978 resultados para certified reference values
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We measured alcohol levels by the Cordebard method in 148 CSF samples from individuals who had abstained from alcohol for at least 7 days prior to the beginning of the study. Each blood sample was accompanied by a CSF sample from the same patient. CSF samples found to be normal after analysis were used as controls. Mean alcohol concentration in blood did not differ significantly between the control group and the groups with altered CSF. The group with altered CSF had statistically higher alcohol levels in CSF than in blood. CSF lactate, glucose and protein levels were not correlated with alcohol level. The results suggest the presence of endogenous alcohol in the CSF, with levels increasing in the presence of pathological processes involving the nervous system.
The establishment of reference values is extremely important for successful diagnosis and treatament. Considering that in most species the serum chemistry profile is influenced by race, climate and management, we decided to determine the values of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), uric acid, creatinine, creatine kinase (CK), phosphatase alkaline (ALP), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), total protein (TP) and albumin of Dekalb hens in the region of Araçatuba - SP. All samples were processed soon after harvesting in an automatic biochemical analyzer calibrated and monitored with control serum levels I and II. The following confidence intervals were obtained: 44-65,5 U / L (AST); 18,4-21,2 U / L (ALT), 2.1-2.5 mg / dL (uric acid); 1.7 to 5.7 U / L (CK); CI 1.2-2.2 mg / dL (creatinine), 1276-1506 U / L (FA); 18-23,4 U / L (GGT); 27.12 to 29 g / L (PT), from 11.4 to 12.16 g / L (albumin).
The anisocytosis is a hematologic finding that is routinely evaluated from the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and erythrocyte morphology in assessment of blood smears. The present study tested the hypothesis that the coefficient of variation of the red cell distribution width (RDW-CV - Red Cell Distribution Width) is a more sensitive parameter in the evaluation of hematologic anisocytosis, considering different levels of anemia in dogs and reticulocytosis. Blood counts of 102 anemic dogs and 353 control dogs made by automated hematology counter. The anemic animals were grouped according to the degree of anemia (mild, moderate and severe) and also as medullary response by manual reticulocyte count (none, weak, moderate and strong). The RDW-CV was different to the animal groups with moderate and severe anemia, which were higher, compared to the control group and mild anemia. The highest average value of RDW-CV (14.45%) occurred in patients with severe anemia. In the control group had higher MCV value that anemic animals , this may be due to a mixed population of erythrocytes in that group of animals. However, there wasn’t difference in MCV between different degrees of anemia and reticulocytosis. Therefore, the RDW is a more sensitive indicator anisocytosis than VCM and its value is directly proportional to the degree of anemia and reticulocytosis; when combined, the sensitivity for detection of anisocytosis in anemic dogs is greater. The use of reference values established by the clinical laboratory itself is mighty important.
Hematological values from captive vampire bats Desmodus rotundus (E. Geoffroy, 1810). Desmodus rotundus is one of the hematophagous bat species that are responsible for significant losses to livestock and has important involvement on public health. The great interest on this bat species made it becomes the target of many investigations a required its maintenance in laboratories. Similarly to others mammals, hematological evaluation has been utilized to assess the health and morbidity state of bats, however there are scarce studies with captive bats. The aim of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that is possible to feed the vampire bat D. rotundus with frozen blood treated with citrate during a long captivity period without hematological dyscrasias. Therefore, complete blood count was performed monthly from 15 adult females kept for 345 days in cages and fed with frozen blood added to citrate. The erythrocyte concentration (9.02 ± 1.43 x1012/L), PCV (0.47 ± 0.08 L/L) and hemoglobin (163.9 ± 31.5 g/L) obtained from free-living bats (immediately after capture) were lower or similar to those obtained after 345 days of captivity, presenting erythrocytes’ count of 11.01 ± 0.82 x1012/L, packed cell volume of 0.50 ± 0.05 L/L and hemoglobin level of 158 ± 10.1 g/L. The total white blood cell (11.09 ± 6.07 x109 /L) and segmented neutrophil counts (9.85 ± 3.5 x109 /L) of free living D. rotundus decreased significantly after 345 days of captivity, with values of 3.98 ± 1.98 and 1.87 ± 978.6 x109 /L respectively, which are similar to bats from temperate regions in hibernation period. This study proved that is possible to feed D. rotundus for long periods of captivity with citrated blood without the occurrence of anemia, erythrocyte or other hematologic dyscrasia
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In Brazil, the commercial breeding of wild boars (Sus scrofa scrofa) is rapidly expanding. Given the significance of reference values for biochemical analysis for diagnosis of pathological processes and the limitation of data in the literature on this species, Blood samples were collected for determination of biochemical values in 160 wild boars from 180 to 300 days old, clinically healthy farms. The reference range for creatinine was similar to the normal range for swine (1,0 – 2,7mg/dL). There were differences between genders, only for the determination of urea, where the males were higher, although similar to pigs (10 – 30mg/dL). The females, with values from 13.03 to 44.78 mg / dL, do not have statistically significant.
The diameters and areas of portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta are useful measurements in dogs. These values can be easily measured by ultrasonographic exam, and variations of normality can be an important indicator of hepatic or extra-hepatic alterations. This study aimed to measure the diameter and areas of portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta inhealthy dogs, with normal corporal score, divided in groups according to the body weight, and assess whether the data are influenced by animal weight. Thirty dogs were examined and divided into three groups (Group A: ≤ 10 kg Group B: from 10.1 to 20.0 kg; Group C: ≥ 20.1 kg). To measure thediameters and areas of portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta, the animal was kept in left lateral decubitus position and the transducer was placed on the right lateral abdominal wall, at approximately the 10th or 11th intercostal space, in the porta hepatis region. The diameters and areas of the portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta were significantly lower for dogs in Group A with respect to other groups and the dogs from Groups B and C had similar results with each other. The diameters and areas of the portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta may vary with the animal size, and reference values must be specific for small, medium and large dogs. Key words: abdominal vessels; area; diameter; measurement; ultrasonographic exam
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) was introduced into Swedish farmed deer herds in 1987. Epidemiological investigations showed that 10 deer herds had become infected (July 1994) and a common source of infection, a consignment of 168 imported farmed fallow deer, was identified (I). As trace-back of all imported and in-contact deer was not possible, a control program, based on tuberculin testing, was implemented in July 1994. As Sweden has been free from BTB since 1958, few practicing veterinarians had experience in tuberculin testing. In this test, result relies on the skill, experience and conscientiousness of the testing veterinarian. Deficiencies in performing the test may adversely affect the test results and thereby compromise a control program. Quality indicators may identify possible deficiencies in testing procedures. For that purpose, reference values for measured skin fold thickness (prior to injection of the tuberculin) were established (II) suggested to be used mainly by less experienced veterinarians to identify unexpected measurements. Furthermore, the within-veterinarian variation of the measured skin fold thickness was estimated by fitting general linear models to data (skin fold measurements) (III). The mean square error was used as an estimator of the within-veterinarian variation. Using this method, four (6%) veterinarians were considered to have unexpectedly large variation in measurements. In certain large extensive deer farms, where mustering of all animals was difficult, meat inspection was suggested as an alternative to tuberculin testing. The efficiency of such a control was estimated in paper IV and V. A Reed Frost model was fitted to data from seven BTB-infected deer herds and the spread of infection was estimated (< 0.6 effective contacts per deer and year) (IV). These results were used to model the efficiency of meat inspection in an average extensive Swedish deer herd. Given a 20% annual slaughter and meat inspection, the model predicted that BTB would be either detected or eliminated in most herds (90%) 15 years after introduction of one infected deer. In 2003, an alternative control for BTB in extensive Swedish deer herds, based on the results of paper V, was implemented.
Technical evaluation of analytical data is of extreme relevance considering it can be used for comparisons with environmental quality standards and decision-making as related to the management of disposal of dredged sediments and the evaluation of salt and brackish water quality in accordance with CONAMA 357/05 Resolution. It is, therefore, essential that the project manager discusses the environmental agency`s technical requirements with the laboratory contracted for the follow-up of the analysis underway and even with a view to possible re-analysis when anomalous data are identified. The main technical requirements are: (1) method quantitation limits (QLs) should fall below environmental standards; (2) analyses should be carried out in laboratories whose analytical scope is accredited by the National Institute of Metrology (INMETRO) or qualified or accepted by a licensing agency; (3) chain of custody should be provided in order to ensure sample traceability; (4) control charts should be provided to prove method performance; (5) certified reference material analysis or, if that is not available, matrix spike analysis, should be undertaken and (6) chromatograms should be included in the analytical report. Within this context and with a view to helping environmental managers in analytical report evaluation, this work has as objectives the discussion of the limitations of the application of SW 846 US EPA methods to marine samples, the consequences of having data based on method detection limits (MDL) and not sample quantitation limits (SQL), and present possible modifications of the principal method applied by laboratories in order to comply with environmental quality standards.
So Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and South America with about 20 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area, more than nine million motor vehicles and intense industrial activity, which are responsible for increasing pollution in the region. Nevertheless, little is known concerning metal and semi-metal content in the soils of this metropolitan region. This type of information could be extremely useful as a fingerprint of environmental pollution. The present study determined the elements As, Ba, Co, Cr, Sb, and Zn concentrations in soils adjacent to avenues of highly dense traffic in So Paulo city to assess their levels and possible sources. The analytical technique employed was Instrumental neutron activation analysis. The results showed, except for Co, concentration levels higher than the reference values for soils of So Paulo, according to the Environmental Protection Agency of the State of So Paulo guidelines. When compared to similar studies in other cities around the world, So Paulo soils presented higher levels, probably due to its high density traffic and industrial activity. The concentrations obtained for As and Cr indicate anthropogenic origin. The high levels of the traffic-related elements Ba, Sb, and Zn in soils nearby high density traffic avenues indicate they may originate from vehicular exhausts.