889 resultados para Spanish language materials
This paper presents a dynamic LM adaptation based on the topic that has been identified on a speech segment. We use LSA and the given topic labels in the training dataset to obtain and use the topic models. We propose a dynamic language model adaptation to improve the recognition performance in "a two stages" AST system. The final stage makes use of the topic identification with two variants: the first on uses just the most probable topic and the other one depends on the relative distances of the topics that have been identified. We perform the adaptation of the LM as a linear interpolation between a background model and topic-based LM. The interpolation weight id dynamically adapted according to different parameters. The proposed method is evaluated on the Spanish partition of the EPPS speech database. We achieved a relative reduction in WER of 11.13% over the baseline system which uses a single blackground LM.
La Arquitectura industrial del tabaco en España está representada por dos tipos de construcciones, que corresponden a las dos fases en las que se divide el proceso de producción del tabaco: los secaderos (arquitectura bioclimática donde se realiza el secado), y las fábricas (centros donde se elabora el tabaco procedente de los secaderos). Las fábricas se repartieron por todo el territorio español, ocupando preferiblemente los lugares costeros, aunque existen casos en los que su localización obedecía a razones políticas. Estos edificios, en su mayoría, incluidos en los centros históricos de las ciudades, han cambiando de uso, y las antiguas fábricas de tabaco se han transformado en su mayoría, en centros de cultura, o centros sociales y representativos. La tesis surge del análisis de las características constructivas de la arquitectura industrial del tabaco: de los secaderos y de las fábricas, por tratarse de una tipología con suficiente entidad y un ejemplo de arquitectura bioclimática de producción en el caso de los secaderos, y por conseguir haberse adaptado a otros usos en el caso de las fábricas. La arquitectura de producción emplea un lenguaje acorde con los avances de la industrialización, anticipando materiales y estructuras, y condensando en una tipología específica las complejas relaciones establecidas entre producto, hombres y espacio. Estos edificios tuvieron una extensa implantación en el territorio, y se caracterizan por una serie de valores tecnológicos, arquitectónicos, sociológicos y paisajísticos, que hacen de ellos un documento de primera magnitud para conocer: la evolución e implantación de las técnicas constructivas (materiales y estructuras), los procesos de innovación tipológica y la estructura económica y procedimientos técnicos utilizados. El territorio en el que se insertan constituye su contexto territorial, por lo que no sería adecuado considerar estos edificios como elementos aislados, sin analizar la relación con el entorno en el que se generaron. Por este motivo, se analizan las condiciones higrotérmicas ambientales de los secaderos para compararlas con las de confort humano y establecer relaciones y parámetros compatibles. Los ejemplos analizados de secaderos son todos de fábrica. El uso del ladrillo como módulo principal para la elaboración de un edificio, supone la consideración de un “grado cero” de todo el aparato constructivo y compositivo de la arquitectura. Dejar el ladrillo visto, supone hacer explícitos todos los procesos acumulativos. Este elemento mínimo, permite unas posibilidades enormemente abiertas, pero no absolutamente aleatorias, que definen su propia lógica combinatoria. La exigencia de sinceridad, característica de la arquitectura industrial, en la exposición de los materiales, exhibiéndolos en su propia naturaleza y en el modo real de ser utilizados, se hace patente en este tipo de construcción. Se realiza un estudio de permeabilidad en las fachadas de los secaderos, para determinar el grado de ventilación y su relación con la orientación, el patrón de celosía empleado y el volumen total. Este sistema de acondicionamiento climático específico, puede servir de recurso a otras construcciones, por lo que se podría trasladar el sistema constructivo y formal de los secaderos a otros usos, desde una doble vertiente: Arquitectura para la adaptación climática al entorno. Arquitectura como generadora de condiciones climáticas específicas, en el interior. La utilidad de los secaderos es fundamentalmente: proporcionar sombra, ventilación y un espacio cubierto, pero permeable en sus fachadas. La arquitectura industrial debe ser reconocida dentro del conjunto patrimonial, debido a sus características propias que permiten su diferenciación del resto de la arquitectura. Conocer la estructura productiva permite analizar correctamente estas construcciones, ya que el programa inicial es básico para entender la organización del espacio interior. Las fábricas no se situaron cerca de las zonas de producción del tabaco, excepto en dos casos: Cádiz y Palazuelo, en los que existen secaderos y campos de cultivo de hoja de tabaco en las áreas cercanas. La principal causa de esta separación es que el proceso de obtención de tabaco es un proceso dividido en dos fases principales: proceso primario y proceso secundario. En el proceso primario la hoja de tabaco se seca en los secaderos, en los que es determinante el clima, pero únicamente en el caso del secado del tabaco al aire. En el proceso secundario sin embargo, el tabaco llega previamente tratado a las fábricas, por lo que no influye el clima en esta parte del proceso. Esta razón determina que en las áreas climáticas donde se centra el estudio, haya zonas en las que existen fábrica y secaderos y otras en las que únicamente existe fábrica, o sólo secaderos. La localización de las fábricas atendía a razones de muy diferente índole, las más importantes fueron: geográficas, estratégicas, y políticas. En la mayoría de las fábricas la elección de la ciudad de emplazamiento estaba ligada a la recepción de la materia prima, que principalmente se hacía por vía marítima, o acuática (el caso de Sevilla), y por vía terrestre, utilizando como medio de transporte el ferrocarril. Sólo dos casos, de las antiguas fábricas, corresponden a razones políticas, son las dos únicas que no están en la costa: Madrid y Logroño. La de Madrid se construyó por centralidad política, y porque geográficamente ocupaba el punto central de todas las comunicaciones terrestres por carretera y ferrocarril. Muchas de las fábricas se situaron cercanas a las estaciones de ferrocarril. La de Logroño atendió, sin embargo, a razones políticas. Para finalizar, se realiza un estudio comparativo de las fábricas de Sevilla, Madrid y San Sebastián. Las razones que justifican esta elección son: - La de Sevilla fue históricamente la primera fábrica y la más importante. - La de Madrid fue la más importante a nivel administrativo, la sede de Tabacalera se instaló en la capital, y después de la de Sevilla, fue la que sirvió de modelo al resto de las fábricas. - La de San Sebastián era la más grande del Norte. Los análisis que se han realizado son de: volumen y superficies de patios, superficies de cubierta, permeabilidad o huecos en fachadas, orientación y soleamiento de patios, distribución espacial interior y organización, y evolución de usos. Podemos observar que en la mayoría de estas fábricas ha habido una transformación en el uso, pasando de ser edificios industriales a edificios culturales. Estas construcciones se pueden considerar como infraestructuras adaptables, por ser útiles, sostenibles y funcionales. ABSTRACT The Spanish industrial architecture of tobacco is represented by two construction types that correspond to the two phases of tobacco production: the drying sheds (bioclimatic constructions where the drying process takes place) and factories (centres where tobacco is processed after the drying process). The factories were distributed throughout the Spanish territory, preferably occupying coastal locations, although some of them were located elsewhere following political reasons. Most of the buildings inside city centres have suffered changes in their use, becoming cultural, social or representative centres. This thesis attempts the analysis of the constructive systems employed in tobacco industrial architecture, from drying sheds to factories. The drying sheds are an example of bioclimatic industrial architecture. The factories are a typology that have successfully adapted to new uses. Industrial architecture uses a language that follows the advances in industrialization, anticipating new materials and structures, and merging the complex relationships established among products, human beings, space and locations. These buildings were promoted extensively in the country. They are characterized by technological architectural sociological and landscaping innovations. They are considered as important examples of the evolution and the implementation of construction techniques (building materials and structures). They are also considered as examples of innovation in the building typology, in their economic structure and in the technologies that they have applied. The settings in which the drying sheds are placed have an important influence in them. They cannot be considered as isolated elements. Instead, there is a close relationship between drying sheds and the surroundings in which they are located. Drying sheds’ hygrotermal and environmental conditions are analyzed in this thesis to compare them with the values of human comfort and find suitable relationships and parameters. All the drying sheds that have been analyzed are constructed with brick. This implies a consideration of “zero degree” for both the construction and the composition of the architectural process. The detailing - entails making all the accumulative processes explicit as the brick walls are left exposed. This minimal component allows a wide range of options that are never random but based on the logic of the way in which it is combined. The “sincerity” in the exposition of material, displaying them in their very nature and showing how they are really used, is a basic characteristic of industrial architecture, and it is even more expressive in these types of buildings. The walls of the drying sheds undergo a permeability assessment in order to determine the degree of ventilation and orientation, the lattice pattern used and the overall volume. This specific conditioning system can serve as a resource for other buildings, and consequently, it could be transferred to other uses within a two-pronged approach: -Climatically adapted architecture that takes into account the surroundings. -Architecture as a generator of specific climatic conditions indoors. Drying sheds’ main purposes / aims deal with how to provide shade, ventilation and a covered space as well as permeability. The industrial architecture must be recognized as historical valuable buildings due to its intrinsic and distinctive characteristics. Knowing the productive structure, allow us to make a proper analysis of these buildings, since the basic aim, is to understand the spatial organization indoors. Factories did not come close to the tobacco production, with the exception of Cádiz and Palazuelo, where there are sheds and tobacco croplands nearby. The main reason for this separation is that the process of obtaining tobacco has two processes: the primary process and the secondary process. In the primary process tobacco leaves are left to dry. In the secondary process, previously manufactured tobacco allocated in the factories where the weather conditions are not important. This fact determines that in the climate areas where this study tales place there are some cases in which we can find both factories and drying sheds, and others where there are either factories or drying sheds only. The location of these factories met various demands, being the most outstanding the ones related to geographic, strategic and political reasons. In most factories the choice of its location was often linked to the incoming of raw goods, mainly delivered through waterways –it is the case of Seville,) and by land, using railways. The location of the factories was linked to political reasons in only two cases Madrid and Logroño, which are the only ones that are not placed near the coast. The one in Madrid was built due to its political centrality and because geographically speaking, it was the reference landmark of means of land and rail transports. Many factories, in fact, were settled nearby rail stations. For the factory in Logroño, only political reasons were taken into consideration. I should like to close by undertaking a comparative study of factories in Seville, Madrid and San Sebastian. There are a number of reasons to substantiate this choice: -The factory in Seville was historically speaking the first that was built and the most important one. -The factory in Madrid was the most important one administratively. This factory was the headquarters as well as being, after Seville, the one which provided a model for other factories. -The factory in San Sebastian is the biggest in the North of Spain. The analysis carried out are related to the volume of the buildings and the surface areas of the courtyards, the surface of the roofs, the permeability of the walls and the openings of the façade, the orientation and the sun exposure, the indoor spatial distribution and organization and evolution of the uses (formerly and currently) I observe that in most of these factories there has been a change in the use of the buildings, from industrial cultural purposes. These buildings can be considered as adaptable infrastructures based on a combination of architectural practicability, sustainability and functionality.
El arquitecto Víctor Eusa (Pamplona, 1894-1990) es la figura central de la arquitectura en Navarra durante la mayor parte del siglo XX. Desde 1920, año en que termina sus estudios en Madrid, hasta 1973, año de su jubilación, produjo centenares de obras y proyectos en esta región española, con esporádicas intervenciones en otras zonas, como las provincias vecinas de Guipúzcoa, Vizcaya y Zaragoza. Su periodo activo coincide con el de la construcción del II Ensanche de Pamplona. La cantidad y calidad de su producción hacen posible establecer una identificación entre la obra de Eusa y la ciudad entonces existente. Sus obras principales son auténticos hitos urbanos que caracterizan el Ensanche. El archivo personal del arquitecto se perdió desgraciadamente en los años setenta del pasado siglo. Este trabajo de investigación ha partido de la recopilación de la documentación gráfica existente en archivos públicos y privados, que ha dado como fruto la catalogación de las obras y proyectos de Víctor Eusa, que constituye el tomo II de la tesis. En el tomo I se analiza la trayectoria del arquitecto y la evolución formal de su lenguaje, a partir de su formación académica y las sucesivas influencias que jalonan sus primeros años de profesión: sus viajes por Europa y Oriente, Otto Wagner y la Sezession vienesa, Perret y el hormigón armado, el Art-Déco y la Exposición de París de 1925, Dudok y la arquitectura holandesa, etc. Todo ello fructifica en una arquitectura expresionista muy personal, basada en la geometría de líneas rectas y quebradas, que combina el ladrillo y el hormigón como sus materiales preferidos. Su madurez se alcanza a finales de los años veinte y se prolonga hasta la guerra civil española. En este periodo se concentran sus obras más conocidas: Casa de Misericordia, Iglesia de los Paúles, Colegio de Escolapios, edificios de viviendas en plaza Príncipe de Viana y calle García Castañón, Seminario, Casino Eslava,… Después del 36, sus responsabilidades públicas sucesivas como arquitecto municipal de Pamplona y como arquitecto provincial de la Diputación Foral de Navarra introducen en su obra una nueva dimensión urbana. ABSTRACT The architect Víctor Eusa (Pamplona, 1894-1990) was the central figure in architecture in Navarra for most of the 20th century. From 1920, when he finished his studies in Madrid, to his retirement in 1973, he was responsible for hundreds of buildings in Navarra, as well as occasional projects in the neighbouring provinces of Guipúzcoa, Vizcaya and Zaragoza. His career as an architect developed in parallel with the second phase of urban expansion in Pamplona. In terms of both quantity and quality, this new district can be seen as an embodiment of Eusa's work, and his most outstanding buildings form the landmarks which give character to this area. Unfortunately, Eusa's personal archive was lost in the 1970s. By collecting and analyzing the graphic information available in public archives, the author of this dissertation was able to compile a catalogue of Eusa's work and projects, which is provided in volume II. Volume I focuses on Eusa's career and the formal development of his language, starting from his academic training and tracing the successive influences that were at work during his early years as an architect: his journeys through Europe and the East, Otto Wagner and the Vienna Secession, Perret and reinforced concrete, Art-Déco and the Paris Exhibition of 1925, Dudok and the Dutch architecture represented in the magazines Wendingen and De Stijl, and many others. All of this came together in Eusa's highly personal expressionist style, based on a geometry of straight and zigzag lines, combining his favourite materials, brick and concrete. His mature period consolidated by end of the 1920s and lasted until the Spanish Civil War. After 1936, Eusa's responsibilities as municipal architect for Pamplona and later as head of architecture for Navarra enabled him to develop his talents in the area of urban design.
In recent years, coinciding with adjustments to the Bologna process, many European universities have attempted to improve their international profile by increasing course offerings in English. According to the Institute of International Education (IIE), Spain has notably increased its English-taught higher education programs, ranking fifth in the list of European countries by number of English-taught Master's programs in 2013. This article presents the goals and preliminary results of an on-going innovative education project (TechEnglish) that aims to promote course offerings in English at the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM). The UPM is the oldest and largest of all Technical Universities in Spain. It offers graduate and postgraduate programs that cover all the engineering disciplines as well as architecture. Currently, the UPM has no specific bilingual/multilingual program to promote teaching in English, although there is an Educational Model Whitepaper (with a focus on undergraduate degrees) that promotes the development of activities like an International Semester or a unique shared curriculum. The TechEnglish project is an attempt to foster courses taught in English at 7 UPM Technical Schools, including students and 80 faculty members. Four tasks were identified: (1) to design a university wide framework to increase course offerings, (2) to identify administrative difficulties, (3) to increase visibility of courses offered, and (4) to disseminate the results of the project. First, to design a program we analyzed existing programs at other Spanish universities, and other projects and efforts already under way at the UPM. A total of 13 plans were analyzed and classified according to their relation with students (learning), professors (teaching), administration, course offerings, other actors/institutions within the university (e.g., language departments), funds and projects, dissemination activities, mobility plans and quality control. Second, to begin to identify administrative and organizational difficulties in the implementation of teaching in English, we first estimated the current and potential course offerings at the undergraduate level at the UPM using a survey (student, teacher and administrative demand, level of English and willingness to work in English). Third, to make the course offerings more attractive for both Spanish and international students we examined the way the most prestigious universities in Spain and in Europe try to improve the visibility of their academic offerings in English. Finally, to disseminate the results of the project we created a web page and a workspace on the Moodle education platform and prepared conferences and workshops within the UPM. Preliminary results show that increasing course offerings in English is an important step to promote the internationalization of the University. The main difficulties identified at the UPM were related to how to acknowledge/certify the departments, teachers or students involved in English courses, how students should register for the courses, how departments should split and schedule the courses (Spanish and English), and the lack of qualified personnel. A concerted effort could be made to increase the visibility of English-taught programs offered on-line.
This paper reflects upon the increasing diversity of the United States and the subsequent necessity for mental health providers who can provide psychotherapy services in more than one language. Review of the current literature of clinicians who provide bilingual services highlight the challenges and rewards of working in a second language. The literature focuses on the experiences of those bilingual clinicians who are bilingual in English and Spanish. However, there is little to no research concerning clinicians who can provide psychotherapy in three languages. This writer speaks of her experience growing up in a bilingual Vietnamese-English household in Southern California and her journey of becoming fluent in Spanish. Lastly, she provides recommendations to training programs on how to support trainees who aim to provide psychotherapy services in multiple languages.
Abundant research has shown that poverty has negative influences on young child academic and psychosocial development, and unfortunately, disparities in school readiness between low and high income children can be seen as early the first year of life. The largest federal early care and education intervention for these vulnerable children is Early Head Start (EHS). To diminish these disparate child outcomes, EHS seeks to provide community based flexible programming for infants and toddlers and their families. Given how relatively recent these programs have been offered, little is known about the nuances of how EHS impacts infant and toddler language and psychosocial development. Using a framework of Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) this paper had 5 goals: 1) to characterize the associations between domain specific and cumulative risk and child outcomes 2) to validate and explore these risk-outcome associations separately for Children of Hispanic immigrants (COHIs), 3) to explore relationships among family characteristics, multiple environmental factors, and dosage patterns in different EHS program types, 4) to examine the relationship between EHS dosage and child outcomes, and 5) to examine how EHS compliance impacts child internalizing and externalizing behaviors and emerging language abilities. Results of the current study showed that risks were differentially related to child outcomes. Poor maternal mental health was related to child internalizing and externalizing behaviors, but not related to emerging child language skills. Although child language skills were not related to maternal mental health, they were related to economic hardship. Additionally, parent level Spanish use and heritage orientation were associated with positive child outcomes. Results also showed that these relationships differed when COHIs and children with native-born parents were examined separately. Further, unique patterns emerged for EHS program use, for example families who participated in home-based care were less likely to comply with EHS attendance requirements. These findings provide tangible suggestions for EHS stakeholders: namely, the need to develop effective programming that targets engagement for diverse families enrolled in EHS programs.
Comunicación presentada en forma de póster en el "12th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering", Barcelona (Spain), November 15-18, 2011
In this paper we present a whole Natural Language Processing (NLP) system for Spanish. The core of this system is the parser, which uses the grammatical formalism Lexical-Functional Grammars (LFG). Another important component of this system is the anaphora resolution module. To solve the anaphora, this module contains a method based on linguistic information (lexical, morphological, syntactic and semantic), structural information (anaphoric accessibility space in which the anaphor obtains the antecedent) and statistical information. This method is based on constraints and preferences and solves pronouns and definite descriptions. Moreover, this system fits dialogue and non-dialogue discourse features. The anaphora resolution module uses several resources, such as a lexical database (Spanish WordNet) to provide semantic information and a POS tagger providing the part of speech for each word and its root to make this resolution process easier.
There is no question nowadays as to the international and powerful status of English at a global scale and, consequently, as to its presence in non-English speaking countries at different levels. Linguistically speaking, English is one of the languages which have mostly influenced Spanish throughout its history and especially from the late 1960s. In this study, the impact of English on Spanish is considered in the language of sports; particularly, sports Anglicisms and false Anglicisms are analysed. Due attention is paid to the different forms that an Anglicism may adopt and to which of those forms are more widely accepted or rejected by prescriptivists and speakers at large, in the light of a contrastive analysis of their appearance in the Nuevo diccionario de anglicismos, the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española and the Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual.
Characterization of sound absorbing materials is essential to predict its acoustic behaviour. The most commonly used models to do so consider the flow resistivity, porosity, and average fibre diameter as parameters to determine the acoustic impedance and sound absorbing coefficient. Besides direct experimental techniques, numerical approaches appear to be an alternative to estimate the material’s parameters. In this work an inverse numerical method to obtain some parameters of a fibrous material is presented. Using measurements of the normal incidence sound absorption coefficient and then using the model proposed by Voronina, subsequent application of basic minimization techniques allows one to obtain the porosity, average fibre diameter and density of a sound absorbing material. The numerical results agree fairly well with the experimental data.
In this paper we describe Fénix, a data model for exchanging information between Natural Language Processing applications. The format proposed is intended to be flexible enough to cover both current and future data structures employed in the field of Computational Linguistics. The Fénix architecture is divided into four separate layers: conceptual, logical, persistence and physical. This division provides a simple interface to abstract the users from low-level implementation details, such as programming languages and data storage employed, allowing them to focus in the concepts and processes to be modelled. The Fénix architecture is accompanied by a set of programming libraries to facilitate the access and manipulation of the structures created in this framework. We will also show how this architecture has been already successfully applied in different research projects.
Activated carbons prepared from petroleum pitch and using KOH as activating agent exhibit an excellent behavior in CO2 capture both at atmospheric (∼168 mg CO2/g at 298 K) and high pressure (∼1500 mg CO2/g at 298 K and 4.5 MPa). However, an exhaustive evaluation of the adsorption process shows that the optimum carbon structure, in terms of adsorption capacity, depends on the final application. Whereas narrow micropores (pores below 0.6 nm) govern the sorption behavior at 0.1 MPa, large micropores/small mesopores (pores below 2.0–3.0 nm) govern the sorption behavior at high pressure (4.5 MPa). Consequently, an optimum sorbent exhibiting a high working capacity for high pressure applications, e.g., pressure-swing adsorption units, will require a poorly-developed narrow microporous structure together with a highly-developed wide microporous and small mesoporous network. The appropriate design of the preparation conditions gives rise to carbon materials with an extremely high delivery capacity ∼1388 mg CO2/g between 4.5 MPa and 0.1 MPa. Consequently, this study provides guidelines for the design of carbon materials with an improved ability to remove carbon dioxide from the environment at atmospheric and high pressure.
Hospitals attached to the Spanish Ministry of Health are currently using the International Classification of Diseases 9 Clinical Modification (ICD9-CM) to classify health discharge records. Nowadays, this work is manually done by experts. This paper tackles the automatic classification of real Discharge Records in Spanish following the ICD9-CM standard. The challenge is that the Discharge Records are written in spontaneous language. We explore several machine learning techniques to deal with the classification problem. Random Forest resulted in the most competitive one, achieving an F-measure of 0.876.
This introduction provides an overview of the state-of-the-art technology in Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems. Specifically, we analyze the need for such technologies to successfully address the new challenges of modern information systems, in which the exploitation of the Web as a main data source on business systems becomes a key requirement. It will also discuss the reasons why Human Language Technologies themselves have shifted their focus onto new areas of interest very directly linked to the development of technology for the treatment and understanding of Web 2.0. These new technologies are expected to be future interfaces for the new information systems to come. Moreover, we will review current topics of interest to this research community, and will present the selection of manuscripts that have been chosen by the program committee of the NLDB 2011 conference as representative cornerstone research works, especially highlighting their contribution to the advancement of such technologies.
This paper addresses the problem of the automatic recognition and classification of temporal expressions and events in human language. Efficacy in these tasks is crucial if the broader task of temporal information processing is to be successfully performed. We analyze whether the application of semantic knowledge to these tasks improves the performance of current approaches. We therefore present and evaluate a data-driven approach as part of a system: TIPSem. Our approach uses lexical semantics and semantic roles as additional information to extend classical approaches which are principally based on morphosyntax. The results obtained for English show that semantic knowledge aids in temporal expression and event recognition, achieving an error reduction of 59% and 21%, while in classification the contribution is limited. From the analysis of the results it may be concluded that the application of semantic knowledge leads to more general models and aids in the recognition of temporal entities that are ambiguous at shallower language analysis levels. We also discovered that lexical semantics and semantic roles have complementary advantages, and that it is useful to combine them. Finally, we carried out the same analysis for Spanish. The results obtained show comparable advantages. This supports the hypothesis that applying the proposed semantic knowledge may be useful for different languages.