968 resultados para Vocal cyst
Basic aspects of cell biology of Pneumocystis carinii are reviewed with major emphasis on its life cycle and the structural organization of the trophozoites and cyst forms. Initially considered as a protozoan it is now established that Pneumocystis belongs to the Fungi Kingdom. Its life cycle includes two basic forms: (a) trophozoites, which are haploid cells that divide by binary fission and may conjugate with each other forming an early procyst and (b) cysts where division takes place through a meiotic process with the formation of eight nuclei followed by cytoplasmic delimitation and formation of intracystic bodies which are subsequently released and transformed into trophozoites. Basic aspects of the structure of the two developmental stages of P. carinii are reviewed.
BACKGROUND: Multiple nodules of the scrotum are uncommonly reported. Their origin is controversial. Treatment is always surgical but the best procedure is still to be determined. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five new cases are reported with description of the histopathological findings and surgical procedure. RESULTS: Nodules of the scrotum were more frequent in patients with dark skin suggesting an ethnic susceptibility. No other predisposing factors were noted. Screening for disturbances of phosphate or calcium balance was negative. The following histopathological findings were observed: non-calcified epidermoid cysts (3 patients), calcified epidermoid cysts (1 patient) and nodular calcifications without epithelial or glandular structures (1 patient). Subtotal excisions of the scrotum wall using tumescent anaesthesia were performed in all patients without any significant complications. Cosmetic results were excellent. No new lesions were observed during the 1-year follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: Most cases of multiple nodules of the scrotum are due to non-calcified epidermoid cysts. The term scrotal calcinosis is therefore probably abusively used by many authors. Some cases of nodular calcifications may be due to dystrophic calcification of epidermoid cysts, but calcifications may also occur without any visible epithelial or glandular structure. Subtotal excision of the scrotum wall is a safe and effective surgical procedure to treat multiple nodules of the scrotum. Cosmetic results are excellent and recurrences are rare.
Investigations, diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal paralysis depend upon history taking and examination of phonation, swallowing and of the pharyngo-larynx. In unilateral paralysis, the main symptom is dysphonia. Dysphagia lasting more than 10 days may indicate a proximal vagus nerve lesion. Voice and swallowing therapy may be undertaken. If this remains insufficient after one month, a temporary or definitive vocal fold medialisation may be considered. Paralysis is considered to be definitive if lasting for more than 12 months. A minimal of one-year follow-up is indicated in case of idiopathic paralysis.
Parasite differentiation from proliferating tachyzoites into latent bradyzoites is central to pathogenesis and transmission of the intracellular protozoan pathogen Toxoplasma gondii. The presence of bradyzoite-containing cysts in human hosts and their subsequent rupture can cause life-threatening recrudescence of acute infection in the immunocompromised and cyst formation in other animals contributes to zoonotic transmission and widespread dissemination of the parasite. In this review, we discuss the evidence showing how the clinically relevant process of bradyzoite differentiation is regulated at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Specific regulatory factors implicated in modulating bradyzoite differentiation include promoter-based cis-elements, epigenetic modifications and protein translation control through eukaryotic initiation factor -2 (eIF2). In addition to a summary of the current state of knowledge in these areas we discuss the pharmacological ramifications and pose some questions for future research.
Host lipids have been implicated in the pathogenesis of Toxoplasma gondiiinfection. To determine if Toxoplasmainfection influences the lipid status in the normal host, we assessed serum lipids of Swiss-Webster mice during infection with the BGD-1 strain (type-2) at a series of time points. Mice were bled at days zero and 42 post-infection, and subgroups were additionally bled on alternating weeks (model 1), or sacrificed at days zero, 14 and 42 (model 2) for the measurement of total cholesterol (Chl), high density lipoproteins (HDL), low density lipoproteins (LDL) and triglycerides and adiponectin. At day 42, brains were harvested for cyst enumeration. A significant decrease (p = 0.02) in HDL and total Chl was first noted in infected vs. control mice at day 14 and persisted to day 42 (p = 0.013). Conversely, LDL was unaltered until day 42, when it increased (p = 0.043). Serum LDL levels at day 42 correlated only with cyst counts of above 300 (found in 44% mice), while the change in HDL between days zero and 42 correlated with both the overall mean cyst count (p = 0.041) and cyst counts above 300 (p = 0.044). Calculated per cyst, this decrease in HDL in individual animals ranged from 0.1-17 µmol/L, with a mean of 2.43 ± 4.14 µmol/L. Serum adiponectin levels remained similar between infected and control mice throughout the experiment.
Although the predilection for Toxoplasma gondii to form cysts in the nervous system and skeletal and heart muscles has been described for more than fifty years, skeletal muscle cells (SkMCs) have not been explored as a host cell type to study the Toxoplasma-host cell interaction and investigate the intracellular development of the parasite. Morphological aspects of the initial events in the Toxoplasma-SkMC interaction were analysed and suggest that there are different processes of protozoan adhesion and invasion and of the subsequent fate of the parasite inside the parasitophorous vacuole (PV). Using scanning electron microscopy,Toxoplasma tachyzoites from the mouse-virulent RH strain were found to be attached to SkMCs by the anterior or posterior region of the body, with or without expansion of the SkMC membrane. This suggests that different types of parasite internalization occurred. Asynchronous multiplication and differentiation of T. gondii were observed. Importantly, intracellular parasites were seen to display high amounts of amylopectin granules in their cytoplasm, indicating that tachyzoites of the RH strain were able to differentiate spontaneously into bradyzoites in SkMCs. This stage conversion occurred in approximately 3% of the PVs. This is particularly intriguing as tachyzoites of virulent Toxoplasma strains are not thought to be prone to cyst formation. We discuss whether biological differences in host cells are crucial to Toxoplasma stage conversion and suggest that important questions concerning the host cell type and its relevance in Toxoplasma differentiation are still unanswered.
Proliferating trichilemmal cyst is a benign tumor that originates in the outer root sheath of hair follicle. Usually, it is located on the scalp in older women, but also have been reported in other sites such as back, chest, axilla, groin, gluteal region, thigh, vulva, and face. Malignant transformation of proliferating trichilemmal cyst is confirmed only on histological findings. This tumor has a variable biologic behavior with local recurrence and lymph node metastasis.
Dentigerous cyst is one of the most prevalent types of odontogenic cyst and is associated with crown of an unerupted or developing tooth. Dentigerous cysts associated with supernumerary teeth are rare and estimated to constitute 5-6% of all dentigerous cysts. The vast majority, about 90%, are associated with a maxillary mesiodens. The purpose of this article to report the case of an 14-year-old a teenager with a dentigerous cyst associated with an impacted anterior maxillary supernumerary tooth, its dental management and literature review.
A myxosporean parasite in the gill lamellae of the freshwater teleost fish, Sciades herzbergii (Ariidae) (Block, 1794), from the Poti River (Northeast of Brazil) was described by light and electron microscopy studies. Polysporic histozoic cyst-like plasmodia containing several life-cycle stages, including mature spores, were observed. The spores were pyriform and uninucleate, measuring 9.15 ± 0.39 μm (n = 50) long, 4.36 ± 0.23 μm (n = 25) wide and 2.61 ± 0.31 μm (n = 25) thick. Elongated pyriform polar capsules (PC) were of equal size (4.44 ± 0.41 μm long and 1.41 ± 0.42 μm in diameter) and each contained a polar filament with 9-10 coils obliquely arranged in relation to the axis of PC. The PC wall was composed of two layers of different electron densities. Histological analysis revealed the close contact of the cyst-like plasmodia with the basal portion of the epithelial gill layer, which exhibited some alterations in the capillary vessels. Based on the morphological and ultrastructural differences, the similarity of the spore features to those of the genus Myxobolus and the specificity of this host to previously described species, we describe a new species named Myxobolus sciades n. sp. in this study.
The aim of the present paper was to evaluate cyst formation and growth parameters of Borrelia garinii in a range of media differing in formulation and cost. A qualitative assessment of morphology and motility of B. garinii was conducted. All media were prepared aseptically and used in test tubes or Petri dishes. For each medium, the initial spirochete concentration was standardized to 10³ spirochets/mL. The following culture media were suitable to grow B. garinii: Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly, brain heart infusion and PMR. Growth was minimal at six weeks post-inoculation and maximum spirochete density was observed between 9-12 weeks. Often, the cultures developed cysts of different sizes, isolated or in groups, with a spiraled portion of variable sizes, mainly in unfavorable culture media. Brazilian Lyme disease-like illness, also known as Baggio-Yoshinari syndrome (BYS), is a new and interesting emerging tick-borne disease, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato spirochetes, only during its cystic forms. It has been assumed that the peculiar clinical and laboratory features of BYS are consequential to the absence of a human sucker Ixodes ricinus complex tick at risk areas in Brazil, supporting the concept that the borrelia phenotypic expression pattern is modified as it is transmitted through the host.
Stool is chemically complex and the extraction of DNA from stool samples is extremely difficult. Haemoglobin breakdown products, such as bilirubin, bile acids and mineral ions, that are present in the stool samples, can inhibit DNA amplification and cause molecular assays to produce false-negative results. Therefore, stool storage conditions are highly important for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites and other microorganisms through molecular approaches. In the current study, stool samples that were positive for Giardia intestinalis were collected from five different patients. Each sample was stored using one out of six different storage conditions [room temperature (RT), +4ºC, -20ºC, 70% alcohol, 10% formaldehyde or 2.5% potassium dichromate] for DNA extraction procedures at one, two, three and four weeks. A modified QIAamp Stool Mini Kit procedure was used to isolate the DNA from stored samples. After DNA isolation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was performed using primers that target the β-giardin gene. A G. intestinalis-specific 384 bp band was obtained from all of the cyst-containing stool samples that were stored at RT, +4ºC and -20ºC and in 70% alcohol and 2.5% potassium dichromate; however, this band was not produced by samples that had been stored in 10% formaldehyde. Moreover, for the stool samples containing trophozoites, the same G. intestinalis-specific band was only obtained from the samples that were stored in 2.5% potassium dichromate for up to one month. As a result, it appears evident that the most suitable storage condition for stool samples to permit the isolation of G. intestinalis DNA is in 2.5% potassium dichromate; under these conditions, stool samples may be stored for one month.
Conflicts among siblings are widespread and their resolution involves complex physical and communication tools. Observations in the barn owl Tyto alba showed that siblings vocally communicate in the absence of parents to negotiate priority of access to the impending food resources that parents will bring. In the present paper, we hypothesize and provide correlative evidence that after a parent brought a food item to their progeny, sibling competition involves vocal sib-sib communication. A food item takes a long time to be entirely consumed, and hence siblings continue to compete over prey monopolization even after parents gave a food item to a single offspring. When physical competition is pronounced and thereby the risk of prey theft is high, the individual that received a prey item consumes it in a concealed place. Concomitantly, nestlings vocalize intensely probably to indicate their motivation to siblings to not share their food item, since this vocal behaviour was particularly frequent in younger individuals for which the risk of being robbed is higher than in their older siblings. Furthermore, nestlings consumed more rapidly a food item when their siblings vocalized intensely presumably because the intensity of siblings' vocalizations is associated with a risk of prey theft. Our correlative study suggests that sibling competition favoured the evolution of sib-sib communication under a wide range of situations.
Giardia duodenalis is one of the most prevalent enteroparasites in children. This parasite produces several clinical manifestations. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of genotypes of G. duodenalis causing infection in a region of southeastern Mexico. G. duodenalis cysts were isolated (33/429) from stool samples of children and molecular genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis, targeting the triosephosphate isomerase ( tpi ) and glutamate dehydrogenase ( gdh ) genes. The tpi gene was amplified in all of the cyst samples, either for assemblage A (27 samples) or assemblage B (6 samples). RFLP analysis classified the 27 tpi -A amplicons in assemblage A, subgenotype I. Samples classified as assemblage B were further analysed using PCR-RFLP of the gdh gene and identified as assemblage B, subgenotype III. To our knowledge, this is the first report of assemblage B of G. duodenalis in human clinical samples from Mexico.
A 49-year-old woman, without known cardiovascular risk factors. Hoarseness of voice caused by a paralysis of left vocal cord. She was admitted to hospital because of acute coronary syndrome, associated to resuscitated cardiac arrest (asystolia documented) without later neurology sequels. Physical examination was anodyne. Echocardiographic study demonstrated a compatible image with a large left sinus of Valsalva aneurysm (SVA) (Panel A) and mild aortic regurgitation. Cardiac catheterization confirmed the presence of left SVA (Panel B) that produced extrinsic compression of the left main coronary artery (Panels C and D). Repair surgery was made by means of closing the aneurysmal orifice with a patch of dacron. Intra-operatory echocardiographic control study found severe aortic regurgitation, so valvular replacement with 19 mm mechanical prosthesis and extension of the valve annulus with patch of dacron was performed, associated with bypass with safena vein graft to left coronary artery. SVA is a very infrequent cardiac anomaly, generally with silent clinical course until it ruptures. Myocardial ischaemia caused by coronary artery compression is unusual. We described the case of a patient diagnosed of left SVA, whose initial clinical manifestation was the appearance of resuscitated sudden cardiac death in the context of an acute coronary syndrome.
Este artigo tem como objetivo divulgar a experiência de um grupo de profissionais envolvidos na reabilitação e na reabilitação vocal dos laringectomizados que participam do GARPO- Laringectomizados. São descritas as diferentes possibilidades de reabilitação vocal para o laringectomizado como também, os pressupostos que permeiam todas as atividades e etapas do processo. Destaca-se as características da pessoas laringectomizadas, as conseqüências da cirurgia, o significado de ser laringectomizado que direcionam a assistência do enfermeiro no processo, em integração com o fonoaudiólogo.