850 resultados para Stroke length


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Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma rangeli are human-infective blood parasites, largely restricted to Central and South America. They also infect a wide range of wild and domestic mammals and are transmitted by a numerous species of triatomine bugs. There are significant overlaps in the host and geographical ranges of both species. The two species consist of a number of distinct phylogenetic lineages. A range of PCR-based techniques have been developed to differentiate between these species and to assign their isolates into lineages. However, the existence of at least six and five lineages within T. cruzi and T. rangeli, respectively, makes identification of the full range of isolates difficult and time consuming. Here we have applied fluorescent fragment length barcoding (FFLB) to the problem of identifying and genotyping T. cruzi, T. rangeli and other South American trypanosomes. This technique discriminates species on the basis of length polymorphism of regions of the rDNA locus. FFLB was able to differentiate many trypanosome species known from South American mammals: T. cruzi cruzi. T. cruzi marinkellei, T. dionisii-like, T. evansi, T. lewisi, T. rangeli, T. theileri and T. vivax. Furthermore, all five T. rangeli lineages and many T. cruzi lineages could be identified, except the hybrid lineages TcV and TcVI that could not be distinguished from lineages III and II respectively. This method also allowed identification of mixed infections of T. cruzi and T. rangeli lineages in naturally infected triatomine bugs. The ability of FFLB to genotype multiple lineages of T. cruzi and T. rangeli together with other trypanosome species, using the same primer sets is an advantage over other currently available techniques. Overall, these results demonstrate that FFLB is a useful method for species diagnosis, genotyping and understanding the epidemiology of American trypanosomes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ischemia-reperfusion injury is the major cause of organ dysfunction or even nonfunction following transplantation. It can attenuate the long-term survival of transplanted organs. To evaluate the severity of renal ischemia injury determined by histology, we applied laser(442 nm and 532 nm) induced fluorescence (LIF), mitochondria respiration, and membrane swelling to evaluate 28 Wistar rats that underwent left kidney warm ischemia for 20, 40, 60, or 80 minutes. LIF performed before ischemia (control) was repeated at 20, 40, 60, and 80 minutes thereafter. We harvested left kidney tissue samples immediately after LIF determination for histology and mitochondrial analyses: state 3 and 4 respiration, respiration control rate (RCR), and membrane swelling. The association of optic spectroscopy with histological damage showed: LIF, 442 nm (r(2) = 0.39, P < .001) and 532 nm, (r(2) = 0.18, P = .003); reflecting laser/fluorescence-induced, 442 nm (r(2) = 0.20, P = .002) and 532 nm (r(2) = 0.004, P = .67). The associations between mitochondria function and tissue damage were: state 3 respiration (r(2) = 0.43, P = .0004), state 4 respiration (r(2) = 0.03, P = 0.38), RCR (r(2) = 0.28, P = .007), and membrane swelling (r(2) = 0.02, P = .43). The intensity of fluorescence emitted by tissue excited by laser, especially at a wave length of 442 nm, was determined in real time. Mitochondrial state 3 respiration and respiratory control ratio also exhibited good correlations with the grade of ischemic tissue damage.


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In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), either on human or animal studies, the main requirements for radiofrequency (RF) coils are to produce a homogeneous RF field while used as a transmitter coil and to have the best signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) while used as a receiver. Besides, they need to be easily frequency adjustable and have input impedance matching 50 Omega to several different load conditions. New theoretical and practical concepts are presented here for considerable enhancing of RF coil homogeneity for MRI experiments on small animals. To optimize field homogeneity, we have performed simulations using Blot and Savart law varying the coil`s window angle, achieving the optimum one. However, when the coil`s dimensions are the same order of the wave length and according to transmission line theory, differences in electrical length and effects of mutual inductances between adjacent strip conductors decrease both field homogeneity and SNR. The problematic interactions between strip conductors by means of mutual inductance were eliminated by inserting crossings at half electrical length, avoiding distortion on current density, thus eliminating sources of field inhomogeneity. Experimental results show that measured field maps and simulations are in good agreement. The new coil design, dubbed double-crossed saddle described here have field homogeneity and SNR superior than the linearly driven 8-rung birdcage coil. One of our major findings was that the effects of mutual inductance are more significant than differences in electrical length for this frequency and coil dimensions. In vitro images of a primate Cebus paela brain were acquired, confirming double-crossed saddle superiority. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Concepts Magn Reson Part B (Magn Reson Engineering) 37B: 193-201, 2010


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The Raman band assigned to the nu(C=O)mode in N,N-dimethylformamide (at ca. 1660 cm(-1)) was used as a probe to study a group of ionic liquids 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide ([C(n)Mlm]Br) with different alkyl groups (n = 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 carbons) in binary equimolar binary mixtures with dimethylformamide. Due to the high electric dipole moment of the group C=O, there is a substantial coupling between adjacent molecules in the solution, and the corresponding Raman band involves both vibrational and reorientational modes. Different chain lengths of the ILs lead to different extents of the uncoupling of adjacent molecules of dimethylformamide, resulting in different shifts for this band in the mixtures. Information about the organization of ionic liquids in solution was obtained and a model of aggregation for these systems is proposed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att beskriva upplevelse och innebörd av begreppen kognitiv rehabilitering och livskvalitet för personer som hade haft stroke. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av personliga intervjuer. Fem personer ingick i studien, tre män och två kvinnor, alla födda på 30-talet utom en man som föddes på 20-talet. Samtliga var gifta. Personerna rekryterades till studien via en sjuksköterska som hade kännedom om lämpliga personer som blivit utskrivna en kort tid före studiens början. Informanterna intervjuades med hjälp av en intervjuguide med utgångspunkt från två frågeområden som berörde upplevelse av kognitiv rehabilitering och upplevelse och innebörd av livskvalitet efter stroke. Analysen gjordes med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Analysen av de fem intervjuerna gav sex teman; Upplevelse av att inte någon kognitiv rehabilitering har utförts, Upplevelse av att informanten själv förväntades träna upp sina kognitiva funktioner, Strävan efter att leva som vanligt, Förändrad livskvalité, Förändrad livssyn, Betydelsen av det sociala stödet. Det framkom att ingen av informanterna upplevde att det hade genomförts någon kognitiv rehabilitering. Alla upplevde sig däremot ha fått en fullständig fysisk rehabilitering på avdelningen. Informanterna hade som mål med sin rehabilitering att klara av de vardagliga funktionerna i hemmet såsom innan stroken. En av deltagarna upplevde att det förväntades att självständigt träna upp sina kognitiva funktioner. Livskvaliteten idag var att kunna fortsätta leva som förut, vilket förhindrades av vissa inskränkningar motoriskt och kognitivt. Alla värdesatte livet högre idag och accepterade sin situation som den var. Vänskapen med andra var också en viktig del i livskvaliteten.


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Dysfagi betyder svårt att svälja och innefattar många olika problem. Det kan vara svårigheter med att få födan att passera från munnen bakåt till svalget, att riskera att få ner mat och dryck i lungorna vilket ger lungkomplikationer. En känsla av att maten fastnar i bröstet men också ett hot om isolering. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka patientens egna upplevelser av måltidssituationer, hur malnutrition kan förebyggas samt vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder som underlättar ätandet för patienter som i samband med en stroke drabbats av dysfagi. Artiklar har sökts i databaserna Blackwell Synergy, Swemed+, Elin@Dalarna och Medline. Manuellt har litteratur sökts på Ludvika Kommuns bibliotek och bland tidigare studielitteratur. Urvalet begränsades till att beröra patienter som fått dysfagi i samband med en stroke vidare skulle artiklarna ha en relevans till syfte och frågeställning. Till resultat delen har 12 artiklar använts. Munvård och konsistensanpassning av mat och dryck är omvårdnadsåtgärder som visat sig ge bra resultat vidare är det viktigt med lugn vid matbordet och att måltiden får ta den tid den tar. Att dricka en kopp kaffe kan ta en timme för en person med dysfagi. Nyttan av information och tips om olika knep, tekniska hjälpmedel och träning är inte att förringa.


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Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa strokepatienters upplevelser av måltissituationen samt beskriva de vanligaste ätsvårigheterna som strokepatienter kan ha samt att undersöka hur vårdpersonal kan hjälpa vid ätsvårigheter. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie som baserades på 12 vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna söktes via hörskolan dalarnas sökmotorer/databaser och sökorden som kombinerades var dysphagia, eating situation, nursing, nutrition och stroke. Artiklarna granskades enlig modifierade granskningsmallar. Resultatet visar på att strokedrabbade kunde uppleva sina svårigheter vid måltiden som pinsamma. Patienterna hade en strävan att återgå till det normala. Vanliga ätsvårigheter var att stokepatienterna hade tugg och sväljproblem och att patienterna hade en dålig sittposition under måltiden. Några hade svårt att transportera maten till munnen och hade nedsatt vakenhet under måltiden och smak och luktförändringar var vanliga. Det stöd som vårdpersonal kunde ge strokepatienterna med sväljsvårigheter var att anpassa konsistensen på mat och dryck. Genom att göra läpp och tungövningar och sväljträning kunde sväljförmågan förbättras för patienter med dysfagi. Resultatet visade även att de som vårdats på rehabiliteringsavdelning hade förbättrad sittposition samt lättare att transportera maten till munnen och mindre påverkade sväljsvårigheter.


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Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens upplevelser av kommunikation med patienter som drabbats av afasi till följd av stroke. Vidare var syftet att beskriva vad det kunde finnas för hinder för en god kommunikation dem emellan. Ett ytterligare syfte var att beskriva de faktorer som kunde underlätta kommunikation mellan hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal och patienter som har afasi till följd av stroke. Metod: Artikelsökning till denna litteraturöversikt gjordes i PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane och Vård i Norden. Artiklarna var publicerade mellan åren 2000-2010 samt skrivna på svenska eller engelska. Huvudresultat: En fungerande vårdrelation var en grundförutsättning för att bedriva en god omvårdnad. För skapandet av denna vårdrelation behövdes en lugn, stödjande och avslappnande miljö. Asymmetri förekom i olika varianter i kommunikation mellan hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal och patienter med afasi. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal upplevde både negativa och positiva känslor i interaktionen med patienten. Slutsats: Att plötsligt förlora sin kommunikationsförmåga genom det verbala språket har påvisats vara en tragedi för den drabbade. Det ställde krav på hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen vars uppgift var att bevara patientens autonomi och integritet. För att både hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal samt patienter skulle må bra och kunna kommunicera så framkom det att strokeenheter kunde vara betydelsefulla.


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Objective: Turnover of the extracellular matrix in all solid organs is governed mainly by a balance between the degrading matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs). An altered extracellular matrix metabolism has been implicated in a variety of diseases. We investigated relations of serum levels of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 to mortality risk from an etiological perspective. Design: The prospective Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men (ULSAM) cohort, followed from 1991–1995 for up to 18.1 years. A random population-based sample of 1,082 71-year-old men, no loss to follow-up. Endpoints were all-cause (n = 628), cardiovascular (n = 230), non-cardiovascular (n = 398) and cancer mortality (n = 178), and fatal or non-fatal myocardial infarction (n = 138) or stroke (n = 163). Results: Serum MMP-9 and TIMP-1 levels were associated with risk of all-cause mortality (Cox proportional hazard ratio [HR] per standard deviation 1.10, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.03–1.19; and 1.11, 1.02–1.20; respectively). TIMP-1 levels were mainly related to risks of cardiovascular mortality and stroke (HR per standard deviation 1.22, 95% CI 1.09–1.37; and 1.18, 1.04–1.35; respectively). All relations except those of TIMP-1 to stroke risk were attenuated by adjustment for cardiovascular disease risk factors. Relations in a subsample without cardiovascular disease or cancer were similar to those in the total sample. Conclusion: In this community-based cohort of elderly men, serum MMP-9 and TIMP-1 levels were related to mortality risk. An altered extracellular matrix metabolism may be involved in several detrimental pathways, and circulating MMP-9 or TIMP-1 levels may be relevant markers thereof.


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Stroke är en allvarlig sjukdom som betraktas som den främsta orsaken till funktionsnedsätt-ning i vuxen ålder och kräver flest vårddagar på sjukhus. Syftet med denna studie var att analysera vilka faktorer som har betydelse för en persons livskvalitet efter genomgången stroke samt möjligheter för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal att underlätta för strokepatienten att återfå sin livskvalitet. Studien genomfördes som en sammanställning av litteraturen med induktiv ansats där författarna granskade fyra studier med kvalitativ design och nio studier med kvantitativ design. Utmaningarna efter stroke är många för den som insjuknat. Livskvalitet påverkas inte enbart av de fysiska funktionsnedsättningar som stroke medför utan även av psykiska och sociala faktorer som till exempel depression, ångest, brist på socialt umgänge och fritidsaktiviteter. Kunskap, motivation och stöd var avgörande faktorer under återhämtningen och påverkade patientens följsamhet till rehabiliteringen. Studiens resultat visade att KUNSKAP om sjuk-domen, rehabiliteringen och de resurser som fanns att tillgå under den krävande återhämtningsprocessen var en viktig faktor för att strokepatienter skulle uppleva meningsfullhet med tillvaron och på så sätt uppleva livskvalitet. Kunskap ökade i sin tur MOTIVATIONEN vilket bidrog till att patienter valde att fortsätta vilja och orka återfå förlorade funktioner. För att detta skulle vara möjligt måste personer som drabbats av stroke erhålla STÖD i form av hjälp från familj och vänner samt olika insatser från hälso- och sjukvården.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To a large extent, people who have suffered a stroke report unmet needs for rehabilitation. The purpose of this study was to explore aspects of rehabilitation provision that potentially contribute to self-reported met needs for rehabilitation 12 months after stroke with consideration also to severity of stroke. METHODS: The participants (n = 173) received care at the stroke units at the Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden. Using a questionnaire, the dependent variable, self-reported met needs for rehabilitation, was collected at 12 months after stroke. The independent variables were four aspects of rehabilitation provision based on data retrieved from registers and structured according to four aspects: amount of rehabilitation, service level (day care rehabilitation, primary care rehabilitation and home-based rehabilitation), operator level (physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist) and time after stroke onset. Multivariate logistic regression analyses regarding the aspects of rehabilitation were performed for the participants who were divided into three groups based on stroke severity at onset. RESULTS: Participants with moderate/severe stroke who had seen a physiotherapist at least once during each of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd-4th quarters of the first year (OR 8.36, CI 1.40-49.88 P = 0.020) were more likely to report met rehabilitation needs. CONCLUSION: For people with moderate/severe stroke, continuity in rehabilitation (preferably physiotherapy) during the first year after stroke seems to be associated with self-reported met needs for rehabilitation.


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BACKGROUND: Even though Swedish national guidelines for stroke care (SNGSC) have been accessible for nearly a decade access to stroke rehabilitation in out-patient health care vary considerably. In order to aid future interventions studies for implementation of SNGSC, this study assessed the feasibility and acceptability of study procedures including analysis of the context in out-patient health care settings. METHODS: The feasibility and acceptability of recruitment, observations and interviews with managers, staff and patients were assessed, as well as the feasibility of surveying health care records. RESULTS: To identify patients from the the hospitals was feasible but not from out-patient care where a need to relieve clinical staff of the recruitment process was identified. Assessing adherence to guidelines and standardized evaluations of patient outcomes through health care records was found to be feasible and suitable assessment tools to evaluate patient outcome were identified. Interviews were found to be a feasible and acceptable tool to survey the context of the health care setting. CONCLUSION: In this feasibility study a variety of qualitative and quantitative data collection procedures and measures were tested. The results indicate what can be used as a set of feasible and acceptable data collection procedures and suitable measures for studying implementation of stroke guidelines in an out-patient health care context.


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BACKGROUND: National quality registries (NQRs) purportedly facilitate quality improvement, while neither the extent nor the mechanisms of such a relationship are fully known. The aim of this case study is to describe the experiences of local stakeholders to determine those elements that facilitate and hinder clinical quality improvement in relation to participation in a well-known and established NQR on stroke in Sweden. METHODS: A strategic sample was drawn of 8 hospitals in 4 county councils, representing a variety of settings and outcomes according to the NQR's criteria. Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with 25 managers, physicians in charge of the Riks-Stroke, and registered nurses registering local data at the hospitals. Interviews, including aspects of barriers and facilitators within the NQR and the local context, were analysed with content analysis. RESULTS: An NQR can provide vital aspects for facilitating evidence-based practice, for example, local data drawn from national guidelines which can be used for comparisons over time within the organisation or with other hospitals. Major effort is required to ensure that data entries are accurate and valid, and thus the trustworthiness of local data output competes with resources needed for everyday clinical stroke care and quality improvement initiatives. Local stakeholders with knowledge of and interest in both the medical area (in this case stroke) and quality improvement can apply the NQR data to effectively initiate, carry out, and evaluate quality improvement, if supported by managers and co-workers, a common stroke care process and an operational management system that embraces and engages with the NQR data. CONCLUSION: While quality registries are assumed to support adherence to evidence-based guidelines around the world, this study proposes that a NQR can facilitate improvement of care but neither the registry itself nor the reporting of data initiates quality improvement. Rather, the local and general evidence provided by the NQR must be considered relevant and must be applied in the local context. Further, the quality improvement process needs to be facilitated by stakeholders collaborating within and outside the context, who know how to initiate, perform, and evaluate quality improvement, and who have the resources to do so.


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BACKGROUND: A wide range of health problems has been reported in elderly post-stroke patients. AIM: The aim of this study was to analyse the prevalence and timing of health problems identified by patient interviews and scrutiny of primary health care and municipality elderly health care records during the first post-stroke year. METHODS: A total of 390 consecutive patients, ≥65 years, discharged alive from hospital after a stroke event, were followed for 1 year post-admission. Information on the health care situation during the first post-stroke year was obtained from primary health care and municipal elderly health care records and through interviews with the stroke survivors, at 1 week after discharge, and 3 and 12 months after hospital admission. RESULTS: More than 90% had some health problem at some time during the year, while based on patient record data only 4-8% had problems during a given week. The prevalence of interview-based health problems was generally higher than record-based prevalence, and the ranking order was moderately different. The most frequently interview-reported problems were associated with perception, activity, and tiredness, while the most common record-based findings indicated pain, bladder and bowel function, and breathing and circulation problems. There was co-occurrence between some problems, such as those relating to cognition, activity, and tiredness. CONCLUSIONS: Almost all patients had a health problem during the year, but few occurred in a given week. Cognitive and communication problems were more common in interview data than record data. Co-occurrence may be used to identify subtle health problems.