917 resultados para Top-down Control
Trophic downgrading of ecosystems necessitates a functional understanding of trophic cascades. Identifying the presence of cascades, and the mechanisms through which they occur, is particularly important for seagrass meadows, which are among the most threatened ecosystems on Earth. Shark Bay, Western Australia provides a model system to investigate the potential importance of top-down effects in a relatively pristine seagrass ecosystem. The role of megagrazers in the Shark Bay system has been previously investigated, but the role of macrograzers (i.e., teleosts), and their importance relative to megagrazers, remains unknown. The objective of my dissertation was to elucidate the importance of teleost macrograzers in transmitting top-down effects in seagrass ecosystems. Seagrasses and macroalgae were the main food of the abundant teleost Pelates octolineatus, but stable isotopic values suggested that algae may contribute a larger portion of assimilated food than suggested by gut contents. Pelates octolineatus is at risk from numerous predators, with pied cormorants (Phalacrocorax varius) taking the majority of tethered P. octolineatus. Using a combination of fish trapping and unbaited underwater video surveillance, I found that the relative abundance of P. octolineatus was greater in interior areas of seagrass banks during the cold season, and that the mean length of P. octolineatus was greater in these areas compared to along edges of banks. Finally, I used seagrass transplants and exclosure experiments to determine the relative effect of megagrazers and macrograzers on the establishment and persistence of three species of seagrasses in interior microhabitats. Teleost grazing had the largest impact on seagrass species with the highest nutrient content, and these impacts were primarily observed during the warm season. My findings are consistent with predictions of a behaviorally-mediated trophic cascade initiated by tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) and transmitted through herbivorous fishes and their predators.
L'entraînement sans surveillance efficace et inférence dans les modèles génératifs profonds reste un problème difficile. Une approche assez simple, la machine de Helmholtz, consiste à entraîner du haut vers le bas un modèle génératif dirigé qui sera utilisé plus tard pour l'inférence approximative. Des résultats récents suggèrent que de meilleurs modèles génératifs peuvent être obtenus par de meilleures procédures d'inférence approximatives. Au lieu d'améliorer la procédure d'inférence, nous proposons ici un nouveau modèle, la machine de Helmholtz bidirectionnelle, qui garantit qu'on peut calculer efficacement les distributions de haut-vers-bas et de bas-vers-haut. Nous y parvenons en interprétant à les modèles haut-vers-bas et bas-vers-haut en tant que distributions d'inférence approximative, puis ensuite en définissant la distribution du modèle comme étant la moyenne géométrique de ces deux distributions. Nous dérivons une borne inférieure pour la vraisemblance de ce modèle, et nous démontrons que l'optimisation de cette borne se comporte en régulisateur. Ce régularisateur sera tel que la distance de Bhattacharyya sera minisée entre les distributions approximatives haut-vers-bas et bas-vers-haut. Cette approche produit des résultats de pointe en terme de modèles génératifs qui favorisent les réseaux significativement plus profonds. Elle permet aussi une inférence approximative amérliorée par plusieurs ordres de grandeur. De plus, nous introduisons un modèle génératif profond basé sur les modèles BiHM pour l'entraînement semi-supervisé.
Holacracy as an alternative to organisations governance A *TRS event, Room P1.2 (Fernando Pessoa Hall), University Fernando Pessoa 16th, November, 2016, Luis Borges Gouveia This presentation introduce holacracy and discuss its use as an alternative to organize people within a corporate environment. A holacracy is a governance structure characterized by a distribution of power among self-organizing groups, rather than the top-down authority in the typical hierarchical corporate culture model. A holacracy provides a flat management structure that distributes authority. The goal of a holacracy is to ensure that those responsible for completing the work have the authority to decide how that work should be carried out. Holacracy benefits are the promises to harness agility, transparency, accountability, employee engagement and innovation. It also potentiates greater efficiency. Main critics are that the model do not allow for sufficient lateral communication. Also, it use is still emerging and we do not have sufficient evidence on holacracy advantages to rely on its promises
Reactive nitrogen (Nr=NO, NO2, HONO) and volatile organic carbon emissions from oil and gas extraction activities play a major role in wintertime ground-level ozone exceedance events of up to 140 ppb in the Uintah Basin in eastern Utah. Such events occur only when the ground is snow covered, due to the impacts of snow on the stability and depth of the boundary layer and ultraviolet actinic flux at the surface. Recycling of reactive nitrogen from the photolysis of snow nitrate has been observed in polar and mid-latitude snow, but snow-sourced reactive nitrogen fluxes in mid-latitude regions have not yet been quantified in the field. Here we present vertical profiles of snow nitrate concentration and nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) collected during the Uintah Basin Winter Ozone Study 2014 (UBWOS 2014), along with observations of insoluble light-absorbing impurities, radiation equivalent mean ice grain radii, and snow density that determine snow optical properties. We use the snow optical properties and nitrate concentrations to calculate ultraviolet actinic flux in snow and the production of Nr from the photolysis of snow nitrate. The observed δ15N(NO3-) is used to constrain modeled fractional loss of snow nitrate in a snow chemistry column model, and thus the source of Nr to the overlying boundary layer. Snow-surface δ15N(NO3-) measurements range from -5‰ to 10‰ and suggest that the local nitrate burden in the Uintah Basin is dominated by primary emissions from anthropogenic sources, except during fresh snowfall events, where remote NOx sources from beyond the basin are dominant. Modeled daily-averaged snow-sourced Nr fluxes range from 5.6-71x107 molec cm-2 s-1 over the course of the field campaign, with a maximum noon-time value of 3.1x109 molec cm-2 s-1. The top-down emission estimate of primary, anthropogenic NOx in the Uintah and Duchesne counties is at least 300 times higher than the estimated snow NOx emissions presented in this study. Our results suggest that snow-sourced reactive nitrogen fluxes are minor contributors to the Nr boundary layer budget in the highly-polluted Uintah Basin boundary layer during winter 2014.
One of the main unresolved questions in science is how non-living matter became alive in a process known as abiognesis, which aims to explain how from a primordial soup scenario containing simple molecules, by following a ``bottom up'' approach, complex biomolecules emerged forming the first living system, known as a protocell. A protocell is defined by the interplay of three sub-systems which are considered requirements for life: information molecules, metabolism, and compartmentalization. This thesis investigates the role of compartmentalization during the emergence of life, and how simple membrane aggregates could evolve into entities that were able to develop ``life-like'' behaviours, and in particular how such evolution could happen without the presence of information molecules. Our ultimate objective is to create an autonomous evolvable system, and in order tp do so we will try to engineer life following a ``top-down'' approach, where an initial platform capable of evolving chemistry will be constructed, but the chemistry being dependent on the robotic adjunct, and how then this platform can be de-constructed in iterative operations until it is fully disconnected from the evolvable system, the system then being inherently autonomous. The first project of this thesis describes how the initial platform was designed and built. The platform was based on the model of a standard liquid handling robot, with the main difference with respect to other similar robots being that we used a 3D-printer in order to prototype the robot and build its main equipment, like a liquid dispensing system, tool movement mechanism, and washing procedures. The robot was able to mix different components and create populations of droplets in a Petri dish filled with aqueous phase. The Petri dish was then observed by a camera, which analysed the behaviours described by the droplets and fed this information back to the robot. Using this loop, the robot was then able to implement an evolutionary algorithm, where populations of droplets were evolved towards defined life-like behaviours. The second project of this thesis aimed to remove as many mechanical parts as possible from the robot while keeping the evolvable chemistry intact. In order to do so, we encapsulated the functionalities of the previous liquid handling robot into a single monolithic 3D-printed device. This device was able to mix different components, generate populations of droplets in an aqueous phase, and was also equipped with a camera in order to analyse the experiments. Moreover, because the full fabrication process of the devices happened in a 3D-printer, we were also able to alter its experimental arena by adding different obstacles where to evolve the droplets, enabling us to study how environmental changes can shape evolution. By doing so, we were able to embody evolutionary characteristics into our device, removing constraints from the physical platform, and taking one step forward to a possible autonomous evolvable system.
This study focuses on the learning and teaching of Reading in English as a Foreign Language (REFL), in Libya. The study draws on an action research process in which I sought to look critically at students and teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Libya as they learned and taught REFL in four Libyan research sites. The Libyan EFL educational system is influenced by two main factors: the method of teaching the Holy-Quran and the long-time ban on teaching EFL by the former Libyan regime under Muammar Gaddafi. Both of these factors have affected the learning and teaching of REFL and I outline these contextual factors in the first chapter of the thesis. This investigation, and the exploration of the challenges that Libyan university students encounter in their REFL, is supported by attention to reading models. These models helped to provide an analytical framework and starting point for understanding the many processes involved in reading for meaning and in reading to satisfy teacher instructions. The theoretical framework I adopted was based, mainly and initially, on top-down, bottom-up, interactive and compensatory interactive models. I drew on these models with a view to understanding whether and how the processes of reading described in the models could be applied to the reading of EFL students and whether these models could help me to better understand what was going on in REFL. The diagnosis stage of the study provided initial data collected from four Libyan research sites with research tools including video-recorded classroom observations, semi-structured interviews with teachers before and after lesson observation, and think-aloud protocols (TAPs) with 24 students (six from each university) in which I examined their REFL reading behaviours and strategies. This stage indicated that the majority of students shared behaviours such as reading aloud, reading each word in the text, articulating the phonemes and syllables of words, or skipping words if they could not pronounce them. Overall this first stage indicated that alternative methods of teaching REFL were needed in order to encourage ‘reading for meaning’ that might be based on strategies related to eventual interactive reading models adapted for REFL. The second phase of this research project was an Intervention Phase involving two team-teaching sessions in one of the four stage one universities. In each session, I worked with the teacher of one group to introduce an alternative method of REFL. This method was based on teaching different reading strategies to encourage the students to work towards an eventual interactive way of reading for meaning. A focus group discussion and TAPs followed the lessons with six students in order to discuss the 'new' method. Next were two video-recorded classroom observations which were followed by an audio-recorded discussion with the teacher about these methods. Finally, I conducted a Skype interview with the class teacher at the end of the semester to discuss any changes he had made in his teaching or had observed in his students' reading with respect to reading behaviour strategies, and reactions and performance of the students as he continued to use the 'new' method. The results of the intervention stage indicate that the teacher, perhaps not surprisingly, can play an important role in adding to students’ knowledge and confidence and in improving their REFL strategies. For example, after the intervention stage, students began to think about the title, and to use their own background knowledge to comprehend the text. The students employed, also, linguistic strategies such as decoding and, above all, the students abandoned the behaviour of reading for pronunciation in favour of reading for meaning. Despite the apparent efficacy of the alternative method, there are, inevitably, limitations related to the small-scale nature of the study and the time I had available to conduct the research. There are challenges, too, related to the students’ first language, the idiosyncrasies of the English language, the teacher training and continuing professional development of teachers, and the continuing political instability of Libya. The students’ lack of vocabulary and their difficulties with grammatical functions such as phrasal and prepositional verbs, forms which do not exist in Arabic, mean that REFL will always be challenging. Given such constraints, the ‘new’ methods I trialled and propose for adoption can only go so far in addressing students’ difficulties in REFL. Overall, the study indicates that the Libyan educational system is underdeveloped and under resourced with respect to REFL. My data indicates that the teacher participants have received little to no professional developmental that could help them improve their teaching in REFL and skills in teaching EFL. These circumstances, along with the perennial problem of large but varying class sizes; student, teacher and assessment expectations; and limited and often poor quality resources, affect the way EFL students learn to read in English. Against this background, the thesis concludes by offering tentative conclusions; reflections on the study, including a discussion of its limitations, and possible recommendations designed to improve REFL learning and teaching in Libyan universities.
This Thesis is composed of a collection of works written in the period 2019-2022, whose aim is to find methodologies of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning to detect and classify patterns and rules in argumentative and legal texts. We define our approach “hybrid”, since we aimed at designing hybrid combinations of symbolic and sub-symbolic AI, involving both “top-down” structured knowledge and “bottom-up” data-driven knowledge. A first group of works is dedicated to the classification of argumentative patterns. Following the Waltonian model of argument and the related theory of Argumentation Schemes, these works focused on the detection of argumentative support and opposition, showing that argumentative evidences can be classified at fine-grained levels without resorting to highly engineered features. To show this, our methods involved not only traditional approaches such as TFIDF, but also some novel methods based on Tree Kernel algorithms. After the encouraging results of this first phase, we explored the use of a some emerging methodologies promoted by actors like Google, which have deeply changed NLP since 2018-19 — i.e., Transfer Learning and language models. These new methodologies markedly improved our previous results, providing us with best-performing NLP tools. Using Transfer Learning, we also performed a Sequence Labelling task to recognize the exact span of argumentative components (i.e., claims and premises), thus connecting portions of natural language to portions of arguments (i.e., to the logical-inferential dimension). The last part of our work was finally dedicated to the employment of Transfer Learning methods for the detection of rules and deontic modalities. In this case, we explored a hybrid approach which combines structured knowledge coming from two LegalXML formats (i.e., Akoma Ntoso and LegalRuleML) with sub-symbolic knowledge coming from pre-trained (and then fine-tuned) neural architectures.
Salient stimuli, like sudden changes in the environment or emotional stimuli, generate a priority signal that captures attention even if they are task-irrelevant. However, to achieve goal-driven behavior, we need to ignore them and to avoid being distracted. It is generally agreed that top-down factors can help us to filter out distractors. A fundamental question is how and at which stage of processing the rejection of distractors is achieved. Two circumstances under which the allocation of attention to distractors is supposed to be prevented are represented by the case in which distractors occur at an unattended location (as determined by the deployment of endogenous spatial attention) and when the amount of visual working memory resources is reduced by an ongoing task. The present thesis is focused on the impact of these factors on three sources of distraction, namely auditory and visual onsets (Experiments 1 and 2, respectively) and pleasant scenes (Experiment 3). In the first two studies we recorded neural correlates of distractor processing (i.e., Event-Related Potentials), whereas in the last study we used interference effects on behavior (i.e., a slowing down of response times on a simultaneous task) to index distraction. Endogenous spatial attention reduced distraction by auditory stimuli and eliminated distraction by visual onsets. Differently, visual working memory load only affected the processing of visual onsets. Emotional interference persisted even when scenes occurred always at unattended locations and when visual working memory was loaded. Altogether, these findings indicate that the ability to detect the location of salient task-irrelevant sounds and identify the affective significance of natural scenes is preserved even when the amount of visual working memory resources is reduced by an ongoing task and when endogenous attention is elsewhere directed. However, these results also indicate that the processing of auditory and visual distractors is not entirely automatic.
In recent years, there has been exponential growth in using virtual spaces, including dialogue systems, that handle personal information. The concept of personal privacy in the literature is discussed and controversial, whereas, in the technological field, it directly influences the degree of reliability perceived in the information system (privacy ‘as trust’). This work aims to protect the right to privacy on personal data (GDPR, 2018) and avoid the loss of sensitive content by exploring sensitive information detection (SID) task. It is grounded on the following research questions: (RQ1) What does sensitive data mean? How to define a personal sensitive information domain? (RQ2) How to create a state-of-the-art model for SID?(RQ3) How to evaluate the model? RQ1 theoretically investigates the concepts of privacy and the ontological state-of-the-art representation of personal information. The Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) is the taxonomic resource taken as an authoritative reference for the definition of the knowledge domain. Concerning RQ2, we investigate two approaches to classify sensitive data: the first - bottom-up - explores automatic learning methods based on transformer networks, the second - top-down - proposes logical-symbolic methods with the construction of privaframe, a knowledge graph of compositional frames representing personal data categories. Both approaches are tested. For the evaluation - RQ3 – we create SPeDaC, a sentence-level labeled resource. This can be used as a benchmark or training in the SID task, filling the gap of a shared resource in this field. If the approach based on artificial neural networks confirms the validity of the direction adopted in the most recent studies on SID, the logical-symbolic approach emerges as the preferred way for the classification of fine-grained personal data categories, thanks to the semantic-grounded tailor modeling it allows. At the same time, the results highlight the strong potential of hybrid architectures in solving automatic tasks.
Although the prominent role of neural oscillations in perception and cognition has been continuously investigated, some critical questions remain unanswered. My PhD thesis was aimed at addressing some of them. First, can we dissociate oscillatory underpinnings of perceptual accuracy and subjective awareness? Current work would strongly suggest that this dissociation can be drawn. While the fluctuations in alpha-amplitude decide perceptual bias and metacognitive abilities, the speed of alpha activity (i.e., alpha-frequency) dictates sensory sampling, shaping perceptual accuracy. Second, how are these oscillatory mechanisms integrated during attention? The obtained results indicate that a top-down visuospatial mechanism modulates neural assemblies in visual areas via oscillatory re-alignment and coherence in the alpha/beta range within the fronto-parietal brain network. These perceptual predictions are reflected in the retinotopically distributed posterior alpha-amplitude, while perceptual accuracy is explained by the higher alpha-frequency at the to-be-attended location. Finally, sensory input, elaborated via fast gamma oscillations, is linked to specific phases of this slower activity via oscillatory nesting, enabling integration of the feedback-modulated oscillatory activity with sensory information. Third, how can we relate this oscillatory activity to other neural markers of behaviour (i.e., event-related potentials)? The obtained results favour the oscillatory model of ERP genesis, where alpha-frequency shapes the latency of early evoked-potentials, namely P1, with both neural indices being related to perceptual accuracy. On the other hand, alpha-amplitude dictates the amplitude of later P3 evoked-response, whereas both indices shape subjective awareness. Crucially, by combining different methodological approaches, including neurostimulation (TMS) and neuroimaging (EEG), current work identified these oscillatory-behavior links as causal and not just as co-occurring events. Current work aimed at ameliorating the use of the TMS-EEG approach by explaining inter-individual differences in the stimulation outcomes, which could be proven crucial in the way we design entrainment experiments and interpret the results in both research and clinical settings.
Studi recenti hanno evidenziato cambiamenti nei ritmi alpha (8-12 Hz) e theta (4-8 Hz) in vari processi modulatori top-down e di controllo cognitivo come la memoria di lavoro (WM, working memory) e la soppressione di distrattori. I compiti di WM richiedono attenzione interna sostenuta per dare priorità alle informazioni rilevanti a discapito di quelle interferenti che distraggono dall’obiettivo. I meccanismi di attenzione in tali compiti sono associati ad aumento di potenza alpha, che riflette la funzione inibitoria di tale ritmo, in regioni che elaborano informazioni distraenti, e ad aumento di potenza theta, soprattutto in regioni frontali, che riflette funzioni di controllo cognitivo per raggiungere l’obiettivo pur in presenza di interferenze. Questo lavoro è volto ad indagare gli effetti di distrattori acustici rispetto a distrattori visivi in un compito di visual WM. A tale scopo sono stati acquisiti ed elaborati i segnali EEG di 12 soggetti volontari mentre eseguivano un compito di visual WM, in cui la fase di retention (mantenimento in memoria delle informazioni codificate) veniva interrotta con la presentazione di distrattori di due modalità sensoriali differenti (visiva e acustica), per valutare le variazioni dell’attività cerebrale in termini di ritmi alpha e theta e le regioni coinvolte. Si è osservato un aumento maggiore di potenza alpha (principalmente posteriore) in presenza del distrattore acustico rispetto al visivo sia nella fase pre-distrattore che nella fase distrattore, statisticamente significativo nella fase distrattore. Si è osservato un aumento maggiore di potenza theta (principalmente frontale) in presenza del distrattore acustico rispetto al visivo in tutte le fasi del task, statisticamente significativo nella fase iniziale di retention e nella fase del distrattore. I risultati potrebbero indicare una maggiore necessità di controllo cognitivo e di protezione da stimoli interferenti in caso di distrattore acustico rispetto al visivo.
The beds of active ice streams in Greenland and Antarctica are largely inaccessible, hindering a full understanding of the processes that initiate, sustain and inhibit fast ice flow in ice sheets. Detailed mapping of the glacial geomorphology of palaeo-ice stream tracks is, therefore, a valuable tool for exploring the basal processes that control their behaviour. In this paper we present a map that shows detailed glacial geomorphology from a part of the Dubawnt Lake Palaeo-Ice Stream bed on the north-western Canadian Shield (Northwest Territories), which operated at the end of the last glacial cycle. The map (centred on 63 degrees 55 '' 42'N, 102 degrees 29 '' 11'W, approximate scale 1:90,000) was compiled from digital Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus satellite imagery and digital and hard-copy stereo-aerial photographs. The ice stream bed is dominated by parallel mega-scale glacial lineations (MGSL), whose lengths exceed several kilometres but the map also reveals that they have, in places, been superimposed with transverse ridges known as ribbed moraines. The ribbed moraines lie on top of the MSGL and appear to have segmented the individual lineaments. This indicates that formation of the ribbed moraines post-date the formation of the MSGL. The presence of ribbed moraine in the onset zone of another palaeo-ice stream has been linked to oscillations between cold and warm-based ice and/or a patchwork of cold-based areas which led to acceleration and deceleration of ice velocity. Our hypothesis is that the ribbed moraines on the Dubawnt Lake Ice Stream bed are a manifestation of the process that led to ice stream shut-down and may be associated with the process of basal freeze-on. The precise formation of ribbed moraines, however, remains open to debate and field observation of their structure will provide valuable data for formal testing of models of their formation.
The E3 ubiquitin ligase c-Cbl ubiquitinates the G protein-coupled receptor protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR(2)), which is required for postendocytic sorting of activated receptors to lysosomes, where degradation terminates signaling. The mechanisms of PAR(2) deubiquitination and its importance in trafficking and signaling of endocytosed PAR(2) are unknown. We report that receptor deubiquitination occurs between early endosomes and lysosomes and involves the endosomal deubiquitinating proteases AMSH and UBPY. Expression of the catalytically inactive mutants, AMSH(D348A) and UBPY(C786S), caused an increase in PAR(2) ubiquitination and trapped the receptor in early endosomes, thereby preventing lysosomal trafficking and degradation. Small interfering RNA knockdown of AMSH or UBPY also impaired deubiquitination, lysosomal trafficking, and degradation of PAR(2). Trapping PAR(2) in endosomes through expression of AMSH(D348A) or UBPY(C786S) did not prolong the association of PAR(2) with beta-arrestin2 or the duration of PAR(2)-induced ERK2 activation. Thus, AMSH and UBPY are essential for trafficking and down-regulation of PAR(2) but not for regulating PAR(2) dissociation from beta-arrestin2 or PAR(2)-mediated ERK2 activation.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of visual and somatosensory information on body sway in individuals with Down syndrome (DS). Nine adults with DS (19-29 years old) and nine control subjects (CS) (19-29 years old) stood in the upright stance in four experimental conditions: no vision and no touch; vision and no touch; no vision and touch; and vision and touch. In the vision condition, participants looked at a target placed in front of them; in the no vision condition, participants wore a black cotton mask. In the touch condition, participants touched a stationary surface with their right index finger; in the no touch condition, participants kept their arms hanging alongside their bodies. A force plate was used to estimate center of pressure excursion for both anterior-posterior and medial-lateral directions. MANOVA revealed that both the individuals with DS and the control subjects used vision and touch to reduce overall body sway, although individuals with DS still oscillated more than did the CS. These results indicate that adults with DS are able to use sensory information to reduce body sway, and they demonstrate that there is no difference in sensory integration between the individuals with DS and the CS.
Setting practical priorities for sexually transmitted infection (STI) control is a balance between idealism and pragmatism. Infections transmitted through unsafe sex (chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and human papillomavirus (HPV) infections) rank in the top five causes of the global burden of disease.1 Their distribution in populations is driven by a complex mixture of individual behaviours, social and community norms and societal and historical context. Ideally, we would be able to reduce exposure to unsafe sex to its theoretical minimum level of zero and thus eliminate a significant proportion of the current global burden of disease, particularly in resource-poor settings.2 Ideally, we would have ‘magic bullets’ for diagnosing and preventing STI in addition to specific antimicrobial agents for specific infections.3 Arguably, we have ‘bullets’ that work at the individual level; highly accurate diagnostic tests and highly efficacious vaccines, antimicrobial agents and preventive interventions.4 Introducing them into populations to achieve similarly high levels of effectiveness has been more challenging.4 In practice, the ‘magic’ in the magic bullet can be seen as overcoming the barriers to sustainable implementation in partnerships, larger sexual networks and populations (figure 1).4 We have chosen three (pragmatic) priorities for interventions that we believe could be implemented and scaled up to control STI other than HIV/AIDS. We present these starting with the partnership and moving up to the population level.