956 resultados para computer science, artificial Intelligence


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Bioacoustic data can be used for monitoring animal species diversity. The deployment of acoustic sensors enables acoustic monitoring at large temporal and spatial scales. We describe a content-based birdcall retrieval algorithm for the exploration of large data bases of acoustic recordings. In the algorithm, an event-based searching scheme and compact features are developed. In detail, ridge events are detected from audio files using event detection on spectral ridges. Then event alignment is used to search through audio files to locate candidate instances. A similarity measure is then applied to dimension-reduced spectral ridge feature vectors. The event-based searching method processes a smaller list of instances for faster retrieval. The experimental results demonstrate that our features achieve better success rate than existing methods and the feature dimension is greatly reduced.


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The world is rich with information such as signage and maps to assist humans to navigate. We present a method to extract topological spatial information from a generic bitmap floor plan and build a topometric graph that can be used by a mobile robot for tasks such as path planning and guided exploration. The algorithm first detects and extracts text in an image of the floor plan. Using the locations of the extracted text, flood fill is used to find the rooms and hallways. Doors are found by matching SURF features and these form the connections between rooms, which are the edges of the topological graph. Our system is able to automatically detect doors and differentiate between hallways and rooms, which is important for effective navigation. We show that our method can extract a topometric graph from a floor plan and is robust against ambiguous cases most commonly seen in floor plans including elevators and stairwells.


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Domain-invariant representations are key to addressing the domain shift problem where the training and test exam- ples follow different distributions. Existing techniques that have attempted to match the distributions of the source and target domains typically compare these distributions in the original feature space. This space, however, may not be di- rectly suitable for such a comparison, since some of the fea- tures may have been distorted by the domain shift, or may be domain specific. In this paper, we introduce a Domain Invariant Projection approach: An unsupervised domain adaptation method that overcomes this issue by extracting the information that is invariant across the source and tar- get domains. More specifically, we learn a projection of the data to a low-dimensional latent space where the distance between the empirical distributions of the source and target examples is minimized. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the task of visual object recognition and show that it outperforms state-of-the-art methods on a stan- dard domain adaptation benchmark dataset


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Deep convolutional network models have dominated recent work in human action recognition as well as image classification. However, these methods are often unduly influenced by the image background, learning and exploiting the presence of cues in typical computer vision datasets. For unbiased robotics applications, the degree of variation and novelty in action backgrounds is far greater than in computer vision datasets. To address this challenge, we propose an “action region proposal” method that, informed by optical flow, extracts image regions likely to contain actions for input into the network both during training and testing. In a range of experiments, we demonstrate that manually segmenting the background is not enough; but through active action region proposals during training and testing, state-of-the-art or better performance can be achieved on individual spatial and temporal video components. Finally, we show by focusing attention through action region proposals, we can further improve upon the existing state-of-the-art in spatio-temporally fused action recognition performance.


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Clustering identities in a video is a useful task to aid in video search, annotation and retrieval, and cast identification. However, reliably clustering faces across multiple videos is challenging task due to variations in the appearance of the faces, as videos are captured in an uncontrolled environment. A person's appearance may vary due to session variations including: lighting and background changes, occlusions, changes in expression and make up. In this paper we propose the novel Local Total Variability Modelling (Local TVM) approach to cluster faces across a news video corpus; and incorporate this into a novel two stage video clustering system. We first cluster faces within a single video using colour, spatial and temporal cues; after which we use face track modelling and hierarchical agglomerative clustering to cluster faces across the entire corpus. We compare different face recognition approaches within this framework. Experiments on a news video database show that the Local TVM technique is able effectively model the session variation observed in the data, resulting in improved clustering performance, with much greater computational efficiency than other methods.


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In this paper we investigate the effectiveness of class specific sparse codes in the context of discriminative action classification. The bag-of-words representation is widely used in activity recognition to encode features, and although it yields state-of-the art performance with several feature descriptors it still suffers from large quantization errors and reduces the overall performance. Recently proposed sparse representation methods have been shown to effectively represent features as a linear combination of an over complete dictionary by minimizing the reconstruction error. In contrast to most of the sparse representation methods which focus on Sparse-Reconstruction based Classification (SRC), this paper focuses on a discriminative classification using a SVM by constructing class-specific sparse codes for motion and appearance separately. Experimental results demonstrates that separate motion and appearance specific sparse coefficients provide the most effective and discriminative representation for each class compared to a single class-specific sparse coefficients.


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Natural history collections are an invaluable resource housing a wealth of knowledge with a long tradition of contributing to a wide range of fields such as taxonomy, quarantine, conservation and climate change. It is recognized however [Smith and Blagoderov 2012] that such physical collections are often heavily underutilized as a result of the practical issues of accessibility. The digitization of these collections is a step towards removing these access issues, but other hurdles must be addressed before we truly unlock the potential of this knowledge.


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The aim of this paper is to propose design principles for ambient intelligence (AmI) environments. The question we are investigating is how these environments can be designed to support a group to be able to carry out common goal-oriented activities. The approach we are taking in answering this question is informed by the concept of collective intelligence (CI). We are applying the concept of CI to AmI as we have found it works well in biological and social systems. Examples from nature demonstrate the power of CI stimulated by implicit cues in the environment. We use these examples to derive design principles for AmI environments. By applying these design principles to a concrete scenario, we are able to propose ways to help decrease environmental pollution within urban areas.


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The realization of the ambient intelligence (AmI) vision will have a profound impact on our everyday lives and society. AmI applied in contexts like homes or public spaces will not only affect individual users but influence entire groups of users. The question is how we can apply such technologies to persuade groups and individual users. Our approach is to design AmI environments by borrowing a concept which works very well in biological and social systems: Collective Intelligence (CI). The intelligence of a group surpasses the individual intelligences and leads to improved problem solving capabilities of individuals and groups. From nature we borrow examples of cues in the environment to stimulate goal directed collective intelligence (perCues). The application of perCues in AmI environments helps to persuade users to reach a common goal like decreasing environmental pollution. Adopting CI for AmI we blaze a trail for the design of persuasive AmI environments.


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This paper presents a novel crop detection system applied to the challenging task of field sweet pepper (capsicum) detection. The field-grown sweet pepper crop presents several challenges for robotic systems such as the high degree of occlusion and the fact that the crop can have a similar colour to the background (green on green). To overcome these issues, we propose a two-stage system that performs per-pixel segmentation followed by region detection. The output of the segmentation is used to search for highly probable regions and declares these to be sweet pepper. We propose the novel use of the local binary pattern (LBP) to perform crop segmentation. This feature improves the accuracy of crop segmentation from an AUC of 0.10, for previously proposed features, to 0.56. Using the LBP feature as the basis for our two-stage algorithm, we are able to detect 69.2% of field grown sweet peppers in three sites. This is an impressive result given that the average detection accuracy of people viewing the same colour imagery is 66.8%.


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In many parts of the world, uncontrolled fires in sparsely populated areas are a major concern as they can quickly grow into large and destructive conflagrations in short time spans. Detecting these fires has traditionally been a job for trained humans on the ground, or in the air. In many cases, these manned solutions are simply not able to survey the amount of area necessary to maintain sufficient vigilance and coverage. This paper investigates the use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for automated wildfire detection. The proposed system uses low-cost, consumer-grade electronics and sensors combined with various airframes to create a system suitable for automatic detection of wildfires. The system employs automatic image processing techniques to analyze captured images and autonomously detect fire-related features such as fire lines, burnt regions, and flammable material. This image recognition algorithm is designed to cope with environmental occlusions such as shadows, smoke and obstructions. Once the fire is identified and classified, it is used to initialize a spatial/temporal fire simulation. This simulation is based on occupancy maps whose fidelity can be varied to include stochastic elements, various types of vegetation, weather conditions, and unique terrain. The simulations can be used to predict the effects of optimized firefighting methods to prevent the future propagation of the fires and greatly reduce time to detection of wildfires, thereby greatly minimizing the ensuing damage. This paper also documents experimental flight tests using a SenseFly Swinglet UAS conducted in Brisbane, Australia as well as modifications for custom UAS.


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Detect and Avoid (DAA) technology is widely acknowledged as a critical enabler for unsegregated Remote Piloted Aircraft (RPA) operations, particularly Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS). Image-based DAA, in the visible spectrum, is a promising technological option for addressing the challenges DAA presents. Two impediments to progress for this approach are the scarcity of available video footage to train and test algorithms, in conjunction with testing regimes and specifications which facilitate repeatable, statistically valid, performance assessment. This paper includes three key contributions undertaken to address these impediments. In the first instance, we detail our progress towards the creation of a large hybrid collision and near-collision encounter database. Second, we explore the suitability of techniques employed by the biometric research community (Speaker Verification and Language Identification), for DAA performance optimisation and assessment. These techniques include Detection Error Trade-off (DET) curves, Equal Error Rates (EER), and the Detection Cost Function (DCF). Finally, the hybrid database and the speech-based techniques are combined and employed in the assessment of a contemporary, image based DAA system. This system includes stabilisation, morphological filtering and a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) temporal filter.


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This paper investigates the use of Genetic Programming (GP) to create an approximate model for the non-linear relationship between flexural stiffness, length, mass per unit length and rotation speed associated with rotating beams and their natural frequencies. GP, a relatively new form of artificial intelligence, is derived from the Darwinian concept of evolution and genetics and it creates computer programs to solve problems by manipulating their tree structures. GP predicts the size and structural complexity of the empirical model by minimizing the mean square error at the specified points of input-output relationship dataset. This dataset is generated using a finite element model. The validity of the GP-generated model is tested by comparing the natural frequencies at training and at additional input data points. It is found that by using a non-dimensional stiffness, it is possible to get simple and accurate function approximation for the natural frequency. This function approximation model is then used to study the relationships between natural frequency and various influencing parameters for uniform and tapered beams. The relations obtained with GP model agree well with FEM results and can be used for preliminary design and structural optimization studies.


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Scene understanding has been investigated from a mainly visual information point of view. Recently depth has been provided an extra wealth of information, allowing more geometric knowledge to fuse into scene understanding. Yet to form a holistic view, especially in robotic applications, one can create even more data by interacting with the world. In fact humans, when growing up, seem to heavily investigate the world around them by haptic exploration. We show an application of haptic exploration on a humanoid robot in cooperation with a learning method for object segmentation. The actions performed consecutively improve the segmentation of objects in the scene.


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This article proposes a three-timescale simulation based algorithm for solution of infinite horizon Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). We assume a finite state space and discounted cost criterion and adopt the value iteration approach. An approximation of the Dynamic Programming operator T is applied to the value function iterates. This 'approximate' operator is implemented using three timescales, the slowest of which updates the value function iterates. On the middle timescale we perform a gradient search over the feasible action set of each state using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) gradient estimates, thus finding the minimizing action in T. On the fastest timescale, the 'critic' estimates, over which the gradient search is performed, are obtained. A sketch of convergence explaining the dynamics of the algorithm using associated ODEs is also presented. Numerical experiments on rate based flow control on a bottleneck node using a continuous-time queueing model are performed using the proposed algorithm. The results obtained are verified against classical value iteration where the feasible set is suitably discretized. Over such a discretized setting, a variant of the algorithm of [12] is compared and the proposed algorithm is found to converge faster.