993 resultados para Toxins.


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The search for biological antitumor agents has been pursued for over half a century. Snake venom has been shown to possess a wide spectrum of biological activities. The objectives of the present review are to evaluate the existing controversies on this subject published in a number of papers and to propose probable explanations for the phenomena observed. We reported our results obtained in a study, in which we evaluated the action of the venoms of Crotalus durissus terrificus and Bothrops jararaca on Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. We noticed an important antitumor effect, mainly with Bothrops jararaca venom, as well as an increase in the functional activity of macrophages. We also observed an increase in the number of mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells with Bothrops jararaca venom. Considering these findings, we postulate that both Borhrops jararaca and Crotalus durissus terrificus venoms can act directly on tumor cells. In addition, we propose an indirect mechanism, based on the stimulation of the inflammatory response, to inhibit tumor growth and to promote its rejection.


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The profiles of high-performance gel filtration of venoms from Polybia paulista, Polybia ignobilis and Polybia occidentalis occidentalis showed 13 peaks distributed among the three species. These profiles presented similarities that permitted the chromatographic characterization of the genus Polybia and differences that permitted the identification of each species studied. Thus, the comparative analysis of chromatographic profiles of high-performance gel filtration of venoms may be used as an auxiliary tool in taxonomic studies of Polybia wasps.


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In order to investigate epidemiological and clinical aspects of beef cattle mortalities caused by botulism, a syndrome popularly known as doença da vaca caída, studies were carried out in 32 naturally affected 4 to 9 year old cows, 27 belonging to the Nellore breed and 5 to crossbred Nellore, all from 27 farms located in municipalities near Botucatu, State of São Paulo. The epidemiological and clinical features were based, respectively, on the farm and herd managements, and on the general physical examination of the cows. Mouse bioassay and complement microfixation tests were performed to detect the presence of botulinum toxins in liver samples. The results showed that the disease occurs in beef cattle of range breeding systems, reared under inadequate mineral nutrition and deficient health management. Pregnant and milking cows represented the group at risk, and the incidence was higher during the rainy season (December to March), with morbidity and mortality rates of 3,2 ± 3,6%. Clinical examination revealed cows with no alterations of vital signs, behavior, visual and auditory acuities and skin sensation; but revealed ruminal hypomotility, anorexia, dehydration, flaccid para or tetraparesis with permanent recumbency, and a paretic or paralytic tongue. The diagnosis of botulism, involving type C and D toxins, was consistent with the epidemiological and clinical findings.


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In this paper we proposed to estimate the heritability of seven morphological characters that compose the sting apparatus ofthe Africanized honeybee workers. An experimental design to estimate genetic parameters was based on the method developed by Oldroyd and Moran. This method was modified to eliminate within-colony environmental effects associated with the additive genetic variance. The estimated h2 values ranged from 0.17 ± 0.11 (maximum width of bulb of sting stylet and height of the valve of right lancet) to 0.74 ± 0.30 (length of the lancet).


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Susceptibility to several ethanolic extracts of propolis (EEP) concentrations was tested with the population analysis technique in reference strains of Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) and Escherichia coli (ATCC 35218). The results of these tests showed that all bacteria were killed by EEP concentrations approximately equal or higher (2.0% v/v - S. aureus; 10.0% v/v - E. coli) than the respective minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC). Regarding the susceptibility to propolis, there was a homogeneity of data with the respective time kill curves showing a clear bactericidal effect during 6 to 9 h of exposition.


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The author suggests a long-distance teaching on toxinology using the following media: conventional printed book, scientific electronic journal, video library and the Internet. These new media are discussed as new alternatives for long-distance learning without the teacher.


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The neotropical wasp Polybia paulista is very aggressive and endemic in south-east Brazil, where it frequently causes stinging accidents. By using gel filtration on Sephadex G-200, followed by ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Cellulose under a pH gradient, a group of four toxins (designated as polybitoxins-I, II, lII and IV) presenting phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activities was purified. These toxins are dimeric with mol. wts ranging from 115,000 to 132,000 and formed by different subunits. The four toxins contain very high sugar contents attached to their molecules (22-43% w/w) and presented different values of pH optimum from 7.8 to 9.0; when dissociated, only residual catalytic activities were maintained. The catalytic activities of polybitoxins (from 18 to 771 μmoles/mg per minute) are lower than that of PLA2 from Apis mellifera venom and hornetin from Vespa basalis. The polybitoxins presented a non-linear steady-state kinetic behavior for the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine at pH 7.9, compatible with the negative co- operativity phenomena. All of the polybitoxins were very potent direct hemolysins, especially the polybitoxins-III and IV, which are as potent as the lethal toxin from V. basalis and hornetin from Vespa flavitarsus, respectively; polybitoxin-IV presented hemolytic action 20 times higher than that of PLA2 from A. mellifera, 17 times higher than that of neutral PLA2 from Naja nigricolis and about 37 times higher than that of cardiotoxin from Naja naja atra venom.


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Sequelae due to testicular biopsy such as hemorrhage, adhesion and fibrosis may be limiting factors to the use of this surgical procedure. Fibrin glue (FG) derived from snake venom was used to minimize these sequelae, as well as to evaluate its healing property in tunica vaginalis and scrotal skin of rams. Applicability of fibrin glue derived from snake venom was tested in different tissues of other animals such as in sciatic nerve and colon of rats and skin of rabbits. In the present study, 30 healthy adult rams were used. They were divided into 3 groups of 10 animals each as follows: G1: fibrin glue group (application of fibrin glue on puncture sites and skin incisions after bilateral testicular biopsy with a Tru-Cut needle); G2: swab/nylon group (hemostasis by compression with a swab on puncture sites and skin suturing with nylon after biopsy) and G3: control group (the animals were not subjected either to biopsy or to surgery). On the 20th day after biopsy, the presence of adhesion strands between the sites of skin incision and testicle was evaluated by palpation Adhesion strands were found in three testicles (15%) in G1 and in two testicles (10%) in G2. One hundred days after biopsy, orchiectomy was carried out and the material collected was assessed for subcutaneous (SC) and/or tunica vaginalis adhesions. G3 did not present any abnormality. Groups G1 and G2 presented four testicles each (20%) with adhesion between the tunics at biopsy site. On the other hand, subcutaneous adhesions were found once (5%) in G1 and three times (15%) in G2. Fibrin glue showed to be of easy application, required short postoperative monitoring, presented fast and good-quality healing property and tended to reduce formation of subcutaneous adhesion.


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The isolation of Clostridium botulinum from honey samples is described. Botulism is characterized as an intoxication provoked by ingestion of contaminated foods with this toxin. Infant botulism happens by the ingestion of spores of C. botulinum together with food that in special conditions of the intestinal tract, such as those present in babies of less than 1 year old, will allow the germination and colonization of the intestine with production and absorption of botulinic toxin. The samples were subjected to dilution and to a thermal shock and cultivated in modified CMM (Difco). Cultures were subjected to Gram smears and toxicity tests in mice. The toxic cultures were purified in RFCA (Oxoid) plates and incubated in anaerobic jars. Positive samples were typed using the mouse assay neutralization test. From the 85 honey samples analyzed, six were positive for C. botulinum (7.06%), and identified as producers of type A, B, and D toxins.


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A total of 88 Aeromonas isolates from distinct locations and sources (39 from extraintestinal infections, 31 from diarrhoeic, ten from non-diarrhoeic faeces, all human, and eight from fresh water) were subjected to phenospecies identification, serotyping, ribotyping and detection of some virulence markers. The strains belonged to four different phenospecies marked by 19 O serogroups and 38 ribotypes. No strong correlation between these parameters was found, and no group, as defined by the typing methods, could be characterized with a particular set of virulence markers. There was a clear association of ribotypes with the source of the strains. Cluster analysis allowed the identification of a complex of ribotypes belonging to distinct but related sources, including clinical and environmental isolates. These results suggest that ribotyping may be an epidemiological tool suitable for the study of Aeromonas infections.


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The injuries caused by venomous and poisonous aquatic animals may provoke important morbidity in the victim. The cnidarians (jellyfishes, especially cubomedusas and Portuguese-Man-of-War) caused nearly 25% of 236 accidents by marine animals, while sea urchins were responsible for about 50% and catfish, stingrays and scorpionfish nearly 25%). In freshwater, stingrays and catfish cause injuries with a very similar mechanism to the poisoning and the effects of the toxins of marine species. In a series of about 200 injuries observed among freshwater fishermen, nearly 40% were caused by freshwater catfish, 5% freshwater stingrays and 55% by traumatogenic fish, such as piranhas and trairas. The author presents the aquatic animals that cause injuries to humans in Brazil, the clinical aspects of the envenoming and the first measures for the control of the severe pain observed mainly in the accidents caused by cnidarians and venomous fishes.


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Two hundred and eighteen Bacillus thuringiensis isolates from Brazil were characterized by the presence of crystal protein genes by PCR with primers specific to different cry and cyt genes. Among these isolates, 95 were selected according to their geographic origin for genetic characterization with the 16S rRNA gene, RAPD, and plasmid profile. Isolates containing cryl genes were the most abundant (48%) followed by the cry11 and cyt (7%) and cry8 genes (2%). Finally, 40.3% of the isolates did not produce any PCR product. The plasmid profile and RAPD analysis showed a remarkable diversity among the isolates of B. thuringiensis not observed in the 16S rRNA gene. These results suggest that the genetic diversity of B. thuringiensis species results from the influence of different ecological factors and spatial separation between strains generated by the conquest of different habitats.