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[ES] Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es un servicio basado en tecnologías web. El objetivo principal es ofrecer un servicio de creación y gestión de actas para el Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Para ello, consta de dos módulos principales, uno para “crear actas” y otro para “editar actas”. También se ha desarrollado otro módulo llamado plantillas donde se genera un PDF a partir de una plantilla preestablecida. Esta aplicación ha sido dividida en diferentes partes. La primera parte consistió en generar todas las configuraciones de base de datos necesarias para el funcionamiento de la aplicación. Después generamos todos los ficheros HTML y las interconexiones entre ellos. Finalmente, dotamos a esos HTML estáticos de un estilo mucho más claro y organizado, dando a la aplicación una apariencia mucho más bonita. Una vez finalizada la parte frontal de la aplicación, empezamos a implementar la lógica detrás de la aplicación. Los módulos de “crear” y “editar” se hicieron utilizando formularios HTML y combinando la información obtenida de esos formularios con unas plantillas HTML generadas por nosotros. Toda esa información obtenida de los formularios se guarda en unos ficheros .txt para poder ser utilizados por el módulo editar. El módulo de plantillas nos muestra un editor HTML rellenado con una plantilla que ha sido previamente seleccionada por el usuario. Los ficheros pdf de este módulo no pueden editados con posterioridad por lo que no se generan ficheros .txt. Por último, hay dos módulos que nos permiten ver todas las actas generadas por la aplicación. El primero de los dos módulos es el módulo de búsqueda, que nos permite buscar una palabra clave dentro de todos los ficheros pdf. El otro módulo nos muestra todas las actas que han sido marcadas como “cerradas”. Esta aplicación ha sido diseñada de forma modular, de manera que podemos añadir o quitar módulos de manera sencilla.
Electromagnetic spectrum can be identified as a resource for the designer, as well as for the manufacturer, from two complementary points of view: first, because it is a good in great demand by many different kind of applications; second, because despite its scarce availability, it may be advantageous to use more spectrum than necessary. This is the case of Spread-Spectrum Systems, those systems in which the transmitted signal is spread over a wide frequency band, much wider, in fact, than the minimum bandwidth required to transmit the information being sent. Part I of this dissertation deals with Spread-Spectrum Clock Generators (SSCG) aiming at reducing Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) of clock signals in integrated circuits (IC) design. In particular, the modulation of the clock and the consequent spreading of its spectrum are obtained through a random modulating signal outputted by a chaotic map, i.e. a discrete-time dynamical system showing chaotic behavior. The advantages offered by this kind of modulation are highlighted. Three different prototypes of chaos-based SSCG are presented in all their aspects: design, simulation, and post-fabrication measurements. The third one, operating at a frequency equal to 3GHz, aims at being applied to Serial ATA, standard de facto for fast data transmission to and from Hard Disk Drives. The most extreme example of spread-spectrum signalling is the emerging ultra-wideband (UWB) technology, which proposes the use of large sections of the radio spectrum at low amplitudes to transmit high-bandwidth digital data. In part II of the dissertation, two UWB applications are presented, both dealing with the advantages as well as with the challenges of a wide-band system, namely: a chaos-based sequence generation method for reducing Multiple Access Interference (MAI) in Direct Sequence UWB Wireless-Sensor-Networks (WSNs), and design and simulations of a Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) for impulse radio UWB. This latter topic was studied during a study-abroad period in collaboration with Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.
Zusammenfassung: Michael EbertEntwicklung eines leistungsstarken Polarisators und Kompressorsfür 3-He für medizinische MR Tomographie Durch Optisches Pumpen von metastabilem3-He*--Gas bei einem Druck von 1 mb und Spinübertrag mittels Metastabileraustauschstöße aufden Grundzustand, wird 3-He auf 53 % bei einemmittleren Fluß von f = 58 bar*liter/Tag aufpolarisiert. Bei einem Fluß von f = 122bar*l/Tag wird immer noch eine Polarisation von 30 % erzielt. DurchSteigerung der Laserleistung von derzeit 12 Watt aufwünschenswerte 30 Watt, könnten beigleichem Fluß Kernspinpolarisationen des Heliums von 70 % erreicht werden. Mittels einer eigens entwickelten Ganzmetall--Titan--Kolbenpumpeerfolgt die Kompression in zwei Stufen. Zuerst wird einZwischenvolumen auf Drücke 200 bis 800 mb,je nach Anwendung gefüllt. Mit dem selben Kompressor könnenanschließend abnehmbare, verschließbare Experimentierzellen ausdiesem Zwischenvolumen auf Drücke 1 bis 6 bar gefüllt werden. Auf Grund des großen Hubvolumens von 15,4 Liter können große Gasmengen proKompressionszyklus verdichtet werden. Wegen des großen Verhältnisaus Kompressionshub h = 100 cm undKompressordurchmesser 14 cm kommt es imKompressionsraum zu keinen meßbaren Polarisationsverlusten.Zusammen mit dem großen Kompressionsfaktor von K = 10000sind diese konstruktiven Maßnahmen für den vollständigen Erhaltder Polarisation bei der Kompression des polarizierten 3-He--Gasesverantwortlich. Diese großen Gasmengen an hyperpolarisiertem 3-He haben ersteklinische Studien funktioneller Lungen--MRT ermöglicht. DurchMessung des Sauerstoffpartialdrucks und dessen Abnahmerate, derBestimmung der Ventillation und Messung der DiffusionskonstantenADC in der Lunge, können die Funktionen dieses Organs lokalquantitativ beurteilt werden.
In dieser Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen mit verschiedenenMethoden derMikrospektroskopie unter Verwendung einesPhotoemissions-Elektronenmikroskops(PEEM) durchgeführt. Es wurde ein Energiefilterfür den Einsatzmit dem PEEM aufgebaut und getestet. Dieses Instrument wurdezusammen miteinem Multilayer-Monochromator am Synchrotron eingesetzt.Der Energiefilterwurde unter anderem für Photoelektronenspektroskopie anAuxCs1-xund Pb/Si-Schichten, sowie zur Charakterisierung desMonochromators eingesetzt.
Die Transmissionsfunktion eines abbildendenGegenfeldanalysators fürdas PEEM wurde berechnet und mit Messungen verglichen. InÜbereinstimmungmit der Berechnung zeigt sich ein charakteristischesasymmetrisches Profilder mit dem Analysator gemessenen Photoelektronenpeaks. Eswurde eine Verbesserungder Ortsauflösung durch energieselektive Abbildungnachgewiesen.
Mit dem PEEM wurde erstmals Mehr-Photonen Photoemissionzur Abbildungausgenutzt. Es wurde ein Verfahren gezeigt, mit dem sich dieOrdnung dernichtlinearen Photoemission aus zwei mit unterschiedlicherLaserleistungaufgenommenen Bildern lateral abbilden läßt. DiePolarisationsabhängigkeitder Photoemission von glatten Probenstellen läßtsich mit einercos4-Funktion anpassen, wie es fürZwei-Photonen Photoemissionzu erwarten ist. Alle Proben wiesen Zentren erhöhterPhotoemissionsintensitätauf, welche durch Anregung lokalisierter Plasmonen auf derOberflächean kleinen Partikeln entstehen. An diesen erstmalig sichtbargemachten'Hot Spots' zeigt sich eine charakteristischePolarisationsabhängigkeitder Photoemission mit bevorzugter Anregung vonPhotoelektronen bei s-polarisiertemLicht.
Il diritto a un minimo decente di assistenza sanitaria – spesso chiamato, più semplicemente, diritto alla salute – fa parte dei cosiddetti diritti di seconda generazione, cioè quelli che richiedono un impegno attivo da parte dello stato per assicurare ad ogni cittadino la possibilità di una vita dignitosa. Il diritto alla salute si trova enunciato nei più importanti documenti internazionali, a partire dalla Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell’uomo (1948), e nella maggior parte delle costituzioni nazionali, compresa quella italiana. Tuttavia, nel Sud del mondo, la sua applicazione è ostacolata da un gran numero di fattori (povertà, guerre, corruzione politica, ecc.); cosicché la maggior parte degli esseri umani vive in società prive di un sistema sanitario nazionale, cadendo vittima di malattie facilmente curabili o prevenibili. Per affrontare questo problema, la cooperazione sanitaria internazionale ha sperimentato nel tempo due diverse forme di intervento: una incentrata sulla diffusione dell’assistenza sanitaria di base (come raccomandato dalla Conferenza di Alma-Ata del 1978), l’altra sui cosiddetti “programmi verticali”, i quali agiscono su singole malattie o branche della sanità. Nessuno dei due approcci però ha prodotto i risultati sperati. L’Ong italiana Emergency propone un modello di cooperazione sanitaria per molti aspetti innovativo: esso si fonda su progetti autogestiti e totalmente gratuiti (che vanno dalla pediatria alla chirurgia di guerra alla cardiochirurgia) ed è capace di incidere sul tessuto sociale nel quale si inserisce, fino ad influenzare le scelte politiche delle autorità locali. Solamente intervenendo in un modo simile sui determinanti sociali della salute, sembra possibile migliorare realmente lo stato di salute delle popolazioni più povere e garantire così la prima delle condizioni necessarie perché ogni persona abbia la possibilità di vivere una vita decente.
A 30 anni dalla Dichiarazione di Alma Ata, l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, sia nei lavori della Commissione sui Determinanti Sociali della Salute che nel corso della sua 62^ Assemblea (2009) ha posto nuovamente la sua attenzione al tema dei determinanti sociali della salute e allo sviluppo di una sanità secondo un approccio "Primary Health Care", in cui la partecipazione ai processi decisionali è uno dei fattori che possono incidere sull'equità in salute tra e nelle nazioni. Dopo una presentazione dei principali elementi e concetti teorici di riferimento della tesi: Determinanti Sociali della Salute, partecipazione ed empowerment partecipativo (Cap. 1 e 2), il lavoro di tesi, a seguito dell'attività di ricerca di campo svolta in Zambia (Lusaka, Kitwe e Ndola) e presso EuropeAid (Bruxelles), si concentra sui processi di sviluppo e riforma del settore sanitario (Cap. 3), sulle politiche di cooperazione internazionale (Cap.4) e sull'azione (spesso sperimentale) della società civile in Zambia, considerando (Cap. 5): le principali criticità e limiti della/alla partecipazione, la presenza di strumenti e strategie specifiche di empowerment partecipativo, le politiche di decentramento e accountability, le buone prassi e proposte emergenti dalla società civile, le linee e i ruoli assunti dai donatori internazionali e dal Governo dello Zambia. Con questa tesi di dottorato si è voluto evidenziare e interpretare sia il dibattito recente rispetto alla partecipazione nel settore sanitario che i diversi e contraddittori gradi di attenzione alla partecipazione delle politiche di sviluppo del settore sanitario e l'emergere delle istanze e pratiche della società civile. Tutto questo incide su spazi e forme di partecipazione alla governance e ai processi decisionali nel settore sanitario, che influenzano a loro volta le politiche e condizioni di equità in salute. La metodologia adottata è stata di tipo qualitativo articolata in osservazione, interviste, analisi bibliografica e documentale.
We tested whether the better subjective exercise tolerance perceived by mountaineers after altitude acclimatization relates to enhanced exercise economy. Thirty-two mountaineers performed progressive bicycle exercise to exhaustion at 490 m and twice at 5533 m (days 6–7 and day 11), respectively, during an expedition to Mt. Muztagh Ata. Maximal work rate (Wmax) decreased from mean ± SD 356 ± 73 watts at 490 m to 191 ± 49 watts and 193 ± 45 watts at 5533 m, days 6–7 and day 11, respectively; corresponding maximal oxygen uptakes (VO2max) were 50.7 ± 9.5, 26.3 ± 5.6, 24.7 ± 7.0 mL/min/kg (P = 0.0001 5533 m vs 490 m). On days 6–7 (5533 m), VO2 at 75% Wmax (152 ± 37 watts) was 1.75 ± 0.45 L/min, oxygen saturation 68 ± 8%. On day 11 (5533 m), at the same submaximal work rate, VO2 was lower (1.61 ± 0.47 L/min, P < 0.027) indicating improved net efficiency; oxygen saturation was higher (74 ± 7%, P < 0.0004) but ratios of VO2 to work rate increments remained unchanged. On day 11, mountaineers climbed faster from 4497 m to 5533 m than on days 5–6 but perceived less effort (visual analog scale 50 ± 15 vs 57 ± 20, P = 0.006) and reduced symptoms of acute mountain sickness. We conclude that the better performance and subjective exercise tolerance after acclimatization were related to regression of acute mountain sickness and improved submaximal exercise economy because of lower metabolic demands for non-external work-performing functions.
High altitude periodic breathing (PB) shares some common pathophysiologic aspects with sleep apnea, Cheyne-Stokes respiration and PB in heart failure patients. Methods that allow quantifying instabilities of respiratory control provide valuable insights in physiologic mechanisms and help to identify therapeutic targets. Under the hypothesis that high altitude PB appears even during physical activity and can be identified in comparison to visual analysis in conditions of low SNR, this study aims to identify PB by characterizing the respiratory pattern through the respiratory volume signal. A number of spectral parameters are extracted from the power spectral density (PSD) of the volume signal, derived from respiratory inductive plethysmography and evaluated through a linear discriminant analysis. A dataset of 34 healthy mountaineers ascending to Mt. Muztagh Ata, China (7,546 m) visually labeled as PB and non periodic breathing (nPB) is analyzed. All climbing periods within all the ascents are considered (total climbing periods: 371 nPB and 40 PB). The best crossvalidated result classifying PB and nPB is obtained with Pm (power of the modulation frequency band) and R (ratio between modulation and respiration power) with an accuracy of 80.3% and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 84.5%. Comparing the subjects from 1(st) and 2(nd) ascents (at the same altitudes but the latter more acclimatized) the effect of acclimatization is evaluated. SaO(2) and periodic breathing cycles significantly increased with acclimatization (p-value < 0.05). Higher Pm and higher respiratory frequencies are observed at lower SaO(2), through a significant negative correlation (p-value < 0.01). Higher Pm is observed at climbing periods visually labeled as PB with > 5 periodic breathing cycles through a significant positive correlation (p-value < 0.01). Our data demonstrate that quantification of the respiratory volume signal using spectral analysis is suitable to identify effects of hypobaric hypoxia on control of breathing.
AIM: Acute mountain sickness (AMS) can result in pulmonary and cerebral oedema with overperfusion of microvascular beds, elevated hydrostatic capillary pressure, capillary leakage and consequent oedema as pathogenetic mechanisms. Data on changes in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) at altitudes above 5000 m are very limited. METHODS: Thirty-four healthy mountaineers, who were randomized to two acclimatization protocols, undertook an expedition on Muztagh Ata Mountain (7549 m) in China. Tests were performed at five altitudes: Zurich pre-expedition (PE, 450 m), base camp (BC, 4497 m), Camp 1 (C1, 5533 m), Camp 2 (C2, 6265 m) and Camp 3 (C3, 6865 m). Cystatin C- and creatinine-based (Mayo Clinic quadratic equation) GFR estimates (eGFR) were assessed together with Lake Louise AMS score and other tests. RESULTS: eGFR significantly decreased from PE to BC (P < 0.01). However, when analysing at changes between BC and C3, only cystatin C-based estimates indicated a significant decrease in GFR (P = 0.02). There was a linear decrease in eGFR from PE to C3, with a decrease of approx. 3.1 mL min(-1) 1.73 m(-2) per 1000 m increase in altitude. No differences between eGFR of the two groups with different acclimatization protocols could be observed. There was a significant association between eGFR and haematocrit (P = 0.01), whereas no significant association between eGFR and aldosterone, renin and brain natriuretic peptide could be observed. Finally, higher AMS scores were significantly associated with higher eGFR (P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Renal function declines when ascending from low to high altitude. Cystatin C-based eGFR decreases during ascent in high altitude expedition but increases with AMS scores. For individuals with eGFR <40 mL min(-1) 1.73 m(-2), caution may be necessary when planning trips to high altitude above 4500 m above sea level.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the incidence of optic disc swelling as a possible indicator of cerebral edema in a large group of healthy mountaineers exposed to very high altitudes and to correlate these findings with various clinical and environmental factors and occurrence of acute mountain sickness and high-altitude cerebral edema. METHODS: This multidisciplinary, prospective, observational cohort study was performed in 2005 within the scope of a medical research expedition to Muztagh Ata (7546 m [24,751 ft]) in Western Xinjiang Province, China. Twenty-seven healthy mountaineers aged 26 to 62 years participated. Medical examinations were performed in Switzerland 1 month before and 4 1/2 months after the expedition. Ophthalmologic examinations were performed at 4 high camps (maximum elevation, 6865 m [22,517 ft]). Optic disc status was documented using digital photography. Further assessments included arterial oxygen saturation and cerebral acute mountain sickness scores. RESULTS: Sixteen of 27 study subjects (59%) exhibited optic disc swelling during their stay at high altitudes, with complete regression on return to lowlands. Significant correlation was noted between optic disc swelling and lower arterial oxygen saturation (odds ratio, 0.86 per percentage of arterial oxygen saturation; 95% confidence interval, 0.81-0.92; P < .001), younger age (odds ratio, 0.95 per year; 95% confidence interval, 0.90-0.99; P = .03), and higher cerebral acute mountain sickness scores (odds ratio, 2.32 per 0.1 point; 95% confidence interval, 1.48-3.63; P < .001). CONCLUSION: Optic disc swelling occurs frequently in high-altitude climbers and is correlated with peripheral oxygen saturation and symptoms of acute mountain sickness. It is most likely the result of hypoxia-induced brain volume increase.
Little is known about the ocular and cerebral blood flow during exposure to increasingly hypoxic conditions at high altitudes. There is evidence that an increase in cerebral blood flow resulting from altered autoregulation constitutes a risk factor for acute mountain sickness (AMS) and high-altitude cerebral edema (HACE) by leading to capillary overperfusion and vasogenic cerebral edema. The retina represents the only part of the central nervous system where capillary blood flow is visible and can be measured by noninvasive means. In this study we aimed to gain insights into retinal and choroidal autoregulatory properties during hypoxia and to correlate circulatory changes to symptoms of AMS and clinical signs of HACE. This observational study was performed within the scope of a high-altitude medical research expedition to Mount Muztagh Ata (7,546 m). Twenty seven participants underwent general and ophthalmic examinations up to a maximal height of 6,800 m. Examinations included fundus photography and measurements of retinal and choroidal blood flow, as well as measurement of arterial oxygen saturation and hematocrit. The initial increase in retinal blood velocity was followed by a decrease despite further ascent, whereas choroidal flow increase occurred later, at even higher altitudes. The sum of all adaptational mechanisms resulted in a stable oxygen delivery to the retina and the choroid. Parameters reflecting the retinal circulation and optic disc swelling correlated well with the occurrence of AMS-related symptoms. We demonstrate that sojourns at high altitudes trigger distinct behavior of retinal and choroidal blood flow. Increase in retinal but not in choroidal blood flow correlated with the occurrence of AMS-related symptoms.
Up to 60% of U.S. visitors to Mexico develop traveler's diarrhea (TD), mostly due to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains that produce heat-labile (LT) and/or heat-stable (ST) enterotoxins. Distinct single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the interleukin-10 (IL-10) promoter have been associated with high, intermediate, or low production of IL-10. We conducted a prospective study to investigate the association of SNPs in the IL-10 promoter and the occurrence of TD in ETEC LT-exposed travelers. Sera from U.S. travelers to Mexico collected on arrival and departure were studied for ETEC LT seroconversion by using cholera toxin as the antigen. Pyrosequencing was performed to genotype IL-10 SNPs. Stools from subjects who developed diarrhea were also studied for other enteropathogens. One hundred twenty-one of 569 (21.3%) travelers seroconverted to ETEC LT, and among them 75 (62%) developed diarrhea. Symptomatic seroconversion was more commonly seen in subjects who carried a genotype producing high levels of IL-10; it was seen in 83% of subjects with the GG genotype versus 54% of subjects with the AA genotype at IL-10 gene position -1082 (P, 0.02), in 71% of those with the CC genotype versus 33% of those with the TT genotype at position -819 (P, 0.005), and in 71% of those with the CC genotype versus 38% of those with the AA genotype at position -592 (P, 0.02). Travelers with the GCC haplotype were more likely to have symptomatic seroconversion than those with the ATA haplotype (71% versus 38%; P, 0.002). Travelers genetically predisposed to produce high levels of IL-10 were more likely to experience symptomatic ETEC TD.
Increased pulmonary artery pressure is a well-known phenomenon of hypoxia and is seen in patients with chronic pulmonary diseases, and also in mountaineers on high altitude expedition. Different mediators are known to regulate pulmonary artery vessel tone. However, exact mechanisms are not fully understood and a multimodal process consisting of a whole panel of mediators is supposed to cause pulmonary artery vasoconstriction. We hypothesized that increased hypoxemia is associated with an increase in vasoconstrictive mediators and decrease of vasodilatators leading to a vasoconstrictive net effect. Furthermore, we suggested oxidative stress being partly involved in changement of these parameters. Oxygen saturation (Sao2) and clinical parameters were assessed in 34 volunteers before and during a Swiss research expedition to Mount Muztagh Ata (7549 m) in Western China. Blood samples were taken at four different sites up to an altitude of 6865 m. A mass spectrometry-based targeted metabolomic platform was used to detect multiple parameters, and revealed functional impairment of enzymes that require oxidation-sensitive cofactors. Specifically, the tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4)-dependent enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS) showed significantly lower activities (citrulline-to-arginine ratio decreased from baseline median 0.21 to 0.14 at 6265 m), indicating lower NO availability resulting in less vasodilatative activity. Correspondingly, an increase in systemic oxidative stress was found with a significant increase of the percentage of methionine sulfoxide from a median 6% under normoxic condition to a median level of 30% (p<0.001) in camp 1 at 5533 m. Furthermore, significant increase in vasoconstrictive mediators (e.g., tryptophan, serotonin, and peroxidation-sensitive lipids) were found. During ascent up to 6865 m, significant altitude-dependent changes in multiple vessel-tone modifying mediators with excess in vasoconstrictive metabolites could be demonstrated. These changes, as well as highly significant increase in systemic oxidative stress, may be predictive for increase in acute mountain sickness score and changes in Sao2.
Impairment of cognitive performance during and after high-altitude climbing has been described in numerous studies and has mostly been attributed to cerebral hypoxia and resulting functional and structural cerebral alterations. To investigate the hypothesis that high-altitude climbing leads to cognitive impairment, we used of neuropsychological tests and measurements of eye movement (EM) performance during different stimulus conditions. The study was conducted in 32 mountaineers participating in an expedition to Muztagh Ata (7,546 m). Neuropsychological tests comprised figural fluency, line bisection, letter and number cancellation, and a modified pegboard task. Saccadic performance was evaluated under three stimulus conditions with varying degrees of cortical involvement: visually guided pro- and anti-saccades, and visuo-visual interaction. Typical saccade parameters (latency, mean sequence, post-saccadic stability, and error rate) were computed off-line. Measurements were taken at a baseline level of 440 m and at altitudes of 4,497, 5,533, 6,265, and again at 440 m. All subjects reached 5,533 m, and 28 reached 6,265 m. The neuropsychological test results did not reveal any cognitive impairment. Complete eye movement recordings for all stimulus conditions were obtained in 24 subjects at baseline and at least two altitudes and in 10 subjects at baseline and all altitudes. Measurements of saccade performances showed no dependence on any altitude-related parameter and were well within normal limits. Our data indicates that acclimatized climbers do not seem to suffer from significant cognitive deficits during or after climbs to altitudes above 7,500 m. We demonstrated that investigation of EMs is feasible during high-altitude expeditions.
Many endoparasitic wasps inject, along with the egg, polydnavirus into their insect hosts, the virus being a prerequisite for successful parasitoid development. The genome of polydnaviruses consists of multiple circular dsDNA molecules of variable size. We show for a 12 kbp segment of the braconid Chelonus inanitus (CiV12) that it is integrated into the wasp genome. This is the first direct demonstration of integration for a bracovirus. PCR data indicated that the integrated form of CiV12 was present in all male and female stages investigated while the excised circular virus DNA only appeared in females after a specific stage in pupal-adult development. The data also indicated that after excision of virus DNA the genomic DNA was rejoined. This has not yet been reported for any polydnavirus. Sequence analyses in the junction regions revealed the presence of an imperfect consensus sequence of 15 nucleotides in CiV12, in each terminus of the integrated virus DNA and in the rejoined genomic DNA. Within these repeats two sequence types (ATA, TAC) were observed in the various virus clones and in the clones encompassing the rejoined genomic DNA; they corresponded to the sequence type in the right and left junction, respectively. To explain this, we propose a model of virus DNA replication in which the genomic DNA is folded to juxtapose the direct repeat of the left with that of the right junction; recombination at specific sites would then yield the two types of virus and rejoined genomic DNA.