892 resultados para Three carrier ambiguity resolution, Phase bias calibration, Network adjustment


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An EMI filter for a three-phase buck-type medium power pulse-width modulation rectifier is designed. This filter considers differential mode noise and complies with MIL-STD- 461E for the frequency range of 10kHz to 10MHz. In industrial applications, the frequency range of the standard starts at 150kHz and the designer typically uses a switching frequency of 28kHz because the fifth harmonic is out of the range. This approach is not valid for aircraft applications. In order to design the switching frequency in aircraft applications, the power losses in the semiconductors and the weight of the reactive components should be considered. The proposed design is based on a harmonic analysis of the rectifier input current and an analytical study of the input filter. The classical industrial design does not consider the inductive effect in the filter design because the grid frequency is 50/60Hz. However, in the aircraft applications, the grid frequency is 400Hz and the inductance cannot be neglected. The proposed design considers the inductance and the capacitance effect of the filter in order to obtain unitary power factor at full power. In the optimization process, several filters are designed for different switching frequencies of the converter. In addition, designs from single to five stages are considered. The power losses of the converter plus the EMI filter are estimated at these switching frequencies. Considering overall losses and minimal filter volume, the optimal switching frequency is selected


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An EMI filter for a three-phase buck-type medium power pulse-width modulation rectifier is designed. This filter considers differential mode noise and complies with MIL-STD-461E for the frequency range of 10kHz to 10MHz. In industrial applications, the frequency range of the standard starts at 150kHz and the designer typically uses a switching frequency of 28kHz because the fifth harmonic is out of the range. This approach is not valid for aircraft applications. In order to design the switching frequency in aircraft applications, the power losses in the semiconductors and the weight of the reactive components should be considered. The proposed design is based on a harmonic analysis of the rectifier input current and an analytical study of the input filter. The classical industrial design does not consider the inductive effect in the filter design because the grid frequency is 50/60Hz. However, in the aircraft applications, the grid frequency is 400Hz and the inductance cannot be neglected. The proposed design considers the inductance and the capacitance effect of the filter in order to obtain unitary power factor at full power. In the optimization process, several filters are designed for different switching frequencies of the converter. In addition, designs from single to five stages are considered. The power losses of the converter plus the EMI filter are estimated at these switching frequencies. Considering overall losses and minimal filter volume, the optimal switching frequency is selected.


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A three-phase transformer with flat conductor layers is proposed in this article. This arrangement is used for high current density transformers. Cost effectiveness in planar magnetic are related with the optimization in the number of layers in each winding. This fact takes more relevance for the medium and high power three-phase transformers where the number of parallels to achieve the required DCR is increased. The proposed method allows the use of off-the-shell core shapes that are used for single phase transformers. Cost impact is significant and design implications become more flexible. The proposed solution has been validated and compared using the conventional and the proposed methodologies to design a high power (20 kW) transformer.


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Different possible input filter configurations for a modular three-phase PWM rectifier system consisting of three interleaved converter cells are studied. The system is designed for an aircraft application where MIL-STD-461E conducted EMI standards have to be met and system weight is a critical design issue. The importance of a LISN model on the simulated noise levels and the effect of interleaving and power unbalance between the different converter modules is discussed. The effect of the number of filter stages and the degree of distribution of the filter stages among the individual converter modules on the weight and losses of the input filter is studied and optimal filter structures are proposed.


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A modified winding layout for three-phase transformers with PCB windings is proposed in this paper. This modified layout can be used in high current transformers with many PCB layers to simplify the fabrication process. One of the key factors that might increase the cost and complexity in the construction of planar transformers is the number of layers of each PCB winding. This issue becomes even more important in medium-high power three-phase transformers, where the number of PCB layers is higher. In addition to that, the proposed method allows the use of commercial core shapes that are commonly used to design single-phase transformers. This fact makes possible the reduction of cost and flexibility of the design solutions. The proposed solution has been validated and compared using the conventional and the proposed methodologies to design a high power (20 kW) transformer.


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The study of temperature gradients in cold stores and containers is a critical issue in the food industry for the quality assurance of products during transport, as well as forminimizing losses. The objective of this work is to develop a new methodology of data analysis based on phase space graphs of temperature and enthalpy, collected by means of multidistributed, low cost and autonomous wireless sensors and loggers. A transoceanic refrigerated transport of lemons in a reefer container ship from Montevideo (Uruguay) to Cartagena (Spain) was monitored with a network of 39 semi-passive TurboTag RFID loggers and 13 i-button loggers. Transport included intermodal transit from transoceanic to short shipping vessels and a truck trip. Data analysis is carried out using qualitative phase diagrams computed on the basis of Takens?Ruelle reconstruction of attractors. Fruit stress is quantified in terms of the phase diagram area which characterizes the cyclic behaviour of temperature. Areas within the enthalpy phase diagram computed for the short sea shipping transport were 5 times higher than those computed for the long sea shipping, with coefficients of variation above 100% for both periods. This new methodology for data analysis highlights the significant heterogeneity of thermohygrometric conditions at different locations in the container.


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In this paper we propose a flexible Multi-Agent Architecture together with a methodology for indoor location which allows us to locate any mobile station (MS) such as a Laptop, Smartphone, Tablet or a robotic system in an indoor environment using wireless technology. Our technology is complementary to the GPS location finder as it allows us to locate a mobile system in a specific room on a specific floor using the Wi-Fi networks. The idea is that any MS will have an agent known at a Fuzzy Location Software Agent (FLSA) with a minimum capacity processing at its disposal which collects the power received at different Access Points distributed around the floor and establish its location on a plan of the floor of the building. In order to do so it will have to communicate with the Fuzzy Location Manager Software Agent (FLMSA). The FLMSAs are local agents that form part of the management infrastructure of the Wi-Fi network of the Organization. The FLMSA implements a location estimation methodology divided into three phases (measurement, calibration and estimation) for locating mobile stations (MS). Our solution is a fingerprint-based positioning system that overcomes the problem of the relative effect of doors and walls on signal strength and is independent of the network device manufacturer. In the measurement phase, our system collects received signal strength indicator (RSSI) measurements from multiple access points. In the calibration phase, our system uses these measurements in a normalization process to create a radio map, a database of RSS patterns. Unlike traditional radio map-based methods, our methodology normalizes RSS measurements collected at different locations on a floor. In the third phase, we use Fuzzy Controllers to locate an MS on the plan of the floor of a building. Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method. From these results it is clear that the system is highly likely to be able to locate an MS in a room or adjacent room.


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Recently there has been an important increase in electric equipment, as well as, electric power demand in aircrafts applications. This prompts to the necessity of efficient, reliable, and low-weight converters, especially rectifiers from 115VAC to 270VDC because these voltages are used in power distribution. In order to obtain a high efficiency, in aircraft application where the derating in semiconductors is high, normally several semiconductors are used in parallel to decrease the conduction losses. However, this is in conflict with high reliability. To match both goals of high efficiency and reliability, this work proposes an interleaved multi-cell rectifier system, employing several converter cells in parallel instead of parallel-connected semiconductors. In this work a 10kW multi-cell isolated rectifier system has been designed where each cell is composed of a buck type rectifier and a full bridge DC-DC converter. The implemented system exhibits 91% of efficiency, high power density (10kW/10kg), low THD (2.5%), and n−1 fault tolerance which complies, with military aircraft standards.


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El deterioro del hormigón debido a la presencia del ion cloruro es causa frecuente de problemas en estructuras localizadas en ambiente marino y alta montaña. Su principal efecto consiste en la despasivación del acero de refuerzo embebido en el hormigón y su consecuente inicio de la corrosión del mismo. El ingreso del ion cloruro al interior del hormigón, está condicionado por una serie de parámetros de origen medioambiental e intrínsecos del hormigón. En función de estos parámetros el ingreso de cloruros en el hormigón puede deberse principalmente a los siguientes mecanismos: difusión y succión capilar. El estudio y evaluación de la resistencia del hormigón frente a cloruros, se ha desarrollado principalmente en condiciones saturadas del hormigón. Lo que ha significado que parámetros de importancia no sean considerados. Debido a esto, distintos procesos que suceden en estructuras reales no han sido identificados y estudiados correctamente. En este trabajo, se diseñó un programa de investigación para evaluar los parámetros que influyen en el transporte cloruros en hormigones no saturados. Para esto se diseñaron tres dosificaciones diferentes de hormigón. En la primera se empleó únicamente cemento portland, para el resto se utilizaron adiciones minerales (humo de sílice y escoria de alto horno). El empleo de adiciones se debió a que tienen un papel importante en la durabilidad de hormigones frente a cloruros. Los hormigones fueron dosificados con una relación agua/material cementício de 0,40 para el hormigón elaborado únicamente con cemento portland y 0,45 para las mezclas con adiciones. Para evaluar las propiedades de los hormigones en estado fresco y endurecido se realizaron ensayos vigentes en las normativas. Con los resultados obtenidos se determinaron parámetros de resistencia mecánica, microestructurales, resistencia al transporte de cloruros e higroscópicos. Una vez caracterizados los hormigones, se diseñó una propuesta experimental para estudiar los principales parámetros presentes en estructuras reales con presencia de cloruros. Tanto la concentración de cloruro como las condiciones ambientales se han variado teniendo como referencia las situaciones reales que podrían producirse en ambientes de alta montaña en la zona centro de España. La propuesta experimental consistió en tratar de evaluar la capacidad de los hormigones al transporte de iones en ambientes de alta montaña con presencia de sales fundentes. Para esto se establecieron 5 fases experimentales donde los principales parámetros ambientales y la presencia de iones agresivos sufrieron variaciones. Al término de cada fase se obtuvieron perfiles de penetración de cloruros en los hormigones y se evaluó la influencia de los parámetros presentes en cada fase. Los resultados experimentales se implementaron en un modelo numérico basado en la teoría de elementos finitos, desarrollado por el grupo de investigación del Departamento de Materiales de Construcción. Para esto fue necesario realizar la calibración y validación del modelo numérico para cada hormigón. El calibrado del modelo precisa de datos químicos y microestructurales de cada hormigón, tales como: capacidad de combinación de cloruros y propiedades difusivas e higroscópicas. Para la validación del modelo numérico se realizaron simulaciones de la propuesta experimental. Los resultados obtenidos se compararon con los valores experimentales. Con el objeto de poder estudiar en mayor profundidad la influencia del grado de saturación del hormigón durante la difusión de cloruros, se llevó a cabo una campaña experimental que consideró distintos grados de saturación en los hormigones. Para esto se establecieron en los hormigones cuatro grados de saturación distintos (50%, 60%, 80% y 100%, aproximadamente), posteriormente se expusieron a cloruro de sodio finamente molido. Una vez transcurrido el tiempo necesario se obtuvieron experimentalmente los perfiles de penetración de cloruros para cada grado de saturación y se calcularon los coeficientes de difusión. Los datos obtenidos durante la campaña experimental han demostrado la influencia positiva que ejercen las adiciones en las mezclas de hormigón. Sus principales ventajas son el refinamiento de la red porosa y el aumento en la capacidad de combinación de cloruros, además de mejorar sus propiedades mecánicas. La porosidad total en las mezclas no presentó grandes cambios, sin embargo, el cambio en la distribución del tamaño de poros es importante en las muestras con adiciones. En especial las fabricadas con humo de sílice. Los coeficientes de difusión y migración de cloruros para las mezclas con adiciones disminuyeron significativamente, igual que los valores de resistividad eléctrica. En los ensayos de penetración del agua bajo presión, fueron las muestras con adiciones las que mostraron las menores penetraciones. Los resultados obtenidos al final de la propuesta experimental permitieron estudiar los distintos parámetros involucrados. Se observó claramente que el proceso de difusión provoca el mayor transporte de cloruros hacia el interior del hormigón. Así mismo se comprobó que el lavado superficial y el secado de las probetas, trasladan cloruros hacia las zonas externas del hormigón. El primero debido a una baja concentración de cloruros externa, mientras que el secado provoca el movimiento de la solución de poro hacia las zonas de secado depositando cloruros en ellas. Las medidas higroscópicas permitieron determinar la existencia de dos zonas distintas en el interior del hormigón. La primera se localizó en el rango de 0-10mm, aproximadamente, en ésta se puso de manifiesto una mayor sensibilidad a los cambios experimentados en el exterior de las probetas. La segunda zona se localizó a una profundidad mayor de 10mm, aproximadamente. Se observó claramente una baja influencia de los cambios externos, siendo la difusión de cloruros el principal mecanismo de transporte presente en ella. En cuanto al estudio de la influencia del grado de saturación en la difusión de cloruros, se observó claramente una marcada diferencia entre los coeficientes de difusión de cloruro obtenidos. Para grados de saturación mayores del 80% el mecanismo de penetración de cloruros por difusión existe de forma significativa. Mientras que para valores inferiores los resultados revelaron que las vías de acceso disminuyen (poros conectado con agua) considerablemente limitando en un alto grado la penetración del agresivo. Para grados de saturación inferiores del 50% los valores del coeficiente de difusión son despreciables. The deterioration of concrete due to chloride ions is a frequent problem identified in structures located in marine and high-mountain environments. After entering the outer layer of the concrete, the chlorides tend to penetrate until they reach and then depassivate the steel bars. Subsequently, this induces the deterioration process of the reinforced concrete. This chloride penetration depends on the environmental conditions and intrinsic parameters of the concrete. Several transport mechanisms, such as diffusion, capillary suction and permeability can be present into the concrete. While recent research into the study and evaluation of concretes with chloride presence has been carried out in saturated concrete, it has not considered certain parameters that can modify this condition. Consequently, at the time of writing several processes that take place in real structures have not been identified and studied. In this work a research programme is designed to evaluate the parameters that influence chloride transport into non-saturated concrete. For this, three concrete mixes were designed by using high-early-strength Portland cement and mineral admixtures (silica fume and blast-slag furnace). The water-cement ratio was 0.40 for the concrete made solely with Portland cement and 0.45 for the concretes that used mineral admixtures as a cement replacement. A set of experimental tests were performed to evaluate the concrete properties both in fresh and hardened state. In addition, an experimental simulation was carried out under laboratory conditions in which the main objective was to assess resistance of concrete to chloride penetration under high-mountain conditions with the presence of de-icing salts. The environmental conditions and surface chloride concentration of the concrete used during the experimental simulation were chosen by considering conditions found in the high-mountain environment in central Spain. For the experimental simulation five phases were designed by varying the environmental parameters and concrete surface concentration. At the end of each phase a chloride profile was obtained with the aim of assessing the influence of the parameters on chloride transport. The experimental results were then used to calibrate and validate a numerical model based on finite element theory developed by the research team from the Construction Materials Department in a previous work. In order to carry out model calibration chemical and microstructural data for the concretes was required, such as binding capacity and the diffusive and hygroscopic properties. The experimental results were compared with the numerical simulations and provided a good fit. With the objective of studying the influence of the degree of concrete saturation on chloride diffusion, an experimental programme was designed. This entailed four saturation degrees (50%, 60%, 80% and 100%) being established in several concrete samples. The samples were then exposed to ground sodium chloride. Once the time required was achieved, the chloride profiles and diffusion coefficients were obtained for each saturation degree. The results obtained from the experimental program revealed a positive influence of the mineral admixtures on the concretes. Their effects were reflected in the pore-network refinement and the increase of chloride binding capacity, together with the improvement of the mechanical properties of the concretes. Total porosity did not reveal any notable change, though the pore-size distribution showed a significant degree of change in the concretes with mineral admixtures, specifically the samples prepared through use of silica fume. The chloride diffusion and migration coefficient, as well as the electrical resistivity values, decreased significantly in the concretes with admixtures. In the water penetration under pressure test, the concretes with admixtures presented the lowest penetration depth. The results obtained in the experimental simulation allowed study of the main parameters involved during the chloride penetration processes in non-saturated concretes in the presence of chlorides. According to the results, the diffusion process was the transport mechanism that transferred the greatest amount of chlorides into the concrete samples. In addition, a chloride movement toward external zones of the concrete, caused by the washing of concrete surface and the drying processes, was identified. The washing occurred when the concrete surface came into contact with a low-chloride concentration solution which initiated the outward movement of chloride diffusion. The drying processes corresponded to a movement of pore solution launched by water evaporation from the outer layer. Furthermore, hygroscopic measurements made in the concrete allowed two areas with distinct behavioural patterns to be identified. The first one, located in the range of approximately 0-10mm, showed a greater degree of influence regarding the changes of the external conditions. The second, situated at depths greater than 10mm, displayed a low influence of external conditions. The main process in this area was diffusion. Study of the influence of the degree of concrete saturation on chloride diffusion showed a clear difference among the chloride diffusion coefficients obtained. For degrees of concrete saturation higher than 80%, chloride penetration by diffusion tends to be significant. However, in the case of extent of saturation of lower than 80%, the results revealed that the access zone through which chlorides can penetrate decreased considerably. For degrees of concrete saturation lower than 50%, the chloride diffusion coefficients were negligible.


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La presente tesis doctoral con título "Contribution to Active Multi-Beam Reconfigurable Antennas for L and S Bands" ha sido desarrollada por el investigador ingeniero de telecomunicación estudiante de doctorado Javier García-Gasco Trujillo en el Grupo de Radiación del Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones de la ETSI de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid bajo la dirección de los doctores Manuel Sierra Pérez y José Manuel Fernández González. Durante décadas, el desarrollo de antenas de apuntamiento electrónico ha estado limitado al área militar. Su alto coste y su gran complejidad eran los mayores obstáculos que frenaban la introducción de esta tecnología en aplicaciones comerciales de gran escala. La reciente aparición de componentes de estado sólido prácticos, fiables, y de bajo coste ha roto la barrera del coste y ha reducido la complejidad, haciendo que las antenas reconfigurables de apuntamiento electrónico sean una opción viable en un futuro cercano. De esta manera, las antenas phased array podrían llegar a ser la joya de la corona que permitan alcanzar los futuros retos presentes en los sistemas de comunicaciones tanto civiles como militares. Así pues, ahora es el momento de investigar en el desarrollo de antenas de apuntamiento electrónico de bajo coste, donde los nuevos componentes de estado sólido comerciales forman el núcleo duro de la arquitectura. De esta forma, el estudio e implementación de estos arrays de antenas activas de apuntamiento electrónico capaces de controlar la fase y amplitud de las distintas señales implicadas es uno de los grandes retos de nuestro tiempo. Esta tesis se enfrenta a este desafío, proponiendo novedosas redes de apuntamiento electrónico e innovadores módulos de transmisión/recepción (T/R) utilizando componentes de estado sólido de bajo coste, que podrán integrar asequibles antenas activas reconfigurables multihaz en bandas L y S. En la primera parte de la tesis se realiza una descripción del estado del arte de las antenas phased array, incluyendo su base teórica y sus ventajas competitivas. Debido a que las contribuciones obtenidas en la presente tesis han sido realizadas dentro de distintos proyectos de investigación, donde se han manejada antenas de simple/doble polarización circular y simple/doble banda de trabajo, se describen detenidamente los dos proyectos más relevantes de la investigación: el radar de basura espacial de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), Space Situational Awareness (SSA); y la estación base de seguimiento y control de satélites de órbita baja, GEOdesic Dome Array (GEODA). Sin lugar a dudas, los dispositivos desfasadores son uno de los componentes clave en el diseño de antenas phased arrays. Recientemente se ha observado una gran variación en el precio final de estos dispositivos, llegando en ocasiones a límites inasequibles. Así pues, se han propuesto distintas técnicas de conformación de haz alternativas a la utilización de componentes desfasadores comerciales: el desfasador de líneas conmutadas, la red de haz conmutado, y una novedosa red desfasadora divisora/combinadora de potencia. Para mostrar un uso práctico de las mismas, se ha propuesto el uso de las tres alternativas para el caso práctico del subarray de cinco elementos de la celda GEODA-SARAS. Tras dicho estudio se obtiene que la novedosa red desfasadora divisora/combinadora de potencia propuesta es la que mejor relación comportamiento/coste presenta. Para verificar su correcto funcionamiento se construye y mide los dos bloques principales de los que está compuesta la red total, comprobando que en efecto la red responde según lo esperado. La estructura más simple que permite realizar un barrido plano es el array triangular de tres elementos. Se ha realizado el diseño de una nueva red multihaz que es capaz de proporcionar tres haces ortogonales en un ángulo de elevación _0 y un haz adicional en la dirección broadside utilizando el mencionado array triangular de tres elementos como antena. En primer lugar se realizar una breve introducción al estado del arte de las redes clásicas multihaz. Así mismo se comentan innovadores diseños de redes multihaz sin pérdidas. El estudio da paso a las redes disipativas, de tal forma que se analiza su base matemática y se muestran distintas aplicaciones en arrays triangulares de tres elementos. Finalmente, la novedosa red básica propuesta se presenta, mostrando simulaciones y medidas de la misma para el caso prácticoo de GEODA. También se ha diseñado, construido y medido una red compuesta por dos redes básicas complementarias capaz de proporcionar seis haces cuasi-ortogonales en una dirección _0 con dos haces superpuestos en broadside. La red propuesta queda totalmente validada con la fabricación y medida de estos con prototipos. Las cadenas de RF de los módulos T/R de la nueva antena GEODA-SARAS no son algo trivial. Con el fin de mostrar el desarrollo de una cadena compleja con una gran densidad de componentes de estado sólido, se presenta una descripción detallada de los distintos componentes que integran las cadenas de RF tanto en transmisión como en recepción de la nueva antena GEODA-SARAS. Tras presentar las especificaciones de la antena GEODA-SARA y su diagrama de bloques esquemático se describen los dos bloques principales de las cadenas de RF: la celda de cinco elementos, y el módulo de conversión de panel. De la misma manera también se presentará el módulo de calibración integrado dentro de los dos bloques principales. Para comprobar que el funcionamiento esperado de la placa es el adecuado, se realizará un análisis que tratará entre otros datos: la potencia máxima en la entrada del transmisor (comprobando la saturación de la cadena), señal de recepción mínima y máxima (verificando el rango de sensibilidad requerido), y el factor G/T (cumpliendo la especificación necesaria). Así mismo se mostrará un breve estudio del efecto de la cuantificación de la fase en el conformado de haz de RF. Los estudios muestran que la composición de las cadenas de RF permite el cumplimiento de las especificaciones necesarias. Finalmente la tesis muestra las conclusiones globales del trabajo realizado y las líneas futuras a seguir para continuar con esta línea de investigación. ABSTRACT This PhD thesis named "Contribution to Active Multi-Beam Reconfigurable Antennas for L and S Bands", has been written by the Electrical Engineer MSc. researcher Javier García-Gasco Trujillo in the Grupo de Radiación of the Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones from the ETSI de Telecomunicación of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. For decades, the implementation of electronically steerable phased array antennas was confined to the military area. Their high cost and complexity were the major obstacles to introduce this technology in large scale commercial applications. The recent emergence of new practical, low-cost, and highly reliable solid state devices; breaks the barrier of cost and reduces the complexity, making active phased arrays a viable future option. Thus, phased array antennas could be the crown jewel that allow to meet the future challenges in military and civilian communication systems. Now is time to deploy low-cost phased array antennas, where newly commercial components form the core of the architecture. Therefore, the study and implementation of these novel low-cost and highly efficient solid state phased array blocks capable of controlling signal phase/amplitude accurately is one of the great challenges of our time. This thesis faces this challenge, proposing innovative electronic beam steering networks and transmitter/ receiver (T/R) modules using affordable solid state components, which could integrate fair reconfigurable phased array antennas working in L and S bands. In the first part of the thesis, a description of the state of art of phased array antennas, including their fundamentals and their competitive advantages, is presented. Since thesis contributions have been carried out for different research projects, where antennas with single/double circular polarization and single/double working frequency bands have been examined, frameworks of the two more important projects are detailed: the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) programme from the European Space Agency (ESA), and the GEOdesic Dome Array (GEODA) project from ISDEFE-INSA and the ESA. Undoubtedly, phase shifter devices are one of the key components of phased array antennas. Recent years have witnessed wide fluctuations in commercial phase shifter prices, which sometimes led to unaffordable limit. Several RF steering technique alternatives to the commercial phase shifters are proposed, summarized, and compared: the switched line phase shifter, the switched-beam network, and the novel phase shifter power splitter/combiner network. In order to show a practical use of the three different techniques, the five element GEODA-SARAS subarray is proposed as a real case of study. Finally, a practical study of a newly phase shifter power splitter/combiner network for a subarray of five radiating elements with triangular distribution is shown. Measurements of the two different phase shifter power splitter/combiner prototypes integrating the whole network are also depicted, demonstrating their proper performance. A triangular cell of three radiating elements is the simplest way to obtain a planar scanner. A new multibeam network configuration that provides three orthogonal beams in a desired _0 elevation angle and an extra one in the broadside steering direction for a triangular array of three radiating elements is introduced. Firstly, a short introduction to the state of art of classical multi-beam networks is presented. Lossless network analysis, including original lossless network designs, are also commented. General dissipative network theory as well as applications for array antennas of three radiating elements are depicted. The proposed final basic multi-beam network are simulated, built and measured to the GEODA cell practical case. A combined network that provides six orthogonal beams in a desired _0 elevation angle and a double seventh one in the broadside direction by using two complementary proposed basic networks will be shown. Measurements of the whole system will be also depicted, verifying the expected behavior. GEODA-SARAS T/R module RF chains are not a trivial design. A thorough description of all the components compounding GEODA-SARAS T/R module RF chains is presented. After presenting the general specifications of the GEODA-SARAS antenna and its block diagrams; two main blocks of the RF chains, the five element cell and the panel conversion module, are depicted and analyzed. Calibration module integrated within the two main blocks are also depicted. Signal flow throw the system analyzing critical situations such as maximum transmitted power (testing the chain unsaturation), minimum and maximum receiving signal (verifying sensitivity range), maximum receiver interference signals (assuring a proper reception), and G/T factor (fulfilling the technical specification) are evaluated. Phase quantization error effects are also listed. Finally, the manuscript contains the conclusions drawn of the present research and the future work.


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Esta tesis estudia la evolución estructural de conjuntos de neuronas como la capacidad de auto-organización desde conjuntos de neuronas separadas hasta que forman una red (clusterizada) compleja. Esta tesis contribuye con el diseño e implementación de un algoritmo no supervisado de segmentación basado en grafos con un coste computacional muy bajo. Este algoritmo proporciona de forma automática la estructura completa de la red a partir de imágenes de cultivos neuronales tomadas con microscopios de fase con una resolución muy alta. La estructura de la red es representada mediante un objeto matemático (matriz) cuyos nodos representan a las neuronas o grupos de neuronas y los enlaces son las conexiones reconstruidas entre ellos. Este algoritmo extrae también otras medidas morfológicas importantes que caracterizan a las neuronas y a las neuritas. A diferencia de otros algoritmos hasta el momento, que necesitan de fluorescencia y técnicas inmunocitoquímicas, el algoritmo propuesto permite el estudio longitudinal de forma no invasiva posibilitando el estudio durante la formación de un cultivo. Además, esta tesis, estudia de forma sistemática un grupo de variables topológicas que garantizan la posibilidad de cuantificar e investigar la progresión de las características principales durante el proceso de auto-organización del cultivo. Nuestros resultados muestran la existencia de un estado concreto correspondiente a redes con configuracin small-world y la emergencia de propiedades a micro- y meso-escala de la estructura de la red. Finalmente, identificamos los procesos físicos principales que guían las transformaciones morfológicas de los cultivos y proponemos un modelo de crecimiento de red que reproduce el comportamiento cuantitativamente de las observaciones experimentales. ABSTRACT The thesis analyzes the morphological evolution of assemblies of living neurons, as they self-organize from collections of separated cells into elaborated, clustered, networks. In particular, it contributes with the design and implementation of a graph-based unsupervised segmentation algorithm, having an associated very low computational cost. The processing automatically retrieves the whole network structure from large scale phase-contrast images taken at high resolution throughout the entire life of a cultured neuronal network. The network structure is represented by a mathematical object (a matrix) in which nodes are identified neurons or neurons clusters, and links are the reconstructed connections between them. The algorithm is also able to extract any other relevant morphological information characterizing neurons and neurites. More importantly, and at variance with other segmentation methods that require fluorescence imaging from immunocyto- chemistry techniques, our measures are non invasive and entitle us to carry out a fully longitudinal analysis during the maturation of a single culture. In turn, a systematic statistical analysis of a group of topological observables grants us the possibility of quantifying and tracking the progression of the main networks characteristics during the self-organization process of the culture. Our results point to the existence of a particular state corresponding to a small-world network configuration, in which several relevant graphs micro- and meso-scale properties emerge. Finally, we identify the main physical processes taking place during the cultures morphological transformations, and embed them into a simplified growth model that quantitatively reproduces the overall set of experimental observations.


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Esta tesis estudia la evolución estructural de conjuntos de neuronas como la capacidad de auto-organización desde conjuntos de neuronas separadas hasta que forman una red (clusterizada) compleja. Esta tesis contribuye con el diseño e implementación de un algoritmo no supervisado de segmentación basado en grafos con un coste computacional muy bajo. Este algoritmo proporciona de forma automática la estructura completa de la red a partir de imágenes de cultivos neuronales tomadas con microscopios de fase con una resolución muy alta. La estructura de la red es representada mediante un objeto matemático (matriz) cuyos nodos representan a las neuronas o grupos de neuronas y los enlaces son las conexiones reconstruidas entre ellos. Este algoritmo extrae también otras medidas morfológicas importantes que caracterizan a las neuronas y a las neuritas. A diferencia de otros algoritmos hasta el momento, que necesitan de fluorescencia y técnicas inmunocitoquímicas, el algoritmo propuesto permite el estudio longitudinal de forma no invasiva posibilitando el estudio durante la formación de un cultivo. Además, esta tesis, estudia de forma sistemática un grupo de variables topológicas que garantizan la posibilidad de cuantificar e investigar la progresión de las características principales durante el proceso de auto-organización del cultivo. Nuestros resultados muestran la existencia de un estado concreto correspondiente a redes con configuracin small-world y la emergencia de propiedades a micro- y meso-escala de la estructura de la red. Finalmente, identificamos los procesos físicos principales que guían las transformaciones morfológicas de los cultivos y proponemos un modelo de crecimiento de red que reproduce el comportamiento cuantitativamente de las observaciones experimentales. ABSTRACT The thesis analyzes the morphological evolution of assemblies of living neurons, as they self-organize from collections of separated cells into elaborated, clustered, networks. In particular, it contributes with the design and implementation of a graph-based unsupervised segmentation algorithm, having an associated very low computational cost. The processing automatically retrieves the whole network structure from large scale phase-contrast images taken at high resolution throughout the entire life of a cultured neuronal network. The network structure is represented by a mathematical object (a matrix) in which nodes are identified neurons or neurons clusters, and links are the reconstructed connections between them. The algorithm is also able to extract any other relevant morphological information characterizing neurons and neurites. More importantly, and at variance with other segmentation methods that require fluorescence imaging from immunocyto- chemistry techniques, our measures are non invasive and entitle us to carry out a fully longitudinal analysis during the maturation of a single culture. In turn, a systematic statistical analysis of a group of topological observables grants us the possibility of quantifying and tracking the progression of the main networks characteristics during the self-organization process of the culture. Our results point to the existence of a particular state corresponding to a small-world network configuration, in which several relevant graphs micro- and meso-scale properties emerge. Finally, we identify the main physical processes taking place during the cultures morphological transformations, and embed them into a simplified growth model that quantitatively reproduces the overall set of experimental observations.


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The Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp hereby presents the results of two pilot distance learning training programmes, developed under the umbrella of the AFRICA BUILD project (FP7). The two courses focused on evidence-based medicine (EBM): with the aim of enhancing research and education, via novel approaches and to identify research needs emanating from the field. These pilot experiences, which were run both in English-speaking (Ghana), and French-speaking (Mali and Cameroon) partner institutions, produced targeted courses for the strengthening of research methodology and policy. The courses and related study materials are in the public domain and available through the AFRICA BUILD Portal (http://www.africabuild.eu/taxonomy/term/37); the training modules were delivered live via Dudal webcasts. This paper assesses the success and difficulties of transferring EBM skills with these two specific training programmes, offered through three different approaches: fully online facultative courses, fully online tutor supported courses or through a blended approach with both online and face-to-face sessions. Key factors affecting the selection of participants, the accessibility of the courses, how the learning resources are offered, and how interactive online communities are formed, are evaluated and discussed.


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With the final goal of integrating III-V materials on silicon substrates for tandem solar cells, the influence of the Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) environment on the minority carrier properties of silicon wafers has been evaluated. These properties will essentially determine the photovoltaic performance of the bottom cell in a III-V-on-Si tandem solar cell. A comparison of the base minority carrier lifetimes obtained for different thermal processes carried out in a MOVPE reactor on Czochralski silicon wafers has been carried out. An important degradation of minority carrier lifetime during the surface preparation (i.e. H2 anneal) has been observed. Three different mechanisms have been proposed for explaining this behavior: 1) the introduction of extrinsic impurities coming from the reactor; 2) the activation of intrinsic lifetime killing impurities coming from the wafer itself; and finally, 3) the formation of crystal defects, which eventually become recombination centers. The effect of the emitter formation by phosphorus diffusion has also been evaluated. In this sense, it has been reported that lifetime can be recovered during the emitter formation either by the effect of the P on extracting impurities, or by the role of the atomic hydrogen on passivating the defects.


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En los últimos años, el Ge ha ganado de nuevo atención con la finalidad de ser integrado en el seno de las existentes tecnologías de microelectrónica. Aunque no se le considera como un canddato capaz de reemplazar completamente al Si en el futuro próximo, probalemente servirá como un excelente complemento para aumentar las propiedades eléctricas en dispositivos futuros, especialmente debido a su alta movilidad de portadores. Esta integración requiere de un avance significativo del estado del arte en los procesos de fabricado. Técnicas de simulación, como los algoritmos de Monte Carlo cinético (KMC), proporcionan un ambiente atractivo para llevar a cabo investigación y desarrollo en este campo, especialmente en términos de costes en tiempo y financiación. En este estudio se han usado, por primera vez, técnicas de KMC con el fin entender el procesado “front-end” de Ge en su fabricación, específicamente la acumulación de dañado y amorfización producidas por implantación iónica y el crecimiento epitaxial en fase sólida (SPER) de las capas amorfizadas. Primero, simulaciones de aproximación de clisiones binarias (BCA) son usadas para calcular el dañado causado por cada ión. La evolución de este dañado en el tiempo se simula usando KMC sin red, o de objetos (OKMC) en el que sólamente se consideran los defectos. El SPER se simula a través de una aproximación KMC de red (LKMC), siendo capaz de seguir la evolución de los átomos de la red que forman la intercara amorfo/cristalina. Con el modelo de amorfización desarrollado a lo largo de este trabajo, implementado en un simulador multi-material, se pueden simular todos estos procesos. Ha sido posible entender la acumulación de dañado, desde la generación de defectos puntuales hasta la formación completa de capas amorfas. Esta acumulación ocurre en tres regímenes bien diferenciados, empezando con un ritmo lento de formación de regiones de dañado, seguido por una rápida relajación local de ciertas áreas en la fase amorfa donde ambas fases, amorfa y cristalina, coexisten, para terminar en la amorfización completa de capas extensas, donde satura el ritmo de acumulación. Dicha transición ocurre cuando la concentración de dañado supera cierto valor límite, el cual es independiente de las condiciones de implantación. Cuando se implantan los iones a temperaturas relativamente altas, el recocido dinámico cura el dañado previamente introducido y se establece una competición entre la generación de dañado y su disolución. Estos efectos se vuelven especialmente importantes para iones ligeros, como el B, el cual crea dañado más diluido, pequeño y distribuido de manera diferente que el causado por la implantación de iones más pesados, como el Ge. Esta descripción reproduce satisfactoriamente la cantidad de dañado y la extensión de las capas amorfas causadas por implantación iónica reportadas en la bibliografía. La velocidad de recristalización de la muestra previamente amorfizada depende fuertemente de la orientación del sustrato. El modelo LKMC presentado ha sido capaz de explicar estas diferencias entre orientaciones a través de un simple modelo, dominado por una única energía de activación y diferentes prefactores en las frecuencias de SPER dependiendo de las configuraciones de vecinos de los átomos que recristalizan. La formación de maclas aparece como una consecuencia de esta descripción, y es predominante en sustratos crecidos en la orientación (111)Ge. Este modelo es capaz de reproducir resultados experimentales para diferentes orientaciones, temperaturas y tiempos de evolución de la intercara amorfo/cristalina reportados por diferentes autores. Las parametrizaciones preliminares realizadas de los tensores de activación de tensiones son también capaces de proveer una buena correlación entre las simulaciones y los resultados experimentales de velocidad de SPER a diferentes temperaturas bajo una presión hidrostática aplicada. Los estudios presentados en esta tesis han ayudado a alcanzar un mejor entendimiento de los mecanismos de producción de dañado, su evolución, amorfización y SPER para Ge, además de servir como una útil herramienta para continuar el trabajo en este campo. In the recent years, Ge has regained attention to be integrated into existing microelectronic technologies. Even though it is not thought to be a feasible full replacement to Si in the near future, it will likely serve as an excellent complement to enhance electrical properties in future devices, specially due to its high carrier mobilities. This integration requires a significant upgrade of the state-of-the-art of regular manufacturing processes. Simulation techniques, such as kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) algorithms, provide an appealing environment to research and innovation in the field, specially in terms of time and funding costs. In the present study, KMC techniques are used, for the first time, to understand Ge front-end processing, specifically damage accumulation and amorphization produced by ion implantation and Solid Phase Epitaxial Regrowth (SPER) of the amorphized layers. First, Binary Collision Approximation (BCA) simulations are used to calculate the damage caused by every ion. The evolution of this damage over time is simulated using non-lattice, or Object, KMC (OKMC) in which only defects are considered. SPER is simulated through a Lattice KMC (LKMC) approach, being able to follow the evolution of the lattice atoms forming the amorphous/crystalline interface. With the amorphization model developed in this work, implemented into a multi-material process simulator, all these processes can be simulated. It has been possible to understand damage accumulation, from point defect generation up to full amorphous layers formation. This accumulation occurs in three differentiated regimes, starting at a slow formation rate of the damage regions, followed by a fast local relaxation of areas into the amorphous phase where both crystalline and amorphous phases coexist, ending in full amorphization of extended layers, where the accumulation rate saturates. This transition occurs when the damage concentration overcomes a certain threshold value, which is independent of the implantation conditions. When implanting ions at relatively high temperatures, dynamic annealing takes place, healing the previously induced damage and establishing a competition between damage generation and its dissolution. These effects become specially important for light ions, as B, for which the created damage is more diluted, smaller and differently distributed than that caused by implanting heavier ions, as Ge. This description successfully reproduces damage quantity and extension of amorphous layers caused by means of ion implantation reported in the literature. Recrystallization velocity of the previously amorphized sample strongly depends on the substrate orientation. The presented LKMC model has been able to explain these differences between orientations through a simple model, dominated by one only activation energy and different prefactors for the SPER rates depending on the neighboring configuration of the recrystallizing atoms. Twin defects formation appears as a consequence of this description, and are predominant for (111)Ge oriented grown substrates. This model is able to reproduce experimental results for different orientations, temperatures and times of evolution of the amorphous/crystalline interface reported by different authors. Preliminary parameterizations for the activation strain tensors are able to also provide a good match between simulations and reported experimental results for SPER velocities at different temperatures under the appliance of hydrostatic pressure. The studies presented in this thesis have helped to achieve a greater understanding of damage generation, evolution, amorphization and SPER mechanisms in Ge, and also provide a useful tool to continue research in this field.