677 resultados para We


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Conflict has marked civilization from Biblical times to the present day. Each of us, with our different and competing interests, and our desires to pursue those interests, have over time wronged another person. Not surprisingly then, forgiveness is a concern of individuals and groups¿communities, countries, religious groups, races¿yet it is a complex idea that philosophers, theologians, political scientists, and psychologists have grappled with. Some have argued that forgiveness is a therapeutic means for overcoming guilt, pain, and anger. Forgiveness is often portrayed as a coping mechanism¿how often we hear the phrase, ¿forgive and forget,¿ as an arrangement to help two parties surmount the complications of disagreement. But forgiveness is not simply a modus vivendi; the ability to forgive and conversely to ask for forgiveness, is counted as an admirable trait and virtue. This essay will explore the nature of forgiveness, which in Christian dogma is often posited as an unqualified virtue. The secular world has appropriated the Christian notion of forgiveness as such a virtue¿but are there instances wherein offering forgiveness is morally inappropriate or dangerous? I will consider the situations in which forgiveness, understood in this essay as the overcoming of resentment, may not be a virtue¿when perhaps maintaining resentment is as virtuous, if not more virtuous, than forgiving. I will explain the various ethical frameworks involved in understanding forgiveness as a virtue, and the relationship between them. I will argue that within Divine Command Theory forgiveness is a virtue¿and thus morally right¿because God commands it. This ethical system has established forgiveness as unconditional, an idea which has been adopted into popular culture. With virtue ethics in mind, which holds virtues to be those traits which benefit the person who possesses them, contributing to the good life, I will argue unqualified forgiveness is not always a virtue, as it will not always benefit the victim. Because there is no way to avoid wrongdoing, humans are confronted with the question of forgiveness with every indiscretion. Its limits, its possibilities, its relationship to one¿s character¿forgiveness is a concern of all people at some time if for no other reason than the plain fact that the past cannot be undone. I will be evaluating the idea of forgiveness as a virtue, in contrast to its counterpart, resentment. How can forgiveness be a response to evil, a way to renounce resentment, and a means of creating a positive self-narrative? And what happens when a sense of moral responsibility is impossible to reconcile with the Christian (and now, secularized imperative of) forgiveness? Is it ever not virtuous to forgive? In an attempt to answer that question I will argue that there are indeed times when forgiveness is not a virtue, specifically: when forgiveness compromises one¿s own self-respect; when it is not compatible with respect for the moral community; and when the offender is unapologetic. The kind of offense I have in mind is a dehumanizing one, one that intends to diminish another person¿s worth or humanity. These are moral injuries, to which I will argue resentment is a better response than forgiveness when the three qualifications cannot be met.


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Mechanical thrombectomy is increasingly applied during the treatment of acute stroke. Various devices have been advocated with different sites of force effect at the thrombus. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the angiographic route of passing systematically and therefore to assess the site of deployment of mechanical devices in correlation to the thrombus in interventional stroke treatment. Twenty-one consecutive patients with endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke with 26 passing procedures were evaluated prospectively. Occlusion site was the M1-segment in 17 cases (65.4%), ICA termination in five cases (19.2%), M2-segment in two cases (7.7%), the A2-segment in one case (3.8%) and basilar artery in one case (3.8%). On angiographic images the microwire and microcatheter passage was evaluated by illustrating the entry point and course across the occlusion site in relation to the thrombus in different projections and in correlation to the recanalisation result. Results were correlated to the origin of the thrombi according to the TOAST criteria. In all cases the point of entry to the occlusion site was delineated laterally to the thrombus in at least one projection. The course of the wire across the occluded segment in relation to the thrombus was found to be laterally in 22 procedures (84.6%). In the majority of M1-occlusions (12/17, 70.6%) the passage was found in the cranial aspect of the thrombus. In four procedures (15.4%) angiograms in different projections did not unequivocally confirm a passage laterally to the thrombus. The route of passing the thrombus was independent of thrombus origin according to the TOAST criteria. In the majority of cases the complete route of passing the occlusion site was visualized angiographically. Entrance of the microwire and microcatheter at proximal surface of the thrombus takes place laterally to the thrombus and accordingly the passage takes place between the thrombus and the vessel wall independent of thrombus origin. A penetration of the thrombus was not observed. This route of passing has implications on deployment and transmission of force in relation to the thrombus in mechanical approaches and consequently on the development of retrieval devices.


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One of the trauma surgeons' daily challenges is the balancing act between negative laparotomy and missed abdominal injury. We opted to characterize the indications that prompted a negative trauma exploratory laparotomy and the rate of missed abdominal injuries in an effort to optimize patient selection for laparotomy. At the Los Angeles County + University of Southern California Medical Center, negative laparotomies and missed injuries are consecutively captured and reviewed at the weekly mortality + morbidity (MM) conferences. All written reports of the MM meetings from January 2003 to December 2008 were reviewed to identify all patients who underwent a negative laparotomy or a laparotomy as a result of an initially missed abdominal injury. Over the 6-year study period, a total of 1871 laparotomies were performed, of which 73 (3.9%) were negative. The rate of missed injuries requiring subsequent laparotomy was 1.3 per cent (25 of 1871). The negative laparotomy rate and the rate of missed injuries did not vary significantly during the study period (2.8 to 4.7%, P = 0.875, and 0.7 to 2.9%, P = 0.689). Penetrating mechanisms accounted for the majority of negative laparotomies (58.9%). The primary indication for negative laparotomy was peritonitis (54.8%) followed by hypotension (28.8%) and suspicious computed tomographic scan findings (27.4%). The complication rate after negative laparotomy was 14.5 per cent, and of these, 10.1 per cent were directly related to the procedure. A low but steady rate of negative laparotomies and missed abdominal injuries after trauma remains. Negative laparotomies and missed abdominal injuries when they occur are still associated with significant complication rates and a prolonged length of stay.


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The teaching of economics in Hungary has changed fundamentally since the 1980s for two main reasons. Firstly, the transformation towards a market economy has changed the needs of students, and secondly, there has been a move to harmonise Hungarian methods of teaching with Western ones. The number of institutions involved in economics education has increased substantially to meet new demand and these institutions offer a wide range of programs, though the topics covered tend to be more practically based than previously. A survey of students set out to evaluate economics as a profession by investigating social esteem, financial compensation, career prospects, and mobility within the profession. Amongst full-time students there was a strong correlation between the parents' background and the students' career prospects. Full-time students were more optimistic than part-time students, although the latter had a higher opinion of the academic level of their educational establishments. A second survey, this time of economics teachers, revealed the disturbing fact that teachers rated themselves in the last but one position according to social esteem and felt that society had a poor opinion of them. Fifty percent expressed a desire to leave the profession and 70% supplemented their income with work outside their school, rarely within the domain of economics. The final part of the research analysed the situation in private educational institutions, nothing that unemployment retraining grants offered by the Ministry of Labour have created an incentive for private entrepreneurs to organise courses and that the quality of these courses varies considerably.


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The history of mountain research is most fascinating. Three names for 3 centuries may give an idea of the growing knowledge about the world's mountains: Horace Bénédict de Saussure, who climbed and studied the Mont Blanc in 1787; Alexander von Humboldt, ever investigating the environment during his attempt to ascend the Chimborazo in 1802; and Carl Troll, who founded the International Geographical Union's Commission on High-altitude Geoecology in 1968. Awareness of the growing impact of human activities on the environment led to scientific and political initiatives at the global level, beginning in the 1970s. The Perth conference in 2010 has offered an opportunity to both look back on these developments and explore the future of the world's mountains in a time of rapidly growing “global change” problems and processes.


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The hepato-pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is characterized by a combination of liver disease and pulmonary gas exchange abnormalities with arterial hypoxemia, intrapulmonary vasodilatation and arteriovenous shunting in the absence of intrinsic cardiopulmonary disease. The course of the disease is typically progressive. The mortality rate correlates with the pulmonary shunt volume and the degree of hypoxemia at room air. While the patho-physiology of HPS is still not fully understood, a multifactorial etiology is favored. Apart from functional intrapulmonary arteriovenous shunts which appear to represent a major factor in the development of HPS, both ventilation-perfusion mismatch and limited oxygen diffusion contribute to the HPS. Regarding its clinical appearance, pulmonary and hepatic symptoms have to be distinguished. Contrast echocardiography is the primary diagnostic tool. Symptomatically, hypoxemia can be treated with oxygen. So far, the only successful treatment approach which has been tested in larger patient groups, is liver transplantation. Given this background, the aim of this review is to critically discuss current concepts of this serious complication of liver diseases.


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Mosakowski Institute Director Jim Gomes delivered a Marsh Institute Lecture entitled, "Yes We Can?? American Politics and Climate Change, 2012" in Clark's Lurie Conference Room on Wednesday, February 2.