898 resultados para White Head Conglomerate


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Local head losses must be considered in estimating properly the maximum length of drip irrigation laterals. The aim of this work was to develop a model based on dimensional analysis for calculating head loss along laterals accounting for in-line drippers. Several measurements were performed with 12 models of emitters to obtain the experimental data required for developing and assessing the model. Based on the Camargo & Sentelhas coefficient, the model presented an excellent result in terms of precision and accuracy on estimating head loss. The deviation between estimated and observed values of head loss increased according to the head loss and the maximum deviation reached 0.17 m. The maximum relative error was 33.75% and only 15% of the data set presented relative errors higher than 20%. Neglecting local head losses incurred a higher than estimated maximum lateral length of 19.48% for pressure-compensating drippers and 16.48% for non pressure-compensating drippers.


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ABSTRACT This study aimed to identify wavelengths based on leaf reflectance (400-1050 nm) to estimate white mold severity in common beans at different seasons. Two experiments were carried out, one during fall and another in winter. Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression was used to establish a set of wavelengths that better estimates the disease severity at a specific date. Therefore, observations were previously divided in two sub-groups. The first one (calibration) was used for model building and the second subgroup for model testing. Error measurements and correlation between measured and predicted values of disease severity index were employed to provide the best wavelengths in both seasons. The average indexes of each experiment were of 5.8% and 7.4%, which is considered low. Spectral bands ranged between blue and green, green and red, and red and infrared, being most sensitive for disease estimation. Beyond the transition ranges, other spectral regions also presented wavelengths with potential to determine the disease severity, such as red, green, and near infrared.


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Intrapancreatic lipoma is an extremely rare neoplasm. The authors present a case of pancreatic lipoma in a 51-years-old white female, with a history of abdominal pain for a twelve-month period, without other findings. Computed tomography scanning showed a 5cm tumor located at the head of the pancreas. After surgical excision of a solid mass, histological study reveled a benign neoplasm of fat-cells, surrounded for normal pancreatic tissue. The authors comment on the more important aspects of this pathology.


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Tutkielmassani tarkastelen, miten teokset Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) ja The Orchid House (1953) käsittelevät kulttuuri-identiteettiä henkilöhahmojen luonnissa sekä millaisia yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroja näissä esiintyy. Kulttuuri-identiteetti on yksi jälkikoloniaalisen kirjallisuudentutkimuksen keskeisimmistä teemoista. Tarkastelen tekstejä kahden keskeisen teeman kautta: nimet ja maisemakuvaukset. Molemmat teokset käyttävät näitä teemoja monipuolisesti eri identiteetin osa-alueiden kuvaamiseen. Tarkasteluni keskittyy pääasiassa teosten naispäähahmoihin, mutta käsittelen soveltuvilta osin myös muita henkilöhahmoja. Monet Jean Rhysia ja Phyllis Shand Allfreyta tutkineet kirjallisuuskriitikot ovat olleet haluttomia näkemään teosten välillä olevan yhteyden. Wide Sargasso Sean intertekstuaalinen yhteys Charlotte Brontën teokseen Jane Eyre onkin usein jättänyt hienovaraisemmat intertekstuaaliset viittaukset varjoonsa. Viimeisimpien vuosien aikana on jälkikoloniaalisen kirjallisuudentutkimuksen saralla kuitenkin ollut havaittavissa myönteisempää suhtautumista myös näihin intertekstuaalisiin viittauksiin. Lähtökohtani teosten tarkasteluun on jälkikoloniaalinen kirjallisuudentutkimus ja ensisijaisia teoreettisia lähteitäni ovat muun muassa Patrick Hoganin ja Stuart Hallin käsitykset jälkikoloniaalisesta kulttuuri-identiteetistä. Tarkastelen pääasiallisesti Karibian alueen valkoisten kreolien kulttuuri-identiteettiä. Koska kummankin teoksen keskeisimmät henkilöhahmot ovat pääasiassa naisia, myös naisnäkökulma tulee esiin tutkielmassani. Tutkielmastani käy ilmi, että teosten välillä on selkeä yhteys siinä, millaisia välineitä käytetään kulttuuri-identiteetin kuvaamiseen. Teokset liittyvät kiinteästi dominicalaiseen kirjallisuusperinteeseen, mutta yhteneväisyyksiä on havaittavissa siinä määrin, ettei niitä pystytä selittämään pelkästään samankaltaisella kulttuurisella taustalla.


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Pro gradu -tutkielmani tavoitteena on analysoida ympäristön merkityksiä yhdysvaltalaiskirjailija Don DeLillon (1936-) romaanissa White Noise (1985). Lähestyn romaania ekokriittisen kirjallisuudentutkimuksen näkökulmasta ja kytken sen ekokriitikko Lawrence Buellin ajatukseen nk. ympäristöalitajunnasta. Analysoin DeLillon romaania myös yhteydessä filosofi Jean Baudrillardin ajatukseen postmodernin ajan länsimaisessa ja erityisesti amerikkalaisessa yhteiskunnassa vallalla olevasta simulaatioiden järjestelmästä. White Noise -romaanin todellisuus vastaa Baudrillardin ajatusta yhteiskunnasta, jossa representaatiot ja simulaatiot ovat korvanneet todellisuuden. Media, erityisesti televisio, tuottaa jatkuvasti kuvia ja simulaatioita, joiden kyllästämässä todellisuudessa aineellinen maailma ja luonto jäävät tavoittamattomiin. White Noise -romaanin henkilöiden yhteys aineelliseen ympäristöönsä ja luonnonilmiöihin on katkennut, sillä heidän arkensa pyörii pitkälti kuluttamisen ja televisionkatselun ympärillä. Romaanin todellisuudessa myös identiteetistä on tullut eräänlainen tuote, jonka jokainen voi rakentaa mieleisekseen kulutusvalinnoillaan. Identiteettiproblematiikan ohella myös kuolemalla on keskeinen asema tutkielmassani. White Noise -romaanin päähenkilö Jack Gladney kärsii paniikinomaisesta kuolemanpelosta, jota pyrkii torjumaan erilaisin keinoin siinä kuitenkaan onnistumatta. Tavoitteenani on osoittaa, että tämä piinaava pelko kuolemaa kohtaan on syntynyt simulaatioyhteiskunnan tuloksena. Vieraantuminen aineellisesta maailmasta ja luonnon prosesseista on johtanut vieraantumiseen ruumiista ja kuolemasta. Analysoin kuolemaa romaanissa eräänlaisena simulaatioiden maailman äärirajana, viimeisenä luonnollisena tapahtumana. White Noise -romaanin päähenkilö Jack Gladney ahdistuu kulutuskeskeisessä, simulaatioiden kyllästämässä elinympäristössään. Tulkitsen tämän ahdistuksen tarpeena tunnistaa tärkeä vuorovaikutussuhde yksilön ja hänen aineellisen ympäristönsä välillä. Jack ei ole vielä täysin sulautunut osaksi simulaatioiden maailmaa, vaan hän tiedostaa kytköksen itsensä ja aineellisen maailman välillä. Tämä romaanista implisiittisesti esiin nouseva tiedostamisen tunne korostaa ihmisen ja ympäristön sekä laajemmin kulttuurin ja luonnon välttämätöntä yhteyttä. DeLillon romaanista on löydettävissä ajatus ympäristöalitajunnasta, joka alleviivaa ympäristön ja luonnon merkitystä ihmiselle.


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Objective: To evaluate the safety and tolerability of controlled-release oxycodone in the treatment of postoperative pain of head and neck oncologic resections.Methods: We conducted a prospective, observational and open study, with 83 patients with moderate to severe pain after head and neck oncological operations. All patients received general anesthesia with propofol, fentanyl and sevoflurane. Postoperatively, should they have moderate or severe pain, we began controlled-release oxycodone 20 mg 12/12 b.i.d on the first day and 10 mg b.i.d. on the second. We assessed the frequency and intensity of adverse effects, the intensity of postoperative pain by a verbal numeric scale and the use of rescue analgesia from 12 hours after administration of the drug and between 7 and 13 days after the last oxycodone dose.Results: The most common adverse events were nausea, vomiting, dizziness, pruritus, insomnia, constipation and urinary retention, most mild. No serious adverse events occurred. In less than 12 hours after the use of oxycodone, there was a significant decrease in the intensity of postoperative pain, which remained until the end of the study. The rescue medication was requested at a higher frequency when the opioid dose was reduced, or after its suspension.Conclusion: Controlled release oxycodone showed to be safe and well tolerated and caused a significant decrease in post-operative pain.


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Objective: to assess the prevalence of abnormalities found by computed tomography (CT) of the chest in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Methods: we retrospectively analyzed chest CT exams of 209 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. The CT findings were stratified as inflammatory / infectious, parenchymal, nodular uncharacteristic and nodular metastatic / tumoral Results: alterations were diagnosed in 66.6% of patients. Of these, 25.3% represented emphysema; 18.8%, uncharacteristic micronodules; 12.9%, metastases; 11.9%, thoracic lymph node enlargements; and in 6.6% we detected active pulmonary tuberculosis or its sequelae, pneumonia or inflammatory / infectious signs and pleural thickening or effusion. Conclusion: the prevalence of exams with alterations and the considerable rate of detected metastases indicate that chest CT should be required for diagnostic and / or staging in cases of head and neck cancer.


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Objetivo: analisar a relação entre a classificação clínica de White e as alterações histopatológicas de placentas de gestantes diabéticas, comparando, de forma qualitativa, as alterações histopatológicas de placentas de gestantes não-diabéticas e diabéticas gestacionais (classes A e A/B), clínicas de curta duração (classes B e C) e clínicas com vasculopatia (classes D a FRH), no termo e no pré-termo, e de acordo com a qualidade do controle glicêmico na gestação. Pacientes e Métodos: foram colhidas amostras de placentas de todas as gestantes diabéticas, atendidas entre 1991 e 1996 na Maternidade do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, coradas pela técnica de hematoxilina-eosina e submetidas a exame histopatológico. A qualidade do controle glicêmico foi analisada pela média glicêmica da gestação e classificada em adequada e inadequada, com limite de 120 mg/dl. A idade da gestação foi individualizada em termo e pré-termo. Resultados: observou-se que 42 recém-nascidos (43,3%) eram de termo e o restante, de pré-termo (56,7%). O índice de prematuridade foi maior nas diabéticas clínicas (classes B e C; D a FRH). Algumas alterações histopatológicas só foram encontradas em placentas de gestantes diabéticas: degeneração cistóide, edema corial, edema da íntima, dismaturidade, hiperplasia das células de Hofbauer, vilite, células fantasmas, dois vasos no cordão umbilical e endarterite. Conclusões: as alterações histopatológicas de placentas de gestantes com diabete gestacional (classes A e A/B), clínico de curta duração (classes B e C) e clínico com vasculopatia (classes D a FRH) foram semelhantes às das não-diabéticas e, portanto, independeram da classificação clínica de White. As alterações histopatológicas de placentas de gestantes diabéticas não se relacionaram com a idade gestacional ao nascimento e com a qualidade do controle glicêmico materno. A comparação entre as alterações histopatológicas e a elevada proporção de recém-nascidos pré-termo nas diabéticas clínicas, classes D a FRH, sugerem amadurecimento placentário precoce nas diabéticas clínicas com vasculopatia.


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The neurohistologic observations were performed using the specimens prepared by Winkelmann and Schmitt silver impregnation method. The tissues were fixed in 10% formalin solution and sections of 40µm thickness were obtained by Leica Cryostat at -30ºC. The sections of dorsal mucosa of White-lipped peccary tongue showed numerous filliform and fungiform papillae, and two vallate papillae on the caudal part. The epithelial layer revealed queratinized epithelial cells and the connective tissue papillae of different sizes and shapes. Thick nerve fiber bundles are noted into the subepithelial connective tissue of the papillae. The connective tissue of fungiform and vallate papillae contained numerous sensitive nerves fibers bundles forming a complex nerve plexus.


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Turgida turgida have been largely reported parasitizing Didelphis species in North and South America based on light microscopy observation. However, the features that differentiate T. turgida from other physalopterid species should be observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A female white-bellied opossum, Didelphis albiventris, arrived dead at the Centro de Reabilitação de Animais Silvestres (CRAS) in the municipality of Campo Grande, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. During the necropsy, adult nematodes were collected from stomach and intestine. The nematodes were determined to be adult specimens and submitted to SEM for the species determination. This is the first report of T. turgida confirmed by SEM in the Neotropical region and the first report in an urban area in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.


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Sixteen outbreaks of Senna occidentalis (coffee senna) that occurred in cattle in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were reviewed. The great majority (75%) of the outbreaks occurred in adult cattle at pasture during the autumn and winter months with 50% in May, evidencing a striking seasonality. Mortality rates varied from 4.2% to 55.2% and cattle died 2 days up to 2 weeks after showing clinical signs that included dry feces (occasionally diarrhea), muscle weakness, reluctance to move, tachypnea, instability of the hind limbs with dragging of the toes, tremors in muscles of the thighs, neck, and head, ear dropping, sternal recumbency, lateral recumbency and death. Myoglobinuria characterized by a dark red or black discolored urine was a consistent finding in cattle affected at pasture but not in those poisoned by ration contaminated with coffee senna beans. Creatine phosphokinase serum activity was marked ly elevated. Main gross changes observed in 23 necropsies involved skeletal muscles of the hind limbs. These changes consisted of varying degrees of paleness of muscle groups. Subepicardial and subendocardial hemorrhages were present in the hearts of all affected cattle. Histologically a segmental degenerative myopathy of striated muscles was present in every case and had a multifocal polyphasic or monophasic character. Myocardial (3/23), hepatic (3/13), renal (3/10), and splenic (1/6) microscopic lesions were observed occasionally. Myocardial lesions were mild and consisted of vacuolation of cardiomyocytes or focal fibrosis. Hepatic changes consisted of diffuse hepatocelular vacuolation, cytosegrosomes within hepatocytes, and individual hepatocellular necrosis. Kidneys had vacuolar degeneration of tubular epithelium associated with acidophilic casts (proteinosis) within tubular lumina. In the spleen there was marked necrosis of lymphocytes of the white pulp. No histological changes were found in the brains of 13 affected cattle. The data of this study suggest that coffee senna poisoning is an important cause of death in cattle in southern Brazil.


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The aim of this study was to describe a fatal salmonellosis case in a non-human female primate (Callithrix jacchus), found in the illegal pet trade in Brazil. The marmoset was sent to the quarantine section of the Guarulhos City Zoo and died in the sequence of an episode of profuse diarrhea. Necropsy findings included mucous enteritis, and liver enlargement and necrosis. Feces and liver fragments were collected for bacteriological tests, which indicated the presence of Salmonella sp.; it was subsequently characterized as pertaining to the Yoruba serotype. The susceptibility profile demonstrated resistance to tetracycline only. The strain was positive for genes that encoded the virulence factors investigated (invA, sefC, pefA and spvC). The results indicated the risk of introduction of Salmonella pathogenic serotypes in primates in captivity.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the transfer of passive immunity and the proteinogram in Criollo Lageano (CL) and Black and White Holstein (BWH) calves. Two groups were utilized with 13 Criollo Lageano and 10 BWH calves. Blood samples were collected for the measurement of total serum protein, electrophoresis of serum proteins, activity of the gamma glutamyl transferase, and concentration of IgG by the method of the zinc sulfate turbidity in periods between 24 and 36 hours of life, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA and Tukey test at 5% significance level, and correlations between variables were calculated. Variations of serum proteins followed a pattern of physiological behavior over the first six months of life and production of immunoglobulins was active earlier in BWH calves and slower in the Criollo Lageano, without causing any impact on their health. Gamma globulin in the first days of life (24-36h) was correlated with IgG (r=0.87 for CL and r=0.89 for BWH), PTS (r=0.91 for CL and r=0.92 for BWH), Glob (r=0.99 for CL and r=0.98 for BWH) and GGT (r=0.14 for CL and r=0.83 for BWH). It was concluded that there was no failure in the transfer of passive immunity in Criollo Lageano calves but this failure occurred in the BWH calves. IgG values estimated by the zinc sulfate turbidity and serum proteins were considered good indicators of the transfer of passive immunity in calves between 24 and 36 hours of life.


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Dermatosparaxia em animais é uma doença autossômica recessiva do tecido conjuntivo caracterizada por fragilidade e hiperextensibilidade cutânea. A doença em ovinos White Dorper é provocada pela mutação c.421G>T no gene ADAMmetalopeptidase com trombospondina tipo 1 motif, 2 (ADAMTS2). O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os achados clínicos, moleculares e histopatológicos da dermatosparaxia em ovinos White Dorper de um rebanho localizado no Centro-Oeste Paulista. O rebanho era composto por nove animais, sendo um reprodutor, quatro matrizes e seus respectivos borregos. Dos nove animais examinados, dois apresentavam sinais clínicos compatíveis com dermatosparaxia. O exame histopatológico de amostras cutâneas das lesões destes dois animais revelou também achados compatíveis com dermatosparaxia, sendo caracterizados por epiderme e anexos cutâneos preservados e sem características atípicas; colágeno displásico arranjado em feixes pequenos, fragmentados e com focos de degeneração, anexos cutâneos proeminentes e na região da derme foco hemorrágico intenso associado a moderado infiltrado neutrofílico na derme profunda. Com o objetivo de realizar o diagnóstico molecular da enfermidade, uma PCR foi padronizada utilizando primers específicos desenhados para amplificar a região do gene ADAMTS2 que continha a mutação c.421G>T e o DNA obtido de amostras de sangue de todos os animais do rebanho. O sequenciamento direto dos produtos da PCR, comprovou que os dois animais clinicamente afetados possuíam a mutação responsável pela dermatosparaxia. A metodologia descrita neste estudo possibilitou o diagnóstico definitivo da doença. Segundo a literatura consultada, esta é a primeira vez que a dermatosparaxia é descrita em ovinos White Dorper no Brasil. A metodologia aqui descrita poderá ser empregada em estudos futuros que avaliem a prevalência desta mutação no Brasil, possibilitando a adoção de medidas que previnam a disseminação dessa mutação no rebanho brasileiro de ovinos White Dorper.