on subunit assembly and heterodimer activity. This question is of particular interest for the human enzyme galactose-l-phosphate uridylyl-transferase (GALT), impairment of which results in the inherited metabolic disorder galactosemia, because many if not most patients studied to date are compound heterozygotes rather than true molecular homozygotes. Furthermore, the broad range of phenotypic severity observed in these patients raises the possibility that allelic combination, not just allelic constitution, may play some role in determining outcome. In the work described herein, we have selected two distinct naturally occurring null mutations of GALT, Q188R and R333W, and asked the questions (i) what are the impacts of these mutations on subunit assembly, and (ii) if heterodimers do form, are they active? To answer these questions, we have established a yeast system for the coexpression of epitope-tagged alleles of human GALT and investigated both the extent of specific GALT subunit interactions and the activity of defined heterodimer pools. We have found that both homodimers and heterodimers do form involving each of the mutant subunits tested and that both heterodimer pools retain substantial enzymatic activity. These results are significant not only in terms of their implications for furthering our understanding of galactosemia and GALT holoenzyme structure-function relationships but also because the system described may serve as a model for similar studies of other complexes composed of multiple subunits.
Differential rates of AIDS development and/or T4 lymphocyte depletion in HIV-1-infected individuals remain unexplained. The hypothesis that qualitative differences in selection pressure in vivo may account for different rates of disease progression was addressed in nine eligible study participants from a cohort of 315 homosexual men who have been followed since 1985. Disproportionately fewer changes in variable regions and more in C3 of gp12O were found to be significantly associated with slower disease progression. Our finding provides the first example to demonstrate that differential selection pressure related to the emergence of HIV-1 variants is associated with long term nonprogression. Candidate vaccines that elicit strong selection pressure on C3 of gp120 are likely to provide better protection than those targeting variable regions.
The effect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2)D3], a steroid hormone with immunomodulating properties, on nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) proteins was examined in in vitro activated normal human lymphocytes by Western blot analysis. Over a 72-hr period of activation, the expression of the 50-kDa NF-kappa B, p50, and its precursor, p105, was increased progressively. When cells were activated in the presence of 1,25(OH)2D3, the levels of the mature protein as well as its precursor were decreased. The effect of the hormone on the levels of p50 was demonstrable in the cytosolic and nuclear compartments; it required between 4 and 8 hr and was specific, as 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 were ineffective. Besides p50, 1,25(OH)2D3 decreased the levels of another NF-kappa B protein, namely c-rel. In addition, 1,25(OH)2D3 decreased the abundance of a specific DNA-protein complex formed upon incubation of nuclear extracts from activated lymphocytes with a labeled NF-kappa B DNA binding motif. Further, 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibited the transcriptional activity of NF-kappa B in Jurkat cells transiently transfected with a construct containing four tandem repeats of the NF-kappa B binding sequence of the immunoglobulin kappa light chain gene linked to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene. These observations demonstrate directly that there is de novo synthesis of NF-kappa B during human lymphocyte activation and suggest that this process is hormonally regulated.
Five structurally related thiophene and furane analogues of the oxathiin carboxanilide derivative NSC 615985 (UC84) (designated UC10, UC68, UC81, UC42, and UC16) were identified as potent inhibitors of HIV-1 replication in cell culture and HIV-1 reverse transcriptase activity. These compounds were markedly active against a series of mutant HIV-1 strains, containing the Leu-100-->Ile, Val-106-->Ala, Glu-138-->Lys, or Tyr-181-->Cys mutations in their reverse transcriptase. However, the thiocarboxanilide derivatives selected for mutations at amino acid positions 100 (Leu-->Ile), 101 (Lys-->Ile/Glu), 103 (Lys-->Thr/Asp) and 141 (Gly-->Glu) in the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. The compounds completely suppressed HIV-1 replication and prevented the emergence of resistant virus strains when used at 1.3-6.6 microM--that is, 10- to 25-fold lower than the concentration required for nevirapine and bis(heteroaryl)piperazine (BHAP) U90152 to do so. If UC42 was combined with the [2',5'-bis-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-3'-spiro-5"-(4"-amino-1",2"- oxathiole-2",2"-dioxide)]-beta-D-pentofuranosyl (TSAO) derivative of N3-methylthymine (TSAO-m3T), virus breakthrough could be prevented for a much longer time, and at much lower concentrations, than if the compounds were used individually. Virus breakthrough could be suppressed for even longer, and at lower drug concentrations, if BHAP was added to the combination of UC42 with TSAO-m3T, which points to the feasibility of two- or three-drug combinations in preventing virus breakthrough and resistance development.
Little, if any, previous research has investigated the involvement of immigrants in sport coaching. This is the first of a series of two articles that focus on this issue. In this article, following a general literature review, structured retrospective interviews (n = 29) are used to construct a profile of immigrant youth sport coaches. Two distinct profiles were identified: (a) leisure-oriented coaches, who had not coached prior to immigration; and (b) career-oriented coaches, who had coached prior to immigration Statistically significant differences (p < .05) were found between groups relating to athletic experience, sport-related education, time between immigration and initiation of coaching, and coaching of their own children Separate pathways to coaching involvement after immigration were identified for both profiles.