897 resultados para Type-1 Nat1
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde. Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão dos Serviços de Saúde.
Consider the problem of scheduling a set of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks to meet all deadlines on a two-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform where a task may request at most one of |R| shared resources. There are m1 processors of type-1 and m2 processors of type-2. Tasks may migrate only when requesting or releasing resources. We present a new algorithm, FF-3C-vpr, which offers a guarantee that if a task set is schedulable to meet deadlines by an optimal task assignment scheme that only allows tasks to migrate when requesting or releasing a resource, then FF-3Cvpr also meets deadlines if given processors 4+6*ceil(|R|/min(m1,m2)) times as fast. As far as we know, it is the first result for resource sharing on heterogeneous platforms with provable performance.
Consider the problem of scheduling a set of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks to meet all deadlines on a two-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform. Each processor is either of type-1 or type-2 with each task having different execution time on each processor type. Jobs can migrate between processors of same type (referred to as intra-type migration) but cannot migrate between processors of different types. We present a new scheduling algorithm namely, LP-Relax(THR) which offers a guarantee that if a task set can be scheduled to meet deadlines by an optimal task assignment scheme that allows intra-type migration then LP-Relax(THR) meets deadlines as well with intra-type migration if given processors 1/THR as fast (referred to as speed competitive ratio) where THR <= 2/3.
It has been reported that production of IL-2 and IFN-g, known as T-helper type 1 cytokines, by peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) decreases with progression of HIV infection. In contrast, IL-4 and IL-10 production, Th2 cytokine profile, increases with HIV disease progression. PBMC were evaluated from 55 HIV-infected subjects from Divisão de Imunologia, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, to "in vitro" cytokines production after 24 hours of stimulation with PHA. Low levels of IL-4 production in both HIV- infected patients and normal subjects, were detected. The patients with CD4+ T cell counts <200 showed a significant decrease of IL-2 and IFN-g production compared to controls. Patients with higher counts of CD4+ T cells (either between 200-500 or >500 cells/mm3) also showed decreased production of IL-2 that was not statistically significant. There was a correlation between IL-2 and IFN-g release with CD4+ T cells counts. HIV-1-infected individuals with CD4+ T cells >500 cells/mm3 showed increased levels of IL-2 and IFN-g, than individuals with CD4+ T cells <500 cells/mm3. In conclusion, we observed a decline of IL-2 and IFN-g production at advanced HIV disease. IL-4 production was not affected during HIV infection. Taken together, these findings suggest that the cytokine profile might be influenced by the HIV infection rather than the cause of disease progression.
The objective of this study is to identify subtypes of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) and to analyze the presence of mutations associated to antiretroviral resistance in the protease (PR) and reverse transcriptase (RT) regions from 48 HIV-1 positive treatment naïve patients from an outpatient clinic in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil. Sequencing was conducted using PR, partial RT and group-specific antigen gene (gag) nested PCR products from retrotranscribed RNA. Transmitted resistance was determined according to the Surveillance Drug Resistance Mutation List (SDRM) algorithm. Phylogenetic and SimPlot analysis of concatenated genetic segments classified sequences as subtype B 19/48 (39.6%), subtype C 12/48 (25%), subtype F 4/48 (8.3%), with 13/48 (27.1%) recombinant forms. Most recombinant forms were B mosaics (B/F 12.5%, B/C 10.4%), with one C/F (2.1%) and one complex B/C/F mosaic (2.1%). Low levels of transmitted resistance were found in this study, 2/48 (2.1% to NRTIs and 2.1% for PI). This preliminary data may subsidize the monitoring of the HIV evolution in the region.
Publications are often used as a measure of research work success. Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) type 1 and 2 are human retroviruses, which were discovered in the early 1980s, and it is estimated that 15-20 million people are infected worldwide. This article describes a bibliometric review and a coauthorship network analysis of literature on HTLV indexed in PubMed in a 24-year period. A total of 7,564 documents were retrieved, showing a decrease in the number of documents from 1996 to 2007. HTLV manuscripts were published in 1,074 journals. Japan and USA were the countries with the highest contribution in this field (61%) followed by France (8%). Production ranking changed when the number of publications was normalized by population (Dominican Republic and Japan), by gross domestic product (Guinea-Bissau and Gambia), and by gross national income per capita (Brazil and Japan). The present study has shed light on some of the defining features of scientific collaboration performed by HTLV research community, such as the existence of core researchers responsible for articulating the development of research in the area, facilitating wider collaborative relationships and the integration of new authors in the research groups.
The spectrum of neurological complications associated with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is broad. The most frequent etiologies include primary diseases (caused by HIV itself) or secondary diseases (opportunistic infections or neoplasms). Despite these conditions, HIV-infected patients are susceptible to other infections observed in patients without HIV infection. Here we report a rare case of a brain abscess caused by Staphylococcus aureus in an HIV-infected patient. After drainage of the abscess and treatment with oxacilin, the patient had a favorable outcome. This case reinforces the importance of a timely neurosurgical procedure that supported adequate management of an unusual cause of expansive brain lesions in HIV-1 infected patients.
A porfíria cutânea tarda (PCT) é uma doença do metabolismo das porfirinas caracterizada por fotossensibilidade intensa, associada a lesões bolhosas cobertas por crosta de difícil cicatrização, cicatrizes atróficas e hipertricose em áreas fotoexpostas assim como alterações da função hepática. A hemocromatose hereditária (HH) é a doença genética autossómica recessiva mais frequente na população. Apresentamos o caso de um doente saudável de 38 anos, referenciado por vesículas na face, superfícies extensoras dos braços e dorso das mãos, associadas com hipertricose na região zigomática e quistos de mília no dorso das mãos. Análises laboratoriais mostraram um aumento dos níveis séricos e urinários das porfirinas, do ferro sérico e ferritina elevada. Um diagnóstico de porfíria cutânea tarda foi inferido com base na apresentação clínica, exame histopatológico e resultados laboratoriais. O estudo genético para as mutações do gene da hemocromatose hereditária revelou um doente heterozigoto composto para as mutações mais comuns: C282Y, H63D. A porfíria cutânea tarda pode ser um importante marcador cutâneo para pacientes com mutações do gene HH. A hemocromatose hereditária, se não tratada pode levar à cirrose hepática e carcinoma hepatocelular. Os sinais cutâneos podem ter um papel fundamental no diagnóstico precoce, evitando complicações futuras e possibilitando o aconselhamento genético e teste genético aos filhos dos doentes afectados.
Leprosy and human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 infection are prevalent in Brazil. Coinfection by Mycobacterium leprae and HTLV-1 is reviewed and a case is reported. A 59 year-old woman was followed and HTLV-1 associated myelopathy was diagnosed during leprosy treatment. The clinical and neurological aspects of this unusual association were initially reviewed. Immunological markers and the possible prognoses due to the association of the diseases were discussed. The unexpected association of leprosy and HTLV-1 associated myelopathy may occur in endemic areas and causes difficulties in determining the correct diagnosis and adequate management of the neurological manifestations.
INTRODUCTION: Occupational HIV infection among healthcare workers is an important issue in exposures involving blood and body fluids. There are few data in the literature regarding the potential and the duration of infectivity of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) in contaminated material under adverse conditions. METHODS: We quantified HIV-1 viral RNA in 25×8mm calibre hollow-bore needles, after punctures, in 25 HIV-1-infected patients selected during the sample collection. All of the patients selected were between the ages of 18 and 55. Five samples were collected from 16 patients: one sample for the immediate quantification of HIV-1 RNA in the plasma and blood samples from the interior of 4 needles to be analyzed at 0h, 6h, 24h, and 72h after collection. In nine patients, another test was carried out in the blood from one additional needle, in which HIV-1 RNA was assessed 168h after blood collection. The method used to assess HIV-1 RNA was nucleic acid sequence-based amplification. RESULTS: Up to 7 days after collection, HIV-1 RNA was detected in all of the needles. The viral RNA remained stable up to 168h, and there were no statistically significant differences among the needle samples. CONCLUSIONS: Although the infectivity of the viral material in the needles is unknown, the data indicate the need to re-evaluate the practices in cases of occupational accidents in which the source is not identified.
INTRODUCTION: Human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is endemic in the Caribbean, Japan, South America and regions of Africa. HTLV-2 is present in Native American populations and associated with IV drug use in Europe and North America. In Brazil, it is estimated that 1.5 million people are infected with HTLV-1/2. The study objective was to determine HTLV-1/2 prevalence in pregnant women in the prenatal care from three public services in São Luis, State of Maranhão, Brazil, and to counsel seropositive women to reduce viral transmission. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted from February to December 2008; women with age of 18 to 45 years, with low risk for sexually transmitted disease (STD) were invited to participate. Blood samples were collected in filter paper, and HTLV-1/2 immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) was performed as a screening test. Women with reactive results were submitted to peripheral venous blood collection for ELISA repetition, followed by Western blot (WB) and real-time PCR to confirm and discriminate the infection between virus types 1 and 2. RESULTS: Of the 2,044 women tested, seven (0.3%) were ELISA reactive and confirmed positive (four were HTLV-1, and three were HTLV-2). All positive women were oriented not to breastfeed their newborns. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the virus is present in high prevalence in that population. Further studies covering other segments of the population are necessary to better characterize the presence of HTLV-1/2 in Maranhão and to elicit measures to prevent its spread.
The human T lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV-1) was the first human retrovirus identified. The virus is transmitted through sexual intercourse, blood transfusion, sharing of contaminated needles or syringes and from mother to child, mainly through breastfeeding. In addition to the well-known association between HTLV-1 and HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), several diseases and neurologic manifestations have been associated with the virus. This review was conducted through a PubMed search of the terms HTLV-1, immune response and neurological diseases. Emphasis was given to the most recent data regarding pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of HTLV-1 infection. The aim of the review is to analyze the immune response and the variety of neurological manifestations associated to HTLV-1 infection. A total of 102 articles were reviewed. The literature shows that a large percentage of HTLV-1 infected individuals have others neurological symptoms than HAM/TSP. Increased understanding of these numerous others clinical manifestations associated to the virus than adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) and HAM/TSP has challenged the view that HTLV-1 is a low morbidity infection.
INTRODUCTION: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has spread worldwide, with several subtypes and circulating recombinant forms. Brazil has an incidence of 20.5 HIV-1/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients per 100,000 inhabitants; however, the Southernmost State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) has more than twice the number of HIV-1-infected people (41.3/100,000 inhabitants) and a different pattern of subtype frequencies, as previously reported in studies conducted in the capital (Porto Alegre) and its metropolitan region. This study examined HIV-1/AIDS epidemiological and molecular aspects in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul. METHODS: Socio-demographic, clinical and risk behavioral characteristics were obtained from HIV-1-positive adult patients using a structured questionnaire. HIV-1 subtypes were determined by nested-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing of the pol and env genes. RESULTS: The study sample included 149 (55% women) patients with a mean age of 41.8 ± 11.9 years. Most (73.8%) patients had a low education level and reported heterosexual practices as the most (91.9%) probable transmission route. HIV-1 subtypes were detected in 26 patients: 18 (69.2%) infected with subtype C, six (23.1%) infected with subtype B and two (7.7%) infected with BC recombinant forms. CONCLUSIONS: These data highlight the increasing number of HIV-1 subtype C infections in the countryside of South Brazil.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the acute and sustained renal hemodynamic effects on hypertensive patients of 100 mg irbesartan and 20 mg enalapril each once daily. PATIENTS: Twenty patients (aged 35-70 years) with uncomplicated, mild-to-moderate essential hypertension and normal serum creatinine levels completed this study. STUDY DESIGN: After random allocation to treatment (n=10 per group), administration schedule (morning or evening) was determined by further random allocation, with crossover of schedules after 6 weeks' therapy. Treatment and administration assignments were double-blind. Twenty-four-hour ambulatory blood pressure was monitored before and after 6 and 12 weeks of therapy. Renal hemodynamics were determined on the first day of drug administration and 12 and 24 h after the last dose during chronic treatment. RESULTS: Administration of each antihypertensive agent induced a renal vasodilatation with no significant change in glomerular filtration rate. However, the time course appeared to differ: irbesartan had no significant acute effect 4 h after the first dose, but during chronic administration a renal vasodilatory response was found 12 and 24 h after the dose; enalapril was effective acutely and 12 h after administration, but no residual effect was found 24 h after the dose. Both antihypertensive agents lowered mean ambulatory blood pressure effectively, with no significant difference between treatments or between administration schedules (morning versus evening). CONCLUSIONS: Irbesartan and enalapril have comparable effects on blood pressure and renal hemodynamics in hypertensive patients with normal renal functioning. However, the time profiles of the renal effects appear to differ, which might be important for long-term renoprotective effects.
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) elite controllers maintain undetectable levels of viral replication in the absence of antiretroviral therapy (ART), but their underlying immunological and virological characteristics may vary. Here, we used a whole-genome transcriptional profiling approach to characterize gene expression signatures of CD4 T cells from an unselected cohort of elite controllers. The transcriptional profiles for the majority of elite controllers were similar to those of ART-treated patients but different from those of HIV-1-negative persons. Yet, a smaller proportion of elite controllers showed an alternative gene expression pattern that was indistinguishable from that of HIV-1-negative persons but different from that of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)-treated individuals. Elite controllers with the latter gene expression signature had significantly higher CD4 T cell counts and lower levels of HIV-1-specific CD8(+) T cell responses but did not significantly differ from other elite controllers in terms of HLA class I alleles, HIV-1 viral loads determined by ultrasensitive single-copy PCR assays, or chemokine receptor polymorphisms. Thus, these data identify a specific subgroup of elite controllers whose immunological and gene expression characteristics approximate those of HIV-1-negative persons.