803 resultados para Social network behavior


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Purpose – The purpose of this study is to address a recent call for additional research on electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). In response to this call, this study draws on the social network paradigm and the uses and gratification theory (UGT) to propose and empirically test a conceptual framework of key drivers of two types of eWOM, namely in-group and out-of-group. Design/methodology/approach – The proposed model, which examines the impact of usage motivations on eWOM in-group and eWOM out-of-group, is tested in a sample of 302 internet users in Portugal. Findings – Results from the survey show that the different drivers (i.e. mood-enhancement, escapism, experiential learning and social interaction) vary in terms of their impact on the two different types of eWOM. Surprisingly, while results show a positive relationship between experiential learning and eWOM out-of-group, no relationship is found between experiential learning and eWOM in-group. Research limitations/implications – This is the first study investigating the drivers of both eWOM in-group and eWOM out-of-group. Additional research in this area will contribute to the development of a general theory of eWOM. Practical implications – By understanding the drivers of different eWOM types, this study provides guidance to marketing managers on how to allocate resources more efficiently in order to achieve the company's strategic objectives. Originality/value – No published study has investigated the determinants of these two types of eWOM. This is the first study offering empirical considerations of how the various drivers differentially impact eWOM in-group and eWOM out-of-group.


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Purpose– The purpose of this study is to address a recent call for additional research on electronic word‐of‐mouth (eWOM). In response to this call, this study draws on the social network paradigm and the uses and gratification theory (UGT) to propose and empirically test a conceptual framework of key drivers of two types of eWOM, namely in‐group and out‐of‐group. Design/methodology/approach– The proposed model, which examines the impact of usage motivations on eWOM in‐group and eWOM out‐of‐group, is tested in a sample of 302 internet users in Portugal. Findings– Results from the survey show that the different drivers (i.e. mood‐enhancement, escapism, experiential learning and social interaction) vary in terms of their impact on the two different types of eWOM. Surprisingly, while results show a positive relationship between experiential learning and eWOM out‐of‐group, no relationship is found between experiential learning and eWOM in‐group. Research limitations/implications– This is the first study investigating the drivers of both eWOM in‐group and eWOM out‐of‐group. Additional research in this area will contribute to the development of a general theory of eWOM. Practical implications– By understanding the drivers of different eWOM types, this study provides guidance to marketing managers on how to allocate resources more efficiently in order to achieve the company's strategic objectives. Originality/value– No published study has investigated the determinants of these two types of eWOM. This is the first study offering empirical considerations of how the various drivers differentially impact eWOM in‐group and eWOM out‐of‐group.


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The Team Formation problem (TFP) has become a well-known problem in the OR literature over the last few years. In this problem, the allocation of multiple individuals that match a required set of skills as a group must be chosen to maximise one or several social positive attributes. Speci�cally, the aim of the current research is two-fold. First, two new dimensions of the TFP are added by considering multiple projects and fractions of people's dedication. This new problem is named the Multiple Team Formation Problem (MTFP). Second, an optimization model consisting in a quadratic objective function, linear constraints and integer variables is proposed for the problem. The optimization model is solved by three algorithms: a Constraint Programming approach provided by a commercial solver, a Local Search heuristic and a Variable Neighbourhood Search metaheuristic. These three algorithms constitute the first attempt to solve the MTFP, being a variable neighbourhood local search metaheuristic the most effi�cient in almost all cases. Applications of this problem commonly appear in real-life situations, particularly with the current and ongoing development of social network analysis. Therefore, this work opens multiple paths for future research.


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Sociable robots are embodied agents that are part of a heterogeneous society of robots and humans. They Should be able to recognize human beings and each other, and to engage in social, interactions. The use of a robotic architecture may strongly reduce the time and effort required to construct a sociable robot. Such architecture must have structures and mechanisms to allow social interaction. behavior control and learning from environment. Learning processes described oil Science of Behavior Analysis may lead to the development of promising methods and Structures for constructing robots able to behave socially and learn through interactions from the environment by a process of contingency learning. In this paper, we present a robotic architecture inspired from Behavior Analysis. Methods and structures of the proposed architecture, including a hybrid knowledge representation. are presented and discussed. The architecture has been evaluated in the context of a nontrivial real problem: the learning of the shared attention, employing an interactive robotic head. The learning capabilities of this architecture have been analyzed by observing the robot interacting with the human and the environment. The obtained results show that the robotic architecture is able to produce appropriate behavior and to learn from social interaction. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva vad personer med diabetes anser inverka på deras möjlighet och vilja att följa egenvårdsråd (patientperspektivet) och att beskriva omvård-nad som stöder följsamhet (sjukvårdsperspektivet). Studien har genomförts som en litteratur-studie. Det visade sig att alla krav för att hålla sjukdomen under kontroll innebär livsstilsför-ändringar, som kan vara så utmanande för patienten, att han kanske inte kan eller vill vidta dessa. Bristande kunskap om sjukdomen och om dess egenvårdskrav kan göra honom dåligt emotionellt anpassad till denna, det vill säga han har inte accepterat att han har sjukdomen och han vill inte låta dess egenvårdskrav inkräkta på det sociala livet. Detta ger honom för-sämrade möjligheter att hantera sjukdomen på ett bra sätt. Barriärer av olika slag kan uppstå mellan patient och vårdgivare. Det kan röra sig om en upplevd brist på information och stöd när diabetes diagnosticerats eller en känsla av att vara utsatt för läkarens eller sjuksköterskans stereotypa föreställningar och/eller att bli paternalistiskt behandlad. Till barriärer räknas även klinisk misskötsel, det vill säga att läkare/sjuksköterska inte följer vedertagna riktlinjer för be-handling.Vad som kan inverka positivt på följsamheten är patientens stöd av anhöriga eller andra i det sociala nätverket. Omvårdnad som stöder följsamhet visade sig varapatientundervisning, främst om den inriktades på att öka patientens självständighet genom att låta undervisningen pågå under en längre tid, så att patienten hinner integrera sin nya kunskap med det dagliga livet. Med eller utan patientundervisning tar det tid att bygga upp ett socialt stöd och ett förtroende mellan patient och vårdare.


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People tell jokes in order to amuse and produce laughter. It is possible to represent laughter in the cyberspace discourse by writing how it sounds or by using a representation of a facial expression formed by various combinations of keyboard characters called emoticon. Jokes are appreciated by both men and women in our society but is there any difference between the way they represent laughter in the cyberspace discourse? In this research, we use the qualitative and quantitative method. First, we analyze the mechanism of linguistic construction of five jokes and their types and techniques based on Freud’s theory about this subject. Then we present the reactions produced by the jokes found in a social network and focus in the written representation of the laughter. The results show us that more women than men react to the jokes by writing a comment. The most popular laughter used by both men and women in a Spanish social network is "jajajaja" and the emoticon "XD". We have also found that people use the international laughter "hahahaha" and more women than men use "jejeje" to represent laughter in the same network. Although each individual has a laughter style, the way people represent the laughter graphically in the cyberspace discourse is almost the same between men and women but it differs in the way they use them as a reaction to the type and technique of the joke.


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Palliativt förhållningssätt kännetecknas av helhetssyn av människan och uppnås genom stöttning av individen att leva med värdighet och största möjliga välbefinnande till livets slut oavsett diagnos eller ålder. Demens är en sjukdom som är svårt handikappande för den som drabbas och för de anhöriga är sjukdomen förödande. Den palliativa vården av personer med demens är inte optimerad. Studier visar att det dels beror på demenssjukdomen som är svår att vårda och dels för att stöd till de personer som vårdar sina anhöriga och det sociala kommunala nätverket har brister. Syfte: Att analysera upplevelsen av given vård i livets slutskede hos personer med demensdiagnos ur personalens och anhörigas perspektiv. Metod: Metasyntes utförd med Howell Major och Savin-Badins analysmodell, Qualitative Research Synthesis. Resultat: Kunskap och personcentrering var de två begrepp som blev produkten av syntesen. Begreppen fungerar som motsatser, om det finns kunskap och personcentrering så finns en bra upplevelse av given vård hos personal och anhöriga och om det brister i kunskap och personcentrering blir upplevelsen sämre. Diskussion: Kunskap om demens bland personal har i syntesen visats vara en indikator för god vård vid livets slut. Utbildning i demenssjukdom bör ske kontinuerligt och på olika nivåer beroende på vilken personalkategori som utbildas. Konklusion: Palliativ vård och demens måste få utrymme i utbildningarna av all personal, från undersköterska till specialistläkare.


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Patriarchal values: girls are more apt to change How has the family value system changed between generations, especially when taking into account the gender dimension? This article presents some results from a study carried outin 2007 in one village of the Gourani tribe where the people are followers of Ahle Hagh in Islamabad Gharb (west of Iran). The differences between generations (those born and raised before and after the Islamic Revolution) in patriarchal values in the family are statistically significant. The older generation opts for the man of the family to make most of the decisions; on children’s education, marriage, naming, the families expenditure, the place for residence, the social network of the family and even the number of children. The younger generation has a different value system and it has moved towards a more egalitarian type of family. With the gender variable included in the findings we see that although the values of the younger male population have evolved toward a less patriarchal decision making structure inthe family, the degree of changes among the young women is much higher. Looking into the preferences for male sex for the first child as well as a larger number of boys in the family, the difference between generations is significant. However data on the differences analyzed with the gender variable proves that the changes concerning the equality of sexes are mainly due to drastic changes in the young women’s value system. That is, the male population, young or old, still prefer to have a boy as their first born and to have more sons in the family. But the young female generation in the rural area sees less difference in having boys or girls in the family. It is concluded that reforms in the old value system is an evolving process of everyday life and that the girls are the main social force for change.


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Med denna uppsats har vi velat ta reda på hur singlar över 30 år upplever sitt singelskap samt hur de förhåller sig till att inleda partnerskap och att skaffa barn. Singel är ett begrepp som inrymmer många olika aspekter och perspektiv. Genom individuella intervjuer har vi tagit del av 4 kvinnliga singlar och 4 manliga singlars egna upplevelser, alla är över 30 år och bosatta i mellan Sverige. Vi har analyserat det empiriska materialet vi fått fram med hjälp av vår teoretiska utgångspunkt som berör modernitetens samhälle där individen skapar sin självidentitet och livsstil utifrån sin kontext. Singlarna har givit oss en bild av deras liv och deras inställning till den norm om parrelationer och att skaffa barn som finns i vårt samhälle. Det empiriska materialet vi fått tillgång till har tolkats och analyserats med hjälp av Grounded theory. Vårt resultat visar på individens strävan efter känslan av frihet och oberoende. Singlarna är nöjda över sin livsstil men uppger att det kan finnas en saknad av någon ibland. En ambivalens uppstår mellan deras känsla av frihet till den ensamhet de kan uppleva. Upplevelsen av singelskapet och synen på partnerskap och barn mellan män och kvinnor visar sig inte vara så olik.


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Mountainous areas with a high dependency on its tourism industry are often relatively small and remote. But some of these areas have faced a population increase due to large in-migration;Wanaka in New Zealand’s Southern Alps is one example. This paper is studying the migration motivations of a few individuals that have moved to Wanaka and how they started to feel like part of their new community. The meaning of the place is important for these newcomers. The results of the study indicate that there is a strong link between the community and the lifestyle that in-migrants are seeking. It also highlights the importance for in-migrants to be a part of the social community. Social Clubs, sport clubs and voluntary work are ways of becoming a part of a social network.


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För att få drömjobbet inom en konkurrenskraftig bransch som grafiskdesign krävs det lilla extra. Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta redapå vad detta extra är och därigenom underlätta för arbetssökandegrafiska designers på vägen till drömjobbet.Genom tre djupgående intervjuer med anställda på medelstora byråer iMellansverige undersöktes vad arbetsgivare uppskattar och förväntar sigav en arbetssökande grafisk designer. Frågeställningen behandladeportfolions framtid med branschens digitalisering som bakgrund, samthur en arbetssökande fångar arbetsgivarens intresse.Resultatet visar att även om portfolion utgör en stor del av underlaget förrekrytering av personal, är personen bakom portfolion och vad den haratt berätta om innehållet det som är viktigast. En portfolio som intebeskriver sammanhang duger inte som marknadsföringsmaterial. Attvårda det personliga varumärket framstår som viktigt för framgång. Dendigitala portfolion dominerar marknaden, men fysiska arbetsproverupplevs som ett möjligt sätt att stå ut från mängden. Digitala nätverkmottas positivt av branschen, men webbplatser anses ha mer substans.


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BACKGROUND: Pre- and post-migration trauma due to forced migration may impact negatively on parents' ability to care for their children. Little qualitative work has examined Somali-born refugees' experiences. The aim of this study is to explore Somali-born refugees' experiences and challenges of being parents in Sweden, and the support they need in their parenting. METHODS: A qualitative descriptive study was undertaken. Data were collected from four focus group discussions (FGDs) among 23 Somali-born mothers and fathers living in a county in central Sweden. Qualitative content analysis has been applied. RESULTS: A main category, Parenthood in Transition, emerged as a description of a process of parenthood in transition. Two generic categories were identified: Challenges, and Improved parenting. Challenges emerged from leaving the home country and being new and feeling alienated in the new country. In Improved parenting, an awareness of opportunities in the new country and ways to improve their parenting was described, which includes how to improve their communication and relationship with their children. The parents described a need for information on how to culturally adapt their parenting and obtain support from the authorities. CONCLUSIONS: Parents experienced a process of parenthood in transition. They were looking to the future and for ways to improve their parenting. Schools and social services can overcome barriers that prevent lack of knowledge about the new country's systems related to parenthood. Leaving the home country often means separation from the family and losing the social network. We suggest that staff in schools and social services offer parent training classes for these parents throughout their children's childhood, with benefits for the child and family.


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The objective of this essay was to verify if the practices of local development in these small towns (population under 20.000 inhabitants) of Lavra¿s small region have contributed to the formation and/or strengthening of social network. The work was conducted from a theoretical discussion about local development, citizenship, local development with citizenship and social network. Afterward interviews were made semi-structured with a sample formed of 54 citizens of six towns of Lavra¿s small region in Minas Gerais. The speech analysis was used in the treatment of the dates. As results, considering the strengthening and formation of social network, it is possible to say: about the strengthening, that there is not a possibility, because the social networks structured as we understand it, do not exist or are still to embryonic, prevailing, in the formation towns, the pyramidal structure. And about the formation, it is notable that there are more negative aspects than positive to the development of these networks, however some initiative point out to the possibilities of creation. Therefore, we can conclude that the practice of local development contribute, still, in a very incipient and limited manner to the formation of social networks in the state¿s town. Incipient because the identified initiatives that points towards the creation are recent and are still in a structure stage; and limited because there are too many negative aspects that make the construction difficult.


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Essa dissertação apresenta uma pesquisa da política pedagógica dirigida para o "menor desassistido", desenvolvida numa unidade oficial - o Centro de Reeducação Feminino (CRF) - integrante do Sistema Nacional de Atendi mento ao Menor, através do órgão estadual correspondente: Instituto Espírito-Santense do Bem-Estar do Menor(~}. Este Centro abriga menores do sexo feminino na faixa etária dos 13 aos 18 anos incompletos, alí internas, segundo proposta oficial, por apresentarem conduta anti-social acentuada. O presente trabalho estendeu-se de maio de 1980 a novembro de 1981 e, durante esse tempo, foi-nos possivel a coleta dos dados necessários através de: leitura e análise dos textos oficiais, entrevistas a que foram submetidos todos os membros da Unidade (menores e agentes institucionais, das observações e participações nas ativi dades diárias). Através dos dados coletados houve a intenção de constatar: a} se a "pedagogia prometida" é a praticada a nível de umà unidade oficial do Sistema FUNABEM - Fundação Nacional do Bem-Estar do Menor - de atendimento; b) se aquela "prática pedagógica" concorre para o "reeducar e "ressocializar termos que expressam os objetivos mais amplos da proposta nacional. A julgar pelo que constatamos, no CRF, o processo de insti tucionalização é impotente· para resolver, de forma reeducativa, um problema de tamanho peso social, qual seja o da menor carente ou infratora. A infração cometida ou a conduta anti-social apresentada são o resultado ou estratégias de sobrevivência encontradas pela menor para si própria e para o seu grupo social, do qual é um participante ativo. o "reeducar" e o "ressocializar" por melhores que sejam, como propostas, camuflam uma tentativa do sistema sócio-econômico-político, em manter defendidos os in teresses dominantes da sociedade. Através do "reeducar", "ressocializar", esta sociedade espera poder conviver com menores refeitas e como diz Foucault "dóceis" e "úteis" assim que ela as deseja.


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O desenvolvimento sócio-politico-econômico e social de nosso século, vem contribuindo enormemente à inserção da força de trabalho feminina, principalmente nas últimas três décadas. A necessidade econômica aliada ao desejo, cada vez mais manifesto, de desenvolver potenciais profissionais, vem modificando certos hábitos e costumes que, tradicionalmente, estavam enraizados em nossa cultura. O desejo de "ir a luta" tem transformado o papel da mulher dentro do contexto familiar. Cada vez mais, nos deparamos com mulheres que conseguem, mesmo que de forma incipiente, dividir seu "papel-rótulo", de dona de casa, com seu marido ou companheiro. E aí, surge a questão: com quem ficarão os filhos? As creches vem se revelando como uma boa alternativa, na medida que, em sua própria definição, ela é um local destinado a favorecer o desenvolvimento da criança pequena. A criança deve ser atendida em suas necessidadse básicas, propiciando a sua socialização, estabelecendo relações afetivas e ampliando experiências. Paralelamente, resta analisar que toda decisão implica em um processo muitas vezes doloroso. A decisão de deixar o bebê na creche, se reflete, diretamente, nos sentimentos maternos, que se tornam ambíguos. A necessidade dá as mãos a culpa, que se instala fortemente. Quanto ao bebê, entrar em um mundo novo é tarefa árdua, que exige um estágio de maturação e um processo de ajustamento que não corresponde, muitas vezes, ao desenvolvimento físico, intelectual e emocional. Para se adaptar ao novo ambiente, entram em jogo mecanismos múltiplos que alteram desde a fisiologia do bebê até o seu desenvolvimento como um todo. Essas mudanças fazem com que as crianças emitam respostas e tenham comportamentos de reação, os mais complexos e diversos, a essa adaptação. É um mundo novo, como pessoas novas e, estabelecer relações, não é tão simples. Afetivamente, ir a creche, implica na separação do meio familiar e, mais especificamente, separa-se da mãe. Dentre muitas formas de expressar o sentimento em relação a essa separação, encontram-se os distúrbios emocionais do bebê - o adoecer da criança, as manifestações psicossomáticas que são diretamente ligadas a relação mãe-filho. Procurar-se-á analisar os aspectos pscicológicos do adoecer, adoecer entendido como forma de protesto, como reclamação a angústia frente à separação.