998 resultados para Terapia Recuperativa
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR
Objetivo: Analisar os desfechos aumento/diminuição da pressão intracraniana e/ou queda da pressão de perfusão cerebral, proporcionados pela fisioterapia respiratória em pacientes graves assistidos em unidade de terapia intensiva. Métodos: Por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura, foram selecionados ensaios clínicos publicados entre 2002 e 2012. A busca envolveu as bases de dados LILACS, SciELO, MedLine e PEDro, usando os descritores physical therapy, physiotherapy, respiratory therapy e randomized controlled trials em cruzamento com o descritor intracranial pressure. Resultados: Foram incluídos 5 estudos, que somaram 164 pacientes, com média de idade entre 25 e 65 anos, e que indicaram que as manobras de fisioterapia respiratória aumentaram significativamente a pressão intracraniana, sem alterar a pressão de perfusão cerebral. Os artigos abordaram as técnicas de vibração, vibrocompressão, tapotagem, drenagem postural, além da manobra de aspiração intratraqueal. Todos os pacientes estavam sob ventilação mecânica invasiva. Conclusão: A fisioterapia respiratória promove aumento da pressão intracraniana. Os estudos sugerem que não há repercussões hemodinâmicas e respiratórias a curto prazo ou alteração da pressão de perfusão cerebral. Entretanto, não há estudos que avaliem desfechos clínicos e que assegurem a segurança das manobras.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Low back pain is a common disease in several industrialized countries, being a public health and incapacity problem, especially among economically active people. This study aimed at grouping and updating knowledge about motor control exercises for low back pain. CONTENTS: Cochrane, Medline (Pubmed) and PEDro databases were queried in the period from 2000 to 2010, using the keywords low back pain, stabilization, multifidus, transversus, exercise and training. Six randomized clinical trials were found, which have shown that such exercises may be indicated for acute low back pain to prevent recurrences, in addition to their indication to decrease chronic low back pain and incapacity. CONCLUSION: Motor control exercises do not improve pain and incapacity in acute cases, but are effective for chronic cases to relieve pain, decrease incapacities and improve quality of life.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The main feature of pulmonary emphysema is airflow obstruction resulting from the destruction of the alveolar walls distal to the terminal bronchioles. Existing clinical approaches have improved and extended the quality of life of emphysema patients. However, no treatment currently exists that can change the disease course and cure the patient. The different therapeutic approaches that are available aim to increase survival and/or enhance the quality of life of emphysema patients. In this context, cell therapy is a promising therapeutic approach with great potential for degenerative pulmonary diseases. In this protocol proposition, all patients will be submitted to laboratory tests, such as evaluation of heart and lung function and routine examinations. Stem cells will be harvested by means of 10 punctures on each anterior iliac crest, collecting a total volume of 200 mL bone marrow. After preparation, separation, counting and labeling (optional) of the mononuclear cells, the patients will receive an intravenous infusion from the pool of Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells (BMMC). This article proposes a rational and safe clinical cellular therapy protocol which has the potential for developing new projects and can serve as a methodological reference for formulating clinical application protocols related to the use of cellular therapy in COPD. This study protocol was submitted and approved by the Brazilian National Committee of Ethics in Research (CONEP - Brazil) registration number 14764. It is also registered in ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01110252). (c) 2013 Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Unilateral Neglect Syndrome is one of the consequences of cerebral vascular accident (CVA) generally following right parietal lobe lesion, leading to the impairment of perceptive visual, spatial and attention functions. The patient affected does not realize the environmental stimuli on the contralesional hemibody. Occupational therapy plays an important role in caring for this patient, seeking the recovery of perception, attention and social engagement. This study aimed to describe and evaluate the results of occupational therapy intervention and treatment in a single Unilateral Neglect Syndrome post CVA patient. Data were obtained from a survey of the patient’s medical records and interviews of his therapist and caretaker. The analysis of the patient’s medical records and his therapist’s report showed that the patient responded satisfactorily to treatment, presenting a decrease of the left unilateral neglect at the end of the study period. The favorable outcome of the patient outlined the relevance of evaluating the effects of Occupational Therapy interventions for clinical unilateral neglect syndrome.
The way one conceives disabled people seems to influence the actions directed toward them. Occupational therapists constitute a part of health professionals that direct their actions based on a comprehensive view of disability. The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the conception of disability from the standpoint of occupational therapists. Fifteen university teachers of Occupational Therapy undergraduate courses participated in this study: seven from public universities and eight from private institutions, located in mid-sized municipalities in the state of São Paulo. The data were collected by means of a scale denominated “Escala de Avaliação da Concepção de Deficiência” (Rating Scale for Conception of Disability). The results show that the subjects tend to follow interactional, social conceptions of disability. This study yields contributions to understand the conception of disability held by teachers of Occupational Therapy. This conception certainly guides their teaching performance and affects the training of future professionals.
The inclusive school consists of a school that thoroughly attends the diversity and, therefore, students with special educational needs, including the ones with physical dysfunction. The objective of this study was to identify the difficulties of a teacher in the process of school inclusion of the student with physical dysfunction in order to adapt learning resources, having adequate school furniture and to guide the teacher in specific situations. A teacher of early childhood education participated in this study. For data collection two half-structuralized interviews were used. The first obtained information concerning the teacher’s difficulties due to the motor aspects of the student with difficulty to access the curriculum. The second interview gathered information about the teacher’s perception of the partnership between the occupational therapist and the teacher in the perspective of the inclusive education. The data analysis of the first interview and the student case-study allowed elaborating occupational therapy strategies to minimize these difficulties.After elaborating the strategies, a second interview was performed. The data of this interview showed that based on the analysis and adequacy of the interaction between a person’s functional demands, the task and the environment, make it possible for the student to overcome satisfactorily the inherent challenges of the educational context, and detached the importance of the partnership of the teacher and occupational therapist in the whole process. It concludes that the pupil incapacity would not have manifested if there was an adequate environment to receive him.
A Política Nacional de Atenção Oncológica almeja o acesso e atendimento integral além de uma maior efetividade e efi ciência no controle do câncer. Assim, diversas ações, serviços e profi ssionais são exigidos para dar a assistência necessária. A respeito da atuação da Terapia Ocupacional, nota-se que a profi ssão não é especifi cada, e não tem a atuação regulamentada. Sendo assim, o objetivo principal do presente estudo foi identifi car a inserção, atuação e ampliação do campo de trabalho da Terapia Ocupacional no Estado de São Paulo para a área oncológica em contexto hospitalar, tomando por base as Políticas Públicas de Atenção Oncológica. Visou também identifi car os Centros de Assistência de Alta Complexidade em Oncologia do Estado de São Paulo que possuem o terapeuta ocupacional como parte da equipe. Para tanto, foi realizada: identifi cação dos Centros de Alta Complexidade em Oncologia do Estado de São Paulo cadastrados no Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde, por meio de dados fornecidos pelo INCA e do site ofi cial do Ministério da Saúde; mapeamento da inserção do terapeuta ocupacional nesses locais e aplicação de questionário aos profi ssionais, para caracterizar os serviços e ações desenvolvidas pela Terapia Ocupacional em oncologia. O estudo do tipo qualitativo descritivo constatou a existência de diferentes possibilidades assistenciais em oncologia, tendo em vista as demandas e organização dos hospitais. Quanto à inserção e ampliação do campo de trabalho, verifi cou-se que nem todos os CACONs contam com os serviços e ações da Terapia Ocupacional, o que sugere que ainda não há efetivamente a incorporação desse profi ssional nas equipes multiprofi ssionais desses centros.
Individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) often have signs and symptoms such as intra-articular pain, muscle spasm, neck pain radiating from others who interfere with this balance. Over time can lead to postural changes and correction of the cervical spine, anterior head and shoulder asymmetry. The aim was to verify the effects of manual therapy on posture in subjects with TMD. Materials and methods: 30 volunteers (mean: 21.43± SD:1.43) of both sexes who had TMD classified according to axis I of the Research Diagnostic Criteria participated in this study. These were photographed in the anterior frontal and sagittal planes for analysis of the following angles (acromion clavicular joint, sternoclavicular joint, orbicular external, corners of the mouthand and protruding head). After, the volunteers were divided into groups ATM (manual therapy in the treatment of temporomandibular joint), Cervical (manual therapy in the treatment of cervical joint) and Control. The Kolmogokov-Smirnov test, followed by ANOVA, considering a significance level of 5% was used. Results: Groups ATM, Cervical and Control were considered homogeneous with respect to the values of the angles measured. These also showed no significant difference between the 1st, 5th and 10th sessions, so the manual therapy techniques applied to the TMJ and Cervical groups were not sufficient to change postural alignment. Conclusion: The postural alignment, the TMD patients evaluated in this study did not change after attending the sessions proposals with manual therapy techniques in the cervical and TMJ.