907 resultados para cell surface receptor


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Human pregnancy is accompanied by a mild systemic inflammatory response, which includes the activation of monocytes circulating in maternal blood. This response is exaggerated in preeclampsia, a placental-dependent disorder specific to human pregnancies. We and others showed that placental syncytiotrophoblast membrane microparticles (STBM) generated in vitro from normal placentas stimulated peripheral blood monocytes, which suggest a contribution of STBM to the systemic maternal inflammation. Here, we analyzed the inflammatory potential of STBM prepared from preeclamptic placentas on primary monocytes and investigated the mode of action in vitro. STBM generated in vitro by placental villous explants of normal or preeclamptic placentas were co-incubated with human peripheral blood monocytes. In some cases, inhibitors of specific cellular functions or signaling pathways were used. The analysis of the monocytic response was performed by flow cytometry, enzyme-linked immunoassays, real-time PCR, and fluorescence microscopy. STBM derived from preeclamptic placentas up-regulated the cell surface expression of CD54, and stimulated the secretion of the pro-inflammatory interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 in a similar, dose-dependent manner as did STBM prepared from normal placentas. STBM bound to the cell surface of monocytes, but phagocytosis was not necessary for activation. STBM-induced cytokine secretion was impaired in the presence of inhibitors of toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling or when nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) activation was blocked. Our results suggest that the inflammatory reaction in monocytes may be initiated by the interaction of STBM with TLRs, which in turn signal through NF-κB to mediate the transcription of genes coding for pro-inflammatory factors.


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The adenosine receptors are members of the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family which represents the largest class of cell-surface proteins mediating cellular communication. As a result, GPCRs are formidable drug targets and it is estimated that approximately 30% of the marketed drugs act through members of this receptor class. There are four known subtypes of adenosine receptors: A1, A2A, A2B and A3. The adenosine A1 receptor, which is the subject of this presentation, mediates the physiological effects of adenosine in various tissues including the brain, heart, kidney and adipocytes. In the brain for instance, its role in epilepsy and ischemia has been the focus of many studies. Previous attempts to study the biosynthesis, trafficking and agonist-induced internalisation of the adenosine A1 receptor in neurons using fluorescent protein-receptor fusion constructs have been hampered by the sheer size of the fluorescent protein (GFP) that ultimately affected the function of the receptor. We have therefore initiated a research programme to develop small molecule fluorescent agonists that selectively activate the adenosine A1 receptor. Our probe design is based on the endogenous ligand adenosine and the known unselective adenosine receptor agonist NECA. We have synthesised a small library of non-fluorescent adenosine derivatives that have different cyclic and bicyclic moieties at the 6 position of the purine ring and have evaluated the pharmacology of these compounds using a yeast-based assay. This analysis revealed compounds with interesting behaviour, i.e. exhibiting subtype-selectivity and biased signalling, that can be potentially used as tool compounds in their own right for cellular studies of the adenosine A1 receptor. Furthermore, we have also linked fluorescent dyes to the purine ring and discovered fluorescent compounds that can activate the adenosine A1 receptor.


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Divalent metal transporter-1 (SLC11A2/DMT1) uses the H+ electrochemical gradient as the driving force to transport divalent metal ions such as Fe2+, Mn2+ and others metals into mammalian cells. DMT1 is ubiquitously expressed, most notably in proximal duodenum, immature erythroid cells, brain and kidney. This transporter mediates H+-coupled transport of ferrous iron across the apical membrane of enterocytes. In addition, in cells such as to erythroid precursors, following transferrin receptor (TfR) mediated endocytosis; it mediates H+-coupled exit of ferrous iron from endocytic vesicles into the cytosol. Dysfunction of human DMT1 is associated with several pathologies such as iron deficiency anemia hemochromatosis, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, as well as colorectal cancer and esophageal adenocarcinoma, making DMT1 an attractive target for drug discovery. In the present study, we performed a ligand-based virtual screening of the Princeton database (700,000 commercially available compounds) to search for pharmacophore shape analogs of recently reported DMT1 inhibitors. We discovered a new compound, named pyrimidinone 8, which mediates a reversible linear non-competitive inhibition of human DMT1 (hDMT1) transport activity with a Ki of ∼20 μM. This compound does not affect hDMT1 cell surface expression and shows no dependence on extracellular pH. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental evidence that hDMT1 can be allosterically modulated by pharmacological agents. Pyrimidinone 8 represents a novel versatile tool compound and it may serve as a lead structure for the development of therapeutic compounds for pre-clinical assessment.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Rhinoviruses (RV) replicate in both upper and lower airway epithelial cells. We evaluated the possibility of using nasal epithelial cells (NEC) as surrogate of bronchial epithelial cells (BEC) for RV pathogenesis cell culture studies. METHODS We used primary paired NEC and BEC cultures established from healthy subjects and compared the replication of RV belonging to the major (RV16) and minor (RV1B) group, and the cellular antiviral and proinflammatory cytokine responses towards these viruses. We related antiviral and pro-inflammatory responses of NEC isolated from CF and COPD patients with those of BEC. RESULTS RV16 replication and major group surface receptor (ICAM-1) expression were higher in healthy NEC compared with BEC (P < 0.05); RV1B replication and minor group surface receptor (LDLR) expression were similar. Healthy NEC and BEC produced similar levels of IFN-β and IFN-λ2/3 upon RV infection or after simulation with poly(IC). IL-8 production was similar between healthy NEC and BEC. IL-6 release at baseline (P < 0.01) and upon infection with RV16 (P < 0.05) and poly(IC) stimulation (P < 0.05) was higher in NEC. RV1B viral load in NEC was related to RV1B viral load in BEC (r = 0.49, P = 0.01). There was a good correlation of IFN levels between NEC and BEC (r = 0.66, P = 0.0004 after RV1B infection). IL-8 production in NEC was related to IL-8 production in BEC (r = 0.48, P = 0.02 after RV1B infection). CONCLUSION NEC are a suitable alternative cellular system to BEC to study the pathophysiology of RV infections and particularly to investigate IFN responses induced by RV infection.


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The intracellular parasite Theileria parva infects and transforms bovine T-cells, inducing their uncontrolled proliferation and spread in non-lymphoid as well as lymphoid tissues. This parasite-induced transformation is the predominant factor contributing to the pathogenesis of a lymphoproliferative disease, called East Coast fever. T. parva-transformed cells become independent of antigenic stimulation or exogenous growth factors. A dissection of the signalling pathways that are activated in T. parva-infected cells shows that the parasite bypasses signalling pathways that normally emanate from the T-cell antigen receptor to induce continuous proliferation. This review concentrates on the influence of the parasite on the state of activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), NF-kappaB and phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3-K) pathways in the host cell. Of the MAPKs, JNK, but not ERK or p38, is active, inducing constitutive activation of the transcription factors AP-1 and ATF-2. A crucial step in the transformation process is the persistent activation of the transcription factor NF-kappaB, which protects T. parva-transformed cells from spontaneous apoptosis accompanying the transformation process. Inhibitor studies also suggest an important role for the lipid kinase, PI-3K, in the continuous proliferation of T. parva-transformed lymphocytes.


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Quiescent human B cells are postulated to go through activation and proliferation phases before undergoing differentiative phase for immunoglobulin secretion. The present studies address some of the aspects of activation and proliferation phase of normal human B cells. The definitions of signals responsible for B cell activation and proliferation resulted in the development of a highly specific, reproducible B cell growth factor (BCGF) assay. This BCGF bioassay utilizes activation by rabbit anti-human IgM-antibody. The functional specificity of this assay for measuring BCGF activity was demonstrated by the finding that target B cells proliferated but did not differentiate. The factor specificity was determined by specific absorption of BCGF by anti-IgM activated B cells. This assay was utilized for the studies of T-B cell collaboration and the essential function of monocytes in the production and/or release of B cell growth factor in a syngeneic in vitro system. It is apparent that highly purified T cells are poor producers of BCGF by themselves and require monocytes to secrete significant quantities of BCGF upon PHA stimulation. Macrophage soluble factor, Interleukin 1, is capable of replacing monocyte function for the release of BCGF by activated T cells. In our studies, B cells are incapable to function as accessory cells to replace monocyte function. Normal B cells are also not capable of producing BCGF under our experimental observations. However, the addition of these B cells at an optimum cell density (T:B ratio 1:1) doubles the monocyte dependent release of BCGF by syngeneic T cells. The augmentative role of B cells is expanded to understand the mechanism of BCGF release by T cells. It is observed from our studies that DR antigen of B cell surface is involved in the release of BCGF. The functional difference between DR of B cells and monocytes is observed as IL-1 could replace DR-treated monocytes whereas failed to replace DR-treated B cells for the release of BCGF by T cells. This functional difference may be attributed to the reported microheterogeneity in DR of B cells and monocytes. The addition of irradiated B cells increased the monocyte dependent T cell proliferation, suggesting the increase of T cell pool for BCGF release. In summary, the development of a biological assay specific for B cell growth factor led to the delineation of an interesting role of B cells in the release of its own growth factor by T cells. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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The dramatic poor survival of patients diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a reflection of the struggles that accompany traditional treatments. Thus, the development of molecular-based targeted therapies represents new windows for intervention. In this study, we hypothesized that we could select peptide-ligands that selectively target GBM based on the idea that the glioma microenvironment may induce or modify the expression of cell surface receptors that could be accessed by circulating peptides. To select the peptides we employed two distinct in vivo screenings. First, a random phage-displayed peptide library was injected into mice bearing intracranial tumors. Phage that bound to tumor were recovered and sequenced. We found that the tumor-derived phage CLSYKGRC, CNKVSTKC and CQSSREKC were recovered with the highest frequencies and used for subsequent targeting experiments. Second, the phage peptide library was injected into mice without tumors and phage were recovered from brain and sequenced. A phage-displayed peptide (CRTIGPSVC) with homology to transferrin (Tf) was selected and injected into brain tumor-bearing mice. Results showed that after 6 hours of circulation, the CLSYKGRC, CNKVSTKC and CQSSREKC-phage selectively targeted GBM vasculature. In contrast, Tf-like phage accumulated outside the tumor blood vessels in the cytoplasm of cells located within GBM, suggesting it was internalized in vivo. However, after short periods of circulation this phage was restricted to the tumor vasculature. Importantly, none of the selected phage targeted normal brain cells in animals bearing intracranial tumors. An affinity column coupled to the CNKVSTKC zpeptide was used to identify receptors from GBM. Using mass-spectrometry Vimentin, a marker of glial malignancy, was identified as a potential receptor. Other studies showed that the Tf-like phage bound selectively to Apo-Tf (iron free), with no binding to Holo-Tf (iron loaded) or to Tf receptor (TfR). However, the binding of Tf-like phage to glioma cells that express TfR increased in the presence of Apo-Tf. Thus, the Tf-like phage could indirectly target TfR using the endogenous Tf pathway. We propose that the novel peptides identified in this study could be conjugated to therapeutic or imaging agents for use GBM. ^


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Lymphocyte development requires the assembly of diversified antigen receptor complexes generated by the genetically programmed V(D)J recombination event. Because germline DNA is cut, introducing potentially dangerous double-stranded breaks (DSBs) and rearranged prior to repair, its activity is limited to the non-cycling stages of the cell cycle, G0/G1. The potential involvement of a key mediator, Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated or ATM, in the DNA damage response (DDR) and cell cycle checkpoints has been implicated in recombination, but its role is not fully understood. Thymic lymphomas from ATM deficient mice contain clonal chromosomal translocations involving the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR). A previous report found ATM and its downstream target p53 associated with V(D)J intermediates, suggesting the DDR senses recombination. In this study, we sought to understand the role of ATM in V(D)J recombination. Developing thymocytes from ATM deficient mice were analyzed according to the cell cycle to detect V(D)J intermediates. Examination of all TCR loci in the non-cycling (G0/G1) and cycling (S/G2/M) fractions revealed the persistence of intermediates in ATM deficient thymocytes, contrary to the wild-type in which intermediates are found only during G0/G1. Further analysis found no defect in end-joining of intermediates, nor were they detected in developed T-cells. Based upon the presence of persisting intermediates, the recombination initiating nuclease Rag-2 was examined; strict regulation limits it to G 0/G1. Rag-2 regulation was not affected by an ATM deficiency as Rag-2 expression remained contained within G0/G 1, indicating recombination is not continuous. To determine if an ATM deficiency affects recognition of V(D)J breaks, sites of recombination identified by a TCR locus or Rag expression were analyzed according to co-localization with a DDR factor phosphorylated immediately after DNA damage, phosphorylated H2AX (γH2AX). No differences in co-localization were found between the wild-type and ATM deficiency, demonstrating ATM deficient lymphocytes retain the ability to recognize DSBs. Together, these results suggest ATM is necessary in the cell cycle regulation of recombination but not essential for the identification of V(D)J breaks. ATM ensures the containment of intermediates within G0/G1 and maintains genomic stability of developing lymphocytes, emphasizing its fundamental role in preventing tumorigenesis.^


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Glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX complex, the second most abundant receptor expressed on the platelet surface, plays critical roles in haemostasis and thrombosis by binding to its ligand, von Willebrand factor (vWF). Defect or malfunction of the complex leads to severe bleeding disorders, heart attack or stroke. Comprised of three type I transmembrane subunits—GPIbα, GPIbβ and GPIX, efficient expression of the GPIb-IX complex requires all three subunits, as evident from genetic mutations identified in the patients and reproduced in transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. However, how the subunits are assembled together and how the complex function is regulated is not fully clear. By probing the interactions among the three subunits in transfected cells, we have demonstrated that the transmembrane domains of the three subunits interact with one another, facilitating formation of the two membrane-proximal disulfide bonds between GPIbα and GPIbβ. We have also identified the interface between extracellular domains of GPIbβ and GPIX, and provided evidence suggesting a direct interaction between extracellular domains of GPIbα and GPIX. All of these interactions are not only critical for correct assembly and consequently efficient expression of the GPIb-IX complex on the cell surface, but also for its function, such as the proper ligand binding, since removing the two inter-subunit disulfide bonds significantly hampers vWF binding to the complex under both static and physiological flow conditions. The two inter-subunit disulfide bonds are also critical for regulating the ectodomain shedding of GPIbα by the GPIbβ cytoplasmic domain. Mutations in the juxtamembrane region of the GPIbβ cytoplasmic domain deregulate GPIbα shedding, and such deregulation is further enhanced when the two inter-subunit disulfide bonds are removed. In summary, we have established the overall organization of the GPIb-IX complex, and the importance of proper organization on its function. ^


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The presentation of MHC class I (MHC-I)/peptide complexes by dendritic cells (DCs) is critical for the maintenance of central tolerance to self and for the regulation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)-mediated adaptive immune responses against pathogens and cancer cells. Interestingly, several findings have suggested that the cytoplasmic tail of MHC class I plays a functional role in the regulation of CTL immune responses. For example, our previous studies demonstrated that exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules not only showed extended DC cell surface half-lives but also induced significantly increased CTL responses to viral challange invivo. Although exon 7-deleted variant of MHC-I does not occur naturally in humans, the animal studies prompted us to examine whether exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules could generate augmented CTL responses in a therapeutic DC-based vaccine setting. To examine the stimulatory capacity of exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules, we generated a lentivirus-mediated gene transfer system to induce the expression of different MHC-I cytoplasmic tail isoforms in both mouse and human DCs. These DCs were then used as vaccines in a melanoma mouse tumor model and in a human invitro co-culture system. In this thesis, we show that DCs expressing exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules, stimulated remarkably higher levels of T-cell cytokine production and significantly increased the proliferation of meanoma-specific (Pmel-1) T cells compared with DCs expressing wild type MHC-I. We also demonstrate that, in combination with adoptive transfer of Pmel-1 T-cell, DCs expressing exon 7-deleted Db molecules induced greater anti-tumor responses against established B16 melanoma tumors, significantly extending mouse survival as compared to DCs expressing wild-type Db molecules. Moreover, we also observed that human DCs expressing exon 7-deleted HLA-A2 molecules showed similarly augmented CTL stimulatory ability. Mechanistic studies suggest that exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules showed impaired lateral membrane movement and extended cell surface half-lives within the DC/T-cell interface, leading to increased spatial availability of MHC-I/peptide complexes for recognition by CD8+ T cells. Collectively, these results suggesr that targeting exon 7 within the cytoplasmic tail of MHC-I molecules in DC vaccines has the potential to enhance CD8+ T cell stimulatory capacity and improve clinical outcomes in patients with cancer or viral infections.


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Plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels are positively correlated with the incidence of coronary artery disease. In the circulation, the plasma LDL clearance is mainly achieved by the uptake via LDL receptor (LDLR). Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) is a newly discovered gene, playing an important role in LDL metabolism. Gain-of-function mutations of PCSK9 lead to hypercholesterolemia and loss-of-function mutations of PCSK9 are associated with decrease of LDL cholesterol. The effects of PCSK9 on cholesterol levels are the consequence of a strong interaction between the catalytic domain of PCSK9 and epidermal growth factor-like repeat A (EGF-A) domain of LDLR on the cell surface of hepatocytes. This PCSK9/LDLR complex enters the cell via endocytosis, where both PCSK9 and LDLR are removed via the lysosome pathway, resulting in decreased levels of LDLR and accumulation of LDL in the plasma. However, whether this is the exclusive function of PCSK9 on LDL metabolism was challenged by us; we observed PCSK9 interacted with apolipoprotein B (apoB) and increased apoB production, irrespective of the LDLR. ApoB is the primary structure protein of LDL particle and it also serves as the ligand for the LDL receptor. There is ample evidence showing that the levels of apoB are a better indicator for heart disease than either total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol levels. We used a second-generation adenoviral vector to overexpress PCSK9 (Ad-PCSK9) in wild-type C57BL/6 and LDLR deficient mice (Ldlr-/- and Ldlr-/-Apobec1-/-). Our study revealed that overexpression of PCSK9 promoted the production and secretion of apoB in the form of very-low density lipoprotein (VLDL), which is the precursor of LDL, in the 3 mouse models studied (C57BL/6J, Ldlr-/-, and Ldlr-/-Apobec1-/-). The increased apoB production in mice was regulated at post-transcriptional levels, since there was no difference in apoB mRNA levels between mice treated with Ad-PCSK9 and control vector Ad-Null. By using pulse-chase experiment on primary hepatocytes, we showed that overexpression of PCSK9 increased the secretion of apoB, independent of LDLR. In the circulation, we showed that PCSK9 was associated with LDL particles. By using 3 different protein–protein interaction assays of co-immunoprecipitation, mammalian two-hybrid system, and in situ proximity ligation assay, we demonstrated a direct protein–protein interaction between PCSK9 and apoB. The impact of this interaction inhibited the physiological removal process of apoB via autophagosome/lysosome pathway in an LDLR-independent fashion, resulting in increased production and secretion of apoB-containing lipoproteins. The significance of this process was shown in the Pcsk9 knockout mice in the background of Ldlr-/-Apobec1-/- mice (triple knockout mice); in the absence of Pcsk9 (triple knockout mice) the levels of cholesterol, triacylglycerol, and apoB decreased significantly in comparison to that of Ldlr-/-Apobec1-/- mice. Taken together, our study demonstrated a direct intracellular interaction of PCSK9 with apoB, resulting in the inhibition of apoB degradation via the autophagosome/lysosome pathway independent of LDLR. This discovery provides a new concept of the importance of PCSK9 and suggests new approaches for the therapeutic intervention of hyperlipidemia.


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Receptor-mediated endocytosis is well known for its degradation and recycling trafficking. Recent evidence shows that these cell surface receptors translocate from cell surface to different cellular compartments, including the Golgi, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and the nucleus to regulate physiological and pathological functions. Although some trafficking mechanisms have been resolved, the mechanism of intracellular trafficking from cell surface to the Golgi is not yet completed understood. Here we report a mechanism of Golgi translocation of EGFR in which EGF-induced EGFR travels to the Golgi via microtubule (MT)-dependent movement by interacting with dynein and fuses with the Golgi through syntaxin 6 (Syn6)-mediated membrane fusion. We also demonstrate that the Golgi translocation of EGFR is necessary for its consequent nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity. Interestingly, foreign protein such as bacterial cholera toxin, which is known to activate its pathological function through the Golgi/ER retrograde pathway, also utilizes the MT/Syn6 pathway. Thus, the MT, and syntaxin 6 mediated trafficking pathway from cell surface to the Golgi and ER defines a comprehensive retrograde trafficking route for both cellular and foreign molecules to travel from cell surface to the Golgi and the nucleus.


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Cell-CAM 105 has been identified as a cell adhesion molecule (CAM) based on the ability of monospecific and monovalent anti-cell-CAM 105 antibodies to inhibit the reaggregation of rat hepatocytes. Although one would expect to find CAMs concentrated in the lateral membrane domain where adhesive interactions predominate, immunofluorescence analysis of rat liver frozen sections revealed that cell-CAM 105 was present exclusively in the bile canalicular (BC) domain of the hepatocyte. To more precisely define the in situ localization of cell-CAM 105, immunoperoxidase and electron microscopy were used to analyze intact and mechanically dissociated fixed liver tissue. Results indicate that although cell-CAM 105 is apparently restricted to the BC domain in situ, it can be detected in the pericanalicular region of the lateral membranes when accessibility to lateral membranes is provided by mechanical dissociation. In contrast, when hepatocytes were labeled following incubation in vitro under conditions used during adhesion assays, cell-CAM 105 had redistributed to all areas of the plasma membrane. Immunofluorescence analysis of primary hepatocyte cultures revealed that cell-CAM 105 and two other BC proteins were localized in discrete domains reminscent of BC while cell-CAM 105 was also present in regions of intercellular contact. These results indicate that the distribution of cell-CAM 105 under the experimental conditions used for cell adhesion assays differs from that in situ and raises the possibility that its adhesive function may be modulated by its cell surface distribution. The implications of these and other findings are discussed with regard to a model for BC formation.^ Analysis of molecular events involved in BC formation would be accelerated if an in vitro model system were available. Although BC formation in culture has previously been observed, repolarization of cell-CAM 105 and two other domain-specific membrane proteins was incomplete. Since DMSO had been used by Isom et al. to maintain liver-specific gene expression in vitro, the effect of this differentiation system on the polarity of these membrane proteins was examined. Based on findings presented here, DMSO apparently prolongs the expression and facilitates polarization of hepatocyte membrane proteins in vitro. ^


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A colony of rabbits has been developed at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston that is resistant to dietary-induced hypercholesterolemia. The liver of resistant rabbits had higher levels of ($\sp{125}$I) $\beta$-VLDL binding and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl (HMGCoA) reductase activity, but lower acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) activity than normal rabbits. Direct quantitation of intracellular cholesterol content of the liver revealed that the resistant rabbits had $<$10% of the intracellular free cholesterol present in normal rabbits. Fibroblasts isolated from normal and resistant rabbits exhibited differences in ($\sp{125}$I) LDL binding, HMGCoA reductase activity and ACAT activity that were similar to those found in the liver. No structural differences were found in the LDL receptor of normal and resistant fibroblasts that would account for the increased binding capacity of the resistant cells. The regulation of LDL receptor levels by exogenous oxygenated sterols was similar in normal and resistant fibroblasts. The regulation of LDL receptor binding capacity by LDL was attenuated in the resistant compared to normal fibroblasts, suggesting that the resistant fibroblasts have an alternate pathway for processing lipoprotein-derived cholesterol. Sterol-balance studies revealed that the cholesterol-fed resistant rabbits increased lithocholic acid excretion compared to the basal state, and had higher levels of deoxycholic acid excretion than cholesterol-fed normal rabbits. In addition, the specific activity and mRNA levels of cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase (C7$\alpha$H) were higher in resistant rabbits than normal rabbits, suggesting that the increased bile acid excretion was due to an increase in bile acid synthesis. Increased clearance of cholesterol relieves the negative feedback inhibition cholesterol exerts on expression of the LDL receptor. The number of cell surface LDL receptors is then increased in resistant rabbits and allows rapid clearance of lipoproteins from the plasma compartment, thereby reducing plasma cholesterol levels. The low intracellular cholesterol level also relieves the negative feedback inhibition cholesterol exerts on HMGCoA reductase. Increased synthesis of cholesterol from acetate provides cells with cholesterol for bile acid synthesis and/or homeostasis. The activity of ACAT is then decreased due to the flux of cholesterol through the bile acid synthetic pathways. ^


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A newly described subset of monocytes has been identified in peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) from the malignant ascites of patients with ovarian cancer. These cells were characterized by the production of IL-10 and TGF-β2, but not IL-12, IL-1α, or TNF-α, and expressed CD14, CD16, and CD54, but not HLA-DR, CD80, CD86, CD11a, CD11b, or CD25 cell surface antigens. Since this subset of monocytes could affect the modulation of tumor immune responses in vivo, studies were undertaken to determine their effect on the activation and proliferation of autologous T-cells from the peritoneal cavity of patients with ovarian carcinoma. Cytokine transcripts, including IL-2, GM-CSF, and IFN-γ were detected in T-cells isolated from patient specimens that also contained the IL-10 producing monocytes, although the IFN-γ and IL-2 proteins could not be detected in T-cells co-incubated with the IL-10 producing monocytes in vitro. Additionally, IL-10 producing monocytes co-cultured with autologous T-cells inhibited the proliferation of the T-cells in response to PHA. T-cell proliferation and cytokine protein production could be restored by the addition of neutralizing antibodies to IL-10R and TGF-β to the co-culture system. These results suggested that this subset of monocytes may modulate antitumor immune responses by inhibiting T-cell proliferation and cytokine protein production. Further studies determined that the precursors to the inhibitory monocytes were tumor-associated and only present in the peripheral blood of patients with ovarian cancer and not present in the peripheral blood of healthy donors. These precursors could be induced to the suppressor phenotype by the addition of IL-2 and GM-CSF, two cytokines detected in the peritoneal cavity of ovarian cancer patients. Lastly, it was shown that the suppressor monocytes from the peritoneal cavity of ovarian cancer patients could be differentiated to a non-inhibitory phenotype by the addition of TNF-α and IFN-γ to the culture system. The differentiated monocytes did not produce IL-10, expressed the activation antigens HLA-DR, CD80, and CD86, and were able to stimulate autologous T-cells in vitro. Since a concomitant reduction in immune function is associated with tumor growth and progression, the effects of these monocytes are of considerable importance in the context of tumor immunotherapy. ^