930 resultados para X-ray computed tomography
BACKGROUND: The cause of acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is often difficult to determine. Pulmonary embolism may be a trigger of acute dyspnoea in patients with COPD. AIM: To determine the prevalence of pulmonary embolism in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD. METHODS: 123 consecutive patients admitted to the emergency departments of two academic teaching hospitals for acute exacerbation of moderate to very severe COPD were included. Pulmonary embolism was investigated in all patients (whether or not clinically suspected) following a standardised algorithm based on d-dimer testing, lower-limb venous ultrasonography and multidetector helical computed tomography scan. RESULTS: Pulmonary embolism was ruled out by a d-dimer value <500 microg/l in 28 (23%) patients and a by negative chest computed tomography scan in 91 (74%). Computed tomography scan showed pulmonary embolism in four patients (3.3%, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.2% to 8%), including three lobar and one sub-segmental embolisms. The prevalence of pulmonary embolism was 6.2% (n = 3; 95% CI, 2.3% to 16.9%) in the 48 patients who had a clinical suspicion of pulmonary embolism and 1.3% (n = 1; 95% CI, 0.3% to 7.1%) in those not suspected. In two cases with positive computed tomography scan, the venous ultrasonography also showed a proximal deep-vein thrombosis. No other patient was diagnosed with venous thrombosis. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of unsuspected pulmonary embolism is very low in patients admitted in the emergency department for an acute exacerbation of their COPD. These results argue against a systematic examination for pulmonary embolism in this population.
OBJECTIVE: Gadolinium-enhanced pulmonary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) can be an option in patients with a history of previous adverse reaction to iodinated contrast material and renal insufficiency. Radiation is also avoided. The aim of this study is to prospectively compare the diagnostic value of MRA with that of a diagnostic strategy, taking into account catheter angiography, computed tomography angiography (CTA), and lung scintigraphy [ventilation-perfusion (VQ)]. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Magnetic resonance angiography was done in 48 patients with clinically suspected pulmonary embolism (PE) using fast gradient echo coronal acquisition with gadolinium. Interpretation was done with native coronal images and multiplanar maximum intensity projection reconstructions. Results were compared to catheter angiography (n=15), CTA (n=34), VQ (n=45), as well as 6-12 months clinical follow-ups, according to a sequenced reference tree. RESULTS: The final diagnosis of PE was retained in 11 patients (23%). There were two false negatives and no false positive results with MRA. Computed tomography angiography resulted in no false negatives or false positives. Magnetic resonance angiography had a sensitivity of 82% and a specificity of 100%. CONCLUSION: In our study, pulmonary MRA had a sensitivity of 82% and a specificity of 100% for the diagnosis of PE, with slightly less sensitivity than CTA. In the diagnostic algorithm of PE, pulmonary MRA should be considered as an alternative to CTA when iodine contrast injection or radiation is a significant matter.
Surgical or conservative treatment of ACTH-producing tumors results in acute drop of the previously excessively high cortisol levels. The following associated pathophysiological changes also occur in the organism's recovery from stress, such as trauma, operation or chemotherapy of tumors. Both cases result in a regeneration of the immune system, which might even be exalted. The corresponding radiographic feature is the "rebound" enlargement of the thymus occurring about six months after remission of hypercortisolism. Histological examination reveals benign thymus hyperplasia. Especially in cases of still unknown primary tumor the appearance of this anterior mediastinal mass can lead to misdiagnosis. We present the cases of two patients with diffuse thymic hyperplasia following surgical and medical correction of hypercortisolism. One patient suffered from classic Cushing's disease responding to transsphenoidal resection of an ACTH-secreting pituitary microadenoma. Six months later CT of the chest incidentally demonstrated an anterior mediastinal mass known as thymic hyperplasia. The second patient presented with an ectopic, still unkown source of ACTH-production. Six months after medical correction of hypercortisolism CT of the thorax showed an enlargement of the anterior mediastinum. Thymectomy was performed in order to exclude thymus carcinoid. Histological examination revealed benign thymus hyperplasia with negative immunostaining. CONCLUSION: Radiologists and clinicians should be familiar with the pathophysiological changes resulting from precipitously dropping cortisol levels in order to prevent diagnostic errors and unnecessary operations.
PURPOSE: To assess the technical feasibility of multi-detector row computed tomographic (CT) angiography in the assessment of peripheral arterial bypass grafts and to evaluate its accuracy and reliability in the detection of graft-related complications, including graft stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four-channel multi-detector row CT angiography was performed in 65 consecutive patients with 85 peripheral arterial bypass grafts. Each bypass graft was divided into three segments (proximal anastomosis, course of the graft body, and distal anastomosis), resulting in 255 segments. Two readers evaluated all CT angiograms with regard to image quality and the presence of bypass graft-related abnormalities, including graft stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas. The results were compared with McNemar test with Bonferroni correction. CT attenuation values were recorded at five different locations from the inflow artery to the outflow artery of the bypass graft. These findings were compared with the findings at duplex ultrasonography (US) in 65 patients and the findings at conventional digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in 27. RESULTS: Image quality was rated as good or excellent in 250 (98%) and in 252 (99%) of 255 bypass segments, respectively. There was excellent agreement both between readers and between CT angiography and duplex US in the detection of graft stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas (kappa = 0.86-0.99). CT angiography and duplex US were compared with conventional DSA, and there was no statistically significant difference (P >.25) in sensitivity or specificity between CT angiography and duplex US for both readers for detection of hemodynamically significant bypass stenosis or occlusion, aneurysmal changes, or arteriovenous fistulas. Mean CT attenuation values ranged from 232 HU in the inflow artery to 281 HU in the outflow artery of the bypass graft. CONCLUSION: Multi-detector row CT angiography may be an accurate and reliable technique after duplex US in the assessment of peripheral arterial bypass grafts and detection of graft-related complications, including stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas.
Purpose: Atheromatic plaque progression is affected, among others phenomena, by biomechanical, biochemical, and physiological factors. In this paper, the authors introduce a novel framework able to provide both morphological (vessel radius, plaque thickness, and type) and biomechanical (wall shear stress and Von Mises stress) indices of coronary arteries. Methods: First, the approach reconstructs the three-dimensional morphology of the vessel from intravascular ultrasound(IVUS) and Angiographic sequences, requiring minimal user interaction. Then, a computational pipeline allows to automatically assess fluid-dynamic and mechanical indices. Ten coronary arteries are analyzed illustrating the capabilities of the tool and confirming previous technical and clinical observations. Results: The relations between the arterial indices obtained by IVUS measurement and simulations have been quantitatively analyzed along the whole surface of the artery, extending the analysis of the coronary arteries shown in previous state of the art studies. Additionally, for the first time in the literature, the framework allows the computation of the membrane stresses using a simplified mechanical model of the arterial wall. Conclusions: Circumferentially (within a given frame), statistical analysis shows an inverse relation between the wall shear stress and the plaque thickness. At the global level (comparing a frame within the entire vessel), it is observed that heavy plaque accumulations are in general calcified and are located in the areas of the vessel having high wall shear stress. Finally, in their experiments the inverse proportionality between fluid and structural stresses is observed.
The objective of this study was to assess the efficiency of spiral CT (SCT) aortography for diagnosing acute aortic lesions in blunt thoracic trauma patients. Between October 1992 and June 1997, 487 SCT scans of the chest were performed on blunt thoracic trauma patients. To assess aortic injury, the following SCT criteria were considered: hemomediastinum, peri-aortic hematoma, irregular aspect of the aortic wall, aortic pseudodiverticulum, intimal flap and traumatic dissection. Aortic injury was diagnosed on 14 SCT examinations (2.9 %), five of the patients having had an additional digital aortography that confirmed the aortic trauma. Twelve subjects underwent surgical repair of the thoracic aorta, which in all but one case confirmed the aortic injury. Two patients died before surgery from severe brain lesions. The aortic blunt lesions were confirmed at autopsy. According to the follow-up of the other 473 patients, we are aware of no false-negative SCT examination. Our limited series shows a sensitivity of 100 % and specificity of 99.8 % of SCT aortography in the diagnosis of aortic injury. It is concluded that SCT aortagraphy is an accurate diagnostic method for the assessment of aortic injury in blunt thoracic trauma patients.
Infection of an intervertebral disk is a serious condition. Diagnosis often is elusive and difficult. It is imperative to obtain appropriate microbiological specimens before initiation of treatment. The authors describe a 51-year-old woman with lumbar spondylodiscitis that was because of infection after the placement of an epidural catheter for postoperative analgesia. A spinal magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the diagnosis, but computed tomography-guided fine needle biopsy did not provide adequate material for a microbiologic diagnosis. Laparoscopic biopsies of the involved disk provided good specimens and a diagnosis of Propionibacterium acnes infection. The authors believe that this minimally invasive procedure should be performed when computed tomography-guided fine needle biopsy does not provide a microbiologic diagnosis in spondylodiscitis.
In 1992, the American academy of paediatrics has recommended that infants be placed on their backs to sleep, because prone sleeping has been correlated with sudden infant death syndrome. Following this article, medical paediatric community has documented an exponential increase in the diagnosis of posterior cranial deformities, which were considered as the consequence of unrelieved pressure onto the occiput during infant sleep. These last 15 years, management of posterior positional plagiocephaly has evolved but is still not standardized; it varies according to local specificities, and medical or parental preferences. Treatment of deformational plagiocephaly includes preventive counseling, repositioning adjustments and exercises, physiotherapy, osteopathy, treatment by dynamic cranial orthosis. On extremely rare occasions, corrective surgery is proposed. This article aims at reviewing the epidemiologic, diagnostic, and various therapeutic options of posterior positional plagiocephaly.
Nutrition assessment is important during chronic respiratory insufficiency to evaluate the level of malnutrition or obesity and should include body composition measurements. The appreciation of fat-free and fat reserves in patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency can aid in designing an adapted nutritional support, e.g., nutritional support in malnutrition and food restriction in obesity. The purpose of the present study was to cross-validate fat-free and fat mass obtained by various bioelectric impedance (BIA) formulas with the fat-free and fat mass measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and determine the formulas that are best suited to predict the fat-free and fat mass for a group of patients with severe chronic respiratory insufficiency. Seventy-five patients (15 women and 60 men) with chronic obstructive and restrictive respiratory insufficiency aged 45-86 y were included in this study. Body composition was calculated according to 13 different BIA formulas for women and 12 for men and compared with DXA. Because of the variability, calculated as 2 standard deviations, of +/- 5.0 kg fat-free mass for women and +/- 6.4 kg for men for the best predictive formula, the use of the various existing BIA formulas was considered not clinically relevant. Therefore disease-specific formulas for patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency should be developed to improve the prediction of fat-free and fat mass by BIA in these patients.
PURPOSE: To prospectively evaluate the accuracy and reliability of "freehand" posttraumatic orbital wall reconstruction with AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Osteosynthese) titanium mesh plates by using computer-aided volumetric measurement of the bony orbits. METHODS: Bony orbital volume was measured in 12 patients from coronal CT scan slices using OsiriX Medical Image software. After defining the volumetric limits of the orbit, the segmentation of the bony orbital region of interest of each single slice was performed. At the end of the segmentation process, all regions of interest were grouped and the volume was computed. The same procedure was performed on both orbits, and thereafter the volume of the contralateral uninjured orbit was used as a control for comparison. RESULTS: In all patients, the volume data of the reconstructed orbit fitted that of the contralateral uninjured orbit with accuracy to within 1.85 cm3 (7%). CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary study has demonstrated that posttraumatic orbital wall reconstruction using "freehand" bending and placement of AO titanium mesh plates results in a high success rate in re-establishing preoperative bony volume, which closely approximates that of the contralateral uninjured orbit.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Knowledge of cerebral blood flow (CBF) alterations in cases of acute stroke could be valuable in the early management of these cases. Among imaging techniques affording evaluation of cerebral perfusion, perfusion CT studies involve sequential acquisition of cerebral CT sections obtained in an axial mode during the IV administration of iodinated contrast material. They are thus very easy to perform in emergency settings. Perfusion CT values of CBF have proved to be accurate in animals, and perfusion CT affords plausible values in humans. The purpose of this study was to validate perfusion CT studies of CBF by comparison with the results provided by stable xenon CT, which have been reported to be accurate, and to evaluate acquisition and processing modalities of CT data, notably the possible deconvolution methods and the selection of the reference artery. METHODS: Twelve stable xenon CT and perfusion CT cerebral examinations were performed within an interval of a few minutes in patients with various cerebrovascular diseases. CBF maps were obtained from perfusion CT data by deconvolution using singular value decomposition and least mean square methods. The CBF were compared with the stable xenon CT results in multiple regions of interest through linear regression analysis and bilateral t tests for matched variables. RESULTS: Linear regression analysis showed good correlation between perfusion CT and stable xenon CT CBF values (singular value decomposition method: R(2) = 0.79, slope = 0.87; least mean square method: R(2) = 0.67, slope = 0.83). Bilateral t tests for matched variables did not identify a significant difference between the two imaging methods (P >.1). Both deconvolution methods were equivalent (P >.1). The choice of the reference artery is a major concern and has a strong influence on the final perfusion CT CBF map. CONCLUSION: Perfusion CT studies of CBF achieved with adequate acquisition parameters and processing lead to accurate and reliable results.