774 resultados para Sjöberg, Agnes


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Useful works of reference": p. xxvi-xxviii.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Edited by Emil Kuh.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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In folder, 25 cm.


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Publisher's advertisements on p. [561]-[568] at end.


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Polismyndigheten har under 2015 påbörjat och ska under 2016 fortsätta undergå en omorganisering. En del av omorganiseringen innefattar att Polismyndigheten skrivit ett fyraårigt kontrakt värderat till 35 miljoner kronor med Prime Public Relations AB med avseende upphandling av strategiska kommunikationstjänster. Studien syftar till att undersöka vad skälen är till att Polismyndigheten har valt att en PR-byrå ska sköta delar av deras kommunikation och vad det hittills fått för konsekvenser. Totalt analyseras 50 artiklar som publicerats under upphandlingstiden i en innehållsanalys för att få en överblick kring olika teman som framkommit. Innehållsanalysen fungerar som ett kvantitativt komplement till två semi-strukturerade intervjuer samt en mailkorrespondens med projektansvarig för samarbetet med Polismyndigheten på Prime. En av intervjuerna hölls med en tidigare presstalesperson för Polismyndigheten som nu är kommunikationskonsult med uppdrag inom bland annat kriskommunikation. Den andra intervjun hölls med ansvarig handläggare för upphandlingen hos Polismyndigheten. En enkät kompletterar materialet med utomstående åsikter kring förändring av förtroendet för polisen i samband med upphandlingen. Tillsammans bidrar metoderna till ett gediget material för fallstudien som blir belyst från olika håll både med hjälp av kvalitativ samt kvantitativ data. Resultaten leder fram till en diskussion kring organisationskommunikation och intern kritik från anställda poliser som en produkt av upphandlingen. Analysen tar även upp de anställdas meningsskapande av den nya kontexten inom myndigheten samt en diskussion om förtroende och huruvida situationen kring upphandlingen skulle kunna ha sköts på ett annat sätt för att undvika negativa konsekvenser. 


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O estudo das emoções no consumo é fundamental para a expansão do conhecimento da área de marketing. Pesquisadores de consumo de múltiplas tendências já perceberam a importância de se compreender mais profundamente os fenômenos emocionais associados ao consumo. Esta tese apresenta uma análise das relações entre o sentimento de vergonha e os significados de consumo. Utilizei uma abordagem de orientação sociológica, focada nas relações entre o indivíduo e o grupo na construção de seus sentimentos. Para poder penetrar no mundo dos sentimentos vividos pelos indivíduos, adotei uma perspectiva interpretativa para a pesquisa. Como conseqüência direta de minha opção epistemológica, foi necessária a utilização de uma abordagem metodológica capaz de alcançar os conjuntos de significados subjetivos dos indivíduos organizados dentro de um contexto social. Essencialmente, ficou demonstrado que o interacionismo interpretativo (DENZIN, 1989) ofereceu uma solução útil e consistente para os problemas de análise dos volumosos dados resultantes da abordagem qualitativa. A utilização do interacionismo interpretativo permitiu que eu permanecesse totalmente focado no fenômeno sob estudo devido às características progressivas (step-like) da análise. Além disso, a abordagem adotada tornou possível o acesso às perspectivas dos participantes através de suas linguagens, atitudes e pensamentos. Como resultado, obtive uma interpretação mais rica e completa das relações de consumo que envolvem a vergonha. Foram construídos três casos que representam de forma abrangente as entrevistas capturadas. Estes três casos ofereceram indicações suficientes para a discussão acerca dos principais pontos levantados. Ficou claro que a vergonha pode agir de maneira a constituir e modificar o significado de consumo de bens e serviços e alterar a avaliação do consumidor com relação a estes. Além disso, o estudo da vergonha pode ter conseqüências práticas para o marketing uma vez que este sentimento está relacionado ao estímulo ou desestímulo do consumo, além de surgir como resposta para algumas experiências de consumo.


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Trägerband: Inc. fol. 109 (Ausst. 130); Vorbesitzer: Augustinerinnenstift St. Agnes Trier; Zacharias Konrad von Uffenbach


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The needs of parents of hospitalized children have received some attention in the health literature, but few studies have compared parents' perceptions of needs with staff's ideas about parents' needs. The aim of this Study was to examine differences between the perceptions of the needs of parents of hospitalized children held by staff - nurses, doctors and allied health staff, and parents in a 150-bed paediatric hospital in Sweden. The convenience sample comprised 132 staff - nurses, doctors and allied health stall and 115 parents of children admitted to all the wards except intensive care. Kristjansdottir's needs of parents of hospitalized children questionnaire (NPQ) was the instrument of choice and was modified slightly for use with staff. Results indicated significant differences in perceptions of the importance of different needs of parents, of how well they were being met in the hospital arid how much help the parents needed to have them filled. Differences between parents' and staff's perceptions of the importance of parental needs were found in areas relating to psychosocial needs, but in general, in that hospital, the needs were being adequately met. The main differences between staff's and parents' results were in the degree of independence shown by parents in requiring hell) to have their needs met. This demonstrates either that parents are much more independent than appraised by staff, or, that parents are sometimes unaware of the level of assistance available.


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Motion-induced blindness (MIB) is a phenomenon, perhaps related to perceptual rivalry, where stationary targets disappear and reappear in a cyclic mode when viewed against a background (mask) of coherent, apparent 3-D motion. Since MIB has recently been shown to share similar temporal properties with binocular rivalry, we probed the appearance-disappearance cycle of MIB using unilateral, single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)-a manipulation that has previously been shown to influence binocular rivalry. Effects were seen for both hemispheres when the timing of TMS was determined prospectively on the basis of a given subject's appearance-disappearance cycle, so that it occurred on average around 300 ms before the time of perceptual switch. Magnetic stimulation of either hemisphere shortened the time to switch from appearance to disappearance and vice versa. However, TMS of left posterior parietal cortex more selectively shortened the disappearance time of the targets if delivered in phase with the disappearance cycle, but lengthened it if TMS was delivered in the appearance phase after the perceptual switch. Opposite effects were seen in the right hemisphere, although less marked than the left-hemisphere effects. As well as sharing temporal characteristics with binocular rivalry, MIB therefore seems to share a similar underlying mechanism of interhemispheric modulation. Interhemispheric switching may thus provide a common temporal framework for uniting the diverse, multilevel phenomena of perceptual rivalry.


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Presents the findings of a study in Australia which focused on the collaboration between home, school and community that support numeracy development in children. Aims of the project; Framework used in the analysis of various partnerships between the social institutions; Ways in which the partnerships can be initiated; Concerns that are essential in building and sustaining long-term partnerships to support children's numeracy development.