987 resultados para concept extraction


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Abstract The present work describes setting up a laboratory unit for supercritical fluid extraction. In addition to its construction, a survey of cost was done to compare the cost of the homemade unit with that of commercial units. The equipment was validated using an extraction of annatto seeds’ oil, and the extraction and fractionation of fennel oil were used to validate the two separators; for both systems, the solvent was carbon dioxide. The chemical profiles of annatto and fennel extracts were assessed using thin layer chromatography; the images of the chromatographic plates were processed using the free ImageJ software. The cost survey showed that the homemade equipment has a very low cost (~US$ 16,000) compared to commercial equipment. The extraction curves of annatto were similar to those obtained in the literature (yield of 3.8% oil). The separators were validated, producing both a 2.5% fraction of fennel seed extract rich in essential oils and another extract fraction composed mainly of oleoresins. The ImageJ software proved to be a low-cost tool for obtaining an initial evaluation of the chemical profile of the extracts.


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Climatic impacts of energy-peat extraction are of increasing concern due to EU emissions trading requirements. A new excavation-drier peat extraction method has been developed to reduce the climatic impact and increase the efficiency of peat extraction. To quantify and compare the soil GHG fluxes of the excavation drier and the traditional milling methods, as well as the areas from which the energy peat is planned to be extracted in the future (extraction reserve area types), soil CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes were measured during 2006–2007 at three sites in Finland. Within each site, fluxes were measured from drained extraction reserve areas, extraction fields and stockpiles of both methods and additionally from the biomass driers of the excavation-drier method. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), described at a principal level in ISO Standards 14040:2006 and 14044:2006, was used to assess the long-term (100 years) climatic impact from peatland utilisation with respect to land use and energy production chains where utilisation of coal was replaced with peat. Coal was used as a reference since in many cases peat and coal can replace each other in same power plants. According to this study, the peat extraction method used was of lesser significance than the extraction reserve area type in regards to the climatic impact. However, the excavation-drier method seems to cause a slightly reduced climatic impact as compared with the prevailing milling method.


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Människor utnyttjar ofta kemi mångsidigt i sitt vardagliga liv utan att närmare tänka på detaljerna. Nuförtiden kan man framställa en ökande mängd av produkter ur förnybara råmaterial och en av de mest mångsidiga nybara råmaterialet i Norden är barrträd. Den lyriska lägerelden eller spiselden och möbler av ved samt papper är en väsentlig del av vardagen. Också livsmedel och läkemedel kan innehålla föreningar ur ved. Ved som råmaterial består av tre huvudkomponenten: cellulosa, som är uppbyggd av druvsockermolekyler är en långkedjad, oförgrenad polymer; lignin, som sammanhåller fibrerna i vedmaterialet som lim samt hemicellulosor, som ofta är uppbyggda av olika sockerarter och är en förgrenad polymer. Följaktligen består vedmaterialet av 70 % socker. I detta arbete har vi koncentrerat på i hemicellulosa och dess extraktion ur gran, samt bestämning av hemicellulosans egenskaper. Den slutliga målsättningen i forskningen var att skapa nya produkter ur gran. Forskning i extraktionens hemligheter eller hur hemicellulosa kan effektivt extraheras i den önskade formen kräver nya typers experimentellasanläggningar och experiment samt matematisk modellering. Den långkedjade hemicellulosan är lämplig för att användas t.ex. i skyddshinnor eller i livsmedel. Medel- och småmolekylär hemicellulosa kan användas som utgångsämne för framställning av bränslen, smörjmedel, sockersyror och alkoholer, av vilka xylitol är mest känd för alla pga hälsobefrämjande effekter. Det är utomordentligt viktigt ur miljöns och energiekonomins synvinkel att sträva efter effektivering av utnyttjandet av den värdefullaste och största naturtillgången, skogen i vårt land, med alla möjliga sätt. Resultaten av denna forskning utnyttjar avsevärt den växande, nya, på skogen baserande biobaseradeindustrin, som framställer nya spetsprodukter samt skapar nya arbetsplatser. ----------------------------------------------------- Ihmiset hyödyntävät usein huomaamattaan kemiaa monipuolisesti jokapäiväisessä elämässä. Nykyään kasvava määrä tuotteista kyetään valmistamaan uusiutuvista raaka-aineista ja yksi monipuolisimmista uusiutuvista luonnonvaroistamme pohjolassa ovat havupuut. Tunnelmallinen nuotio tai takkatuli ja puiset huonekalut sekä paperi ovat olennainen osa arkea. Myös elintarvikkeet ja lääkkeet voivat sisältää puusta peräisin olevia yhdisteitä. Puu materiaalina koostuu rakenteeltaan pääosin kolmesta osasta; selluloosasta, joka on rypälesokerista koostuva pitkäketjuinen haaroittumaton polymeeri, ligniinistä, joka toimii puun koossa pitävänä liima-aineena ja hemiselluloosasta, joka on useista eri sokereista rakentunut haaroittunut polymeeri. Näin ollen puusta 70 % on sokeria. Tässä työssä olemme keskittyneet hemiselluloosaan ja sen uuttamiseen kuusesta, sekä ominaisuuksien kartoittamiseen. Tutkimusaiheen lopullinen tavoite on luoda uusia tuotteita kuusesta. Uuton salojen tutkiminen eli miten hemiselluloosa saadaan tehokkaasti uutettua halutunlaisena vaatii uudenlaisia koelaitteistoja ja kokeita, sekä matemaattista mallintamista. Suurikokoinen hemiselluloosa on sopivaa käytettäväksi esimerkiksi suojakalvoissa tai elintarvikkeissa. Keskikokoista ja pienimolekyylistä hemiselluloosaa voidaan käyttää lähtöaineena valmistettaessa polttoaineita, voiteluaineita, sokerihappoja ja sokerialkoholeja, joista xylitoli on terveysvaikutustensa vuoksi kaikille tuttu. Niin ympäristömme kuin myös energiataloutemme kannalta on ensiarvoisen tärkeää pyrkiä kaikin keinoin tehostamaan maallemme arvokkaan, sekä luonnonvaroistamme yhden suurimman, metsän, vastuullista hyödyntämistä. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset hyödyntävät merkittävästi maahamme nousevaa uutta metsään pohjautuvaa biojalostusteollisuutta, joka valmistaa uusia huipputuotteita sekä luo työpaikkoja.


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There is a growing trend towards decentralized electricity and heat production throughout the world. Reciprocating engines and gas turbines have an essential role in the global decentralized energy markets and any improvement in their electrical efficiency has a significant impact from the environmental and economic viewpoints. This paper introduces an inter-cooled and recuperated two-shaft microturbine at 500 kW electric output range. The microturbine is optimized for a realistic combination of the turbine inlet temperature, the recuperation rate and the pressure ratio. The new microturbine design aims to achieve significantly increased performance within the range of microturbines and even competing with the efficiencies achieved in large industrial gas turbines. The simulated electrical efficiency is 45%. Improving the efficiency of combined heat and power (CHP) systems will significantly decrease the emissions and operating costs of decentralized heat and electricity production. Cost-effective, compact and environmentally friendly micro-and small-scale CHP turbine systems with high electrical efficiency will have an opportunity to successfully compete against reciprocating engines, which today are used in heat and power generation all over the world and manufactured in large production series. This paper presents a small-scale gas turbine process, capable of competing with reciprocating engine in terms of electrical efficiency.


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This paper discusses Herbert A. Simon's conception of rationality in two of its principal general definitions: bounded rationality and procedural rationality. It argues that the latter is the one that better synthesizes the author's view about rational behavior and that the former fills mainly a critical function. They are complementarily used by Simon in this sense. In spite of that, it is argued that it is the low degree of specificity of the concept of bounded rationality one of the reasons for its relatively greater success.


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The fall of 2013 could be characterized as a crossroad in the geopolitics of Eastern Europe, namely Ukraine. Two rivalry geopolitical projects have been developing throughout the post-Cold War years, and it seems that they reached a collision point in Ukraine; a country whose authorities have been for long switching sides between the European Union and the Russian Federation in their foreign policy commitments. The refusal/postponing to sign the Association Agreement with Brussels, an expected event by a large category of the Ukrainian society, by Yanukovich’s government led to the outset of the latter; and brought a pro-Western, anti-Russian government in Kyiv. It seems that Ukraine, after those events, has embarked definitively on the path of integration into the West (European Union and possibly NATO). The Russian Federation, who has been throughout Putin’s years engaged into the re-integration of post-Soviet space, reacted to these developments in an assertive manner by violating borders, agreements and the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Thus, the incorporation of the Crimea into the Russian Federation is the first in its kind in the post-Soviet space, despite the existence of various other conflicts that broke out in the region after the Soviet Union broke up. I will investigate in this thesis the nature of what will be labelled, in this work, the Crimean issue. I argue that the incorporation of the Crimean peninsula into the Russian Federation marks a new era in Russian geopolitical thinking that shapes, to a far extent, Russian foreign policy. Discourse analysis will be the methodological basis for this study, with a special focus on Michel Foucault’s Archaeology of Knowledge. The innovation that this research brings is the fact that it discusses Russian geopolitical discourse within the scope of Foucault’s ‘discursive tree’, with a reference to the Crimean issue. A wide range of primary sources will be consulted in this study such as presidential addresses to the Federal Assembly (2000-2014), Foreign Policy Concepts of the Russian Federation (2000, 2008), Russian maritime doctrines, as wells as Dugin’s Osnovy Geopolitiki (Foundations of Geopolitics), Mahan’s (The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660–1783) and other Eurasianism related literature.


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Product Data Management (PDM) systems have been utilized within companies since the 1980s. Mainly the PDM systems have been used by large companies. This thesis presents the premise that small and medium-sized companies can also benefit from utilizing the Product Data Management systems. Furthermore, the starting point for the thesis is that the existing PDM systems are either too expensive or do not properly respond to the requirements SMEs have. The aim of this study is to investigate what kinds of requirements and special features SMEs, operating in Finnish manufacturing industry, have towards Product Data Management. Additionally, the target is to create a conceptual model that could fulfill the specified requirements. The research has been carried out as a qualitative case study, in which the research data was collected from ten Finnish companies operating in manufacturing industry. The research data is formed by interviewing key personnel from the case companies. After this, the data formed from the interviews has been processed to comprise a generic set of information system requirements and the information system concept supporting it. The commercialization of the concept is studied in the thesis from the perspective of system development. The aim was to create a conceptual model, which would be economically feasible for both, a company utilizing the system and for a company developing it. For this reason, the thesis has sought ways to scale the system development effort for multiple simultaneous cases. The main methods found were to utilize platform-based thinking and a way to generalize the system requirements, or in other words abstracting the requirements of an information system. The results of the research highlight the special features Finnish manufacturing SMEs have towards PDM. The most significant of the special features is the usage of project model to manage the order-to-delivery –process. This differs significantly from the traditional concepts of Product Data Management presented in the literature. Furthermore, as a research result, this thesis presents a conceptual model of a PDM system, which would be viable for the case companies interviewed during the research. As a by-product, this research presents a synthesized model, found from the literature, to abstract information system requirements. In addition to this, the strategic importance and categorization of information systems within companies has been discussed from the perspective of information system customizations.


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ABSTRACT This paper aims to analyze the concept of emerging power established to the understanding of international affairs. The work observes that the use of the lexicon emerging - regarding to markets, countries or powers - as qualifier for a range of international relations phenomena became a constituent part of the matter. In spite of that, the empirical denotation of the predicate is ahead of the amount of efforts on its theoretical contextualization. Our methodological hypothesis is that the rational denial of the concepts prevailing connotative spectrum by acknowledging the embedded wisdom about cognate phenomena synthesizes a theoretical framework on its accurate use.


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