999 resultados para Spatiotemporal characteristics
PURPOSE: To determine anatomical and functional pelvic floor measurements performed with three-dimensional (3-D) endovaginal ultrasonography in asymptomatic nulliparous women without dysfunctions detected in previous dynamic 3-D anorectal ultrasonography (echo defecography) and to demonstrate the interobserver reliability of these measurements. METHODS: Asymptomatic nulliparous volunteers were submitted to echo defecography to identify dynamic dysfunctions, including anatomical (rectocele, intussusceptions, entero/sigmoidocele and perineal descent) and functional changes (non-relaxation or paradoxical contraction of the puborectalis muscle) in the posterior compartment and assessed with regard to the biometric index of levator hiatus, pubovisceral muscle thickness, urethral length, anorectal angle, anorectal junction position and bladder neck position with the 3-D endovaginal ultrasonography. All measurements were compared at rest and during the Valsalva maneuver, and perineal and bladder neck descent was determined. The level of interobserver agreement was evaluated for all measurements. RESULTS: A total of 34 volunteers were assessed by echo defecography and by 3-D endovaginal ultrasonography. Out of these, 20 subjects met the inclusion criteria. The 14 excluded subjects were found to have posterior dynamic dysfunctions. During the Valsalva maneuver, the hiatal area was significantly larger, the urethra was significantly shorter and the anorectal angle was greater. Measurements at rest and during the Valsalva maneuver differed significantly with regard to anorectal junction and bladder neck position. The mean values for normal perineal descent and bladder neck descent were 0.6 cm and 0.5 cm above the symphysis pubis, respectively. The intraclass correlation coefficient ranged from 0.62-0.93. CONCLUSIONS: Functional biometric indexes, normal perineal descent and bladder neck descent values were determined for young asymptomatic nulliparous women with the 3-D endovaginal ultrasonography. The method was found to be reliable to measure pelvic floor structures at rest and during Valsalva, and might therefore be suitable for identifying dysfunctions in symptomatic patients.
Anatomical and histological characteristics of teeth in agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha Wagler, 1831)
The agouti species Dasyprocta prymnolopha (D. prymnolopha) is a medium-sized rodent, diurnal, and characteristic of northeastern Brazil, south of the Amazon. Several studies have been made on these rodents. However, there is a lack of analysis of masticatory system, in particular morphology of the teeth. Thus, this research seeks to describe anatomical and histological aspects of the agouti teeth. For this purpose, we used adult agouti, in which measurements and descriptions of teeth and dental tissues were made. It was observed that the dental arch of D. prymnolopha comprises of twenty teeth, evenly distributed in the upper and lower arch, being inferior teeth larger than their corresponding higher. The incisors are larger, and between the posterior premolars and molars, there is a gradual increase in length in the anterior-posterior arch. In microscopic examination, a prismatic appearance was observed consisting of enamel prisms arranged in different directions, behind the enamel and dentin with standard tubular dentinal tubules with variable diameter and far between, also showing a sinuous path from the inner portion to the junction with more superficial enamel. Morphological analysis of dental tissues showed that an enamel with structural organization adapted to the act of chewing and high impact dentin compatible with standard tubular function resilience and mechanical damping of masticatory forces, as found in larger animals, confirming the understanding of eating habits that define much of its ecological functions within the ecosystem they inhabit.
In order to determine auscultatory and electrocardiographic characteristics of Crioulo horses, one hundred animals ranging between one and twenty-six years of age (21 stallions, nine geldings, 27 pregnant mares e 43 not pregnant mares) were evaluated. The cardiac auscultation was performed during the clinical examination of the cardiovascular system, evaluating frequency, rate, normal and abnormal heart sounds (heart murmurs). The electrocardiographic examination followed the bipolar base-apex derivative system with animals at rest, by using an ECG-PC TEB equipment. The cardiac frequency, heart rate, morphology, duration, wave and complex amplitudes and interval durations were determined. The results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey tests with an error probability of 5%. The cardiac auscultation revealed presence of functional systolic and diastolic murmur (10.00%) and systolic murmur compatible with tricuspid regurgitation besides normal heart sounds S1 (100.0%), S2 (100.0%), S3 (19.0%) and S4 (34.0%). The cardiac frequency obtained the average of 43.64 bpm, observing significative differences in relation to sexual and age factors and training level. The sinus rhythm was the most frequent (57.00%), followed by sinus tachycardia (38.00%) and sinus arrhythmia (5.00%), being observed rhythm disturbances in 16% of tracings. The P and T waves were observed more frequently in their forms P bifida positive (95.00%) and biphasic T (91.00%), being variable at tracing. There were also observed Q waves in 12.00% of the tracings. Thus, it was concluded that the auscultatory characteristics of Crioulo horses are according to the described in the literature for the species and the sexual factor, category, age factor and training level can influence some electrocardiographic parameters.
The aim of the present paper is to study the relationship between the fracture modes in hydrogen-assisted cracking (HAC) in microalloied steel and the emission of acoustic signals during the fracturing process. For this reason, a flux-cored arc weld (FCAW) was used in a high-strength low-alloy steel. The consumable used were the commercially available AWS E120T5-K4 and had a diameter of 1.6 mm. Two different shielding gases were used (CO2 and CO2+5% H2) to obtain complete phenomenon characterization. The implant test was applied with three levels of restriction stresses. An acoustic emission measurement system (AEMS) was coupled to the implant test apparatus. The output signal from the acoustic emission sensor was passed through an electronic amplifier and processed by a root mean square (RMS) voltage converter. Fracture surfaces were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and image analysis. Fracture modes were related with the intensity, the energy and the number of the peaks of the acoustic emission signal. The shielding gas CO2+5% H2 proved to be very useful in the experiments. Basically, three different fracture modes were identified in terms of fracture appearance: microvoid coalescence (MVC), intergranular (IG) and quasi-cleavage (QC). The results show that each mode of fracture presents a characteristic acoustic signal.
This paper presents the experimental characterization of hydrodynamics and gas-liquid mass transfer in a three-phase fluidized bed containing polystyrene and nylon particles. The influence of gas and liquid velocities on phase holdups and volumetric gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient was investigated for flow conditions similar to those applied in biotechnological process. The phase holdups were obtained by the pressure profile technique. The volumetric gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient was obtained adjusting the experimental concentration profiles of dissolved oxygen in the liquid phase with the predictions of the axial dispersion model. According to experimental results the liquid holdup increases with the gas velocity, whereas the solid holdup decreases. The gas holdup increases significantly with the increase in gas velocity, and it shows for the three-phase fluidized bed comparable values or larger than those of bubble column. The volumetric gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient increases significantly with an increase in the air velocity for both bubble column and fluidized beds. In addition, in the operational condition of high liquid velocity, the presence of low-density particles in the bed increased the gas-liquid mass transfer, and thus the volumetric mass transfer coefficient values obtained in the fluidized bed were comparable or larger than those of bubble column.
This paper applies the Multi-Harmonic Nonlinear Receptance Coupling Approach (MUHANORCA) (Ferreira 1998) to evaluate the frequency response characteristics of a beam which is clamped at one end and supported at the other end by a nonlinear cubic stiffness joint. In order to apply the substructure coupling technique, the problem was characterised by coupling a clamped linear beam with a nonlinear cubic stiffness joint. The experimental results were obtained by a sinusoidal excitation with a special force control algorithm where the level of the fundamental force is kept constant and the level of the harmonics is kept zero for all the frequencies measured.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the characteristics related to the photosynthetic ability of hybrid and inbred rice varieties, as a way to assess which of the two presented higher potential to stand out under conditions of competition. The trial was set in a greenhouse in completely randomized block design and 2 x 6 factorial scheme with four replications. Factor A consisted of rice varieties (hybrid or inbred) and factor B by competition levels. Treatments consisted in maintaining one plant of either BRS Pelota (inbred) or Inov (hybrid) variety at the center of the plot, under competition with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 plants of the variety BRS Pelota at the periphery of the experimental unit, according to the treatment. Fifty days after emergence (DAE), sub-stomatal CO2 concentration (Ci - mmol mol-1), photosynthetic rate (A - mmol m-2 s-1) and CO2 consumed (DC - mmol mol-1) were quantified, as well as shoot dry mass(SDM).Hybrid plants present higher photosynthesis capacity than inbred plants, when competing with up to 3 times its own density. When under the same competitive intensity, hybrid plants surpass the inbred. However, it should be emphasized that, when in farm condition, the lower competitive capacity with weeds often attributed to the hybrid varieties, probably is due to their lower planting density, but if weed competition is kept at low levels, hybrid rice plants may perform in the same way or usually better than inbred plants.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic polymers is likely to become one of the key technologies enabling industrial production of liquid biofuels and chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass. Certain types of enzymes are able to hydrolyze cellulose and hemicellulose polymers to shorter units and finally to sugar monomers. These monomeric sugars are environmentally acceptable carbon sources for the production of liquid biofuels, such as bioethanol, and other chemicals, such as organic acids. Liquid biofuels in particular have been shown to contribute to the reduction of net emissions of greenhouse gases. The solid residue of enzymatic hydrolysis is composed mainly of lignin and partially degraded fibers, while the liquid phase contains the produced sugars. It is usually necessary to separate these two phases at some point after the hydrolysis stage. Pressure filtration is an efficient technique for this separation. Solid-liquid separation of biomass suspensions is difficult, because biomass solids are able to retain high amounts of water, which cannot be readily liberated by mechanical separation techniques. Most importantly, the filter cakes formed from biomaterials are compressible, which ultimately means that the separation may not be much improved by increasing the filtration pressure. The use of filter aids can therefore facilitate the filtration significantly. On the other hand, the upstream process conditions have a major influence on the filtration process. This thesis investigates how enzymatic hydrolysis and related process conditions affect the filtration properties of a cardboard suspension. The experimental work consists of pressure filtration and characterization of hydrolysates. The study provides novel information about both issues, as the relationship between enzymatic hydrolysis conditions and subsequent filtration properties has so far not been considered in academic studies. The results of the work reveal that the final degree of hydrolysis is an important factor in the filtration stage. High hydrolysis yield generally increases the average specific cake resistance. Mixing during the hydrolysis stage resulted in undefined changes in the physical properties of the solid residue, causing a high filtration resistance when the mixing intensity was high. Theoretical processing of the mixing data led to an interesting observation: the average specific cake resistance was observed to be linearly proportional to the mixer shear stress. Another finding worth attention is that the size distributions of the solids did not change very dramatically during enzymatic hydrolysis. There was an observable size reduction during the first couple of hours, but after that the size reduction was minimal. Similarly, the size distribution of the suspended solids remained almost constant when the hydrolyzed suspension was subjected to intensive mixing. It was also found that the average specific cake resistance was successfully reduced by the use of filter aids. This reduction depended on the method of how the filter aids were applied. In order to obtain high filtration capacity, it is recommended to use the body feed mode, i.e. to mix the filter aid with the slurry prior to filtration. Regarding the quality of the filtrate, precoat filtration was observed to produce a clear filtrate with negligible suspended solids content, while the body feed filtrates were turbid, irrespective of which type of filter aid was used.
Cakile maritima occurs sporadically along the southern Brazilian coast, where it is restricted to more protected sites at the base of foredunes. Somatic dimorphism in C. maritima is manifested as morphologically distinct upper and lower fruit segments (silicules). The two morphs were tested for differences in size, number of seeds, dispersal ability and natural establishment. In the C. maritima population of southern Brazil, the lower silicule has more seeds than upper silicule, and lower seeds are more likely to abort than the upper ones. Seeds from upper segments were significantly larger than those from lower ones; however, their mass ranges overlap. The mean silicule mass was not significantly different from both segments, but the silicule/seed mass ratio from upper and lower segments was significantly different. Both segments had high ability to float in sea water, more than 50% were still afloat after 70 days. Nevertheless, dispersal occurs mainly to landward due to dominant wind action. Most of the seedlings were restricted to within a one-metre radius of the mother plant, and were principally derived from lower fruit segments.
In this work we attempted to characterize the diaspores and the germination process of Piper aduncum L., as well as to verify the influence of the interaction between presence and absence of light (photoperiod of 12 hours and dark) and temperature (25 °C, 30 °C and 20-30 °C) and also of gibberellin (0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg L-1) on the root protrusion and normal seedlings formation. The diaspores are very small with a thousand seed weight of 0.3645 g, 13% moisture and protein reserve. Diaspores are strict positively photoblastic in the tested temperature range and the optimum temperature for root protrusion was 30 °C, while for normal seedlings was 25 °C. The previous permanence in the dark led to an increase in the speed of root protrusion and percentage and speed of seedling formation. The application of gibberellic acid negatively interfered with the protrusion and growth of the radicle while favoring the elongation of hypocotyls.
Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) is a form of autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia first described in North-American patients originating from the Portuguese islands of the Azores. Clinically this disorder is characterized by late onset progressive ataxia with associated features, such as: ophthalmoplegia, pyramidal and extrapyramidal signs and distal muscular atrophies. The causative mutation is an expansion of a CAG repeat in the coding region of the MJD1 gene. We have identified 25 unrelated families segregating the MJD mutation during a large collaborative study of spinocerebellar ataxias in Brazil. In the present study a total of 62 family members were genotyped for the CAG repeat in the MJD1 gene, as well as 63 non-MJD individuals (126 normal chromosomes), used as normal controls. We observed a wide gap between the size range of the normal and expanded CAG repeats: the normal allele had from 12 to 33 CAGs (mean = 23 CAGs), whereas the expanded alleles ranged from 66 to 78 CAGs (mean = 71.5 CAGs). There were no differences in CAG tract length according to gender of affected individuals or transmitting parent. We observed a significant negative correlation between age at onset of the disease and length of the CAG tract in the expended allele (r = -0.6, P = 0.00006); however, the size of the expanded CAG repeat could explain only about 40% of the variability in age at onset (r2 = 0.4). There was instability of the expanded CAG tract during transmission from parent to offspring, both expansions and contractions were observed; however, there was an overall tendency for expansion, with a mean increase of +2.4 CAGs. The tendency for expansion appeared to the greater in paternal (mean increase of +3.5 CAGs) than in maternal transmissions (mean increase of +1.3 CAGs). Anticipation was observed in all transmissions in which ages at onset for parent and offspring were known; however, anticipation was not always associated with an increase in the expanded CAG repeat length. Our results indicate that the molecular diagnosis of MJD can be confirmed or excluded in all suspected individuals, since alleles of intermediary size were not observed.
The role gap junction channels play in the normal and abnormal functioning of the vascular wall is the subject of much research. The biophysical properties of gap junctions are an essential component in understanding how gap junctions function to allow coordinated relaxation and contraction of vascular smooth muscle. This study reviews the properties thus far elucidated and relates those properties to tissue function. We ask how biophysical and structural properties such as gating, permselectivity, subconductive states and channel type (heteromeric vs homotypic vs heterotypic) might affect vascular smooth muscle tone.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether different private equity fund characteristics have any influence on the fund performance. Fund characteristics include fund type (venture capital or buyouts), fund size (sizes of funds are divided into six ranges), fund investment industry, fund sequence (first fund or follow-on fund) and investment market (US or EMEA). Fund performance is measured by internal rate of return, and tested by cross-sectional regression analysis with the method of Ordinary Least Squares. The data employs performance and characteristics of 997 private equity funds between 1985 and 2008. Our findings are that fund type has effect on fund performance. The average IRR of venture capital funds is 2.7% less than average IRR of buyout funds. However, We did not find any relationship between fund size and performance, and between fund sequence and performance. Funds based on US market perform better than funds based on EMEA market. The fund performance differs across different industries. The average IRRs of industrial/energy industry, consumer related industry, communications and media industry and medical/health industry are higher than the average IRR of other industries.
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that, during adulthood, the offspring of adolescent rats differ in emotionality, learning and memory from the offspring of adult rats. The behavior of the offspring of adolescent (age, 50-55 days) and adult rats (age, 90-95 days) was tested in the open field, activity cage, and passive and active avoidance apparatus. The latencies during training and testing in the passive avoidance apparatus of the offspring of adolescent parents were shorter than the latencies of control offspring (P<0.001 on both training and testing days). Offspring of adolescent parents showed shorter latency time in acquisition trials during active avoidance testing compared to control offspring (P<0.001). They also showed a higher number of active avoidance responses in the last four blocks of acquisition (P<0.001) and first two blocks of extinction trials (P<0.05 and P<0.001, respectively). The offspring of adolescent parents showed higher latency on the first day of testing in the open field (P<0.01) and a lower latency on the third day of testing (P<0.01). They also showed higher activity during all three days of testing (1st and 2nd day: P<0.01; 3rd day: P<0.05). The spontaneous activity of the offspring of adolescent parents in the activity cage was higher in the last three intervals of testing (P<0.001). In summary, the offspring of adolescent parents were less anxious and tended to be more active. The results of two learning and memory tests were opposite, but could be explained by a higher exploratory drive of the offspring of adolescent parents. This was probably due to chronic malnutrition stress and the disturbed mother-infant relationship in the litters of adolescent mothers.