1000 resultados para Sickingen, Franz von, 1481-1523.


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von Christian und August Bomhard


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verfaßt von Franz Joseph Schild


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Im fünften Band der Würzburger Bischofsreihe der Germania Sacra behandelt Winfried Romberg die Episkopate der Epoche vom Spätkonfessionalismus katholischer Provenienz bis zum Einsetzen erster Impulse der Aufklärung. Neben der ständigen Herausforderung in der Reichs- und äußeren Politik war das Zeitalter geprägt vom verstärkten ordnungspolitischen Aufbau der weltlichen und geistlichen Landesverwaltung wie in religiös-ästhetischer Hinsicht vom Kirchenbarock und seinen Frömmigkeitsformen. Die vorgestellten fünf Pontifikate illustrieren den in diesem Zeitraum erreichten Höhepunkt absolutistischer Machtentfaltung einschließlich verwandter merkantilistischer Prinzipien. Die beiden Pontifikate der Schönborn-Brüder Johann Philipp Franz und Friedrich Carl markieren hierbei den Zenit dieses einflussreichen rheinisch-fränkischen Adelsgeschlechts im Hochstift Würzburg. Insgesamt fand das Würzburger Staatswesen in dieser Periode zu festen Formen, die auch im weiteren 18. Jahrhundert erhalten bleiben sollten.


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Sammelrezension von: 1. Renate Knobel: Der lange Weg zur akademischen Ausbildung in der sozialen Arbeit. Stationen von 1868 bis 1971. Frankfurt a. M., Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge, 1992. Besprechungen, 105 S. 2. Ute Lange-Appel: Von der allgemeinen Kulturaufgabe zur Berufskarriere im Lebenslauf. Eine bildungshistorische Untersuchung zur Professionalisierung der Sozialarbeit. (Studien zur Erwachsenenbildung. Bd. 11.) Frankfurt a.M./Bern: Lang 1993. 354 S.


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Sammelrezension von: 1. Wilhelm von Humboldt: Briefe an Friedrich August Wolf. Textkritisch herausgegeben und kommentiert von Philip Mattson. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter 1990 635 S. 2. Italien im Bannkreis Napoleons. Die römischen Gesandtschaftsberichte Wilhelm von Humboldts an den Landgraf I Großherzog von Hessen-Darmstadt 1803-1809. Bearbeitet von Eva-Maria Feldschow und Ulrich Hussong. Herausgegeben von Eckhart G. Franz. Darmstadt: Hessische Historische Kommission 1989, 459 S.


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Catalogado por el también connotado Enrique Dussel, como el filósofo más prominente en la actualidad en América Latina, Franz Hinkelammert es, en efecto, un pensador y crítico social de gran trayectoria en nuestro continente, desde su llegada a Chile en 1963. Autor de obras de gran relevancia en el campo de la economía, la filosofía y la teología de la liberación, Hinkelammert se desempeña actualmente como miembro del equipo de investigadores del Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones (DEI), con sede en San José de Costa Rica.Con Franz Hinkelammert nos une una amistad de varios años, lo mismo que un vínculo de colaboración con la Escuela de Economía de la UNA, donde asiduamente un grupo de académicos y estudiantes trabajamos y discutimos sus obras. Recordamos en especial sus tesis sobre el subdesarrollo, la teoría del valor, el fetichismo mercantil, y sobre la deuda externa. Su obra es realmente prolija y sugerente, al mismo tiempo que reúne la singular característica de la multidisciplinariedad en la mayoría de sus trabajos. Por estos, y muchos otros motivos, hemos considerado extraordinariamente valioso presentar a los lectores de Economía y Sociedad una síntesis de su pensamiento, a través de los resultados de esta entrevista que tuve el honor de realizar y editar. La misma está estructurada en quince preguntas, numeradas de forma consecutiva. No obstante, y dado que cada pregunta abarca en realidad un área temática, aparecen preguntas o comentarios adicionales de mi parte que se identifican en letra negrita y que son antecedidas por las siglas H.M. La entrevista se realizó a mediados de enero del 2000, y el trabajo de edición finalizó a finales de febrero.


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A avaliação da dor em animais necessita da utilização de escalas de avaliação, que dependem da interpretação realizada por observadores. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a correlação entre a escala visual analógica (EVA), escala de Melbourne e os filamentos de Von Frey, na avaliação da dor pós-operatória em 42 cadelas adultas e saudáveis, submetidas à ovariossalpingohisterectomia (OSH). A dor pós-operatória foi avaliada por dois observadores cegos aos tratamentos analgésicos, em intervalos de uma hora, utilizando a EVA, a escala de Melbourne e os filamentos de Von Frey, aplicados ao redor da incisão cirúrgica. Foram considerados como critérios para realização da analgesia resgate uma pontuação de 50mm na EVA ou de 13 pontos na escala de Melbourne. A EVA revelou-se a escala mais sensível, uma vez que 100% dos animais receberam resgate seguindo esse método. Os valores obtidos na EVA e na escala de Melbourne determinaram boa correlação, com r=0,74, o que não ocorreu com os filamentos de Von Frey (r=-0,18). Já a correlação entre a escala de Melbourne e os filamentos de Von Frey foi de -0.37. Apesar de a EVA e a escala de Melbourne apresentarem boa correlação, sugere-se que se considere uma pontuação menor na escala de Melbourne como critério para administração de analgesia resgate.


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Instalado em um edifício-Monumento, data de 1895 a inauguração do Museu Paulista. Seu primeiro diretor, o zoólogo Hermann Von Ihering (1895-1916), teve a tarefa de organizar suas vastas coleções, as quais possuíam objetos de diversos ramos do conhecimento, entre eles, a História. Este artigo tem a intenção de entender a dimensão, dinâmica e concepção desta coleção de História, que recebeu pouca atenção da Historiografia relativa ao tema.


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Os síntipos de Corydoras meridionalis Rodolpho von Ihering, 1911, tidos como desaparecidos da coleção de peixes do Museu de Zoologia da USP, foram encontrados; os exemplares tinham sido identificados como C. ehrhardti Steindachner, 1910, espécie atualmente considerada sinônimo sênior da primeira. O exame desses sintipos permite confirmar a sinonímia proposta. Dados sobre os síntipos são apresentados e comparados com os dados das descrições originais de C. ehrhardti e C. meridionalis, sendo comentadas as poucas diferenças encontradas entre eles. É designado o lectótipo de C. meridionalis e uma fotografia deste é apresentada.


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We present measurements of J/psi yields in d + Au collisions at root S(NN) = 200 GeV recorded by the PHENIX experiment and compare them with yields in p + p collisions at the same energy per nucleon-nucleon collision. The measurements cover a large kinematic range in J/psi rapidity (-2.2 < y < 2.4) with high statistical precision and are compared with two theoretical models: one with nuclear shadowing combined with final state breakup and one with coherent gluon saturation effects. In order to remove model dependent systematic uncertainties we also compare the data to a simple geometric model. The forward rapidity data are inconsistent with nuclear modifications that are linear or exponential in the density weighted longitudinal thickness, such as those from the final state breakup of the bound state.


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Measurements of electrons from the decay of open-heavy-flavor mesons have shown that the yields are suppressed in Au+Au collisions compared to expectations from binary-scaled p+p collisions. These measurements indicate that charm and bottom quarks interact with the hot dense matter produced in heavy-ion collisions much more than expected. Here we extend these studies to two-particle correlations where one particle is an electron from the decay of a heavy-flavor meson and the other is a charged hadron from either the decay of the heavy meson or from jet fragmentation. These measurements provide more detailed information about the interactions between heavy quarks and the matter, such as whether the modification of the away-side-jet shape seen in hadron-hadron correlations is present when the trigger particle is from heavy-meson decay and whether the overall level of away-side-jet suppression is consistent. We statistically subtract correlations of electrons arising from background sources from the inclusive electron-hadron correlations and obtain two-particle azimuthal correlations at root s(NN) = 200 GeV between electrons from heavy-flavor decay with charged hadrons in p+p and also first results in Au+Au collisions. We find the away-side-jet shape and yield to be modified in Au+Au collisions compared to p+p collisions.


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The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has measured the invariant differential cross section for production of K(S)(0), omega, eta', and phi mesons in p + p collisions at root s 200 GeV. Measurements of omega and phi production in different decay channels give consistent results. New results for the omega are in agreement with previously published data and extend the measured p(T) coverage. The spectral shapes of all hadron transverse momentum distributions measured by PHENIX are well described by a Tsallis distribution functional form with only two parameters, n and T, determining the high-p(T) and characterizing the low-p(T) regions of the spectra, respectively. The values of these parameters are very similar for all analyzed meson spectra, but with a lower parameter T extracted for protons. The integrated invariant cross sections calculated from the fitted distributions are found to be consistent with existing measurements and with statistical model predictions.


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The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has performed systematic measurements of phi meson production in the K(+)K(-) decay channel at midrapidity in p + p, d + Au, Cu + Cu, and Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. Results are presented on the phi invariant yield and the nuclear modification factor R(AA) for Au + Au and Cu + Cu, and R(dA) for d + Au collisions, studied as a function of transverse momentum (1 < p(T) < 7 GeV/c) and centrality. In central and midcentral Au + Au collisions, the R(AA) of phi exhibits a suppression relative to expectations from binary scaled p + p results. The amount of suppression is smaller than that of the pi(0) and the. in the intermediate p(T) range (2-5 GeV/c), whereas, at higher p(T), the phi, pi(0), and. show similar suppression. The baryon (proton and antiproton) excess observed in central Au + Au collisions at intermediate p(T) is not observed for the phi meson despite the similar masses of the proton and the phi. This suggests that the excess is linked to the number of valence quarks in the hadron rather than its mass. The difference gradually disappears with decreasing centrality, and, for peripheral collisions, the R(AA) values for both particle species are consistent with binary scaling. Cu + Cu collisions show the same yield and suppression as Au + Au collisions for the same number of N(part). The R(dA) of phi shows no evidence for cold nuclear effects within uncertainties.