638 resultados para Titânio poroso


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Waterflooding is a technique largely applied in the oil industry. The injected water displaces oil to the producer wells and avoid reservoir pressure decline. However, suspended particles in the injected water may cause plugging of pore throats causing formation damage (permeability reduction) and injectivity decline during waterflooding. When injectivity decline occurs it is necessary to increase the injection pressure in order to maintain water flow injection. Therefore, a reliable prediction of injectivity decline is essential in waterflooding projects. In this dissertation, a simulator based on the traditional porous medium filtration model (including deep bed filtration and external filter cake formation) was developed and applied to predict injectivity decline in perforated wells (this prediction was made from history data). Experimental modeling and injectivity decline in open-hole wells is also discussed. The injectivity of modeling showed good agreement with field data, which can be used to support plan stimulation injection wells


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The present study provides a methodology that gives a predictive character the computer simulations based on detailed models of the geometry of a porous medium. We using the software FLUENT to investigate the flow of a viscous Newtonian fluid through a random fractal medium which simplifies a two-dimensional disordered porous medium representing a petroleum reservoir. This fractal model is formed by obstacles of various sizes, whose size distribution function follows a power law where exponent is defined as the fractal dimension of fractionation Dff of the model characterizing the process of fragmentation these obstacles. They are randomly disposed in a rectangular channel. The modeling process incorporates modern concepts, scaling laws, to analyze the influence of heterogeneity found in the fields of the porosity and of the permeability in such a way as to characterize the medium in terms of their fractal properties. This procedure allows numerically analyze the measurements of permeability k and the drag coefficient Cd proposed relationships, like power law, for these properties on various modeling schemes. The purpose of this research is to study the variability provided by these heterogeneities where the velocity field and other details of viscous fluid dynamics are obtained by solving numerically the continuity and Navier-Stokes equations at pore level and observe how the fractal dimension of fractionation of the model can affect their hydrodynamic properties. This study were considered two classes of models, models with constant porosity, MPC, and models with varying porosity, MPV. The results have allowed us to find numerical relationship between the permeability, drag coefficient and the fractal dimension of fractionation of the medium. Based on these numerical results we have proposed scaling relations and algebraic expressions involving the relevant parameters of the phenomenon. In this study analytical equations were determined for Dff depending on the geometrical parameters of the models. We also found a relation between the permeability and the drag coefficient which is inversely proportional to one another. As for the difference in behavior it is most striking in the classes of models MPV. That is, the fact that the porosity vary in these models is an additional factor that plays a significant role in flow analysis. Finally, the results proved satisfactory and consistent, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the referred methodology for all applications analyzed in this study.


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Steam injection is a method usually applied to very viscous oils and consists of injecting heat to reduce the viscosity and, therefore, increase the oil mobility, improving the oil production. For designing a steam injection project it is necessary to have a reservoir simulation in order to define the various parameters necessary for an efficient heat reservoir management, and with this, improve the recovery factor of the reservoir. The purpose of this work is to show the influence of the coupled wellbore/reservoir on the thermal simulation of reservoirs under cyclic steam stimulation. In this study, the methodology used in the solution of the problem involved the development of a wellbore model for the integration of steam flow model in injection wellbores, VapMec, and a blackoil reservoir model for the injection of cyclic steam in oil reservoirs. Thus, case studies were developed for shallow and deep reservoirs, whereas the usual configurations of injector well existing in the oil industry, i.e., conventional tubing without packer, conventional tubing with packer and insulated tubing with packer. A comparative study of the injection and production parameters was performed, always considering the same operational conditions, for the two simulation models, non-coupled and a coupled model. It was observed that the results are very similar for the specified well injection rate, whereas significant differences for the specified well pressure. Finally, on the basis of computational experiments, it was concluded that the influence of the coupled wellbore/reservoir in thermal simulations using cyclic steam injection as an enhanced oil recovery method is greater for the specified well pressure, while for the specified well injection rate, the steam flow model for the injector well and the reservoir may be simulated in a non- coupled way


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Discrepancies between classical model predictions and experimental data for deep bed filtration have been reported by various authors. In order to understand these discrepancies, an analytic continuum model for deep bed filtration is proposed. In this model, a filter coefficient is attributed to each distinct retention mechanism (straining, diffusion, gravity interception, etc.). It was shown that these coefficients generally cannot be merged into an effective filter coefficient, as considered in the classical model. Furthermore, the derived analytic solutions for the proposed model were applied for fitting experimental data, and a very good agreement between experimental data and proposed model predictions were obtained. Comparison of the obtained results with empirical correlations allowed identifying the dominant retention mechanisms. In addition, it was shown that the larger the ratio of particle to pore sizes, the more intensive the straining mechanism and the larger the discrepancies between experimental data and classical model predictions. The classical model and proposed model were compared via statistical analysis. The obtained p values allow concluding that the proposed model should be preferred especially when straining plays an important role. In addition, deep bed filtration with finite retention capacity was studied. This work also involves the study of filtration of particles through porous media with a finite capacity of filtration. It was observed, in this case, that is necessary to consider changes in the boundary conditions through time evolution. It was obtained a solution for such a model using different functions of filtration coefficients. Besides that, it was shown how to build a solution for any filtration coefficient. It was seen that, even considering the same filtration coefficient, the classic model and the one here propposed, show different predictions for the concentration of particles retained in the porous media and for the suspended particles at the exit of the media


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2016.


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A Endodontia é uma área em constante evolução. Consideráveis desenvolvimentos nos materiais e técnicas têm sido essenciais para o melhoramento dos resultados nos tratamentos realizados. É exemplo disso mesmo a constituição dos instrumentos Endodônticos primordiais, construídos em cordas de piano, com evolução para aço de carbono, material este que sofria corrosão provocado pelo cloro presente no hipoclorito de sódio. O aço de carbono evoluiu para aço inoxidável e deste as limas endodônticas passaram a ser feitas em níquel-titânio, conferindo-lhes melhor flexibilidade e efeito de memória de forma. Mesmo com todas estas melhorias significativas, fraturas de instrumentos e erros durante a instrumentação continuam a acontecer e com eles veio a necessidade da pesquisa de possíveis melhorias da constituição das limas em NiTi. Como resultado surgiram ligas como o M-wire, fase-R e CM-wire, criadas a partir de tratamentos térmicos, que trouxeram às limas Endodônticas maior flexibilidade e resistência à fratura que os instrumentos feitos em NiTi convencional. A mais recente evolução das limas Ni-Ti, desenvolvida pela Coltene Whaldent (Allstätten, Suiça), são as limas Hyflex EDM, limas para canais radiculares de 5ª geração. O seu processo de fabrico por eletroerosão cria uma superfície única fazendo com que estas limas sejam mais duras e resistam mais à quebra, aliado à sua alta flexibilidade. É possível assim reduzir o número de limas para a limpeza e modelagem dos canais durante os tratamentos endodônticos sem comprometer a preservação da anatomia dos canais. As limas Hyflex EDM possuem, tal como as limas Hyflex CM, o efeito de controle de memória (CM), o que confere propriedades muito similares entre os dois sistemas.


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La estructura territorial de México se ha modificado rápidamente durante las últimas décadas del Siglo XX y la primera década del Siglo XXI, ocasionando importantes transformaciones socioterrotoriales que han modificado rápidamente las actividades productivas, los empleos, las relaciones sociales, las formas culturales y de vida de miles de personas de escasos recursos residentes en zonas rurales, cuyo habitat natural se ha trastocado de manera radical por un acelerado proceso de urbanización del campo. En general se trata de  regiones o territorios dinámicos, con crecimiento de nuevas actividades industriales y de servicios vinculados a cadenas productivas globalizadas, cuya localización se viene dando mediante una creciente expansión urbana que se desdobla ya no solo sobre sus periferias inmediatas, sino sobre un ámbito regional más extenso. En efecto, en muchas ciudades económicamente dinámicas del país, recientemente el proceso de expansión abarca un ámbito espacial mucho más amplio y poroso, donde no sólo esta contenido el continuo paisaje urbano, sino múltiples localidades rurales vinculadas fuertemente a la urbe. Esta configuración sólo está siendo posible  en buena medida por el desarrollo de la infraestructura y los sistemas de transporte regional que articulan de manera inédita un ámbito territorial cada vez más extenso y complejo. Un caso destacado de esta tendencia está constituido por el entorno regional de la ciudad de Querétaro, México, donde hasta hace algunos años predominaban las actividades primarias propias de ámbitos rurales, pero con la inserción creciente de actividades industriales vinculadas a procesos de internacionalización del capital, se está generado una significativa reestructuración territorial que propicia nuevos vínculos socio-territoriales y nuevas desigualdades regionales. En este sentido, la presente propuesta tiene por objetivo caracterizar la transformación de las relaciones entre lo rural y lo urbano de la región de Querétaro, bajo un contexto de expansión y reorganización territorial sustentada en el cambio de las actividades socioeconómicas y en la conformación de mecanismos de movilidad y accesibilidad basados sistemas de transporte rural y regional articulados al ámbito urbano. Se parte de la hipótesis de que el fenómeno urbano no puede ser cabalmente entendido sin incorporar en el análisis su articulación con el ámbito rural y/o regional. Conceptualmente esto implica que, en este nuevo marco de reorganización territorial, tiende a desdibujarse cada vez más la división tajante establecida tradicionalmente entre campo y ciudad. Lo que en última instancia están mostrando estas tendencias es la necesidad de revisar críticamente algunos esquemas conceptuales aceptados de manera generalizada en el análisis territorial, como la dicotomía rural-urbana o urbana-regional. Por eso se propone un enfoque metodológico donde la unidad de análisis rebasa los límites del ámbito urbano o metropolitano  y se abre a un ámbito de comprensión más amplia de los nuevos fenómenos de vinculación entre áreas rurales y urbana, con las modificaciones socioterritoriales propias de un modelo modernizador de inspiración neoclásica, que trae adosado procesos de fragmentación, apropiación desigual de los excedentes y exclusión de amplios sectores que no logran asimilar o adaptarse a los nuevos patrones socioeconómicos y culturales que demandan estas nuevas relaciones sociales. Por otra parte, cabe señalar que está propuesta se inserta en la línea de investigación titulada “Transformaciones territoriales y movilidad regional en México”, desarrollada, desde hace varios años, en el Instituto Mexicano del Transporte (IMT), donde se plantea la necesidad de estudiar el impacto económico y territorial de sistemas de transporte que propician la movilidad intercomunitaria, rural y regional de personas y mercancías en diversos ámbitos geográficos del país.


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A grande quantidade de material mineral com diâmetro maior que 2 mm de alguns solos do bioma Cerrado é uma característica de interesse em se tratando de formação, classificação, uso e manejo desses solos. Com o objetivo de contrastar atributos morfológicos, físicos, químicos, mineralógicos e micromorfológicos desses solos, com caráter esquelético, foram estudados perfis de Plintossolos Pétricos e Cambissolos Háplicos no leste de Goiás, comparando-os, também, com outros perfis semelhantes descritos na literatura. Cada perfil de solo (seis ao todo) correspondeu a uma trincheira, que permitiu a descrição morfológica e as amostragens, realizadas em duas profundidades, totalizando 12 amostras. Os corpos de petroplintita das frações mais grosseiras da terra fina contribuem para aumentar o Fe2O3 do ataque sulfúrico dos Plintossolos. As relações Feo/Fed são, de forma generalizada, muito baixas, refletindo a elevada estabilidade das formas cristalinas de Fe. Os Plintossolos e os Cambissolos estudados apresentam valores médios de Ki e Kr relativamente baixos quando comparados com outros solos das mesmas classes e com caráter esquelético do bioma Cerrado. A ausência de hematita na fração argila dos solos estudados reflete um processo de xantização do pedoambiente mais úmido das bordas da chapada, local de ocorrência dos Plintossolos, cujo material erodido contribui para formação dos Cambissolos. A hematita só aparece na fração areia dos Plintossolos, associada aos corpos de petroplintita. Magnetita/maghemita foram identificadas nas duas classes de solos. Nos Cambissolos, a detecção de mica por difração de raios X da fração areia e de minerais com cores de interferência fortes nas lâminas delgadas, além dos maiores valores das relações Ki e Kr, realçam a presença de material menos intemperizado, relativamente aos Plintossolos. A pequena quantidade de plasma, 10 % em relação à área das lâminas delgadas, confirma o caráter esquelético dos solos estudados. Os Plintossolos apresentam estrutura granular adensada. Os Cambissolos apresentam o espaço poroso menos conectado e dominado por alvéolos e canais, com microestrutura de grãos com películas.