996 resultados para Varejão, Adriana, 1964-
The resistance to the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985) had many faces, especially among intellectuals. This article will discuss the activity of some writers and journalists in the process of articulation as leftist intellectuals in opposition to the military regime, as "cultural resistance" in various forms assumed in the context of politicization of culture and cultural goods market in the mid 1960´s.
O significado da palavra democracia sempre esteve em disputa no Brasil, assim como em todo o mundo ocidental. Quando se criou o hábito de dizer que em 1945 o Brasil assistia a sua 'redemocratização' estava implícito que em precedência, quiçá antes de 1930, houvera um Brasil democrático. Aqui se procurava confundir a veste liberal da dominação oligárquica com democracia, até para que se legitimasse a persistência do poder oligárquico, sob as novas condições da revolução burguesa em andamento, na institucionalidade liberal-corporativa que foi implantada com a Constituição de 1946.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Many small businesses suffer from a lack of control of goods stored. This lack of control affects other areas of the company as purchase, that can’t buy material in an advanced and accurated way. It also affects services provided by the company, especially when it is a store because for sell something it is necessary to have the material in the right time. Futhermore, the business isn’t able to identify obsolete items in stock, theft and vandalism, loss or damage to materials. All of these disorders can be converted into financial losses that make much difference to a small business that needs to remain competitive in the market facing the giants while generating a profit that allows it to invest in their growth. Therefore, any unnecessary expense is exceedingly harmful and any savings already differentiates it from other companies of similar size. This study deals with the application of production engineering tools as 5S, kanban and layout in a building materials retail to tackle problems that prevent this company to have a stock organized and accurated. Finally, we recorded gains that the company reached with the implementation of part of the solution proposed
According to the existing literature, the FFCL of São José do Rio Preto had a pioneering role as regards the organization and management of higher education. This article aims to discuss the originality/innovativeness of the educational project of this institution in the period from 1957 to 1964, based on an analysis of departmental organization and student participation. In order to do so, we use documents about the creation process of the FFCL, reports of courses, and minutes of departmental meetings and of the Academic Philosophical Center. The results show that, indeed, this institution was organized in three departments, though these operated in consonance with the chair system. Student participation varied from equal representation to the representation of a single student per class. Thus, the results show that the innovative/revolutionary character of this institution was exaggerated in the existing literature and may have contributed to the existing “mysticism” in the city as regards the history and the importance of this institution.
The deficiency in the product inventory management is common in small businesses, affecting several areas, especially the purchasing department that has difficulty in performing their tasks, acquiring the supplier's products at the time and in the most appropriate amount. Especially in the retail sector, the loss of quality of services is visible, because the availability of the product when there is demand is essential for the occurrence of sales and customer satisfaction. In this study, looking to improve inventory management in a retail company of cleaning products and personal hygiene, apply the classification method ABC (or Pareto Rule) to segment the available products. Thus are adopted buying criteria of new products based on the concepts of economic order quantity, safety stock and resupply point. The results show the feasibility of this procedure adopted because it was possible to propose an improved inventory management in a simple and effective way, contributing to company's competitive advantage
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In Brazil, the Catholic Church has an important role in the construction of citizenship, education and training the rural lower classes of the population. Studied in this article, this participation and contribution in the 60s, by highlighting the strong weighting would take the issue of land reform. The Catholic Church was a major player in unionization campaigns and basic education and suffered great tensions and internal conflicts that divide between those who sought the "liberation of the oppressed" and those who fought for reforms without changing the "social order". This paper recovers the trajectory of implementation of various programs of Catholic union formation and foundation of unions. We use historical methodology and retrieve the voice of the authors through interviews with trade unionists, lawyers, church authorities and militants popular.
The discussion of this paper focuses on the search for demarcation of the Momo merriments in the city of São Paulo between 1960 and 1964, aiming to apprehend their specific traits at that juncture. It is known that the Brazilian Carnival, and in its sphere the São Paulo City one, has been steadily becoming enshrined in profile by popular segments. However, in that decade onset such festivities were going through certain peculiarities because it was a period characterized by many changes. The city of São Paulo, particularly, was experiencing an accelerated process of urbanization and consequent massification, as well as a moment of significant expansion of the cultural industry and mass communication means. Were the Momo revels immune to this process? What was the profile of these amusements in the city?
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
The present work this is an exploratory study on the retail, considering its importance in the Brazilian economic scenario, in order to analyze their challenges in their different formats. This study emphasizes the importance of Competitive Intelligence area to complex sectors such as retail, and verify the professional skills of PR to act in this context, considering their academic training and skills developed in this process, focusing on his multidisciplinary approach to manage actions in strategic areas