697 resultados para Simetrias de Lorentz e CPT


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Plan von Constantinopel mit den Vorstädten, dem Hafen, und einem Theile des Bosporus = Plan de Constantinople avec ses faubourgs, le port et une partie du Bosphore, aufgenommen und gezeichnet von C. Stolpe nach den zeitherigen Veränderungen berichtigt bis zum Jahre 1882. It was published by Verlag von Lorentz & Keil in 1882. Scale 1:15,000. Covers Istanbul, Turkey. Map in German and French.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the 'European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 35N' coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map.This map shows features such as roads, railroads and stations, drainage, built-up areas (by ethnicity) and selected buildings, fortification, ground cover, parks, cemeteries, ruins, and more. Relief shown pictorially and by contours.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Cultura e Comunicação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016


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Questa tesi si prefigge di analizzare le condizioni di stabilità di un argine inferiore del fiume Po situato presso il comune di Viadana (MN), più volte interessato da eventi franosi che si sono ripetuti con una certa frequenza nel corso degli ultimi anni. L'argomento proposto nella tesi prende spunto dall’esperienza presso il Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico di AIPO a Boretto (RE), nell’ambito del tirocinio formativo, durante il quale ho portato a termine un programma di prove geotecniche su campioni indisturbati prelevati nel sito interessato da fenomeni di instabilità, allo scopo di migliorare le conoscenze sulla risposta meccanica dei terreni arginali e del substrato di fondazione. Utilizzando i risultati delle prove di laboratorio, unitamente alle informazioni provenienti dai sondaggi e dalle prove penetrometriche (CPT/CPTU), è stato possibile innanzitutto identificare le unità stratigrafiche presenti nel sistema arginale e determinarne i parametri meccanici, per poi procedere alla costruzione del modello geotecnico di riferimento per le analisi di stabilità. Pertanto la tesi si pone come obiettivi principali la messa a punto di un modello geotecnico affidabile dell'argine, la verifica della stabilità globale delle scarpate lato fiume e l'individuazione dei fattori scatenanti i fenomeni di scorrimento osservati, nonché la scelta di possibili interventi per la messa in sicurezza delle sponde, valutandone i benefici in termini del fattore di sicurezza ed i relativi costi. L'insieme dei risultati conseguiti in questo studio permette di fornire utili indicazioni a coloro che sono preposti alla manutenzione e messa in sicurezza delle strutture arginali del fiume Po.


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This package includes various Mata functions. kern(): various kernel functions; kint(): kernel integral functions; kdel0(): canonical bandwidth of kernel; quantile(): quantile function; median(): median; iqrange(): inter-quartile range; ecdf(): cumulative distribution function; relrank(): grade transformation; ranks(): ranks/cumulative frequencies; freq(): compute frequency counts; histogram(): produce histogram data; mgof(): multinomial goodness-of-fit tests; collapse(): summary statistics by subgroups; _collapse(): summary statistics by subgroups; gini(): Gini coefficient; sample(): draw random sample; srswr(): SRS with replacement; srswor(): SRS without replacement; upswr(): UPS with replacement; upswor(): UPS without replacement; bs(): bootstrap estimation; bs2(): bootstrap estimation; bs_report(): report bootstrap results; jk(): jackknife estimation; jk_report(): report jackknife results; subset(): obtain subsets, one at a time; composition(): obtain compositions, one by one; ncompositions(): determine number of compositions; partition(): obtain partitions, one at a time; npartitionss(): determine number of partitions; rsubset(): draw random subset; rcomposition(): draw random composition; colvar(): variance, by column; meancolvar(): mean and variance, by column; variance0(): population variance; meanvariance0(): mean and population variance; mse(): mean squared error; colmse(): mean squared error, by column; sse(): sum of squared errors; colsse(): sum of squared errors, by column; benford(): Benford distribution; cauchy(): cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz dist.; cauchyden(): Cauchy-Lorentz density; cauchytail(): reverse cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz; invcauchy(): inverse cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz; rbinomial(): generate binomial random numbers; cebinomial(): cond. expect. of binomial r.v.; root(): Brent's univariate zero finder; nrroot(): Newton-Raphson zero finder; finvert(): univariate function inverter; integrate_sr(): univariate function integration (Simpson's rule); integrate_38(): univariate function integration (Simpson's 3/8 rule); ipolate(): linear interpolation; polint(): polynomial inter-/extrapolation; plot(): Draw twoway plot; _plot(): Draw twoway plot; panels(): identify nested panel structure; _panels(): identify panel sizes; npanels(): identify number of panels; nunique(): count number of distinct values; nuniqrows(): count number of unique rows; isconstant(): whether matrix is constant; nobs(): number of observations; colrunsum(): running sum of each column; linbin(): linear binning; fastlinbin(): fast linear binning; exactbin(): exact binning; makegrid(): equally spaced grid points; cut(): categorize data vector; posof(): find element in vector; which(): positions of nonzero elements; locate(): search an ordered vector; hunt(): consecutive search; cond(): matrix conditional operator; expand(): duplicate single rows/columns; _expand(): duplicate rows/columns in place; repeat(): duplicate contents as a whole; _repeat(): duplicate contents in place; unorder2(): stable version of unorder(); jumble2(): stable version of jumble(); _jumble2(): stable version of _jumble(); pieces(): break string into pieces; npieces(): count number of pieces; _npieces(): count number of pieces; invtokens(): reverse of tokens(); realofstr(): convert string into real; strexpand(): expand string argument; matlist(): display a (real) matrix; insheet(): read spreadsheet file; infile(): read free-format file; outsheet(): write spreadsheet file; callf(): pass optional args to function; callf_setup(): setup for mm_callf().


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Includes bibliographical footnotes and index.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Aus den Abhandlungen der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1867.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Includes bibliographical references.


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Each volume has also special t.-p.


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On verso: Michigan Daily. Photo by Cpt. Robert L. Lewis Co. A-3651 S.U.