953 resultados para adaptative chart
In accordance with Iowa Code Section 8A.502(8) we are pleased to submit the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the State of Iowa for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2005. The report is presented in three sections as follows: • The Introductory Section includes this transmittal letter, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for the fiscal year 2004 CAFR, an organizational chart of State government, and a list of principal State officials. • The Financial Section contains the independent auditor’s report on the Basic Financial Statements, Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), the Basic Financial Statements, and Notes to the Financial Statements. The Financial Section also contains Required Supplementary Information (RSI), other than the MD&A, and supplementary information in the form of combining financial statements and schedules. This letter is intended to be read in conjunction with the MD&A. • The Statistical Section highlights selected financial and demographic information, generally presented on a multi-year basis. The Department of Administrative Services is responsible for both the accuracy of the presented data, and the completeness and fairness of the presentation. We believe the information presented is accurate in all material respects and the necessary disclosures have been made which enable the reader to obtain an understanding of the State’s financial activity. This report has been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for governments as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). As a part of the statewide accounting system upgrade during fiscal year 2005, the implementation team performed a comprehensive review of the adequacy of internal controls and budgetary controls of the system. The team determined that internal controls continue to be in place to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against unauthorized use or disposition, and that financial records from all appropriate sources are reliable for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes the cost of internal controls should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived from their use. To monitor the adequacy of internal controls, the Auditor of State reviews internal control procedures as an integral part of departmental audits.
If you have limited income and resources, the State of Iowa may pay some of your Medicare expenses. Programs paying these expenses are shown in the chart on page 2. To see if you might be eligible, answer the questions below.
A auditoria interna é uma actividade independente ancorada à administração da empresa, com vista a acrescentar valor à organização nela inserida, observando o funcionamento dos controlos internos existentes. É uma actividade importante para qualquer empresa, por ser a única que tem acesso a todas as outras áreas da empresa. Cada vez ela torna-se mais importante, pois o mundo encontra-se em constante desenvolvimento e as empresas acompanham esse desenvolvimento ampliando as suas actividades, ou dimensão. O objectivo do estudo foi analisar o funcionamento da auditoria interna nas empresas públicas, identificando os seus benefícios e importância. Realizou-se um estudo bibliográfico e estudo de caso nas empresas públicas da cidade da Praia, através de questionários que foram distribuídos aos responsáveis de cada empresa, centralizando na TACV. Resultado: A maioria das empresas inqueridas é de grande dimensão, representando 57,1 %, as pequenas empresas representando 21.4% e as médias também representando 21.4. O ramo de prestação de serviço teve predominância com 64,3 %, comercial com 21,4% e 14,3 % do ramo industrial. Um total de 57 % das empresas inqueridas realizam auditoria interna e os 43 % que não realizam enunciaram como principais motivos o alto custo e a falta de necessidade, 40% enuncia alto custo, 40% diz não ser necessário e 20% tem outros motivos que não foram especificados. Verificou-se também que 25 % das empresas que realizam auditoria interna não tem o departamento de auditoria interna definido no organograma. Internal auditing is an independent activity anchored to the company management, with a view to adding value to the organization it inserted, observing the operation of existing internal controls. It is an important activity for any company, being the only one that has access to all other areas of the company. Each time it becomes more important as the world is constantly evolving and business development that accompany expanding its activities, or size. The aim of the study was to analyze the functioning of the internal audit public companies, identifying the benefits and importance. We conducted a bibliographic study and a case study in the public utilities of the city of Praia, through questionnaires that were distributed to the heads of each company, centering on TACV. Results: The majority of companies surveyed is large, representing 57.1%, small businesses represent 21.4% and averages also representing 21.4. The branch of service predominated with 64.3%, commercial 21.4% and 14.3% of the industrial sector. A total of 57% of companies surveyed conduct internal audit and the 43% who do not perform as main reasons enunciated the high cost and lack of need, high-cost states 40%, 40% say it is not necessary and 20% have reasons other than were specified. It was also found that 25% of companies that perform internal audit does not have the internal audit department defined in the organizational chart.
OBJECTIVE: To report the study of a multigenerational Swiss family with dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD). METHODS: Clinical investigation was made of available family members, including historical and chart reviews. Subject examinations were video recorded. Genetic analysis included a genome-wide linkage study with microsatellite markers (STR), GTP cyclohydrolase I (GCH1) gene sequencing, and dosage analysis. RESULTS: We evaluated 32 individuals, of whom 6 were clinically diagnosed with DRD, with childhood-onset progressive foot dystonia, later generalizing, followed by parkinsonism in the two older patients. The response to levodopa was very good. Two additional patients had late onset dopa-responsive parkinsonism. Three other subjects had DRD symptoms on historical grounds. We found suggestive linkage to the previously reported DYT14 locus, which excluded GCH1. However, further study with more stringent criteria for disease status attribution showed linkage to a larger region, which included GCH1. No mutation was found in GCH1 by gene sequencing but dosage methods identified a novel heterozygous deletion of exons 3 to 6 of GCH1. The mutation was found in seven subjects. One of the patients with dystonia represented a phenocopy. CONCLUSIONS: This study rules out the previously reported DYT14 locus as a cause of disease, as a novel multiexonic deletion was identified in GCH1. This work highlights the necessity of an accurate clinical diagnosis in linkage studies as well as the need for appropriate allele frequencies, penetrance, and phenocopy estimates. Comprehensive sequencing and dosage analysis of known genes is recommended prior to genome-wide linkage analysis.
This Report is an update of the Cape Verde Diagnostic Trade Integration Study, titled Cape Verde’s Insertion into the Global Economy, produced and validated by the Government of Cape Verde in December 2008. Like the previous 2008 study, this Cape Verde Diagnostic Trade Integration Study Update provides a critical examination of the major institutional and production constraints that hinder Cape Verde’s ability to capitalize fully on the growth and welfare gains from its integration into the world economy. As a policy report, this study offers a set of priority policies and measures that can be implemented by both the public and private sectors to mitigate and surmount these supply side and institutional constraints. These recommendations are summarized in an Action Matrix. The Report is fruit of the generous support of the multi-donor program the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF). In every crisis there is an opportunity. Four years after the validation of the country’s first Diagnostic Trade Integration Study in 2008, Cape Verde finds itself in a drastically altered external environment. Cape Verde faces a worsened external environment than four years ago, when it was also traversing years of crisis as global food and energy prices escalated. Just as the country was validating its first trade study in late 2008, and celebrating its graduation from the list of Least Developed Countries, the onset of the deepest global recession in recent memory triggered an even worse external situation as the country’s principal source of markets, investments, remittances and aid, the Eurozone, unraveled economically and politically. As the Eurozone crisis spread, it was Cape Verde’s misfortune that the crisis contaminated precisely its biggest Eurozone partners and donors, such as Portugal, Spain and Italy. For such a highly dependent and exposed economy like that of Cape Verde, the deteriorating external sector has had a substantial negative impact on its macroeconomic performance. At the time of the validation workshop and graduation in 2008, no one could have foreseen or predicted the severity of the global crisis that followed. Despite traversing these years of adversity and external shocks, and suffering palpable setbacks, Cape Verde’s economy had proven surprisingly resilient, especially its principal sector, tourism. To its great credit, the country’s economic fundamentals are solid, and have been carefully and prudently managed over the years. For this reason alone, the country has thus far weathered the global and Eurozone crisis. Yet the near and medium term future remains uncertain. The country’s margin for maneuver has narrowed, its options far more limited, and hard choices lie ahead. Thus, there is no better time than now to analyze Cape Verde’s position in the global economy, and to examine the many challenges and opportunities it faces. The first diagnostic trade study outlined an ambitious agenda and set of policy strategies to enhance Cape Verde’s participation in the global economy. Written prior to the global crisis, the study did not, and could not, anticipate the scope and depth of the subsequent global and Eurozone crises. A few short months before the validation of the first DTIS Cape Verde joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). It has spent these four years adjusting to this status and implementing its commitments. At the same time, the country seeks greater economic integration with the European Union. Since 2008 the government has been investing heavily in the country’s economic infrastructure, focusing especially on fostering transformation in key sectors like agriculture, fisheries, tourism and creative industries. For these and many other reasons, it is both timely and urgent to review the road traveled since 2008. It is an opportune moment to reassess the country’s options, to rethink strategies, and to chart a new way forward that it is practical, implementable, and that builds on the country’s competitive advantages and current successes.
RESUME Dès le printemps 2004, la construction d'une 2ème ligne de métro est entreprise dans la ville de Lausanne en Suisse. En reliant Ouchy, au bord du lac Léman (alt. 373 m) à Epalinges (alt. 711 m), le nouveau métro "M2" traversera dès 2008 l'agglomération lausannoise du Sud au Nord sur une distance de 6 km. Depuis l'avant-projet, en 1999, une grande quantité de données géologiques a été récolté et de nombreux forages exécutés sur le site. Ceci nous a donné une occasion unique d'entreprendre une étude de microgravimétrique urbaine de détail. Le mode de creusement du tunnel dépend fortement des matériaux à excaver et il est classiquement du domaine du géologue, avec ses connaissances de la géologie régionale et de la stratigraphie des forages, de fournir à l'ingénieur un modèle géologique. Ce modèle indiquera dans ce cas l'épaisseur des terrains meubles qui recouvrent le soubassement rocheux. La représentativité spatiale d'une information très localisée, comme celle d'un forage, est d'autant plus compliquée que le détail recherché est petit. C'est à ce moment là que la prospection géophysique, plus spécialement gravimétrique, peut apporter des informations complémentaires déterminantes pour régionaliser les données ponctuelles des forages. La microgravimétrie en milieu urbain implique de corriger avec soin les perturbations gravifiques sur la mesure de la pesanteur dues aux effets de la topographie, des bâtiments et des caves afin d'isoler l'effet gravifique dû exclusivement à l'épaisseur du remplissage des terrains meubles. Tenant compte de l'intensité des corrections topographiques en milieu urbain, nous avons donné une grande importance aux sous-sols, leurs effets gravifiques pouvant atteindre l'ordre du dixième de mGal. Nous avons donc intégré ces corrections celle de topographie et traité les effets des bâtiments de manière indépendante. Nous avons inclus dans le modèle numérique de terrain (MNT) la chaussée et les sous-sols afin de construire un modèle numérique de terrain urbain. Nous utiliserons un nouvel acronyme « MNTU »pour décrire ce modèle. Nous proposons d'établir des cartes de corrections topographiques préalables, basées sur les données à disposition fournies par le cadastre en faisant des hypothèses sur la profondeur des sous-sols et la hauteur des bâtiments. Les deux zones de test choisies sont caractéristiques des différents types d'urbanisation présente à Lausanne et se révèlent par conséquent très intéressantes pour élaborer une méthodologie globale de la microgravimétrie urbaine. Le but était d'évaluer l'épaisseur du remplissage morainique sur un fond rocheux molassique se situant à une profondeur variable de quelques mètres à une trentaine de mètres et d'en établir une coupe dans l'axe du futur tracé du métro. Les résultats des modélisations se sont révélés très convaincants en détectant des zones qui diffèrent sensiblement du modèle géologique d'avant projet. Nous avons également démontré que l'application de cette méthode géophysique, non destructive, est à même de limiter le nombre de sondages mécaniques lors de l'avant-projet et du projet définitif, ce qui peut limiter à la fois les coûts et le dérangement engendré par ces travaux de surface. L'adaptabilité de la technique gravimétrique permet d'intervenir dans toutes les différentes phases d'un projet de génie civil comme celui de la construction d'un métro en souterrain. KURZFASSUNG Seit dem Frühling 2004 ist in der Stadt Lausanne (Schweiz) die neue U-Bahn "M2" in Konstruktion. Diese soll auf 6 km Länge die Lausanner Agglomeration von Süd nach Nord durchqueren. Die dem Projekt zu Grunde liegende technische Planung sieht vor, daß die Bahnlinie hauptsächlich in der Molasse angesiedelt sein wird. Seit dem Vorentwurf (1999) ist eine große Anzahl geologischer Angaben gesammelt worden. Daraus ergab sich die einmalige Gelegenheit, die Informationen aus den damit verbundenen zahlreichen Bohrungen zu einer detaillierten mikrogravimetrischen Studie der Stadt Lausanne zu erweitern und zu vervollständigen. Das Ziel bestand darin, die Mächtigkeit der die Molasseüberdeckenden Moräneablagerung abzuschätzen, um eine entsprechendes geologisches Profile entlang der künftigen Bahnlinie zu erstellen. Weiterhin sollte gezeigt werden, daß die Anwendung dieser nicht-invasiven geophysikalischen Methode es ermöglicht, die Anzahl der benötigten Bohrungen sowohl in der Pilotphase wie auch im endgültigen Projekt zu reduzieren, was zu wesentlichen finanziellen Einsparungen in der Ausführung des Werkes beitragen würde. Die beiden in dieser Studie bearbeiteten Testzonen befinden sich im Nordteil und im Stadtzentrum von Lausanne und sind durch eine unterschiedliche Urbanisierung charakterisiert. Das anstehende Gestein liegt in verschiedenen Tiefen: von einigen Metern bis zu etwa dreißig Metern. Diese Zonen weisen alle Schwierigkeiten einer urbanen Bebauung mit hoher Verkehrsdichte auf und waren daher massgebend bei der Ausarbeitung einer globalen mikrogravimetrischen Methodologie für die Stadt Lausanne. Die so entwickelte Technik ermöglicht, die störenden Auswirkungen der Topographie, der Gebäude, der Keller und der Öffentlichen Infrastrukturen sorgfältig zu korrigieren, um so die ausschließlich auf die Mächtigkeit des Lockergesteins zurückzuführenden Effekte zu isolieren. In Bezug auf die Intensität der Auswirkungen der topographischen Korrekturen im Stadtgebiet wurde den Untergeschossen eine besonders grosse Bedeutung zugemessen da die entsprechenden Schwerkrafteffekte eine Grösse von rund einem Zehntel mGal erreichen können. Wir schlagen deshalb vor, vorläufige Karten der topographischen Korrekturen zu erstellen. Diese Korrekturen basieren auf den uns vom Katasterplan gelieferten Daten und einigen Hypothesen bezüglich der Tiefe der Untergeschosse und der Höhe der Gebäude. Die Verfügbarkeit einer derartigen Karte vor der eigentlichen gravimetrischen Messkampagne würde uns erlauben, die Position der Meßstationen besser zu wählen. Wir sahen zudem, daß ein entsprechenden a priori Filter benutzt werden kann, wenn die Form und die Intensität der Anomalie offensichtlich dem entsprechenden Gebäude zugeordnet werden können. Diese Strategie muß jedoch mit Vorsicht angewandt werden, denn falls weitere Anomalien dazukommen, können bedeutende Verschiebungen durch Übèrlagerungen der Schwerewirkung verschiedener Strukturen entstehen. Die Ergebnisse der Modellierung haben sich als sehr überzeugend erwiesen, da sie im Voraus unbekannte sensible Zonen korrekt identifiziert haben. Die Anwendbarkeit der in dieser Arbeit entwickelten gravimetrischen Technik ermöglicht es, während allen Phasen eines Grossbauprojekts, wie zum Beispiel bei der Konstruktion einer unterirdischen U-Bahn, einzugreifen. ABSTRACT Since Spring of 2004 a new metro line has been under construction in the city of Lausanne in Switzerland. The new line, the M2, will be 6 km long and will traverse the city from south to north. The civil engineering project determined that the line would be located primarily in the Molasse. Since the preparatory project in 1999, a great quantity of geological data has been collected, and the many drillings made on the site have proved to be a unique opportunity to undertake a study of urban microgravimetry. The goal was to evaluate the thickness of the morainic filling over the molassic bedrock, and to establish a section along the axis of the future line. It then had to be shown that the application of this nondestructive geophysical method could reduce the number of mechanical surveys required both for a preparatory and a definitive project, which would lead to real savings in the realization of a civil engineering project. The two test zones chosen, one in the northern part of the city and one in the city centre, are characterised by various types of urbanisation. Bedrock is at a depth varying from a few metres to about thirty metres. These zones well exemplify the various difficulties encountered in an urban environment and are therefore very interesting for the development of an overall methodology of urban microgravimetry. Microgravimetry in an urban environment requires careful corrections for gravific disturbances due to the effects of topography, buildings, cellars, and the infrastructure of distribution networks, in order to isolate the gravific effect due exclusively to the thickness of loose soil filling. Bearing in mind the intensity of the topographic corrections in an urban environment, we gave particular importance to basements. Their gravific effects can reach the order of one tenth of one meal, and can influence above all the precision of the Bouguer anomaly. We propose to establish preliminary topographic correction charts based on data provided to us by the land register, by making assumptions on the depths of basements and the heights of buildings. Availability of this chart previous to a gravimetry campaign would enable us to choose optimum measuring sites. We have also seen that an a priori filter can be used when the form and the intensity of the anomaly correspond visually to the corresponding building. This strategy must be used with caution because if other anomalies are to be associated, important shifts can be generated by the superposition of the effects of different structures. The results of the model have proved to be very convincing in detecting previously unknown sensitive zones. The adaptability of the gravimetry technique allows for application in all phases of a civil engineering project such as the construction of an underground metro line. RIASSUNTO Dalla primavera 2004 una nuova linea metropolitana é in costruzione nella città di Losanna in Svizzera. La nuova metropolitana "M2" traverserà per la lunghezza di 6 km il centro urbano di Losanna da sud a nord. II progetto d'ingegneria civile prevedeva un tracciato situato essenzialmente nel fondo roccioso arenaceo terziario (molassa). Dalla redazione del progetto preliminare, avvenuta nel 1999, una grande quantità di dati geologici sono stati raccolti e sono stati eseguiti numerosi sondaggi. Questo sì é presentato come un'occasione unica per mettere a punto uno studio microgravimetrico in ambiente urbano con lo scopo di valutare lo spessore dei terreni sciolti di origine glaciale che ricoprono il fondo roccioso di molassa e di mettere in evidenza come l'applicazione di questo metodo geofisico non distruttivo possa limitare il numero di sondaggi meccanici nella fase di progetto preliminare ed esecutivo con conseguente reale risparmio economico nella realizzazione di una tale opera. Le due zone di test sono situate una nella zona nord e la seconda nel centro storico di Losanna e sono caratterizzate da stili architettonici differenti. II fondo roccioso é situato ad una profondità variabile da qualche metro ad una trentina. Queste due zone sembrano ben rappresentare tutte le difficoltà di un ambiente urbano e ben si prestano per elaborare una metodologia globale per la microgravimetria in ambiente urbano. L'applicazione di questa tecnica nell'ambiente suddetto implica la correzione attenta delle perturbazioni sulla misura dell'accelerazione gravitazionale, causate dalla topografia, gli edifici, le cantine e le infrastrutture dei sottoservizi, per ben isolare il segnale esclusivamente causato dallo spessore dei terreni sciolti. Tenuto conto, dell'intensità delle correzioni topografiche, abbiamo dato grande importanza alle cantine, poiché il loro effetto sulle misure può raggiungere il decimo di mGal. Proponiamo quindi di redigere una carta delle correzioni topografiche preliminare all'acquisizione, facendo delle ipotesi sulla profondità delle cantine e sull'altezza degli edifici, sulla base delle planimetrie catastali. L'analisi di questa carta permetterà di scegliere le posizioni più adatte per le stazioni gravimetriche. Abbiamo anche osservato che un filtro a priori, qualora la forma e l'intensità dell'anomalia fosse facilmente riconducibile in maniera visuale ad un edificio, possa essere efficace. Tuttavia questa strategia deve essere utilizzata con precauzione, poiché può introdurre uno scarto, qualora più anomalie, dovute a differenti strutture, si sovrappongano. I risultati delle modellizzazioni si sono rivelati convincenti, evidenziando zone sensibili non conosciute preventivamente. L'adattabilità della tecnica gravimetrica ha mostrato di poter intervenire in differenti fasi di un progetto di ingegneria civile, quale è quella di un'opera in sotterraneo.
Este artículo tiene por finalidad analizar las medidas de adaptación al riesgo de inundación que se han realizado en el ámbito de la Costa Brava, con especial incidencia en el papel que han tenido las obras de infraestructura hidráulica en la prevención de avenidas. Se intenta comprobar hasta que punto la percepción local dominante sobre las obras hidráulicas como una de las formas más eficientes pera la prevención de inundaciones se contradice con las nuevas tendencias tanto en relación a los costes ecológicos de la construcción de estos dispositivos hidráulicos como al planeamiento urbanístico y fluvial, en general
This publication is a guide for parents and guardians of teenagers learning to drive. It should be used with the Iowa Driver’s Manual to aid you in instructing your new driver about how to safely and responsibly operate a motor vehicle. Since the task of driving is affected by changing conditions, this manual does not attempt to cover all situations that may arise. Under Iowa’s graduated driver licensing system young drivers must complete 20 hours of supervised drive time with their parents or guardians during the instruction permit stage and 10 hours during the intermediate license stage. Even though your teenager is taking or has completed driver education in school, there is a great deal of benefit to be obtained from you providing this additional practice time. Learning from your experience and under your guidance, your teenager will apply the rules of the road and more fully understand the risks involved in driving. This will require time and patience on your part, but the effort will result in you knowing that your teenager will be better able to cope with the demands of safe driving. In the back of this manual you will find several pages of diagrams. Use these diagrams to illustrate different driving situations for your teenage driver. Consider taking a notepad and pencil along during your practice sessions for additional drawings. This manual also contains a chart to log your supervised drive time. As your new driver advances through the graduated system you will be required to certify to an Iowa driver’s license examiner that you completed the minimum number of hours of supervised drive time. By becoming involved in the learning driver’s educational process, you are contributing to Iowa’s overall highway safety effort and helping your teenager develop safe driving habits that will last a lifetime.
In the present paper, the diverse morphological aspects of the Les Gavarres Massif (Catalonian Coastal Ranges) are described. Also, the different outcrop rocks are shaped in a schematic geological chart
This volume is the result of a collective desire to pay homage to Neil Forsyth, whose work has significantly contributed to scholarship on Satan. This volume is "after" Satan in more ways than one, tracing the afterlife of both the satanic figure in literature and of Neil Forsyth's contribution to the field, particularly in his major books The Old Enemy: Satan and the Combat Myth (Princeton University Press, 1987, revised 1990) and The Satanic Epic (Princeton University Press, 2003). The essays in this volume draw on Forsyth's work as a focus for their analyses of literary encounters with evil or with the Devil himself, reflecting the richness and variety of contemporary approaches to the age-old question of how to represent evil. All the contributors acknowledge Neil Forsyth's influence in the study of both the Satan-figure and Milton's Paradise Lost. But beyond simply paying homage to Neil Forsyth, the articles collected here trace the lineage of the Satan figure through literary history, showing how evil can function as a necessary other against which a community may define itself. They chart the demonised other through biblical history and medieval chronicle, Shakespeare and Milton, to nineteenth-century fiction and the contemporary novel. Many of the contributors find that literary evil is mediated through the lens of the Satan of Paradise Lost, and their articles address the notion, raised by Neil Forsyth in The Satanic Epic, that the literary Devil-figures under consideration are particularly interested in linguistic ambivalence and the twisted texture of literary works themselves. The multiple responses to evil and the continuous reinvention of the devil figure through the centuries all reaffirm the textual presence of the Devil, his changing forms necessarily inscribed in the shifting history of western literary culture. These essays are a tribute to the work of Neil Forsyth, whose scholarship has illuminated and guided the study of the Devil in English and other literatures.
PURPOSE: Factors associated with maternal satisfaction of anesthetic management during labour and delivery are poorly known. The purpose of this study was to assess these factors. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study on parturients admitted between January 2004 and December 2008. Data on patients' demographics, comorbidities, procedures performed and various aspects of their anesthetic experience were retrieved from the anesthetic records. Maternal satisfaction was measured using a numerical scale from 0 to 10 (0 = not satisfied at all, 10 = very satisfied). A cutoff of ≤ 6 was taken as poor satisfaction. We performed a multivariate analysis to identify the different predictors of maternal satisfaction and more specifically those related to pain, overall experience with the technique, delays, and presence of anesthetic, obstetrical and neonatal complications. RESULTS: There were 15,386 parturients admitted during the study period. Of these, 10,034 had complete information in the chart and 761 (7.6%) parturients were dissatisfied with their anesthetic care. Factors decreasing patient satisfaction were high risk pregnancy [odds ratio (OR) 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.59 (0.34-1.02)] and difficult delivery [OR (95% CI) 0.62 (0.52-0.74)]. Pain, a negative experience of the procedure, delays, poor coordination in management, and the presence of complications decreased patient satisfaction [OR (95% CI) 0.07 to 0.71]; P < 0.001. CONCLUSION: Maternal satisfaction with anesthesia care is largely determined by the effectiveness and correct performance of the procedure carried from the technical and human point of view. However, other factors such as a good coordination in patient management and the absence of complications also influence maternal satisfaction.
RATIONALE: Dopamine D2 receptors are the main target of antipsychotic drugs. In the brain, D2 receptors coexpress with adenosine A2A and CB1 cannabinoid receptors, leading to functional interactions. OBJECTIVES: The protein and messenger RNA (mRNA) contents of A2A, D2, and CB1 receptors were quantified in postmortem prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was performed in subjects suffering schizophrenia (n=31) who mainly died by suicide, matched with non-schizophrenia suicide victims (n=13) and non-suicide controls (n=33). The density of receptor proteins was evaluated by immunodetection techniques, and their relative mRNA expression was quantified by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: In schizophrenia, the densities of A2A (90+/-6%, n=24) and D2-like receptors (95+/-5%, n=22) did not differ from those in controls (100%). Antipsychotic treatment did not induce changes in the protein expression. In contrast, the immunodensity of CB1 receptors was significantly decreased (71+/-7%, n=11; p<0.05) in antipsychotic-treated subjects with schizophrenia but not in drug-free subjects (104+/-13%, n=11). The relative mRNA amounts encoding for A2A, D2, and CB1 receptors were similar in brains of drug-free, antipsychotic-treated subjects with schizophrenia and controls. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that antipsychotics induce down-regulation of CB1 receptors in brain. Since A2A, D2, and CB1 receptors coexpress on brain GABAergic neurons and reductions in markers of GABA neurotransmission have been identified in schizophrenia, a lower density of CB1 receptor induced by antipsychotics could represent an adaptative mechanism that reduces the endocannabinoid-mediated suppression of GABA release, contributing to the normalization of cognitive functions in the disorder.
Background and Aims: The international EEsAI study group iscurrently developing the first a ctivity index specific forEosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). None of the existing dysphagiaquestionnaires take into account the consistency of theingested food t hat considerably impacts the symptompresentation. Goal: To d evelop and evaluate an E oE-specificquestionnaire assessing dysphagia caused by foods of differentconsistencies.Methods: B ased on patient interviews and chart reviews, a nexpert panel ( EEsAI study g roup) identified internationallystandardizedfood prototypes t ypically a ssociated with EoErelateddysphagia. Food consistencies were c orrelated withEoE-related d ysphagia, t aking into account p otential f oodavoidance and f ood processing. This V isual D ysphagiaQuestionnaire (VDQ) was piloted in 20 patients and is currentlyevaluated in a cohort of 150 adult EoE patients.Results: T he following 8 food c onsistency prototypes w ereidentified: soft foods (pudding, jelly), grits, toast bread, Frenchfries, dry rice, ground meat, raw fibrous f oods (eg. apple,carrot), s olid m eat. Dysphagia was r anked o n a 4-point Likertscale (0=no difficulties; 3= severe difficulties, food will not pass).First analysis demonstrated that severity of dysphagia is relatedto the eosinophil load and presence of esophageal strictures.Conclusions: T he VDQ i s the first EoE-specific tool f orassessing dysphagia caused by i nternationally-standardizedfoods of different consistencies. This instrument also addressesfood avoidance behaviour and food processing habits. This toolperformed well in a p ilot study a nd is currently evaluated in acohort of 150 adult EoE patients.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relative efficacy and safety profile of bevacizumab versus ranibizumab intravitreal injections for the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). DESIGN: Multicenter, prospective, noninferiority, double-masked, randomized clinical trial performed in 38 French ophthalmology centers. The noninferiority limit was 5 letters. PARTICIPANTS: Patients aged ≥50 years were eligible if they presented with subfoveal neovascular AMD, with best-corrected visual acuity (BVCA) in the study eye of between 20/32 and 20/320 measured on the Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study chart and a lesion area of less than 12 optic disc areas (DA). METHODS: Patients were randomly assigned to intravitreal administration of bevacizumab (1.25 mg) or ranibizumab (0.50 mg). Hospital pharmacies were responsible for preparing, blinding, and dispensing treatments. Patients were followed for 1 year, with a loading dose of 3 monthly intravitreal injections, followed by an as-needed regimen (1 injection in case of active disease) for the remaining 9 months with monthly follow-up. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mean change in visual acuity at 1 year. RESULTS: Between June 2009 and November 2011, 501 patients were randomized. In the per protocol analysis, bevacizumab was noninferior to ranibizumab (bevacizumab minus ranibizumab +1.89 letters; 95% confidence interval [CI], -1.16 to +4.93, P < 0.0001). The intention-to-treat analysis was concordant. The mean number of injections was 6.8 in the bevacizumab group and 6.5 in the ranibizumab group (P = 0.39). Both drugs reduced the central subfield macular thickness, with a mean decrease of 95 μm for bevacizumab and 107 μm for ranibizumab (P = 0.27). There were no significant differences in the presence of subretinal or intraretinal fluid at final evaluation, dye leakage on angiogram, or change in choroidal neovascular area. The proportion of patients with serious adverse events was 12.6% in the bevacizumab group and 12.1% in the ranibizumab group (P = 0.88). The proportion of patients with serious systemic or ocular adverse events was similar in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Bevacizumab was noninferior to ranibizumab for visual acuity at 1 year with similar safety profiles. Ranibizumab tended to have a better anatomic outcome. The results are similar to those of previous head-to-head studies. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the references.
Persistent infection induces an adaptive immune response that is mediated by T and B lymphocytes. Upon triggering with an antigen, these cells become activated and turn into fast expanding cells able to efficiently defend the host. Lymphocyte activation is controlled by a complex composed of CARMA1, BCL10 and MALT1 which regulates the NF-KB signaling pathway upon antigen triggering. Abnormally high expression or activity of either one of these three proteins can favor the development of lymphomas, while genetic defects in the pathway are associated with immunodeficiency. MALT1 was identified as a paracaspase sharing homology with other cysteine proteases, namely caspases and metacaspases. In order to be active, caspases need to dimerize. Based on their sequence similarity with MALT1, we hypothesized that dimerization might also be a mechanism of activation employed by MALT1. To address this assumption, we performed a bioinformatics modelling based on the crystal structures of several caspases. Our model suggested that the MALT1 caspase-like domain can indeed form dimers. This finding was later confirmed by several published crystal structures of MALT1. In the dimer interface of our model, we noticed the presence of charged amino acids that could potentially form salt bridges and thereby hold both monomers together. Mutation of one of these residues, E549, into alanine completely blocked the catalytic activity of MALT1. Additionally, we provided evidence for a role of E549 in promoting the MALTl-dependent growth of cells derived from diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the aggressive B cell-like type (ABC). To our initial surprise, the E549A mutation showed only a partial defect in dimerization, indicating that additional residues are essential to form a stable dimer. The MALT1 crystal structures revealed a key function for E549 in stabilizing the catalytic site of the protease via its interaction with an arginine which is located next to the catalytic active cysteine. In an additional study, we discovered that MALT1 monoubiquitination is required for the catalytic activity of the protease. Interestingly, we found that the MALT1 dimer interface mutant E549A could not be monoubiquitinated. Based on these findings, we suggest that correct formation of the dimer interface is a prerequisite for monoubiquitination. In a second project, we discovered a novel target of the protease MALT1, the ribonuclease Regnase¬la It was described that the RNase activity of Regnase-1 negatively regulates immune responses. We could show that in ABC DLBCL cell lines, Regnase-1 is not only cleaved by MALT1 but also phosphorylated, at least in part, by the inhibitor of KB kinase (IKK). Both regulations appear to restrain the RNase function of Regnase-1 and thereby allow the production of pro-survival proteins. In conclusion, our studies further highlight and explain the importance of the catalytic activity of MALT1 for the activation of lymphocytes and provide additional knowledge for the development of specific drugs targeting the catalytic activity of MALT1 for immunomodulation and treatment of lymphomas. SUMMARY IN FRENCH PhD Thesis Katrin Cabalzar 2 SUMMARY IN FRENCH Une infection persistante induit une réponse immunitaire adaptative par l'intermédiaire des lymphocytes T et B. Quand elles reconnaissent l'antigène, ces cellules sont activées et se multiplient très rapidement pour défendre efficacement l'hôte. L'activation des lymphocytes est transmise par un complexe composé de trois protéines, CARMA1, BCL10 et MALT1, qui régule la voie de signalisation NF-KB lorsque l'antigène est reconnu. L'expression ou l'activité anormalement élevée de l'une de ces trois protéines peut favoriser le développement de lymphomes, tandis que des défauts génétiques de cette voie de signalisation sont associés à l'immunodéficience. MALT1 a été identifiée comme étant une paracaspase qui partage des séquences homologues avec d'autres protéases à cystéine, comme les caspases et les métacaspases. Pour être actives, les caspases ont besoin de dimériser. Etant donné leur similarité de séquence avec MALT1, nous avons supposé que la dimérisation pouvait aussi être un mécanisme d'activation utilisé par MALT1. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, nous avons conçu un modèle bioinformatique à partir des structures cristallographiques de plusieurs caspases. Et notre modèle a suggéré que le domaine catalytique de MALT1 était effectivement capable de former des dimères. Cette découverte a été confirmée plus tard par des publications qui montrent des structures cristallographiques dimériques de MALT1. Dans l'interface du dimère de notre modèle, nous avons remarqué la présence d'acides aminés chargés qui pouvaient former des liaisons ioniques et ainsi réunir les deux monomères. La mutation de l'un de ces résidus, E549, pour une alanine, a complètement inhibé l'activité catalytique de MALT1. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence un rôle d'E549 dans la croissance dépendante de MALT1, des cellules dérivées de lymphomes B diffus à grandes cellules (DLBCL) de sous-type cellules B actives (ABC). Dans un premier temps nous avons été surpris de constater que cette mutation révélait seulement un défaut partiel de dimérisation, ce qui indique que des acides aminés supplémentaires sont indispensables pour former un dimère stable. Les structures cristallographiques de MALT1 ont révélé un rôle primordial d'E549 dans la stabilisation du site catalytique de la protéase via son interaction avec une arginine qui se trouve à côté de la cystéine du site actif. Dans une autre étude, nous avons découvert que la monoubiquitination de MALT1 est requise pour l'activité catalytique de la protéase. A remarquer que nous avons trouvé que le mutant E549A de l'interface dimère de MALT1 n'a pas pu être monoubiquitiné. Sur la base de ces résultats, nous suggérons que la formation correcte de l'interface du dimère est une condition préalable pour la monoubiquitination. Dans un second projet, nous avons découvert une nouvelle cible de la protéase MALT1, la ribonucléase Regnase-1. Il a été décrit que l'activité RNase de Regnase-1 régulait négativement les réponses immunitaires. Nous avons pu montrer que dans les lignées cellulaires ABC DLBCL, la Regnase-1 n'était pas seulement clivée par MALT1 mais également phosphorylée, au moins en partie, par la kinase de l'inhibiteur de KB (IKK). Les deux régulations semblent supprimer la fonction RNase de Regnase-1 et permettre ainsi la stabilisation de certains ARN messagers et la production de protéines favorisant la survie. En conclusion, nos études mettent en évidence le rôle-clé de la dimérisation de MALT1 et expliquent l'importance de l'activité catalytique de MALT1 pour l'activation des lymphocytes. Ainsi, nos résultats apportent des connaissances supplémentaires pour le développement de médicaments spécifiques ciblant l'activité catalytique de MALT1, qui pourraient être utiles pour modifier les réponses immunitaires et traiter des lymphomes.