966 resultados para Turbulence


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We have modeled the rotation curves of 21 galaxies observed by Amram et al. (1992), by combining the effects of rigid rotation, gravity, and turbulence. The main motivation behind such modeling is to study the formation of coherent structures in turbulent media and explore its role in the large-scale structures of the universe. The values of the parameters such as mass, turbulent velocity, and angular velocity derived from the rotation curve fits are in good agreement with those derived from the prevalent models.


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A two-dimensional numerical model which employs the depth-averaged forms of continuity and momentum equations along with k-e turbulence closure scheme is used to simulate the flow at the open channel divisions. The model is generalised to flows of arbitrary geometries and MacCormack finite volume method is used for solving governing equations. Application of cartesian version of the model to analyse the flow at right-angled junction is presented. The numerical predictions are compared with experimental data of earlier investigators and measurements made as part of the present study. Performance of the model in predicting discharge distribution, surface profiles, separation zone parameters and energy losses is evaluated and discussed in detail. To illustrate the application of the numerical model to analyse the flow in acute angled offtakes and streamlined branch entries, a few computational results are presented.


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Detailed three-dimensional CFD simulations involving flow and combustion chemistry are used to study the effect of swirl induced by re-entrant piston bowl geometries on pollutant emissions from a single-cylinder diesel engine. The baseline engine configuration consists of a hemispherical piston bowl and an injector with finite sac volume. The first iteration involved using a torroidal, slightly re-entrant bowl geometry, and a sac-less injector. Pollutant emission measurements indicated a reduction in emissions with this modification. Simulations on both configurations were then conducted to understand the effect of the changes. The simulation results indicate that the selected piston bowl geometry could actually be reducing the in-cylinder swirl and turbulence and the emission reduction may be entirely due to the introduction of the sac-less injector. In-cylinder air motion was then studied in a number of combustion chamber geometries, and a geometry which produced the highest in-cylinder swirl and Turbulence Kinetic Energy (TKE) around the compression top dead centre (TDC) was identified. The optimal nature of this re-entrant piston bowl geometry is confirmed by detailed combustion simulations and emission predictions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Attempts in the past to model the irregularities of the solar cycle (such as the Maunder minimum) were based on studies of the nonlinear feedback of magnetic fields on the dynamo source terms. Since the alpha-coefficient is obtained by averaging over the turbulence, it is expected to have stochastic fluctuations, and we show that these fluctuations can explain the irregularities of the solar cycle in a more satisfactory way. We solve the dynamo equations in a slab with a single mode, taking the alpha-coefficient to be constant in space but fluctuating stochastically in time with some given amplitude and given correlation time. The same level of percentile fluctuations (about 10 %) produces no effect on an alpha-omega dynamo, but makes an alpha-2 dynamo completely chaotic. The level of irregularities in an alpha-2-omega dynamo qualitatively agrees with the solar behavior, reinforcing the conclusion of Choudhuri (1990a) that the solar dynamo is of the alpha-2-omega-type. The irregularities are found to increase on increasing either the amplitude or the correlation time of the stochastic fluctuations. The alpha-quenching mechanism tends to make the system stable against the irregularities and hence it is inferred that the alpha-quenching should not be too strong so that the irregularities are not completely suppressed. We also present a simple-minded analysis to understand why the stochastic fluctuations in the alpha-omega, alpha-2-omega and alpha-2 regimes have such different outcomes.


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The coherent flame model uses the strain rate to predict reaction rate per unit flame surface area and some procedure that solves for the dynamics of flame surfaces to predict species distributions. The strainrate formula for the reaction rate is obtained from the analytical solution for a flame in a laminar, plane stagnation point flow. Here, the formula's effectiveness is examined by comparisons with data from a direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a round jetlike flow that undergoes transition to turbulence. Significant differences due to general flow features can be understood qualitatively: Model predictions are good in the braids between vortex rings, which are present in the near field of round jets, as the strain rate is extensional and reaction surfaces are isolated. In several other regions, the strain rate is compressive or flame surfaces are folded close together. There, the predictions are poor as the local flow no longer resembles the model flow. Quantitative comparisons showed some discrepancies. A modified, consistent application of the strain-rate solution did not show significant changes in the prediction of mean reaction rate distributions.


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A systematic assessment of the submodels of conditional moment closure (CMC) formalism for the autoignition problem is carried out using direct numerical simulation (DNS) data. An initially non-premixed, n-heptane/air system, subjected to a three-dimensional, homogeneous, isotropic, and decaying turbulence, is considered. Two kinetic schemes, (1) a one-step and (2) a reduced four-step reaction mechanism, are considered for chemistry An alternative formulation is developed for closure of the mean chemical source term , based on the condition that the instantaneous fluctuation of excess temperature is small. With this model, it is shown that the CMC equations describe the autoignition process all the way up to near the equilibrium limit. The effect of second-order terms (namely, conditional variance of temperature excess sigma(2) and conditional correlations of species q(ij)) in modeling is examined. Comparison with DNS data shows that sigma(2) has little effect on the predicted conditional mean temperature evolution, if the average conditional scalar dissipation rate is properly modeled. Using DNS data, a correction factor is introduced in the modeling of nonlinear terms to include the effect of species fluctuations. Computations including such a correction factor show that the species conditional correlations q(ij) have little effect on model predictions with a one-step reaction, but those q(ij) involving intermediate species are found to be crucial when four-step reduced kinetics is considered. The "most reactive mixture fraction" is found to vary with time when a four-step kinetics is considered. First-order CMC results are found to be qualitatively wrong if the conditional mean scalar dissipation rate is not modeled properly. The autoignition delay time predicted by the CMC model compares excellently with DNS results and shows a trend similar to experimental data over a range of initial temperatures.


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When the cold accretion disc coupling between neutral gas and a magnetic field is so weak that the magnetorotational instability is less effective or even stops working, it is of prime interest to investigate the pure hydrodynamic origin of turbulence and transport phenomena. As the Reynolds number increases, the relative importance of the non-linear term in the hydrodynamic equation increases. In an accretion disc where the molecular viscosity is too small, the Reynolds number is large enough for the non-linear term to have new effects. We investigate the scenario of the `weakly non-linear' evolution of the amplitude of the linear mode when the flow is bounded by two parallel walls. The unperturbed flow is similar to the plane Couette flow, but with the Coriolis force included in the hydrodynamic equation. Although there is no exponentially growing eigenmode, because of the self-interaction, the least stable eigenmode will grow in an intermediate phase. Later, this will lead to higher-order non-linearity and plausible turbulence. Although the non-linear term in the hydrodynamic equation is energy-conserving, within the weakly non-linear analysis it is possible to define a lower bound of the energy (alpha A(c)(2), where A(c) is the threshold amplitude) needed for the flow to transform to the turbulent phase. Such an unstable phase is possible only if the Reynolds number >= 10(3-4). The numerical difficulties in obtaining such a large Reynolds number might be the reason for the negative result of numerical simulations on a pure hydrodynamic Keplerian accretion disc.


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The three-dimensional asymmetric turbulent near-Rake behind an infinitely swept wing with GAW(2) airfoil has been investigated at low speeds. The near-wake in the present study is asymmetric because the boundary layers on the top and bottom surfaces of the model develop under different streamwise pressure gradients. Distributions of mean velocity, three turbulent normal stresses, and two important Reynolds shear stresses have been measured using hot-wire anemometry. The profiles of mean velocity and Reynolds shear stress exhibit asymmetry near the trailing edge and seem to have become symmetric within a short distance of 6 trailing edge momentum thicknesses. Results of computation using K-epsilon turbulence model with a simple scheme to predict the near-wake behind the swept wing have also been presented and compared with the experimental data. The agreement of the predicted mean How development with the experiment is fair considering the simplicity of the scheme.


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Quartz fibre anemometers have been used (as described in subsequent papers) to survey the velocity field of turbulent free convective air flows. This paper discusses the reasons for the choice of this instrument and provides the background information for its use in this way. Some practical points concerning fibre anemometers are mentioned. The rest of the paper is a theoretical study of the response of a fibre to a turbulent flow. An approximate representation of the force on the fibre due to the velocity field and the equation for a bending beam, representing the response to this force, form the basis of a consideration of the mean and fluctuating displacement of the fibre. Emphasis is placed on the behaviour when the spectrum of the turbulence is largely in frequencies low enough for the fibre to respond effectively instantaneously (as this corresponds to the practical situation). Incomplete correlation of the turbulence along the length of the fibre is taken into account. Brief mention is made to the theory of the higher-frequency (resonant) response in the context of an experimental check on the applicability of the low-frequency theory.


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An investigation has been made of the structure of the motion above a heated plate inclined at a small angle (about 10°) to the horizontal. The turbulence is considered in terms of the similarities to and differences from the motion above an exactly horizontal surface. One effect of inclination is, of course, that there is also a mean motion. Accurate data on the mean temperature field and the intensity of the temperature fluctuations have been obtained with platinum resistance thermometers, the signals being processed electronically. More approximate information on the velocity field has been obtained with quartz fibre anemometers. These results have been supplemented qualitatively by simultaneous observations of the temperature and velocity fluctuations and also by smoke experiments. The principal features of the flow inferred from these observations are as follows. The heat transfer and the mean temperature field are not much altered by the inclination, though small, not very systematic, variations may result from the complexities of the velocity field. This supports the view that the mean temperature field is largely governed by the large-scale motions. The temperature fluctuations show a systematic variation with distance from the lower edge and resemble those above a horizontal plate when this distance is large. The largescale motions of the turbulence start close to the lower edge, but the smaller eddies do not attain full intensity until the air has moved some distance up the plate. The mean velocity receives a sizable contribution from a ‘through-flow’ between the side-walls. Superimposed on this are developments that show that the momentum transfer processes are complex and certainly not capable of representation by any simple theory such as an eddy viscosity. On the lower part of the plate there is surprisingly large acceleration, but further up the mixing action of the small eddies has a decelerating effect.


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The diffusion terms in the mean velocity and temperature equations of turbulent flow are analysed to decide when variations of fluid properties can produce appreciable errors. # A theoretical demonstration is given that in the mean-flow continuity equation for a gas the error in assuming constant density is small if the flow is turbulent, even when the temperature variations are large. # Separate discussion is given of the case of local heat sources in turbulence, as large errors can occur there.


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Experiments on reverse transition were conducted in two-dimensional accelerated incompressible turbulent boundary layers. Mean velocity profiles, longitudinal velocity fluctuations $\tilde{u}^{\prime}(=(\overline{u^{\prime 2}})^{\frac{1}{2}})$ and the wall-shearing stress (TW) were measured. The mean velocity profiles show that the wall region adjusts itself to laminar conditions earlier than the outer region. During the reverse transition process, increases in the shape parameter (H) are accompanied by a decrease in the skin friction coefficient (Cf). Profiles of turbulent intensity (u’2) exhibit near similarity in the turbulence decay region. The breakdown of the law of the wall is characterized by the parameter \[ \Delta_p (=\nu[dP/dx]/\rho U^{*3}) = - 0.02, \] where U* is the friction velocity. Downstream of this region the decay of $\tilde{u}^{\prime}$ fluctuations occurred when the momentum thickness Reynolds number (R) decreased roughly below 400.


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It has been well recognized now that the blast furnace aerodynamics can be represented more accurately under the decreasing gas velocity condition. Therefore, gas-fines study has been carried out in a packed bed under the decreasing gas velocity condition. Gas and fines flow equations have been developed and solved, for two-dimensional case using finite volume method. To take into account the turbulence, k-e turbulent flow model has also been developed in two-dimension. The model's predictions have been validated against the published experimental data for the increasing gas velocity case, as no experimental data are available in open literature for the decreasing gas velocity. This study shows the difference in the results for increasing and decreasing gas velocity cases under various conditions which have been reported here. Implication of the results to the blast furnace condition has also been discussed.


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Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations are solved using third order upwind biased Roe's scheme for the inviscid fluxes and second order central difference scheme for the viscous fluxes. The Baldwin & Lomax turbulence model is employed for Reynolds stresses. The governing equations are solved using finite-volume implicit scheme in body fitted curvilinear coordinate O-grid system. Computations axe reported for a flat plate apart from RAE 2822 and NACA 0012 airfoils. Results for the flat plate at M = 0.3, R-c = 4.0 x 10(6) compare favourably with the analytical solution. Results for the two airfoils are compared with experiment. There is a good agreement in C-p distribution between experiment and computation for both the airfoils. Comparison of C-f distribution with experiment for RAE 2822 airfoil is reasonable.


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Numerical modeling of several turbulent nonreacting and reacting spray jets is carried out using a fully stochastic separated flow (FSSF) approach. As is widely used, the carrier-phase is considered in an Eulerian framework, while the dispersed phase is tracked in a Lagrangian framework following the stochastic separated flow (SSF) model. Various interactions between the two phases are taken into account by means of two-way coupling. Spray evaporation is described using a thermal model with an infinite conductivity in the liquid phase. The gas-phase turbulence terms are closed using the k-epsilon model. A novel mixture fraction based approach is used to stochastically model the fluctuating temperature and composition in the gas phase and these are then used to refine the estimates of the heat and mass transfer rates between the droplets and the surrounding gas-phase. In classical SSF (CSSF) methods, stochastic fluctuations of only the gas-phase velocity are modeled. Successful implementation of the FSSF approach to turbulent nonreacting and reacting spray jets is demonstrated. Results are compared against experimental measurements as well as with predictions using the CSSF approach for both nonreacting and reacting spray jets. The FSSF approach shows little difference from the CSSF predictions for nonreacting spray jets but differences are significant for reacting spray jets. In general, the FSSF approach gives good predictions of the flame length and structure but further improvements in modeling may be needed to improve the accuracy of some details of the Predictions. (C) 2011 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.