1000 resultados para carrier media
Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia teknologian ja sosiaalisen median vaikutusta yksilön arkeen, sekä selvittää, miten saatavilla olevan tiedon määrä näkyy yksilön arkielämässä ja mitä oheisvaikutuksia jatkuvalla tietovirralla ja aktiivisella sosiaalisen median käytöllä on. Lisäksi tavoitteena on muodostaa kuva siitä, miten yhteisöverkkopalvelut ja kokoaikaisen tavoitettavuuden vaatimus vaikuttavat arkeen ja mitä mahdollisia seuraamuksia aktiivisella sosiaalisen median käytöllä on. Tutkielma vastaa seuraaviin kysymyksiin: Katoaako yksityisyyden rajat tulevaisuudessa? Miten lisääntyvä sosiaalisen median käyttö vaikuttaa ihmisten keskinäiseen vuorovaikutukseen työssä ja yksityiselämässä? Kysymyksiin vastataan muodostamalla kattava kuva mobiili- ja verkkopalveluiden aiheuttamista arjen muutoksista, sekä sosiaalisen median käytön nykytilasta. Sosiaalisen median nykytilan tarkastelu keskittyy sosiaalisen median kehitykseen sekä yhteisöverkkopalveluiden suosituimpiin muotoihin. Erityisesti käydään läpi miten palveluita voidaan kategorisoida, sekä miten ne eroavat toisistaan. Tutkielman lopussa keskitytään sosiaalisen median vaikutuksiin: mitä positiivista ja negatiivista yhteisöpalveluiden käytössä on ja miten ne näkyvät niin työ- kuin arkielämässä. Tutkielman tuloksena todetaan, että sosiaalisen median aktiivinen käyttö hämärtää yksityisen ja julkisen tiedon rajaa, sillä sosiaalisessa mediassa yksityiseksi tarkoitettu viesti tai kuva voi levitä merkittävästi laajemmalle yleisölle. Kun epäsuotuisa julkaisu on tehty, on yksityisyys menetetty eikä julkaistua tietoa voi enää täysin poistaa verkosta. Tämä ominaisuus voi aiheuttaa epäsuotuisia sosiaalisia tilanteita etenkin silloin, kun käyttäjän medialukutaito tai teknologiaosaaminen ovat matalalla tasolla. Sosiaalinen yhteydenpito on yhä useamman virtuaalista, mikä edellyttää kykyä ja halua hyödyntää verkkopalveluita madaltuneen yksityisyyden kustannuksella.
Middle ear infections (acute otitis media, AOM) are among the most common infectious diseases in childhood, their incidence being greatest at the age of 6–12 months. Approximately 10–30% of children undergo repetitive periods of AOM, referred to as recurrent acute otitis media (RAOM). Middle ear fluid during an AOM episode causes, on average, 20–30 dB of hearing loss lasting from a few days to as much as a couple of months. It is well known that even a mild permanent hearing loss has an effect on language development but so far there is no consensus regarding the consequences of RAOM on childhood language acquisition. The results of studies on middle ear infections and language development have been partly discrepant and the exact effects of RAOM on the developing central auditory nervous system are as yet unknown. This thesis aims to examine central auditory processing and speech production among 2-year-old children with RAOM. Event-related potentials (ERPs) extracted from electroencephalography can be used to objectively investigate the functioning of the central auditory nervous system. For the first time this thesis has utilized auditory ERPs to study sound encoding and preattentive auditory discrimination of speech stimuli, and neural mechanisms of involuntary auditory attention in children with RAOM. Furthermore, the level of phonological development was studied by investigating the number and the quality of consonants produced by these children. Acquisition of consonant phonemes, which are harder to hear than vowels, is a good indicator of the ability to form accurate memory representations of ambient language and has not been studied previously in Finnish-speaking children with RAOM. The results showed that the cortical sound encoding was intact but the preattentive auditory discrimination of multiple speech sound features was atypical in those children with RAOM. Furthermore, their neural mechanisms of auditory attention differed from those of their peers, thus indicating that children with RAOM are atypically sensitive to novel but meaningless sounds. The children with RAOM also produced fewer consonants than their controls. Noticeably, they had a delay in the acquisition of word-medial consonants and the Finnish phoneme /s/, which is acoustically challenging to perceive compared to the other Finnish phonemes. The findings indicate the immaturity of central auditory processing in the children with RAOM, and this might also emerge in speech production. This thesis also showed that the effects of RAOM on central auditory processing are long-lasting because the children had healthy ears at the time of the study. An effective neural network for speech sound processing is a basic requisite of language acquisition, and RAOM in early childhood should be considered as a risk factor for language development.
The purpose of this thesis was to understand how industrial buyers utilize social media in the purchasing of knowledge-intensive business services. By combining theories from past research a theoretical framework was formed to visualize the role of the social media at the different stages of the purchasing process. The subject was approached from the industrial buyers’ perspective instead of the knowledge-intensive business firm. The research was conducted using two qualitative research methods: interviews and netnography. The selected interviewees have been involved in the decision-making unit for purchasing knowledge-intensive business services. Additionally all of them are using various social media. Based on the interviews social media is used merely to support decision-making. Some of the interviewees had also shared their own experiences about the service and collaboration with the service provider with other social media users. Based on the interviews two social media were chosen for closer examination. The findings from netnography support the results from the interviews. The outcome of knowledgeintensive business services is dependable of the professionals. Therefore the information is used during decision-making process to confirm the formed image of the service, and the professionals of the service provider. Information obtained from social media complements information provided by the supplier. Even though the interviewees had not themselves used social media to find information about the service during search process, finding from netnography suggest it to exist. Industrial buyers ask other users’ opinions and experience about the services, and receive recommendations to them. Some recommendations are given publicly, but more discreet information is shared in private conversations. Observations in social media show that industrial buyers might be exposed to triggers to promote problem recognition as well. Companies share news and successful customer cases through their social media profiles, which might affect the industrial buyers, but to confirm this requires further research. The industrial buyers’ use of social media during different purchasing processes of knowledgeintensive business services can be conceptualize based on the findings. This helps companies to create right content to their social media pages, and encourage professionals to develop their networks in social media.
Today, companies need to mind the environment in all their actions. Policies, regulations and growing pressure from environmentally conscious public are driving corporations to invest increasingly in their green images. Communication plays a key role in forming and maintaining that image. This thesis explores how six selected companies communicate about their environmental efforts and activities, and its linkage to their green images, in annual and sustainability reports and in Facebook. The companies come from the U.S. and Europe and operate in three different industries: ICT, oil and gas, and aerospace & defense. Qualitative and quantitative content analyses are conducted to examine 36 reports and 121 Facebook messages, collected from the period of 2010-2014, and from 2005 for comparison. The results show that although the quality and quantity of environmental disclosure is increasing, there is still room for improvement. Overall, disclosure in the ICT sector is on the highest level. The European companies disclose more and on average have stronger green images than the American ones. Emissions and ways to reduce them is by far the most covered topic in both continents and in all three industry sectors. The messages in Facebook are closer to advertising, and overall the platform is utilized surprisingly little.
The purpose of the study is to define the characteristics of strong personal brands on social media in Finland. Personal branding as a phenomenon is no longer limited to celebrities and political leaders. The digital revolution and the change in online behavior have created the need for a deeper investigation of the characteristics of strong personal brands on social media. The work of different academics on personal branding are examined to gain a comprehensive understanding on this research topic that has gone through a revolution during the last decade. Early impression management theory is refined to include elements from more modern literature related to personal branding, brand identity management and social media to create a theoretical framework that simplifies the process of personal brand building on social media. The framework consisting of three phases clarifies the process of modern personal branding. The results of the study are presented in line with three research themes derived from the theoretical framework: the background of the brand, the brand identity management and the social media behavior and activities. Mixed methods are used in the research as means to broaden perception on the subject. The quantitative part of the study defines general characteristics concerning the most follower personal brands in Finland in three social media channels – Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The other part of the research was conducted by single case study including two Finnish personal brands cases to provide a deeper understanding of personal branding practices of strong social media personal brands. The results of the study show that the most used social media channels differ in terms of the personal brand characteristics and personal branding activities. Due to the characteristics of the channels also the post activities of the personal brands differ quite significantly. It can be also inferred that there is a difference between brands with an existing offline awareness and the brands with no awareness before joining the social media. In order to reduce the gap between the ideal brand image and the current image, the brand should have a clear vision as well as a good understanding of the target group and the value it creates for its target audience. The brand identity needs to be managed by communicating with the target audience authentically in the right channels, with relevant content. The dedication, the target group’s behavior and the ability to create valuable and relevant content determines the right tactics for social media personal branding.
Gestión del conocimiento
Gestión del conocimiento
A study has been conducted focusing on how the phosphorus renrx)val efficiency of a constructed wetland (CW) can be optimized through the selective enrichment of the substratum. Activated alumina and powdered iron were examined as possible enrichment compounds. Using packed glass column trials it was found that alumina was not suitable for the renx)val of ortho-phosphate from solution, while mixtures of powdered iron and quartz sand proved to be very efficient. The evaluation of iron/sand mixtures in CWs planted with cattails was performed in three stages; first using an indoor lab scale wetland, then an outdoor lab scale wetland, and finally in a small scale pilot project. For the lab scale tests, three basic configurations were evaluated: using the iron/sand as a pre-filter, in the root bed. and as a post filter. Primary lagoon effluent was applied to the test cells to simulate actual CW conditions, and the total phosphorus and iron concentrations of the influent and effluent were nfK)nitored. The pilot scale trials were limited to using only a post filter design, due to in-progress research at the pilot site. The lab scale tests achieved average renrK>val efficiencies greater than 91% for all indoor configurations, and greater than 97% for all outdoor configurations. The pilot scale tests had an average renK)val efficiency of 60%. This relatively low efficiency in the pilot scale can be attributed to the post filters being only one tenth the size of the lab scale test in terms of hydraulic loading (6 cm/day vs. 60 cm/day).
Fire blight is an economically important disease of apples and pears that is caused by the
bacterium Erwinia amylovora. Control of the disease depends on limiting primaly blosson1
infection in the spring, and rapidly removing infected tissue. The possibility of using phages to
control E.amylovora populations has been suggested, but previous studies have. failed to show
high treatment efficacies. This work describes the development of a phage-based biopesticide
that controls E. amylovora populations under field conditions, and significantly reduces the
incidence of fire blight.
This work reports the first use ofPantoea agglomerans, a non-pathogenic relative ofE.
amylovora, as a carrier for E. amylovora.phages. Its role is to support a replicating population of
these phages on blossom surfaces during the period when the flowers are most susceptible to
infection. Seven phages and one carrier isolate were selected for field trials from existing
collections of 56 E. amylovora phages and 249 epiphytic orchard bacteria. Selection of the .
phages and carrier was based on characteristics relevant to the production and field perfonnance
of a biopesticide: host range, genetic diversity, growth under the conditions of large-scale
production, and the ability to prevent E. amylovora from infecting pear blossoms. In planta
assays showed that both the phages and the carrier make significant contributions to reducirig the
development of fire blight symptoms in pear blossoms.
Field-scale phage production and purification methods were developed based on the
growth characteristics of the phages and bacteria in liquid culture, and on the survival of phages
in various liquid media.
Six of twelve phage-carrier biopesticide treatments caused statistically signiflcant reductions in disease incidence during orchard trials. Multiplex real-time PCR was used to
simultaneously monitor the phage, carrier, and pathogen populations over the course of selected
treatments. In all cases. the observed population dynamics of the biocontrol agents and the
pathogen were consistent with the success or failure of each treatment to control disease
incidence. In treatments exhibiting a significantly reduced incidel1ce of fire blight, the average
blossom population ofE.amylovora had been reduced to pre-experiment epiphytic levels. In
successful treatments the phages grew on the P. agglomerans carrier for 2 to 3 d after treatment
application. The phages then grew preferentially on the pathogen, once it was introduced into this
blossom ecosystem. The efficacy of the successful phage-based treatnlents was statistically
similar to that of streptomycin, which is the most effective bactericide currently available for fire
blight prevention.
The in planta behaviour ofE. amylovora was compared to that ofErwinia pyrifoliae, a
closely related species that causes fire blight-like synlptoms on pears in southeast Asia. Duplex
real-time PCR was used to monitor the population dynamics of both species on single blossonls.
E. amylovora exhibited a greater competitive fitness on Bartlett pear blossoms than E. pyrifoliae.
The genome ofErwinia phage