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Ethylene-propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM) was functionalized with glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) during melt processing by free radical grafting with peroxide initiation in the presence and absence of a reactive comonomer trimethylolpropane triacrylate (Tris). Increasing the peroxide concentration resulted in an increase in the GMA grafting yield, albeit the overall grafting level was low and was accompanied by higher degree of crosslinking of EPDM which was found to be the major competing reaction. The presence of Tris in the grafting system gave rise to higher grafting yield produced at a much lower peroxide concentration though the crosslinking reactions remained high but without the formation of GMA-homopolymer in either of the two systems. The use of these functionalized EPDM (f-EPDM) samples with PET as compatibilisers in binary and ternary blends of PET/EPDM/f-EPDM was evaluated. The influence of the different functionalisation routes of the rubber phase (in presence and absence of Tris) and the effect of the level of functionality and microstructure of the resultant f-EPDM on the extent of the interfacial reaction, morphology and mechanical properties was also investigated. It is suggested that the mechanical properties of the blends are strongly influenced by the performance of the graft copolymer, which is in turn, determined by the level of functionality, molecular structure of the functionalized rubber and the interfacial concentration of the graft copolymer across the interface. The cumulative evidence obtained from torque rheometry, scanning electron microscopy, SEM, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), tensile mechanical tests and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) supports this. It was shown that binary and ternary blends prepared with f-EPDM in the absence of Tris and containing lower levels of g-GMA effected a significant improvement in mechanical properties. This increase, particularly in elongation to break, could be accounted for by the occurrence of a reaction between the epoxy groups of GMA and the hydroxyl/carboxyl end groups of PET that would result in a graft copolymer which could, most probably, preferentially locate at the interface, thereby acting as an 'emulsifier' responsible for decreasing the interfacial tension between the otherwise two immiscible phases. This is supported by results from FTIR analysis of the fractionated PET phase of these blends which confirm the formation of an interfacial reaction, DMA results which show a clear shift in the T s of the blend components and SEM results which reveal very fine morphology, suggesting effective compatibilisation that is concomitant with the improvement observed in their tensile properties. Although Tris has given rise to highest amount of g-GMA, it resulted in lower mechanical properties than the optimized blends produced in the absence of Tris. This was attributed to the difference in the microstructure of the graft and the level of functionality in these samples resulting in less favourable structure responsible for the coarser dispersion of the rubber phase observed by SEM, the lower extent of T shift of the PET phase (DMA), the lower height of the torque curve during reactive blending and FTIR analysis of the separated PET phase that has indicated a lower extent of the interfacial chemical reaction between the phases in this Tris-containing blend sample. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) functionalised with glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) (f-EPR) during melt processing in the presence of a co-monomer, such as trimethylolpropane triacrylate (Tris), was used to promote compatibilisation in blends of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and f-EPR, and their characteristics were compared with those of PET/f-EPR reactive blends in which the f-EPR was functionalised with GMA via a conventional free radical melt reaction (in the absence of a co-monomer). Binary blends of PETand f-EPR (with two types of f-EPR prepared either in presence or absence of the co-monomer) with various compositions (80/20, 60/40 and 50/50 w/w%) were prepared in an internal mixer. The blends were evaluated by their rheology (from changes in torque during melt processing and blending reflecting melt viscosity, and their melt flow rate), morphology scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dynamic mechanical properties (DMA), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, and solubility (Molau) test. The reactive blends (PET/f-EPR) showed a marked increase in their melt viscosities in comparison with the corresponding physical (PET/EPR) blends (higher torque during melt blending), the extent of which depended on the amount of homopolymerised GMA (poly-GMA) present and the level of GMA grafting in the f-EPR. This increase was accounted for by, most probably, the occurrence of a reaction between the epoxy groups of GMA and the hydroxyl/carboxyl end groups of PET. Morphological examination by SEM showed a large improvement of phase dispersion, indicating reduced interfacial tension and compatibilisation, in both reactive blends, but with the Tris-GMA-based blends showing an even finer morphology (these blends are characterised by absence of poly-GMA and presence of higher level of grafted GMA in its f-EPR component by comparison to the conventional GMA-based blends). Examination of the DMA for the reactive blends at different compositions showed that in both cases there was a smaller separation between the glass transition temperatures compared to their position in the corresponding physical blends, which pointed to some interaction or chemical reaction between f-EPR and PET. The DMA results also showed that the shifts in the Tgs of the Tris-GMA-based blends were slightly higher than for the conventional GMA-blends. However, the overall tendency of the Tgs to approach each other in each case was found not to be significantly different (e.g. in a 60/40 ratio the former blend shifted by up to 4.5 °C in each direction whereas in the latter blend the shifts were about 3 °C). These results would suggest that in these blends the SEM and DMA analyses are probing uncorrelatable morphological details. The evidence for the formation of in situ graft copolymer between the f-EPR and PET during reactive blending was clearly illustrated from analysis by FTIR of the separated phases from the Tris-GMA-based reactive blends, and the positive Molau test pointed out to graft copolymerisation in the interface. A mechanism for the formation of the interfacial reaction during the reactive blending process is proposed.
Miscanthus × giganteus was subjected to pre-treatment with deionised water, hydrochloric acid or Triton X-100 surfactant, and subsequently fast pyrolysed in a fluidised bed reactor at 535 °C to obtain bio-oil. Triton X-100 surfactant was identified as a promising pre-treatment medium for removal of inorganic matter because its physicochemical nature was expected to mobilise inorganic matter in the biomass matrix. The influence of different concentrations of Triton X-100 pre-treatment solutions on the quality of bio-oil produced from fast pyrolysis was studied, as defined by a single phase bio-oil, viscosity index and water content index. The highest concentration of Triton X-100 surfactant produced the best quality bio-oil with high organic yield and low reaction water content. The calculated viscosity index from the accelerated ageing test showed that bio-oil stability improved as the concentration of Triton X-100 increased. © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.
Poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) 75:25% mol, P(LL-co-CL), was synthesized via bulk ring-opening polymerisation (ROP) using a novel tin(II)alkoxide initiator, [Sn(Oct)]2DEG, at 130oC for 48 hrs. The effectiveness of this initiator was compared withthe well-known conventional tin(II) octoateinitiator, Sn(Oct)2. The P(LL-co-CL) copolymersobtained were characterized using a combination of analytical technique including: nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TG) and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The P(LL-co-CL) was melt-spun into monofilament fibres of uniform diameter and smooth surface appearance. Modification of the matrix morphology was then built into the as-spun fibresvia a series of controlled off-line annealing and hot-drawing steps. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) was grafted on ethylene-propylene copolymer during melt processing with peroxide initiation in the presence and absence of a more reactive comonomer (coagent), trimethylolpropane triacrylate (Tris). The characteristics of the grafting systems in terms of the grafting reaction yield and the nature and extent of the competing side reactions were examined. The homopolymers of GMA (Poly-GMA) and Tris (Poly-Tris) and the GMA-Tris copolymer (GMA-co-Tris) were synthesized and characterized. In the absence of the coagent, high levels of poly-GMA, which constituted the major competing reaction, was formed, giving rise to low GMA grafting levels. Further, this grafting system resulted in a high extent of gel formation and polymer crosslinking due to the high levels of peroxide needed to achieve optimum GMA grafting and a consequent large drop in the melt index (increased viscosity) of the polymer. In the presence of the coagent, however, the grafting system required much lower peroxide concentration, by almost an order of magnitude, to achieve the optimum grafting yield. The coagent-containing GMA-grafting system has also resulted in a drastic reduction in the extent of all competing reactions, and in particular, the GMA homopolymerization, leading to improved GMA grafting efficiency with no detectable gel or crosslinking. The mechanisms of the grafting reactions, in the presence and absence of Tris, are proposed.
The research presented in this thesis was developed as part of DIBANET, an EC funded project aiming to develop an energetically self-sustainable process for the production of diesel miscible biofuels (i.e. ethyl levulinate) via acid hydrolysis of selected biomass feedstocks. Three thermal conversion technologies, pyrolysis, gasification and combustion, were evaluated in the present work with the aim of recovering the energy stored in the acid hydrolysis solid residue (AHR). Mainly consisting of lignin and humins, the AHR can contain up to 80% of the energy in the original feedstock. Pyrolysis of AHR proved unsatisfactory, so attention focussed on gasification and combustion with the aim of producing heat and/or power to supply the energy demanded by the ethyl levulinate production process. A thermal processing rig consisting on a Laminar Entrained Flow Reactor (LEFR) equipped with solid and liquid collection and online gas analysis systems was designed and built to explore pyrolysis, gasification and air-blown combustion of AHR. Maximum liquid yield for pyrolysis of AHR was 30wt% with volatile conversion of 80%. Gas yield for AHR gasification was 78wt%, with 8wt% tar yields and conversion of volatiles close to 100%. 90wt% of the AHR was transformed into gas by combustion, with volatile conversions above 90%. 5volO2%-95vol%N2 gasification resulted in a nitrogen diluted, low heating value gas (2MJ/m3). Steam and oxygen-blown gasification of AHR were additionally investigated in a batch gasifier at KTH in Sweden. Steam promoted the formation of hydrogen (25vol%) and methane (14vol%) improving the gas heating value to 10MJ/m3, below the typical for steam gasification due to equipment limitations. Arrhenius kinetic parameters were calculated using data collected with the LEFR to provide reaction rate information for process design and optimisation. Activation energy (EA) and pre-exponential factor (ko in s-1) for pyrolysis (EA=80kJ/mol, lnko=14), gasification (EA=69kJ/mol, lnko=13) and combustion (EA=42kJ/mol, lnko=8) were calculated after linearly fitting the data using the random pore model. Kinetic parameters for pyrolysis and combustion were also determined by dynamic thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), including studies of the original biomass feedstocks for comparison. Results obtained by differential and integral isoconversional methods for activation energy determination were compared. Activation energy calculated by the Vyazovkin method was 103-204kJ/mol for pyrolysis of untreated feedstocks and 185-387kJ/mol for AHRs. Combustion activation energy was 138-163kJ/mol for biomass and 119-158 for AHRs. The non-linear least squares method was used to determine reaction model and pre-exponential factor. Pyrolysis and combustion of biomass were best modelled by a combination of third order reaction and 3 dimensional diffusion models, while AHR decomposed following the third order reaction for pyrolysis and the 3 dimensional diffusion for combustion.
Results of numerical experiments are introduced. Experiments were carried out by means of computer simulation on olfactory bulb for the purpose of checking of thinking mechanisms conceptual model, introduced in [2]. Key role of quasisymbol neurons in processes of pattern identification, existence of mental view, functions of cyclic connections between symbol and quasisymbol neurons as short-term memory, important role of synaptic plasticity in learning processes are confirmed numerically. Correctness of fundamental ideas put in base of conceptual model is confirmed on olfactory bulb at quantitative level.
In this paper the main problems for computer design of materials, which would have predefined properties, with the use of artificial intelligence methods are presented. The DB on inorganic compound properties and the system of DBs on materials for electronics with completely assessed information: phase diagram DB of material systems with semiconducting phases and DB on acousto-optical, electro-optical, and nonlinear optical properties are considered. These DBs are a source of information for data analysis. Using the DBs and artificial intelligence methods we have predicted thousands of new compounds in ternary, quaternary and more complicated chemical systems and estimated some of their properties (crystal structure type, melting point, homogeneity region etc.). The comparison of our predictions with experimental data, obtained later, showed that the average reliability of predicted inorganic compounds exceeds 80%. The perspectives of computational material design with the use of artificial intelligence methods are considered.
The basic construction concepts of many-valued intellectual systems, which are adequate to primal problems of person activity and using hybrid tools with many-valued of coding are considered. The many-valued intellectual systems being two-place, but simulating neuron processes of space toting which are different on a level of actions, inertial and threshold of properties of neurons diaphragms, and also modification of frequency of following of the transmitted messages are created. All enumerated properties and functions in point of fact are essential not only are discrete on time, but also many-valued.
The paper informs about the history of manuscript digitization in the National Library of the Czech Republic as well as about other issues concerning processing of manuscripts. The main consequence of the massive digitization and record and/or full text processing is a paradigm shift leading to the digital history.
The article describes the structure of an ontology model for Optimization of a sequential program. The components of an intellectual modeling system for program optimization are described. The functions of the intellectual modeling system are defined.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): I.2.8 , I.2.10, I.5.1, J.2.