670 resultados para cicatriz laminar


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X-ray diffraction data during adsorption of water vapor on Na- and Ca-montmorillonites show that interlayer expansion is continuous but nonuniform. X-ray and adsorption isotherm data indicate an ice-like configuration of water molecules is completed with the fourth layer of interlayer water for the Ca-clay; a fifth layer intrudes to give a less ordered structure. Data for the Na-clay indicate a laminar stacking arrangement for up to three layers of interlayer water. The Na-clay adsorbs more than twice as much water and undergoes four times as large a volume change than the Ca-clay. The free energy change during adsorption of water vapor on the Ca-clay is nearly twice that for the Na-clay. Free energy changes with increasing relative pressure reflect interlayer expansion increments.


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Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de alterações fundoscópicas em estudantes de escolas das redes pública e privada de Natal-RN. Métodos: Avaliação oftalmológica foi realizada em 990 alunos, de 5 a 21 anos, matriculados nas escolas das redes públicas e privada do município de Natal- RN, que estiveram cursando alguma série do ensino fundamental ou médio, no período de 03 a 06 de 2001. Resultados: Alterações fundoscópicas foram observadas em 5,3% dos estudantes. As anormalidades encontradas, por ordem de freqüência, foram: branco sem pressão, 1,0%; cicatriz de retinocoroidite sugestiva de toxoplasmose, 1,0%; atrofia do epitélio pigmentado da retina, 0,8%; nevos da coróide, 0,4%; escavação da cabeça do nervo óptico aumentada, 0,4%; degeneração em treliça, 0,3%; buraco operculado, 0,2%; fundus miópico, 0,2%; tortuosidade vascular aumentada, 0,2%; granuloma sugestivo de toxocaríase, 0,2%; hipoplasia da cabeça do nervo óptico, 0,1%; persistência da artéria hialoidea, 0,1%; persistência de fibras de mielina, 0,1%; retina sal e pimenta, 0,1%; retinosquise, 0,1%. Conclusão: Houve uma baixa prevalência de alterações fundoscópicas na população estudada


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Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de alterações fundoscópicas em estudantes de escolas das redes pública e privada de Natal-RN. Métodos: Avaliação oftalmológica foi realizada em 990 alunos, de 5 a 21 anos, matriculados nas escolas das redes públicas e privada do município de Natal-RN, que estiveram cursando alguma série do ensino fundamental ou médio, no período de 03 a 06 de 2001. Resultados: Alterações fundoscópicas foram observadas em 5,3% dos estudantes. As anormalidades encontradas, por ordem de freqüência, foram: branco sem pressão, 1,0%; cicatriz de retinocoroidite sugestiva de toxoplasmose, 1,0%; atrofia do epitélio pigmentado da retina, 0,8%; nevos da coróide, 0,4%; escavação da cabeça do nervo óptico aumentada, 0,4%; degeneração em treliça, 0,3%; buraco operculado, 0,2%; fundus miópico, 0,2%; tortuosidade vascular aumentada, 0,2%; granuloma sugestivo de toxocaríase, 0,2%; hipoplasia da cabeça do nervo óptico, 0,1%; persistência da artéria hialoidea, 0,1%; persistência de fibras de mielina, 0,1%; retina sal e pimenta, 0,1%; retinosquise, 0,1%. Conclusão: Houve uma baixa prevalência de alterações fundoscópicas na população estudada


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Cette thèse concerne la modélisation des interactions fluide-structure et les méthodes numériques qui s’y rattachent. De ce fait, la thèse est divisée en deux parties. La première partie concerne l’étude des interactions fluide-structure par la méthode des domaines fictifs. Dans cette contribution, le fluide est incompressible et laminaire et la structure est considérée rigide, qu’elle soit immobile ou en mouvement. Les outils que nous avons développés comportent la mise en oeuvre d’un algorithme fiable de résolution qui intégrera les deux domaines (fluide et solide) dans une formulation mixte. L’algorithme est basé sur des techniques de raffinement local adaptatif des maillages utilisés permettant de mieux séparer les éléments du milieu fluide de ceux du solide que ce soit en 2D ou en 3D. La seconde partie est l’étude des interactions mécaniques entre une structure flexible et un fluide incompressible. Dans cette contribution, nous proposons et analysons des méthodes numériques partitionnées pour la simulation de phénomènes d’interaction fluide-structure (IFS). Nous avons adopté à cet effet, la méthode dite «arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian» (ALE). La résolution fluide est effectuée itérativement à l’aide d’un schéma de type projection et la structure est modélisée par des modèles hyper élastiques en grandes déformations. Nous avons développé de nouvelles méthodes de mouvement de maillages pour aboutir à de grandes déformations de la structure. Enfin, une stratégie de complexification du problème d’IFS a été définie. La modélisation de la turbulence et des écoulements à surfaces libres ont été introduites et couplées à la résolution des équations de Navier-Stokes. Différentes simulations numériques sont présentées pour illustrer l’efficacité et la robustesse de l’algorithme. Les résultats numériques présentés attestent de la validité et l’efficacité des méthodes numériques développées.


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Different types of network oscillations occur in different behavioral, cognitive, or vigilance states. The rodent hippocampus expresses prominentoscillations atfrequencies between 4 and 12Hz,which are superimposed by phase-coupledoscillations (30 –100Hz).These patterns entrain multineuronal activity over large distances and have been implicated in sensory information processing and memory formation. Here we report a new type of oscillation at near- frequencies (2– 4 Hz) in the hippocampus of urethane-anesthetized mice. The rhythm is highly coherent with nasal respiration and with rhythmic field potentials in the olfactory bulb: hence, we called it hippocampal respiration-induced oscillations. Despite the similarity in frequency range, several features distinguish this pattern from locally generatedoscillations: hippocampal respiration-induced oscillations have a unique laminar amplitude profile, are resistant to atropine, couple differentlytooscillations, and are abolished when nasal airflow is bypassed bytracheotomy. Hippocampal neurons are entrained by both the respiration-induced rhythm and concurrent oscillations, suggesting a direct interaction between endogenous activity in the hippocampus and nasal respiratory inputs. Our results demonstrate that nasal respiration strongly modulates hippocampal network activity in mice, providing a long-range synchronizing signal between olfactory and hippocampal networks.


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Radial glial cells (RGCs) in the ventricular neuroepithelium of the dorsal telencephalon are the progenitor cells for neocortical projection neurons and astrocytes. Here we showthatthe adherens junction proteins afadin and CDH2 are criticalforthe control of cell proliferation in the dorsal telencephalon and for the formation of its normal laminar structure. Inactivation of afadin or CDH2 in the dorsal telenceph-alon leads to a phenotype resembling subcortical band heterotopia, also known as “double cortex,” a brain malformation in which heterotopic gray matter is interposed between zones of white matter. Adherens junctions between RGCs are disrupted in the mutants, progenitor cells are widely dispersed throughout the developing neocortex, and their proliferation is dramatically increased. Major subtypes of neocortical projection neurons are generated, but their integration into cell layers is disrupted. Our findings suggest that defects in adherens junctions components in mice massively affects progenitor cell proliferation and leads to a double cortex-like phenotype.


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The effect of Reynolds number variation in a vertical double pipe counterflow heat exchanger due to the changes in viscosity can cause the change in flow regime, for instance, when heats up and cools down, it can convert from turbulent to laminar or inversely, that can have significant effect on heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop. Mainly, the range of transition phase has been studied in this study with the investigation of silica nanofluid dispersed in water in three different concentrations. The results have been compared with distilled water sample and showed a remarkable raise in heat transfer coefficient while pressure drop has been increased respectively, as well. Although pumping power has to go up at the same time and it is a drawback, heat transfer efficiency grows for diluted samples. On the other hand, for the most concentrated sample, effect of pressure drop dominates which leads to decline in the overall efficiency.


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Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating neurological disorder that affects thousands of people each year. Although in recent decades significant progress has been made in relation to understanding the molecular and cellular events underlying the nervous damage, spinal cord injury is still a highly disabling condition for which there is no curative therapy. People affected by spinal cord injuries manifested dysfunction or loss, temporary or permanent, of motor, sensory and / or autonomic functions depending on the spinal lesion damaged. Currently, the incidence rate of this type of injury is approximately 15-40 cases per million people worldwide. At the origin of these lesions are: road accidents, falls, interpersonal violence and the practice of sports. In this work we placed the hypothesis that HA is one of the component of the scar tissue formed after a compressive SCI, that it is likely synthetised by the perilesional glial cells and that it might support the permeation of the glial scar during the late phase of SCI. Nowadays, much focus is drawn on the recovery of CNS function, made impossible after SCI due to the high content of sulfated proteoglycans in the extracellular matrix. Counterbalancing the ratio between these proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid could be one of the experimental therapy to re-permeate the glial scar tissue formed after SCI, making possible axonal regrowth and functional recovery. Therefore, we established a model of spinal cord compression in mice and studied the glial scar tissue, particularly through the characterization of the expression of enzymes related to the metabolism of HA and the subsequent concentration thereof at different distances of the lesion epicenter. Our results show that the lesion induced in mice shows results similar to those produced in human lesions, in terms of histologic similarities and behavioral results. but these animals demonstrate an impressive spontaneous reorganization mechanism of the spinal cord tissue that occurs after injury and allows for partial recovery of the functions of the CNS. As regards the study of the glial scar, changes were recorded at the level of mRNA expression of enzymes metabolizing HA i.e., after injury there was a decreased expression of HA synthases 1-2 (HAS 1-2) and an increase of the expression HAS3 synthase mRNA, as well as the enzymes responsible for the HA catabolism, HYAL 1-2. But the amount of HA measured through the ELISA test was found unchanged after injury, it is not possible to explain this fact only with the change of expression of enzymes. At two weeks and in response to SCI, we found synthesized HA by reactive astrocytes and probably by others like microglial cells as it was advanced by the HA/GFAP+ and HA/IBA1+ cells co-location.


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The purification of B-phycoerythrin from a concentrated extract of disrupted Porphyridium cruentum cells was carried out using a new vortex flow reactor design for protein purification. The reactor behaved as an expanded bed in the laminar vortices flow regime where the Streamline DEAE resin was expanded by the axial flow and stabilized by the vortex flow. After the broth culture was centrifuged and resuspended in the adsorption buffer, the concentrated extract of disrupted cells was directly loaded into the vortex flow reactor. The purification of B-phycoerythrin was carried out in two steps: adsorption in the expanded bed and elution from the settled bed. 142.0 mg of B-phycoerythrin was eluted representing a total recovery yield of 86.6%. Prior to B-phycoerythrin purification, the protein adsorption of the vortex flow reactor was characterized through hydrodynamic studies and a dynamic capacity measurement using a standard protein.


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Procedimiento de obtención de un material cerámico de forsterita. Procedimiento de obtención de un material cerámico a partir de un silicato laminar hidroxilado, preferiblemente talco, que comprende: mezclar una suspensión acuosa de silicato laminar hidroxilado con óxido de magnesio; secar la suspensión obtenida anteriormente a una temperatura de hasta 350 °C; y tratar térmicamente el producto secado a una temperatura de hasta 1600 °C. Además, la invención se refiere a un material cerámico obtenible por el procedimiento descrito que comprende forsterita en una proporción de entre un 70% y un 95% en peso del material cerámico, y a sus aplicaciones como material refractario o como material electrocerámico.


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Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear - Área de especialização: Radiofarmácia


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Ensayo clínico controlado con el objetivo de comparar la herida quirúrgica en pacientes con apendicitis aguda no complicada utilizando puntos subcuticulares de material absorvible, con los resultados de la técnica tradicional, asociando la frecuencia de complicaciones del sitio operatorio , resultados estéticos, índice de masa corporal, tiempo quirúrgico y hallazgos del transoperatorio. Se utilizó en el grupo A puntos subcuticulares y para el punto B puntos transdermicos. Se recolectó datos de filiación, tipo de incisión, talla, peso, tiempo quirúrgico, hallazgos asociados. Se realizó las evaluaciones clínicas de la herida: 24 horas, 8 días, 4 y 6 semanas detrminando dolor, calor, rubor y tumefacción. La valoración estética se realizó a las 4 semanas. Se intervinieron 110 pacientes , 55 por grupo. Las características basales fueron similares, La complicación fue seroma en el grupo B. El calor, rubor y tumefacción fue menor en el grupo A. El dolor a la semana fue mayor por la extracción de puntos y el rubor persistió a las 4 y 6 semanas en el grupo B. Respecto a la estética de la cicratiz fue mejor en el grupo A. La sutura subcuticular brinda una cicatriz más estética aproxima mejor el tejigo celular subcutáneo lo que evitaría la formación de seromas. El dolor a la semana es menor ya que evitamos la extracción de puntos. El calor, rubor y tumefacción es menor y no se evidencio un incremento de infección del sitio operatorio


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Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de alterações fundoscópicas em estudantes de escolas das redes pública e privada de Natal-RN. Métodos: Avaliação oftalmológica foi realizada em 990 alunos, de 5 a 21 anos, matriculados nas escolas das redes públicas e privada do município de Natal- RN, que estiveram cursando alguma série do ensino fundamental ou médio, no período de 03 a 06 de 2001. Resultados: Alterações fundoscópicas foram observadas em 5,3% dos estudantes. As anormalidades encontradas, por ordem de freqüência, foram: branco sem pressão, 1,0%; cicatriz de retinocoroidite sugestiva de toxoplasmose, 1,0%; atrofia do epitélio pigmentado da retina, 0,8%; nevos da coróide, 0,4%; escavação da cabeça do nervo óptico aumentada, 0,4%; degeneração em treliça, 0,3%; buraco operculado, 0,2%; fundus miópico, 0,2%; tortuosidade vascular aumentada, 0,2%; granuloma sugestivo de toxocaríase, 0,2%; hipoplasia da cabeça do nervo óptico, 0,1%; persistência da artéria hialoidea, 0,1%; persistência de fibras de mielina, 0,1%; retina sal e pimenta, 0,1%; retinosquise, 0,1%. Conclusão: Houve uma baixa prevalência de alterações fundoscópicas na população estudada


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Simulations of droplet dispersion behind cylinder wakes and downstream of icing tunnel spray bars were conducted. In both cases, a range of droplet sizes were investigated numerically with a Lagrangian particle trajectory approach while the turbulent air flow was investigated with a hybrid Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes/Large-Eddy Simulations approach scheme. In the first study, droplets were injected downstream of a cylinder at sub-critical conditions (i.e. with laminar boundary layer separation). A stochastic continuous random walk (CRW) turbulence model was used to capture the effects of sub-grid turbulence. Small inertia droplets (characterized by small Stokes numbers) were affected by both the large-scale and small-scale vortex structures and closely followed the air flow, while exhibiting a dispersion consistent with that of a scalar flow field. Droplets with intermediate Stokes numbers were centrifuged by the vortices to the outer edges of the wake, yielding an increased dispersion. Large Stokes number droplets were found to be less responsive to the vortex structures and exhibited the least dispersion. Particle concentration was also correlated with vorticity distribution which yielded preferential bias effects as a function of different particle sizes. This trend was qualitatively similar to results seen in homogenous isotropic turbulence, though the influence of particle inertia was less pronounced for the cylinder wake case. A similar study was completed for droplet dispersion within the Icing Research Tunnel (IRT) at the NASA Glenn Research Center, where it is important to obtain a nearly uniform liquid water content (LWC) distribution in the test section (to recreate atmospheric icing conditions).. For this goal, droplets are diffused by the mean and turbulent flow generated from the nozzle air jets, from the upstream spray bars, and from the vertical strut wakes. To understand the influence of these three components, a set of simulations was conducted with a sequential inclusion of these components. Firstly, a jet in an otherwise quiescent airflow was simulated to capture the impact of the air jet on flow turbulence and droplet distribution, and the predictions compared well with experimental results. The effects of the spray bar wake and vertical strut wake were then included with two more simulation conditions, for which it was found that the air jets were the primary driving force for droplet dispersion, i.e. that the spray bar and vertical strut wake effects were secondary.


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Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de alterações fundoscópicas em estudantes de escolas das redes pública e privada de Natal-RN. Métodos: Avaliação oftalmológica foi realizada em 990 alunos, de 5 a 21 anos, matriculados nas escolas das redes públicas e privada do município de Natal-RN, que estiveram cursando alguma série do ensino fundamental ou médio, no período de 03 a 06 de 2001. Resultados: Alterações fundoscópicas foram observadas em 5,3% dos estudantes. As anormalidades encontradas, por ordem de freqüência, foram: branco sem pressão, 1,0%; cicatriz de retinocoroidite sugestiva de toxoplasmose, 1,0%; atrofia do epitélio pigmentado da retina, 0,8%; nevos da coróide, 0,4%; escavação da cabeça do nervo óptico aumentada, 0,4%; degeneração em treliça, 0,3%; buraco operculado, 0,2%; fundus miópico, 0,2%; tortuosidade vascular aumentada, 0,2%; granuloma sugestivo de toxocaríase, 0,2%; hipoplasia da cabeça do nervo óptico, 0,1%; persistência da artéria hialoidea, 0,1%; persistência de fibras de mielina, 0,1%; retina sal e pimenta, 0,1%; retinosquise, 0,1%. Conclusão: Houve uma baixa prevalência de alterações fundoscópicas na população estudada