1000 resultados para Tabanus pseudonebulosus sp. n.
A new species of South American lymnaeid snail, Lymnaea rupestris, is described. So far it has been found only in its type-locality, Nova TeuTõnia, a village in the municipality of Seara (27° 07' S, 52° 17' W), state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. It is distinguishable, by characteristics of the shell and internal organs, from the other two lymnaeid species known to occur in the area, Lymnaea columella and L. viatrix. Its shell has 4 markedly shouldered whorls, deep suture, ovoid or rounded aperture occupying about half the length of the shell, and reaches about 6 mm in length in adults; in columella and viatrix the shell has 4-5 rounded whorls, shallow suture, and reaches over 10 mm in adults; the aperture is ovoid, occupying about half the length of the shell in viatrix, about two thirds in columella. Anatomically it is readily separated from L. columella by the shape of the ureter, straight in rupestris, with a double flexure in columella. Comparison with L. viatrix shows the following main differences: distalmost portion of the oviduct with a low, caplike lateral swelling in rupestris, with a well-developed pouch in viatrix; uterus bent abruptly caudalward in rupestris, only slightly curved rightward in viatrix; basal half of the spermathecal duct hidden by the prostate in rupestris, wholly visible or nearly so in viatrix; spermiduct sinuous and uniformly wide in rupestris, straight and gradually narrowing in viatrix; prostate more than half as long and nearly as wide as the nidamental gland, and with a slit-like lumen in cross-section in rupestris, less than half as long as and much narrower than the nidamental gland, and with an inward fold in cross-section in viatrix; penial sheath about as long and as wide as the prepuce in rupesris, shorter and narrower than the prepuce in viatrix. An important ecological characteristic of L. rupestris is its habitat on wet rocks most often outside bodies of water, although in close proximity to them. Specimens were deposited in the following malacological collections: Instituto OswaldoCruz, Rio de Janeiro; Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan; and British Museum (Natural History).
É descrita uma nova espécie de Trypanorhyncha, Progrillotia dollfusi sp. n., de pescadas do gênero Cynoscion (Sciaenidae). Os peixes mostraram-se intensamente parasitados. As caracterÃsticas principais desta espécie são os dois botrÃdios, a armadura tipo pecilacanto dos ganchos e a armadura basal da probóscide.
Acanthochitona terezae sp. n., um novo poliplacóforo da costa brasileira (Mollusca, Polyplacophora)
O autor descreve uma nova espécie de poliplacóforo (Acanthochitona terezae) para o litoral brasileiro, apresenta dados sobre sua morfologia e discute aspectos biogeográficos.
Se describe el macho de Lutzomyia amilcari sp.n. capturado en el Parque Nacional de Yacambú, Distrito Andrés Eloy Blanco, Estado Lara, Venezuela. La especie puede ser identificada por la forma caracterÃstica del parámetro. Pertenece al grupo Verrucarum, serie Verrucarum de Theodor (1965).
Ascarophis brasiliensis recovered from the stomach of Trachinotus carolinus (L. 1766), is proposed as a new species and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) pereirai Annereaux, 1946 is redescribed from a new host: Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Steind., 1875). A. brasiliensis is more closely related to A. crassicolis Dollfus & Campana-Rouget, 1956, from which it differs mainly by the absence of cervical cuticular expansion and size of the eggs. The new species is also compared to A. cooperi johnston & Mawson, 1945 and A. girellae (Yamaguti, 1935) Campana-rouget, 1955. The validity of the proposed species is discussed.
Do meato auditivo de bovinos que padeciam de otite, o autor isolou e descreveu duas novas espécies de Nematoda-Rhabditidae: Rhabditis (Rhabditis) freitasi sp.n. do municÃpio de Formosa, Estado de Goiás, e Rhabditis (Rhabditis) costai sp.n. do municÃpio de Sertãozinho no Estado de São Paulo.
Angiostrongylus (Parastrongylus) costaricensis, nematódeo encontrado em artérias mesentéricas do rato silvestre Proechimys sp., na Venezuela, é redescrito e colocado no subgênero Parastorngylus.
Adults and nymphs of Cavernicola lenti, new species, from Amazonas state, Brazil, are described and illustrated. Observations on the biology of the new species are presented. Preliminaty findings indicate that C. lenti is a probable vector of bat trypanosomes.
During recent studies of the parasites of birds from the Amazonian Regio, the following nematodes were recovered: Hoazinstrongylus amazonensis n.gen.n.sp. from Opisthocomus hoazin (Muller, 1776); Ascaridia columbae (Gmel., 1790) Travassos, 1913, from Leptotila r. rufaxilla (Richard & Bernard, 1712) representing a new host record; Inglisakis ibanezi Freitas, Vicente & Santos, 1969, Cyrnea (C.) semilunaris (Molin, 1860) Seurat, 1914 and Thelazia digitata Travassos, 1918. A compelte description is restrained to the new genus and new species here proposed. The other known and well described species are listed and accounted.
Twelve species of parasitic helminths, seven trematodes, four nematodes and one acanthocephalan are reported from various hosts. Creptotrema lynchi, a parasite from Bufo marinus in Colombia, is described for the first time in fish and from Brazil, parasitizing two different species. A list of the host species, measurements and figures of most parasites are included with particular reference to the tegument of Bellumcorpus major recovered from a new host. The genus Zonocotyloides Padilha, 1978 is considered a synonym of Zonocotyle and the new combination: Zonocotyle haroltravassosi is proposed to the species Zonocotyloides haroltravassosi Padilha, 1978. The nematodes Cucullanus pinnai and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus and the trematode Pararhipidocotyle jeffersoni are reported in new hosts. The description of the acanthocephalan Neoechinorhynchus curemais (new locality record) is supplemented. Other parasites recovered include the nematodes Travnema travnema (new locality record), Rondonia rondoni and the digenetic trematodes Cladocystis intestinalis, Pseudosellacotyla lutzi (new locality record), Teratotrema sp. and Zonocotyle bicaecata.
É descrita uma nova espécie de nematóide do gênero Strongyloides Grassi, 1879, Strongyloides ferreirai sp.n. parasita do instestino delgado de Kerodon rupestris (Wied.) proveniente de Floriano Peixoto, Estado do PiauÃ. Esta é a primeira referência deste gênero parasitando roedor caviideo no Brasil.
One hundred and fourteen specimens of eleven different species of freshwater fishes from the Guaiba estuary, were examined for digenetic flukes. Saccocoelioides godoyi n.sp. proposed herein, is closest to S. magniovatus and to S. szidati; S. magniovatus is much smaller with comparably larger eggs and S. szidati has larger hermaphroditic sac and considerably larger testis. Creptotrema creptotrema is referred to a new host; Acanthostomum gnerii, Crepidostomum platense, Eocreadium intermedium (immature form), Parspina argentinensis and Zonocotyle bicaecata are reported. This paper confirms the similatary between the parasites of freshwater fishes from Argentina and Brazil. Measurements and original figures of all species are given.
Psychodopygus yucumensis n.sp., a new species of Phlebotomine sandfly belonging in genus Psychodopygus mang., is described from specimens collected from human bait, in Beni dept., Bolivia. The male is characteristic of the series panamensis, but the female, closely related to P. carrerai carrerai, can be confused with this species ("cryptic species"). Isozyme characterization can determine any specimen of either species, while morphometric analysis shows statistical differences between the two species. P. yucumensis is strongly anthropophilic. A Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis stock was isolated from this new species, indicating that it is one of the vectors of mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis in the lowland subandean area.
Gorgorhynchus trachinotus recovered from the intestine of trachinotus goodei Jordan & Evermann, 1896 is proposed as a new species and three new host records are reported for Dollfusentis chandleri Golvan, 1969.