821 resultados para Sistema de nível de tanques
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar as características morfogenéticas e estruturais do capim-Tanzânia, a produção de forragem, as perdas de nitrogênio (N) por volatilização, reservas orgânicas e a avaliação do sistema radicular sob doses de nitrogênio sob pastejo. O experimento foi instalado na área Fazenda Experimental de Iguatemi da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, no período de março de 2007 a março de 2008. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos completos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas com quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, encontravam-se as doses de N (0, 150, 300 e 450 kg ha-1 de N) e, nas sub-parcelas, as estações do ano. As perdas de N por volatilização foram quantificadas depois da adubação N (1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12 e 15 dias). As amostragens das raízes foram realizadas nas profundidades de 0-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm. A aplicação do fertilizante N na pastagem foi parcelada em três aplicações. A produção de massa seca total e de lâmina foliar de forragem respondeu linearmente até 282 kg ha-1 de N na estação do verão. A adubação nitrogenada exerce efeito positivo nas taxas de alongamento e aparecimento foliar, e no número de folhas vivas em plantas de capim-Tanzânia nas estações da primavera e verão. Elevadas adubações nitrogenadas associada a intervalos menores de pastejo promovem uma maior porcentagem de lâmina foliar; no manejo de pastos de capim-Tanzânia sob lotação rotacionada com altura de 70 cm na entrada dos animais para o pastejo e saída com 30 cm de altura do resíduo. A interação entre o nível de adubação e o período depois da aplicação de uréia foi significativa para a variável volatilização acumulada de N-NH3. A aplicação da uréia acarreta perdas percentuais mais elevadas de N nos três primeiros dias após a aplicação. A perda média acumulada de N-NH3 no período para as três estações do ano... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Os sistemas ambientais são compostos por elementos e atributos que atuam em sua dinâmica, os quais, ao longo de um dado período de tempo, podem responder às condições naturais ou às imposições antrópicas, sendo que estas últimas podem desencadear modificações no seu equilíbrio natural. Neste contexto, o objetivo principal do trabalho proposto foi identificar e analisar as alterações na dinâmica de ocupação e uso das terras e sua interferência nas características naturais da bacia do Ribeirão Bonito – SP, com ênfase à geomorfologia e hidrografia. A área em questão situa-se junto à baixa bacia do Rio Piracicaba, no Estado de São Paulo, numa área de transição entre a Depressão Periférica Paulista e as Cuestas Basálticas. Para a consolidação do objetivo proposto foram utilizados os seguintes procedimentos metodológicos: revisão de literatura referente à temática adotada; caracterização do meio físico e do processo de ocupação da área em estudo; elaboração de mapas geomorfológicos de dois cenários (1962 e 2007) de acordo com as metodologias de Tricart (1965) e Verstappen; Zuidan (1975), adaptados por Cunha (2001); elaboração de mapas de ocupação e uso das terras dos dois períodos (1962 e 2007) utilizando o sistema de classificação do IBGE (2006b) e trabalhos de campo. Para manuseio dos dados e posterior análise dos mesmos, foi utilizada a idéia de sistema ambiental, que se fundamenta na teoria dos sistemas gerais, aplicada a Geografia. Findados os levantamentos, observou-se que o aumento do nível de base local com conseqüente retomada erosiva, assim como a intensa ocupação das terras pela cultura da cana-de-açúcar, foram fatores que condicionaram as alterações geomorfológicas locais, expressas principalmente pela dinâmica erosiva e processos de denudação
This work has as objective to show the vibrational analysis as a method of predictive maintenance as an auxiliar procedure in the fail detection in equipments, most specifically in the rotative ones, and with that help the maintenance team to have conditions to foresee the right time to do the swap of the components of the systems, what would lead to failures. Knowing the exact moment the resources of people and money can be focused in the critic operations to the plant. This technic has been already studied for more then 30 years and was widely used in this work, not only as an equipment condition verification method, but also, after the equipment replacement, was used to prove that the new fan was operating under the best work conditions and with that maintenance could return to contol the vibration level of the equipment, not being necessary any kind of intervention
Distributed Virtual Environments (DVE) allow multiple users interact with a virtual world by sharing, manipulating objects. Each user has his/her own vision of this world and every changes of state of the environment are distributed among other users. Due to technological constraints, most systems for distributed virtual environments support a limited number of users. The major limitation for development of DVE scale are imposed by the communication system. As the number of users grows, the amount of bandwidth required to exchange information in real time among stations to upgrade the environment and keep it in a consistent state for all connected users. Based on this situation is proposed a framework that uses the protocol anycast in the application layer that provides a load balancing among servers in the region and aims at reducing the latency of message delivery between participants selecting the DVE server best suited for the region participant to connect to the environment
The minimization and mitigation of environmental impacts caused by the activities of organizations is increasingly becoming a key concern due to factors such as market demand, including suppliers and consumer markets, quality standards and even marketing strategies. The implementation of an EMS - Environmental Management System - allows the organization to achieve the level of environmental performance for its determined and promotes continuous improvement over time. This system consists of a schedule of activities, so as to eliminate or minimize impacts to the environment through preventive actions. It also provides a structured approach to set and achieve goals and objectives, and to establish procedures, work instructions and control, ensuring that the implementation of the policy can become reality. The objective of this work consists in planning a system using environmental management based on the ISO 14001 - standard internationally more widespread and accepted in the requirements to establish and operate an EMS - the Central Library, UNESP, Rio Claro / SP to stimulate the quest for continuous improvement and sustainability in the educational institution. For making the diagnosis of this planning was used the PDCA methodology, suggested by the standard, as well as all requirements for compliance. The results show that the benefits that the organization will receive involve reducing expenses and cost of energy and water, and improve the organization's reputation before the whole university and other educational institutions, reaching about three thousand people on university
The use of physical characteristics for human identification is known as biometrics. Among the many biometrics traits available, the fingerprint is the most widely used. The fingerprint identification is based on the impression patterns, as the pattern of ridges and minutiae, characteristics of first and second levels respectively. The current identification systems use these two levels of fingerprint features due to the low cost of the sensors. However, the recent advances in sensor technology, became possible to use third level features present within the ridges, such as the perspiration pores. Recent studies show that the use of third-level features can increase security and fraud protection in biometric systems, since they are difficult to reproduce. In addition, recent researches have also focused on multibiometrics recognition due to its many advantages. The goal of this research project was to apply fusion techniques for fingerprint recognition in order to combine minutia, ridges and pore-based methods and, thus, provide more robust biometrics recognition systems, and also to develop an automated fingerprint identification system using these three methods of recognition. We evaluated isotropic-based and adaptive-based automatic pore extraction methods, and the fusion of pore-based method with the identification methods based on minutiae and ridges. The experiments were performed on the public database PolyUHRF and showed a reduction of approximately 16% in the EER compared to the best results obtained by the methods individually
Increasingly competitive markets have driven the search for companies in many different ways to win and keep customers. The service level is basically the performance of companies in fulfilling the orders made, or how companies demonstrate to their clients efforts in their behalf. This work aims to solve the difficulties faced by a multinational company present in Brazil, in the distribution of its products in the category Ice Cream in order to improve the service level of their customers. Review the logistics network and concepts related to the distribution system of products is one of several ways to achieve this goal, as well as the use of IT and tools to assist in planning and programming of the physical distribution of products. In this study we used the concept of direct distribution system called Transit Point (TP). The TP provides at the same time, a strategy of rapid response, flexibility, low transportation costs and no inventory. A router - software capable of simulating the actual conditions experienced in the daily distribution - was used to assist in calculations. Results showed reductions of up to 47.5% in transportation costs and better conditions were provided in the distribution of products, positively impacting on service levels and in the maintenance of products quality, with a reduction of 1.6% of the total costs involve
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)