742 resultados para Well width
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This dissertation the results of a research developed in the area of São Bento do Norte and Caiçara do Norte, northern coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, during the period of June of 2000 to August of 2001, in the ambit of the projects MAMBMARÉ (CNPq/CTPETRO) and PROBRAL (CAPES/DAAD). The objective principal of this research was the characterization of the sedimentary dynamics of this coast, with base in data of coastal process (winds, currents, waves and tides), with topographical risings (beach profiles and dunes), satellite images and sedimentary analyses. The more specific objectives were accomplished the coastal monitoring of this coast, to verify the maintenance of an erosive tendency or progradacional after the groynes construction for contention of the erosion in the beach of Caiçara do Norte, as well as to verify the influence of the features of bottom of the platform interns adjacent on the pole petroliferous of Guamaré. The executed monitoramento allowed to identify that the movement of the sediments, along the year, in that area, is cyclical, reaching the largest oscillations during the months of winter (deposition) and they will summer (erosion). The sedimentologic studies indicated a general tendency for sands quartzosas, with gravel presence, moderately to good selected, with asymmetry predominantly negative. In agreement with the parameter of Dean (1957), used in the identification of the state morfodinâmico of the beaches, monitored beaches, are basically reflectivas with tendency to middlemen, what frames that space of the coast norte-riograndense, as a space strongly vulnerable to erosive processes. The studies developed in the platform, it interns of this area, allowed to visualize for the first time, in large scale, the distribution of the features of the submarine bottom to the batométrico coat of 25 meters. Being pointed out the presence of a high one topographical submerged, with about 5 meters of height, 1 km of width and more than 24 meters of extension, located in the platform it interns in front of São Bento do Norte; coincident with the trend of the system of flaws of Carnaubais. This feature relay an important paper on the control of the sedimentary processes and oceanographic, as well as in the coastal evolution of this area of the RN state, and they affect the area of the pole petroliferous of Guamaré directly. These results contribute to a better knowledge of the processes in the area, and consequently as subsidies implantation of measures of coastal and environmental protection for the cities of São Bento do Norte and Caiçara do Norte, as well as to understand how the geological-sedimentary processes and oceanographic, in this area, are influencing the characteristics geoambientais of the pole petroliferous of Guamaré
We report a theoretical investigation of thermal hysteresis in magnetic nanoelements. Thermal hysteresis originates in the existence of meta-stable states in temperature intervals which may be tuned by small values of the external magnetic field, and are controlled by the systems geometric dimensions as well as the composition. Two systems have been investigated. The first system is a trilayer consisting of one antiferromagnetic MnF2 film, exchange coupled with two Fe lms. At low temperatures the ferromagnetic layers are oriented in opposite directions. By heating in the presence of an external magnetic field, the Zeeman energy induces a gradual orientation of the ferromagnets with the external field and the nucleation of spin- op-like states in the antiferromagnetic layer, leading eventually, in temperatures close to the Neel temperature, to full alignment of the ferromagnetic films and the formation of frustrated exchange bonds in the center of the antiferromagnetic layer. By cooling down to low temperatures, the system follows a different sequence of states, due to the anisotropy barriers of both materials. The width of the thermal hysteresis loop depends on the thicknesses of the FM and AFM layers as well as on the strength of the external field. The second system consists in Fe and Permalloy ferromagnetic nanoelements exchange coupled to a NiO uncompensated substrate. In this case the thermal hysteresis originates in the modifications of the intrinsic magnetic
In this thesis, we investigated the magnonic and photonic structures that exhibit the so-called deterministic disorder. Speci cally, we studied the effects of the quasiperiodicity, associated with an internal structural symmetry, called mirror symmetry, on the spectra of photonics and magnonics multilayer. The quasiperiodicity is introduced when stacked layers following the so-called substitutional sequences. The three sequences used here were the Fibonacci sequence, Thue-Morse and double-period, all with mirror symmetry. Aiming to study the propagation of light waves in multilayer photonic, and spin waves propagation in multilayer magnonic, we use a theoretical model based on transfer matrix treatment. For the propagation of light waves, we present numerical results that show that the quasiperiodicity associated with a mirror symmetry greatly increases the intensity of transmission and the transmission spectra exhibit a pro le self-similar. The return map plotted for this system show that the presence of internal symmetry does not alter the pattern of Fibonacci maps when compared with the case without symmetry. But when comparing the maps of Thue-Morse and double-time sequences with their case without the symmetry mirror, is evident the change in the pro le of the maps. For magnetic multilayers, we work with two di erent systems, multilayer composed of a metamagnetic material and a non-magnetic material, and multilayers composed of two cubic Heisenberg ferromagnets. In the rst case, our calculations are carried out in the magnetostatic regime and calculate the dispersion relation of spin waves for the metamgnetic material considered FeBr2. We show the e ect of mirror symmetry in the spectra of spin waves, and made the analysis of the location of bulk bands and the scaling laws between the full width of the bands allowed and the number of layers of unit cell. Finally, we calculate the transmission spectra of spin waves in quasiperiodic multilayers consisting of Heisenberg ferromagnets. The transmission spectra exhibit self-similar patterns, with regions of scaling well-de ned in frequency and the return maps indicates only dependence of the particular sequence used in the construction of the multilayer
This work shows a integrated study of modern analog to fluvial reservoirs of Açu Formation (Unit 3). The modern analog studied has been Assu River located in the same named city, Rio Grande do Norte State, Northeast of Brazil. It has been developed a new methodology to parameterizating the fluvial geological bodies by GPR profile (by central frequency antennas of 50, 100 and 200 MHz). The main parameters obtained were width and thickness. Still in the parameterization, orthophotomaps have been used to calculate the canal sinuosity and braided parameters of Assu River. These information are integrated in a database to supply input data in 3D geological models of fluvial reservoirs. It was made an architectural characterization of the deposit by trench description, GPR profile interpretation and natural expositions study to recognize and describe the facies and its associations, external and internal geometries, boundary surfaces and archtetural elements. Finally, a three-dimensional modeling has been built using all the acquired data already in association with real well data of a reservoir which Rio Assu is considered as analogous. Facies simulations have been used simple kriging (deterministic algorithm), SIS and Boolean (object-based, both stochastics). And, for modeling porosities have used the stochastic algorithm SGS
This dissertation the results of a research developed in the area of São Bento do Norte and Caiçara do Norte, northern coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, during the period of June of 2000 to August of 2001, in the ambit of the projects MAMBMARÉ (CNPq/CTPETRO) and PROBRAL (CAPES/DAAD).The objective principal of this research was the characterization of the sedimentary dynamics of this coast, with base in data of coastal process (winds, currents, waves and tides), with topographical risings (beach profiles and dunes), satellite images and sedimentary analyses. The more specific objectives were accomplished the coastal monitoring of this coast, to verify the maintenance of an erosive tendency or progradacional after the groynes construction for contention of the erosion in the beach of Caiçara do Norte, as well as to verify the influence of the features of bottom of the platform interns adjacent on the pole petroliferous of Guamaré. The executed monitoramento allowed to identify that the movement of the sediments, along the year, in that area, is cyclical, reaching the largest oscillations during the months of winter (deposition) and they will summer (erosion). The sedimentologic studies indicated a general tendency for sands quartzosas, with gravel presence, moderately to good selected, with asymmetry predominantly negative. In agreement with the parameter of Dean (1957), used in the identification of the state morfodinâmico of the beaches, monitored beaches, are basically reflectivas with tendency to middlemen, what frames that space of the coast norteriograndense, as a space strongly vulnerable to erosive processes. The studies developed in the platform, it interns of this area, allowed to visualize for the first time, in large scale, the distribution of the features of the submarine bottom to the batométrico coat of 25 meters. Being pointed out the presence of a high one topographical submerged, with about 5 meters of height, 1 km of width and more than 24 meters of extension, located in the platform it interns in front of São Bento do Norte; coincident with the trend of the system of flaws of Carnaubais. This feature relay an important paper on the control of the sedimentary processes and oceanographic, as well as in the coastal evolution of this area of the RN state, and they affect the area of the pole petroliferous of Guamaré directly. These results contribute to a better knowledge of the processes in the area, and consequently as subsidies implantation of measures of coastal and environmental protection for the cities of São Bento do Norte and Caiçara do Norte, as well as to understand how the geological-sedimentary processes and oceanographic, in this area, are influencing the characteristics geoambientais of the pole petroliferous of Guamaré
Background: Although the motile sperm organelle morphology examination (MSOME) was developed only as a selection criterion, its application as a method for classifying sperm morphology may represent an improvement in evaluation of semen quality, with potential clinical repercussions. The present study aimed to evaluate individual variations in the motile sperm organelle morphology examination (MSOME) analysis after a time interval.Methods: Two semen samples were obtained from 240 men from an unselected group of couples undergoing infertility investigation and treatment. Mean time interval between the two semen evaluations was 119 +/- 102 days. No clinical or surgical treatment was realized between the two observations. Spermatozoa were analyzed at greater than or equal to 8400 x magnification by inverted microscope equipped with DIC/Nomarski differential interference contrast optics. At least 200 motile spermatozoa per semen sample were evaluated and percentages of normal spermatozoa and spermatozoa with large nuclear vacuoles (LNV/one or more vacuoles occupying >50% of the sperm nuclear area) were determined. A spermatozoon was classified as morphologically normal when it exhibited a normal nucleus (smooth, symmetric and oval nucleus, width 3.28 +/- 0.20 mu m, length 4.75 +/- 0.20 mu m/absence of vacuoles occupying >4% of nuclear area) as well as acrosome, post-acrosomal lamina, neck and tail, besides not presenting cytoplasm around the head. One examiner, blinded to subject identity, performed the entire study.Results: Mean percentages of morphologically normal and LNV spermatozoa were identical in the two MSOME analyses (1.6 +/- 2.2% vs. 1.6 +/- 2.1% P = 0.83 and 25.2 +/- 19.2% vs. 26.1 +/- 19.0% P = 0.31, respectively). Regression analysis between the two samples revealed significant positive correlation for morphologically normal and for LNV spermatozoa (r = 0.57 95% CI: 0.47-0.65 P < 0.0001 and r = 0.50 95% CI: 0.38-0.58 P < 0.0001, respectively).Conclusions: The significant positive correlation and absence of differences between two sperm samples evaluated after a time interval with respect to normal morphology and LNV spermatozoa indicated that MSOME seems reliable (at least for these two specific sperm forms) for analyzing semen. The present result supports the future use of MSOME as a routine method for semen analysis.
Background: The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the hyaluronic acid (HA) binding assay in the selection of motile spermatozoa with normal morphology at high magnification (8400x).Methods: A total of 16592 prepared spermatozoa were selected and classified into two groups: Group I, spermatozoa which presented their head attached to an HA substance (HA-bound sperm), and Group II, those spermatozoa that did not attach to the HA substance (HA-unbound sperm). HA-bound and HA-unbound spermatozoa were evaluated according to the following sperm forms: 1-Normal morphology: normal nucleus (smooth, symmetric and oval configuration, length: 4.75+/-2.8 mu m and width: 3.28+/-0.20 mu m, no extrusion or invagination and no vacuoles occupied more than 4% of the nuclear area) as well as acrosome, post-acrosomal lamina, neck, tail, besides not presenting a cytoplasmic droplet or cytoplasm around the head; 2-Abnormalities of nuclear form (a-Large/small; b-Wide/narrow; c-Regional disorder); 3-Abnormalities of nuclear chromatin content (a-Vacuoles: occupy >4% to 50% of the nuclear area and b-Large vacuoles: occupy >50% of the nuclear area) using a high magnification (8400x) microscopy system.Results: No significant differences were obtained with respect to sperm morphological forms and the groups HA-bound and HA-unbound. 1-Normal morphology: HA-bound 2.7% and HA-unbound 2.5% (P = 0.56). 2-Abnormalities of nuclear form: a-Large/small: HA-bound 1.6% vs. HA-unbound 1.6% (P = 0.63); b-Wide/narrow: HA-bound 3.1% vs. HA-unbound 2.7% (P = 0.13); c-Regional disorders: HA-bound 4.7% vs. HA-unbound 4.4% (P = 0.34). 3. Abnormalities of nuclear chromatin content: a-Vacuoles >4% to 50%: HA-bound 72.2% vs. HA-unbound 72.5% (P = 0.74); b-Large vacuoles: HA-bound 15.7% vs. HA-unbound 16.3% (P = 0.36).Conclusions: The findings suggest that HA binding assay has limited efficacy in selecting motile spermatozoa with normal morphology at high magnification.
Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do grupo racial e da condição sexual nas características da carcaça de caprinos jovens criados em confinamento. Foram utilizados 91 animais, 52 machos e 39 fêmeas, pertencentes a cinco grupos raciais: Alpino, ½Boer + ½Alpino, ½Anglo Nubiano + ½Alpino, ¾Boer + ¼Alpino, e ½Anglo Nubiano + ¼Boer + ¼Alpino. Foi tomado o peso ao jejum, no dia do abate, após 24 horas de jejum de sólidos. Foram tomadas medidas biométricas e de carcaça, objetiva e subjetivamente. O grupo racial influenciou a altura de cernelha, o comprimento interno e externo da carcaça e o comprimento de perna, que foram maiores nos animais Alpinos, bem como a largura do peito, o escore corporal, os índices de compacidade da carcaça e da perna e a cobertura de gordura da carcaça, que foram melhores nos animais com grau de sangue Boer. Animais machos tiveram maior altura de cernelha, medidas da estérnebra com ultrassom, comprimento interno da carcaça, comprimento de perna, profundidade dos tecidos na altura da 3ª e 4ª estérnebras tomadas na carcaça. Nas demais características corporais avaliadas, não foram encontradas diferenças entre grupos raciais e sexo dos animais. O cruzamento do grupo Boer com Alpino reduz o comprimento das carcaças e aumenta a cobertura de gordura e a quantidade de tecidos depositados, mas não influencia o desempenho do animal.
O trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes linhagens (conformação versus convencionais) sobre o desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e partes, medidas físicas (espessura, largura e comprimento do filé do peito) e qualidade da carne do peito (perda de peso por cozimento, maciez e pH) em frangos de corte com 35, 42 e 49 dias. Foram utilizados 2400 pintos de um dia, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em fatorial 5x2, com cinco linhagens (conformação A, B e C ; e convencionais D e E) e dois sexos, com quatro repetições de 60 aves cada. O crescimento das aves foi diferente, havendo linhagens com maior crescimento tanto entre as de conformação quanto entre as convencionais. As linhagens apresentaram desempenho diferenciado para ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar. Os animais de algumas linhagens de conformação apresentaram desempenho superior às convencionais, mas o oposto também foi verificado. O rendimento de carcaça diferiu aos 35 dias, com as linhagens de conformação apresentando os maiores rendimentos. O rendimento de pernas e carne de pernas foi semelhante ou melhor nas linhagens convencionais e os maiores rendimentos de peito e carne de peito ocorreram nas linhagens de conformação. A gordura abdominal diferiu aos 42 dias somente entre as linhagens de conformação. A espessura, largura e comprimento dos filés do peito também foram diferentes, com as linhagens de conformação apresentando valores semelhantes entre si e superiores aos das linhagens convencionais. Não houve diferenças nos parâmetros de qualidade da carne. O sexo das aves teve influência tanto no desempenho quanto no rendimento de carcaça e partes, porém não afetou a qualidade da carne do peito.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
\ The biologic width is an essential dental space that always needs to be maintained to ensure periodontal health in any dental prosthetic restorations. An iatrogenic partial fixed prosthesis constructed in lower posterior teeth predisposed the development of subgingival caries, which induced violation of the biologic width in involved teeth, resulting in an uncontrolled inflammatory process and periodontal tissue destruction. This clinical report describes a periodontal surgical technique to recover a violated biologic width in lower posterior teeth, by crown lengthening procedure associated with free gingival graft procedure, to ensure the possibility to place a modified partial fixed prosthesis in treated area. The procedure applied to recover the biologic width was crown lengthening with some modifications, associated with modified partial fixed prosthesis to achieve health in treated area. The modified techniques in both surgical and prosthetic procedures were applied to compensate the contraindications to recover biologic width by osteotomy in lower posterior teeth. The result, after 4 years under periodic control, seems to achieve the projected goal. Treating a dental diseased area is necessary to diagnose, eliminate, or control all etiologic factors involved in the process. When the traditional methods are not effective to recover destructed tissues, an alternative, compensatory, and adaptive procedure may be applied to restore the sequelae of the disease, applying a restorative method that respects the biology of involved tissues.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral avaliar a discrepância de tamanho dentário, na oclusão normal e nos diferentes tipos de más oclusões e a sua relação com as medidas que determinam a forma de arco e o posicionamento dentário na região anterior. Para tanto, foram estudados 185 pares de modelos de gesso, divididos em 4 grupos: Grupo 1 (composto por 41 pares com Oclusão Normal, sendo 20 do gênero masculino e 21 do gênero feminino); Grupo 2 (composto por 44 pares com má oclusão de Classe I, divisão 1, sendo 22 do gênero masculino e 22 do gênero feminino); Grupo 3 (composto por 54 pares com má oclusão de Classe II, sendo 28 do gênero masculino e 26 do gênero feminino) e Grupo 4 (composto por 46 pares com Classe III, sendo 23 do gênero masculino e 23 do gênero feminino). Observou-se que não ocorreu dimorfismo sexual entre as discrepâncias de tamanho dentário e os diferentes tipos de oclusão dentária; as proporções estabelecidas por Bolton não se aplicaram ao grupo com Oclusão Normal; na Oclusão Normal, Classe I, Classe II e Classe III, houve um predomínio de excesso dentário total (RAZ12) no arco inferior; na Classe I houve uma igualdade na distribuição de excesso dentário anterior (RAZ6) nos arcos superior e inferior; na Oclusão Normal, Classe II e Classe III, ocorreu um predomínio de excesso dentário anterior (RAZ6) no arco inferior, em relação ao arco superior; os excessos dentários não contribuíram na ocorrência das más oclusões e as discrepâncias total e anterior (RAZ12 e RAZ6) não interferiram diretamente nas larguras e comprimentos dos arcos, bem como no posicionamento dos dentes anteriores.