984 resultados para Swine slurry


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This paper presents a comparative study on the treatment of high-strength animal wastewater in two parallel lab-scale constructed reed bed systems, progressively-sized system and anti-sized system, which have same configuration but different arrangement of bed media. The reed bed systems were operated in a tidal flow pattern to treat diluted pig slurry. Detailed analyses were carried out for the removal of some key pollutants including COD, BOD5, NH4-N, P and suspended solids. The results showed that both systems have considerable capacity for the removal of solids, organic matter and inorganic nutrients. The formation of biofilms on the surfaces of gravel media in both reed bed systems was monitored by scanning selected gravel samples using scanning electron microscopy. In general, no significant difference was detected with regard to the percentage pollutant removal in the systems. However, the anti-sized system demonstrated a clear advantage in its ability to slow down the clogging of bed media and avoid the impairment of long-term functioning and sustainability of the beds. A conceptual model was developed to predict the occurrence of the clogging. The validity of the model was tested using data from this study and from the literatures.


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The paper explores the potential of applicability of Genetic programming approach (GP), adopted in this investigation, to model the combined effects of five independent variables to predict the mini-slump, the plate cohesion meter, the induced bleeding test, the J-fiber penetration value, and the compressive strength at 7 and 28 days of self-compacting slurry infiltrated fiber concrete (SIFCON). The variables investigated were the proportions of limestone powder (LSP) and sand, the dosage rates of superplasticiser (SP) and viscosity modifying agent (VMA), and water-to-binder ratio (W/B). Twenty eight mixtures were made with 10-50% LSP as replacement of cement, 0.02-0.06% VMA by mass of cement, 0.6-1.2% SP and 50-150% sand (% mass of binder) and 0.42-0.48 W/B. The proposed genetic models of the self-compacting SIFCON offer useful modelling approach regarding the mix optimisation in predicting the fluidity, the cohesion, the bleeding, the penetration, and the compressive strength.


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Colloidal gas aphrons (CGAs) are micron-sized gas bubbles of 25–30 µm in diameter produced by a high-speed stirrer in a vessel containing dilute surfactant solution. These bubbles, because of their small size, exhibit some colloidal properties. In this work, CGAs were used to separate fine fibres from a lean slurry of cellulosic pulp in a flotation column. The pulp fibres were recovered as foamate from the top. Sodium dodecyl sulphate at a concentration of 2.0 kg/m3 was used as a surfactant to generate the CGAs in a spinning disc apparatus. The results indicated that up to 70% flotation efficiency could be obtained within a short column height of 0.3–0.35 m. This technique can be applied to recover fine cellulosic pulp from paper-machine backwater.


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Tiamulin (TIA) is an antimicrobial veterinary drug administered subtherapeutically to prevent swine dysentery and pneumonia. Due to its stability, crystalline structure, and water-soluble properties, TIA is a prime candidate for environmental monitoring. However, there are currently no screening methods available for TIA in environmental matrices, such as grass or ground water. In this paper, the development and validation of a screening method using optical SPR biosensor technology is presented. A solvent extraction was carried out on samples prior to analysis using the Biacore Q instrument. The limit of detection for the assay in grass and ground water was 10.8 ng/g and 2.4 ng/ml, respectively. In addition, the assay was shown to be of an acceptable standard with regard to both accuracy and reproducibility.


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The production of complex inorganic forms, based on naturally occurring scaffolds offers an exciting avenue for the construction of a new generation of ceramic-based bone substitute scaffolds. The following study reports an investigation into the architecture (porosity, pore size distribution, pore interconnectivity and permeability), mechanical properties and cytotoxic response of hydroxyapatite bone substitutes produced using synthetic polymer foam and natural marine sponge performs. Infiltration of polyurethane foam (60 pores/in2) using a high solid content (80wt %), low viscosity (0.126Pas) hydroxyapatite slurry yielded 84-91% porous replica scaffolds with pore sizes ranging from 50µm - 1000µm (average pore size 577µm), 99.99% pore interconnectivity and a permeability value of 46.4 x10-10m2. Infiltration of the natural marine sponge, Spongia agaricina, yielded scaffolds with 56- 61% porosity, with 40% of pores between 0-50µm, 60% of pores between 50-500µm (average pore size 349 µm), 99.9% pore interconnectivity and a permeability value of 16.8 x10-10m2. The average compressive strengths and compressive moduli of the natural polymer foam and marine sponge replicas were 2.46±1.43MPa/0.099±0.014GPa and 8.4±0.83MPa /0.16±0.016GPa respectively. Cytotoxic response proved encouraging for the HA Spongia agaricina scaffolds; after 7 days in culture medium the scaffolds exhibited endothelial cells (HUVEC and HDMEC) and osteoblast (MG63) attachment, proliferation on the scaffold surface and penetration into the pores. It is proposed that the use of Spongia agaricina as a precursor material allows for the reliable and repeatable production of ceramic-based 3-D tissue engineered scaffolds exhibiting the desired architectural and mechanical characteristics for use as a bone 3 scaffold material. Moreover, the Spongia agaricina scaffolds produced exhibit no adverse cytotoxic response.


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The survival of pathogenic bacteria was investigated during the operation of a full-scale anaerobic digester which was fed daily and operated at 28-degrees-C. The digester had a mean hydraulic retention time of 24 d. The viable numbers of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Yersinia enterocolitica, Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter jejuni were reduced during mesophilic anaerobic digestion. Escherichia coli had the smallest mean viable numbers at each stage of the digestion process. Its mean T90 value was 76-9 d. Yersinia enterocolitica was the least resistant to the anaerobic digester environment; its mean T90 value was 18.2 d. Campylobacter jejuni was the most resistant bacterium; its mean T90 value was 438.6 d. Regression analysis showed that there were no direct relationships between the slurry input and performance of the digester and the decline of pathogen numbers during the 140 d experimental period.


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Porcine circoviruses (PCVs) belong to the genus Circovirus, family Circoviridae. and are the smallest non-enveloped, single stranded, negative sense, circular DNA viruses that replicate autonomously in mammalian cells. Two types of PCV have been characterised, PCV1 and PCV2 and these two viruses show 83% sequence identity at open reading frame (ORF) 1 and 67% identity at ORF2. PCV1 is a nonpathogenic virus of pigs. In contrast, PCV2 has emerged as a major pathogen of swine around the world. The discovery of PCV1 and how the subsequent studies on this virus eventually led to the recognition and characterisation of PCV2, and the disease scenarios associated with PCV2, serve as a model of how multidisciplinary collaboration among field veterinarians, diagnosticians and researchers can lead to the rapid characterisation and control of a globally important emerging disease. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) was retrospectively identified by serology in swine populations as an asymptomatic infection at least 25 years prior to the first reported case of PCV2-associated postweaning multisystemit wasting syndrome (PMWS). To investigate the sudden emergence of PMWS, viral sequences were amplified from frozen archived (1970-1971) porcine tissues and the complete genome of archival PCV2 was determined. The ORF1 gene product (viral DNA replicase) was homologous to contemporary PCV2 ORF1. In ORF2 (viral nucleocapsid gene) archival PCV2, a consistent linear nine-base sequence difference at base positions 1331 through 1339 was observed.The deduced amino acid sequence from these base changes alters the nucleocapsid conformation within the second immunogenic epitope from a hydrophobic (contemporary PCV2) to a hydrophilic (archival PCV2) configuration.


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A novel assay for the pan-serotypic detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) was designed using a 5' conjugated minor groove binder (MGB) probe real-time RT-PCR system. This assay targets the 3D region of the FMDV genome and is capable of detecting 20 copies of a transcribed RNA standard. The linear range of the test was eight logs from 2 x 10(1) to 2 x 10(8) copies and amplification time was approximately 2 h. Using a panel of 83 RNA samples from representative FMDV isolates, the diagnostic sensitivity of this test was shown to be equivalent to a TaqMan real-time RT-PCR that targets the 5' untranslated region of FMDV. Furthermore, the assay does not detect viruses causing similar clinical diseases in pigs such as swine vesicular disease virus and vesicular stomatitis virus, nor does it detect marine caliciviruses causing vesicular exanthema. The development of this assay provides a useful tool for the differential diagnosis of FMD, potentially for use in statutory or emergency testing programmes, or for detection of FMDV RNA in research applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is the essential infectious agent of post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), one of the most important diseases of swine. Although several studies have described different biological properties of the virus, some aspects of its replication cycle, including ultrastructural alterations, remain unknown. The aim of the present study was to describe for the first time a complete morphogenesis study of PCV2 in a clone of the lymphoblastoid L35 cell line at the ultrastructural level using electron microscopy techniques. Cells were infected with PCV2 at a multiplicity of infection of 10 and examined at 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 60 and 72 h post-infection. PCV2 was internalized by endocytosis, after which the virus aggregated in intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies (ICIs). Subsequently, PCV2 was closely associated with mitochondria, completing a first cytoplasmic phase. The virus entered the nucleus for replication and virus assembly and encapsidation occurred with the participation of the nuclear membrane. Immature virions left the nucleus and formed ICIs in a second cytoplasmic phase. The results suggest that at the end of the replication cycle (between 24 and 48 h), PCV2 was released either by budding of mature virion clusters or by lysis of apoptotic or dead cells. In conclusion, the L35-derived clone represents a suitable in-vitro model for PCV2 morphogenesis studies and characterization of the PCV2 replication cycle. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) has been found to be the causative agent of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). However, PCV-2 is a ubiquitous virus in the swine population and a majority of pigs infected with PCV-2 do not develop the disease. Different factors such as age, maintenance, the genetics of PCV-2, other pathogens, etc. have been suggested to contribute to the development of PMWS. However, so far no proven connection between any of these factors and the disease development has been found. In this study we explored the possible presence of other so far unknown DNA containing infectious agents in lymph nodes collected from Swedish pigs with confirmed PMWS through random amplification and high-throughput sequencing. Although the vast majority of the amplified genetic sequences belonged to PCV-2, we also found genome sequences of Torque Teno virus (TTV) and of a novel parvovirus. The detection of TTV was expected since like PCV-2, TTV has been found to have high prevalence in pigs around the world. We were able to amplify a longer region of the parvovirus genome, consisting of the entire NP1 and partial VP1/2. By comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequences and phylogenetic studies we propose that this is a novel porcine parvovirus, with genetic relationship to bocaviruses.


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Objective-TO determine whether commercial Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae bacterins sold for use in swine contain porcine torque teno virus (TTV).


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Objective—To determine whether genogroup 1 porcine torque teno virus (g1-TTV) can potentiate clinical disease associated with porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2).

Sample population—33 gnotobiotic baby pigs.

Procedures—Pigs were allocated into 7 groups: group A, 5 uninoculated control pigs from 3 litters; group B, 4 pigs oronasally inoculated with PCV2 alone; group C, 4 pigs inoculated IP with first-passage g1-TTV alone; group D, 4 pigs inoculated IP with fourth-passage g1-TTV alone; group E, 6 pigs inoculated IP with first-passage g1-TTV and then oronasally inoculated with PCV2 7 days later; group F, 6 pigs inoculated IP with fourth-passage g1-TTV and then inoculated oronasally with PCV2 7 days later; and group G, 4 pigs inoculated oro-nasally with PCV2 and then inoculated IP with fourth-passage g1-TTV 7 days later.

Results—6 of 12 pigs inoculated with g1-TTV prior to PCV2 developed acute onset of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). None of the pigs inoculated with g1-TTV alone or PCV2 alone or that were challenge exposed to g1-TTV after establishment of infection with PCV2 developed clinical illness. Uninoculated control pigs remained healthy.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—These data implicated g1-TTV as another viral infection that facilitates PCV2-induced PMWS. This raises the possibility that torque teno viruses in swine may contribute to disease expression currently associated with only a single infectious agent.


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Objective-To determine whether porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome (PDNS) could be experimentally induced in gnotobiotic swine.