986 resultados para Teaching objective


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The purpose of this paper is to show the perceptions of the academic staff of classical languages (ancient Greek and Latin) concerning use of online activities during their courses. The study was carried out in three countries: Greece (three major Universities), Spain (University of Barcelona) and the United States (University of California, Berkeley) with the participation of thirty-three academic instructors. Depending on the level of use and acceptance of the ICT and following G. Moore¿s classification, we separated the participating academics in three groups: the conservatives, the mainstream and the early adopters. The fact that the smallest group is the third clearly shows the necessity for teachers¿ preparation and training before introducing innovative projects in the classroom. Since the starting point for the application of innovation in the classroom is the teacher, policy makers should focus on helping them become conscious of changes in teaching methods and include their opinion during the design of innovative projects.


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El auténtico protagonismo de los centros educativostiene que dirigirse a ayudar a pensar a sus alumnos y aenseñarlos a aprender, es decir, el docente tiene queenseñar estrategias de aprendizaje y debe promover elesfuerzo del estudiante para facilitar la construcción deesquemas y el aprendizaje permanente.El profesor debe utilizar cualquier situación deaprendizaje para enseñar dichas estrategias deaprendizaje, incluso en las situaciones de evaluación;por lo tanto, en este trabajo se sugiere que en lasevaluaciones de los alumnos y alumnas se tenga encuenta la metacognición como factor fundamental en elaprendizaje y la enseñanza


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The objective of teaching the abilities of the thought one would not have to consider as something opposed to teach the conventional content but as a complement of this. People frequently reason from an inferior to the good one; therefore, they are important to develop methods that allow to improve the thought abilities. The authentic protagonism of the school has to go to help to think the person and to teach to learn. The teacher has to teach learning strategies and it should promote the student’s effort to propitiate the construction of outlines and to facilitate the permanent learning. Finally, one of the current and future high-priority areas in investigation is that of the interventions in strategies metacognitives, their impact in the development cognitive of the students and the transfer and the duration of their effects in the learning


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The present article comes from a doctoral thesis that turns on digital learner portfolio, which is an innovating methodology from the perspective of European Higher Education Area. First, the educative concept of eportfolio is described in the sense of its procedure and its structure, by means of the technological support of a platform of virtual campus. Second, it is shown the pedagogical model of an eportfolio that adapts subjects with an instrumental character to one organization based on tasks and reflections. This design of virtual learning environment is based on a teaching- learning methodology sustained in the activity of the student, which tries to give support to the management of his or her own process of learning and assessment. Finally, the article illustrates the experience of implementation of the first digital learner portfolios in the University of Barcelona and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, with the objective of reflecting about the pedagogical consequences that this assessment model with technological support has in a traditional higher education institution.


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El objetivo principal de este trabajo es determinar si las comunidades virtuales de práctica son un espacio adecuado para la autoformación de los docentes. Con este fin, primero se especifican algunos conceptos clave que ayuden a contextualizar el tema de la formación; en segundo lugar se recogen los rasgos que se consideran hoy necesarios para llevar a cabo la labor docente, dibujándose así el perfil “ideal” del profesor en el contexto actual desde distintos ángulos de vista; y por último, se narran algunas experiencias personales en las redes sociales para ilustrar el funcionamiento de este nuevo paradigma social.


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In 2009 the University of Girona (Spain) created four interest groups on teaching innovation. The objective of the project is that lecturers with an interest in teaching innovation can exchange their points of view and learn from one another, so University teaching is improved as a result. There are four such groups: “Problem based learning (ABP)”, “Cooperative learning”, “Evaluation”, and “Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Teaching”. The coordinators of the groups or networks, as they are also called, are chosen on a free basis by its members. This paper presents their point of view as regards the current activity of encouragement of interest in higher education and they elaborate on the main difficulties involved. The implications of the interdisciplinary work are explored, as well as the challenges of an initiative of this kind. The evolution of the ongoing work is reviewed, taking into account the context of a changing University, the lack of previous experience regarding projects of this kind, the asynchronous communication among the participants, and the necessity of a flexible approach in organizational matters


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Ethical problems occurring during the practical training period of Finnish nursing students The present study focused on nursing students adopting the professional code of conduct during their supervised practical training. The study was carried out in two phases. During the first phase, the objective was to survey ethical problems occurring in practical training as well as how these problems are detected and resolved by nursing students and their supervisors at different stages of their studies. In the second phase, the capability of the nursing students about to graduate to detect and resolve ethical problems was described and analyzed. The students’ capacity for self-instruction, independent search for information as well as factors related to teaching of ethics were determined within this phase. Further, an extensive literature review was carried out to complement the study. Thus, the main objective of the thesis was to make suggestions for the development of the teaching of ethics and supervision in nursing studies and in practice. In the first part of the empirical phase (2002–2005), the views of the nursing students (n =18) were clarified with themed open essay questions. Furthermore, the views of the supervising nurses (n = 115) were established by utilizing a series of themed questions and group interviews. During the second phase (2006–2007), the data for the analyses were collected from nursing students in their graduating stage (n = 319) by a national Internet-based questionnaire. The results of the first phase were examined with contentanalysis and those of the second phase both statistically and by using content analysis. Ethical problems occurring during supervised practical training were typically connected to a patient or a client, a member of the nursing staff or to a student, while solutions were connected to preparation and the action to solve the problem in question. Ethical dilemmas were classified as legal, ethical comportment and uncertainty problems as well as personal and institutional ones. The solutions for these problems were further grouped as based on facts, instructor/staff/member/specialist or patient/client/relative. The results showed that although the nursing students about to graduate had detected many ethical problems both independently as well as together with the nursing staff during every practical training period, they were able to resolve only few of them. Ethical problems were most frequently encountered during training in psychiatric nursing. On the grounds of their own impressions, the nursing students stated that their ability to detect and solve ethical problems improved during their training period. The primary factors related to this enhancement of their skills were teaching and the students’ readiness for selfinstruction. Gender, orientation of the studies and age were observed to be the most important among the underlying factors influencing the capability to detect and solve ethical problems as well as to engage in self-instruction. Based on the results obtained, suggestions for development as well as topics for further studies are presented through teaching of professional ethics and supervision during practical training.


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The implementation of the subject Pharmacology and Toxicology in R+D+i in the Pharmacy Degree, has led to the launch of a new methodological approach and teaching performance with the aim of developing the generic skills of the University of Barcelona (e.g., self-learning, team-working). An additional objective was students' integration of knowledge from different subjects in the degree which form the basis of the preclinical and clinical development of a drug. For this purpose, the teaching strategy used in the development of the subject was based on: 1) re-developing the content that students had been taught previously or were being taught in the same semester as a part of other subjects, and framing them in the environment of the pharmaceutical industry, 2) introducing new and previously unseen contents to do with drug development and toxicology, 3) developing a battery of activities to be undertaken by teams of students relating to the R+D+i of a particular drug. During the development of these activities, students have to acquire generic skills in addition to the subject-specific skills. The results obtained from the student survey give us grounds for satisfaction and allow us to consider that we have reached the goal of improving students' learning in Pharmacology and Toxicology applied to drug development in the pharmaceutical world today.


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This article suggests the study of the key concept of conflict as a means of implementing a critical and communicativecurriculum based on the study of relevant social themes. To this end we put forward the principal characteristics of thecritical/communicative curriculum. We offer a didactic proposal about conflict and explain the results of its application intwo Secondary Education classrooms


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In this article we look at some of the questions related to the learning of how to live together so that we may then look more closely at the relative aspects of the learning of language. We insist on the importance of the not strictly linguistic aspects associated to the incorporation of children from immigrant families to the schools. From this point of view we underline the heterogeneous nature of the situation in which these children find themselves (in function with the social and professional situation of the family, of having been born here or not, and of having or not previous school experience in the community of origin etc). We also look at the necessary eradication of stereo types in the treating of this problem. We then discuss some strategies where there can be joint collaboration in the school for attaining these objectives


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This article aims to investigate pre-school mathematics teaching from an uptodate perspective. To pursue this contemporary vision we focus on four key questions: what kind of maths is being worked on, who is doing it, how it is being done, and why it is being done


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Sport is a fundamental content in the teaching and learning of Physical Education independently of whether it is seen assuch by some authors. In whichever case according to the treatment that we give it, it will have sufficient educationalpotential without forgetting that it is the student who is the important figure in the process. To achieve the objectives wemust facilitate practices that are in agreement with the indispensable ethical principles to try to bring about a meaningfuland functional learning. The methodological criteria that we present in this article have this intention helped by examplesthat make it easier to understand the teaching learning process


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Business games have become a popular choice of pedagogical technique for teaching in higher education. The objective of a business game is to offer students the opportunity to learn by doing, engaging them in a simulated experience of the real-world. This paper discusses how a business game has been played by undergraduate chemistry students in a Quality Management course. The responses from the teaching evaluation questionnaires revealed that they not only improved their quality management practices, but also enjoyed working in teams. The level of participation by students was good and the classroom activities provided a meaningful learning experience.


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The objective of this manuscript is to describe a practical experiment that can be employed for teaching concepts related to design of experiments using Matlab or Octave computing environment to beginners, undergraduate and graduate students. The classical experiment for determination of Fe (II) using o-phenanthroline was selected because it is easy to understand, and all the required materials are readily available in most analytical laboratories. The approach used in this tutorial is divided in two steps: first, the students are introduced to the concept of multivariate effects, how to calculate and interpret them, and the construction and evaluation of a linear model to describe the experimental domain by using a 2³ factorial design. Second, an extension of the factorial design by adding axial points is described, thereby, providing a central composite design. The quadratic model is then introduced and used to build the response surface.