983 resultados para Shaanxi earthquake


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The Plan for Sand Dune Reconstruction and Restoration (and Biological Assessment) at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (ABA Consultants, April 1, 1992) described reconstruction of dune contours and biological restoration with native dune plants to be carried out over the 8 acre site formerly occupied by the marine labs (prior to the Loma Prieta earthquake of October 1989). The plan called for annual reports in letter form which would present data on plant abundance, a short narrative description of changes on the site, progress towards recovery of the plant community, and assessment of progress based on restoration goals and further steps to be taken. This monitoring report [dated April 25, 1994] addresses those points and also contains a summary of other activities integral in dune restoration -- education, public participation, school and conservation organization field trips, as well as the associated activities of restoration, plant collecting, propagation, and weed control.


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•2011 PICES Science: A Note from the Science Board Chairman (pp. 1-6) •2011 PICES Awards (pp. 7-9) •Beyond the Terrible Disaster of the Great East Japan Earthquake (pp. 10-12) •A New Era of PICES-ICES Scientific Cooperation (p. 13) •New PICES Jellyfish Working Group Formed (pp. 14-15) •PICES Working Group on North Pacific Climate Variability (pp. 16-18) •Final U.S. GLOBEC Symposium and Celebration (pp. 19-25) •2011 PICES Rapid Assessment Survey (pp. 26-29) •Introduction to Rapid Assessment Survey Methodologies for Detecting Non-indigenous Marine Species (pp. 30-31) •The 7th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions (pp. 32-33) •NOWPAP/PICES/WESTPAC Training Course on Remote Sensing Data Analysis (pp. 34-36) •PICES-2011 Workshop on “Trends in Marine Contaminants and their Effects in a Changing Ocean” (pp. 37-39) •The State of the Western North Pacific in the First Half of 2011 (pp. 40-42) •Yeosu Symposium theme sessions (p. 42) •The Bering Sea: Current Status and Recent Events (pp. 43-44) •News of the Northeast Pacific Ocean (pp. 45-47) •Recent and Upcoming PICES Publications (p. 47) •New leadership for the PICES Fishery Science Committee (p. 48)


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陆地植物起源以后,地球上的环境发生了巨大的变化。大气CO2浓度自泥盆纪早期的2000-4OOOμml•mol_1下降至石炭一二叠纪的300μml•mol_1左右,02浓度在泥盆纪至石炭一二叠纪时期,由20-30μml•mol_1上升到70-80μml•mol_1,随后又下降到目前的水平。陆地植物登陆后,形态结构也发生了显著的改变,气生部分表而分化出了通气结构--气孔器和保护结构--角质层。泥盆纪首选标志植物刺镰蕨(Drelpanophycus spinaefrmis)在整个泥盆纪,广布全世界。刺镰蕨的气孔器类型一直存在两种观点,一种认为刺镰蕨的气孔器是平列型,即气孔器山两个保卫细胞和两个副卫细胞组成:另一观点认为刺镰蕨的气孔器为不规则型,即气孔器仅有两个保卫细胞构成,不具副卫细胞。我们借助于扫描电镜、石蜡制片技术和叶表皮离析法,细致地研究了现代石松(Lycopodium japonicum)叶的横切而、表皮及气孔器的内外表面结构,并同刺镰蕨的表皮和气孔器进行了对比。认为刺镰蕨的气孔器和所有的化石石松类及现代石松类的气孔器一样,均属于不规则型。从而解决了关于刺镰蕨气孔器类型的长期争论的关键性科学问题。 胡桃科青钱柳属植物起源于晚白垩世的环北太平洋沿岸,化石植物最早发现于北美古新世和早始新世的Motana,,Wyoming,North Dakota,north Colorado地区,欧亚地区仅出现在渐新世至上新世的Kazakhstan、Germany、Romnania、Russia、Japan、中国云南远谋和四川米易地区。我们将采于吉林省珲春组始新世的叶化石鉴定为一青钱柳相似种,该化石成为东亚地区出现最早的青钱柳属植物,这一发现也支持晚白垩至早第三纪时期环北太平洋两岸曾经相连的观点,青钱柳属在晚白垩由北美起源,在始新世经东亚向欧亚大陆扩散,由于环境变迁,第四纪以后,青钱柳属仪剩一种植物分布于中国的亚热带地区。文中还利用共存分析方法估测出始新世吉林省珲春地区属于暖温带至亚热带气候。 统万城遗址位于我国黄土高原向毛乌素沙漠过渡地带的北缘,属于暖温带森林草原向温带干草原、温带荒漠草原过渡的地区,同时又是东部季风区向西北干旱区过渡的生态环境敏感带。今天统万城地区的自然景观属于沙漠,仅存稀疏的次生灌丛和草本群落。但是,通过对统万城城墙内的孢粉和木材进行的综合研究表明,在约1600年前,当地为温带草原,在塬面或山丘上分布有侧柏林,沟谷、河岸边生长喜温湿的乔木,河流、湖泊、沼泽中水生植物繁盛,在丘间低洼处或盐碱土上分布有灌木和草本植物。当时该地区的年均温为7.8 ℃-9.3℃,最热月平均温度23.0℃-24.9℃,最冷月平均温度-12℃-5.6℃,年较差28.5℃-3 8.2℃,年降雨量403.4-550.Omm,最大月降雨量83.8-123.9mm,最少月降雨量4.4-12.2mm,当时气候比现在温暖湿润,年均温比现在高出0.2-0.7℃,年降雨量也高出60--lOOmm。而如此的历史景观今天已经向南迁移,侧柏林或森林草原退缩至延安以南地区。在此近1600年的时间里,毛乌素沙漠分布范围不断扩大,其南部边缘推进了约200 km,推测沙漠扩展的速率达到平均125m/a。


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研究人类历史时期遗留木材是一项涵盖植物解剖学、植物地理学、环境科学和考古学等多学科的综合工作。通过对历史时期木材的研究,一方面可以了解当时的植物类群组成、地理分布和植被面貌,并可通过植物作为气候代用指标,重建历史时期环境,反映气候变迁。另一方面可以了解人类对木材的认识、选择和使用的历史,并反映当时的人类活动、及其在建筑、文化艺术和风格等诸多方面的建树。 本工作对陕西关中地区出土的神禾塬战国古墓木椁、秦始皇陵兵马俑坑棚架和凤栖原西汉古墓木椁、木炭的原木材进行识别和鉴定,研究结果如下 1、古木组成 神禾塬战国古墓木椁全部由裸子植物松科中的冷杉属(Abies)、云杉属(Picea)、铁杉属(Tsuga)和松属(Pinus)木材组成;秦始皇陵兵马俑棚架木材由裸子植物松科冷杉属、云杉属和铁杉属木材,以及被子植物樟科楠木属(Phoebe)木材组成,包括前人在兵马俑坑中发现了榆科的木材,综合分析可以看出,秦始皇陵兵马俑坑棚架主要是以裸子植物为主,占木材总量的95%,被子植物仅占5%。凤栖原西汉古墓木椁为松科松属木材组成,在其木椁周围填充的木炭中发现有胡桃科化香树属(Platycarya)的木材。 2、木材来源 1)木材类群的分布 冷杉属、云杉属和松属现仍然分布在秦岭北坡、关中地区及其以北的地方,而铁杉属、楠木属和化香树属植物类群则是亚热带成分,现分布在秦岭以南的地区。不过也有报道,铁杉属在秦岭北坡还能看到它残留的个别植株,枯枝以及保存在过去地层中的花粉。这似乎可以说,历史时期铁杉属植物在秦岭北坡有过分布。 2)、气候的影响 各种气候记录、考古数据显示,中国5000年来发生过多次冷暖变化。春秋至秦汉时期、唐朝初期均是历史上温暖湿润的适宜时期,那时关中地区的温度比现在要高出1-2°C。最近有人在兵马俑坑中,报道野桐属(Mallotus)的孢粉,该类群现在广泛分布在亚热带及热带地区。这似乎说明兵马俑坑修建时,关中地区的气候较现在温暖。秦岭现在南北坡的温度之差恰好也是2°C。可以设想现在分布在秦岭以南的亚热带植物的成分,如:楠木、化香树等亚热带植物在历史上温暖湿润的时期有可能分布到了秦岭的北坡和关中地区。 3)、用材的特点 在兵马俑坑棚架中出土的木材粗细不均,长短不一,种类不同,这种种迹象表明秦人在修建兵马俑坑时有可能是就近取材。另外,在兵马俑坑出土的楠木和其他种类的木材一样作棚木用,并没有见到其特殊的用途。而同样在关中地区出土的汉代、唐朝的楠木也未见其特殊的作用,与其他木材混在一起使用。此外,凤栖原西汉古墓防潮用的木炭中的化香树也未见其特殊的用途。因此推测包括楠木和化香树在内的所有木材都有可能是就地取材。


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Geomembranes are one of the most commonly used geosynthetics in landfill liner systems. They retain the leachate produced by the waste and prevent leakage. Geomembranes may experience harsh environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures or earthquake loading. Earthquake loading can be an extreme loading case for landfills located in seismic regions. This study, based on dynamic centrifuge testing, investigates the effects of simulated earthquake loading on the tension experienced bythe geomembrane on a landfill slope. The landfill modeled in the dynamic centrifuge test was a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill cell with a single geomembrane-clay liner system (45° side slope and 10 m slope length). The paper shows that moderate earthquake loading (base acceleration between 0.1g to 0.2g) can result in transient increases of around 20% in geomembrane tension, with permanent tension increases of around 5%.


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Residential RC framed structures suffered heavily during the 2001 Bhuj earthquake in Gujarat, India. These types of structures also saw severe damage in other earthquakes such as the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake in Turkey and 921 Ji-Ji earthquake in Taiwan. In this paper the seismic response of residential structures was investigated using physical modelling. Idealised soft storey and top heavy, two degrees of freedom (2DOF) portal frame structures were developed and tested on saturated and dry sand models at 25 g using the Schofield Centre 10-m Beam Centrifuge. It was possible to recreate observed field behaviour using these models. As observed in many of the recent earthquakes, soft storey structures were found to be particularly vulnerable to seismic loads. Elastic response spectra methods are often used in the design of simple portal frame structures. The seismic risk of these structures can be significantly increased due to modifications such as removal of a column or addition of heavy water tanks on the roof. The experimental data from the dynamic centrifuge tests on such soft storey or top-heavy models was used to evaluate the predictions obtained from the response spectra. Response spectra were able to predict seismic response during small to moderate intensity earthquakes, but became inaccurate during strong earthquakes and when soil structure interaction effects became important. Re-evaluation of seismic risk of such modified structures is required and time domain analyses suggested by building codes such as IBC, UBC or NEHRP may be more appropriate. © Springer 2006.


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Soil liquefaction continues to be a major source of damage to buildings and infrastructure after major earthquake events. Ground improvement methods are widely used at many sites worldwide as a way of mitigating liquefaction damage. The relative success of these ground improvement methods in preventing damage after a liquefaction event and the mechanisms by which they can mitigate liquefaction continue to be areas of active research. In this paper the emphasis is on the use of dynamic centrifuge modelling as a tool to investigate the effectiveness of ground improvement methods in mitigating liquefaction risk. Three different ground improvement methods will be considered. First, the effectiveness of in situ densification as a liquefaction resistance measure will be investigated. It will be shown that the mechanism by which soil densification offers mitigation of the liquefaction risk can be studied at a fundamental level using dynamic centrifuge modelling. Second, the use of drains to relieve excess pore pressures generated during an earthquake event will be considered. It will be shown that current design methods can be further improved by incorporating the understanding obtained from dynamic centrifuge tests. Finally, the use of soil grouting to mitigate liquefaction risk will be investigated. It will be shown that by grouting the foundation soil, the settlement of a building can be reduced following earthquake loading. However, the grouting depth must extend the whole depth of the liquefiable layer to achieve this reduction in settlements.


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An investigation into the seismic behaviour of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills by dynamic centrifuge testing was undertaken. This paper presents physical modelling of MSW landfills for dynamic centrifuge testing, with regard to the following research areas: 1. amplification characteristics of municipal solid waste; 2. tension induced in geomembranes placed on landfill slopes due to earthquake loading; 3. damage to landfill liners due to liquefaction of foundation soil. A model waste, that has engineering properties similar to MSW, is presented. A model geomembrane that can be used in centrifuge tests is also presented. Results of dynamic centrifuge tests with the model geomembrane showed that an earthquake loading induces additional permanent tension (∼25%) in the geomembrane. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group.


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Many typical liquefaction remediation techniques are not appropriate for application under existing buildings and more novel techniques are required. This paper describes centrifuge tests investigating the performance of cementation as a liquefaction remediation method. Two soil profiles with the same superstructure were tested under earthquake shaking. The first profile consisted of a deep layer of loose, liquefiable sand. The second comprised a shallow layer of loose sand overlying dense sand. Centrifuge tests were carried out with a cemented zone underneath the structure, through the full depth of the liquefiable layers and also partial depth. The superstructure was modelled as a single-degree-offreedom system. It is found that a cemented zone through the full depth of a liquefiable layer results in considerable reduction of structural settlements. Increased magnitude and higher frequency accelerations are transmitted to the structure but, depending on the building characteristics, it is likely that improved overall seismic performance can be achieved. Improvements in structural settlements can also be obtained with partialdepth remediation, if the depth of the cemented zone is greater than the depth of liquefaction. This type of remediation seems to have little effect on the accelerations transmitted to the structure.


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During earthquakes, hydrodynamic pressures are generated by the impounded reservoir on the dam face. The magnitude and distribution of the hydrodynamic pressures vary with factors such as frequency and intensity of earthquake-induced ground motion, depth of impounded reservoir, stiffness of dam and geological conditions. It is difficult to obtain experimental data on hydrodynamic pressures from the field owing to uncertainties associated with earthquake loading. This paper aims at using dynamic centrifuge modelling to measure hydrodynamic pressures behind both relatively stiff and flexible model dams. Comparisons of the experimental data with theoretical hydrodynamic pressures show that Westergaard's equation gives a conservative estimation of hydrodynamic pressures. Comparison with Chopra's method revealed that it underpredicts hydrodynamic pressures for low reservoir depths but gives reasonably good predictions for higher depths of reservoir. It is concluded that dynamic centrifuge modelling may be an effective experimental method to estimate the hydrodynamic pressures acting on a dam. © 2010 Thomas Telford Ltd.


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Saturated sands particularly at low relative density commonly exhibit rises in excess pore pressure when subjected to earthquake loading. The excess pore pressure can approach a maximum value, limited by the initial vertical effective stress. After the completion of earthquake shaking, these excess pore pressures dissipate according to the consolidation equation, which can be solved to produce a Fourier series solution. It will be shown by manipulation of this Fourier series that excess pore pressure traces provide a method for back-calculation of coefficient of consolidation Cv. This method is validated against dissipation curves generated using known values of C v and seen to be more accurate in the middle of the layer. The method is then applied to data recorded in centrifuge tests to evaluate Cv throughout the reconsolidation process following liquefaction conditions. C v is seen to fit better as a function of excess pore pressure ratio than effective stress for the stress levels considered. For the soil investigated, Cv is about three times smaller at excess pore pressure ratio of 0.9 compared to excess pore pressure ratio of 0. Copyright © 1996-2011 ASTM.


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Piles passing through sloping liquefiable deposits are prone to lateral loading if these deposits liquefy and flow during earthquakes. These lateral loads caused by the relative soil-pile movement will induce bending in the piles and may result in failure of the piles or excessive pile-head displacement. Whilst the weak nature of the flowing liquefied soil would suggest that only small loads would be exerted on the piles, it is known from case histories that piles do fail owing to the influence of laterally spreading soils. It will be shown, based on dynamic centrifuge test data, that dilatant behaviour of soil close to the pile is the major cause of these considerable transient lateral loads which are transferred to the pile. This paper reports the results of geotechnical centrifuge tests in which models of gently sloping liquefiable sand with pile foundations passing through them were subjected to earthquake excitation. The soil close to the pile was instrumented with pore-pressure transducers and contact stress cells in order to monitor the interaction between soil and pile and to track the soil stress state both upslope and downslope of the pile. The presence of instrumentation measuring pore-pressure and lateral stress close to the pile in the research described in this paper gives the opportunity to better study the soil stress state close to the pile and to compare the loads measured as being applied to the piles by the laterally spreading soils with those suggested by the JRA design code. This test data shows that lateral stresses much greater than one might expect from calculations based on the residual strength of liquefied soil may be applied to piles in flowing liquefied slopes owing to the dilative behaviour of the liquefied soil. It is shown at least for the particular geometry studied that the current JRA design code can be un-conservative by a factor of three for these dilation-affected transient lateral loads.


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This study employs an analytical model to describe the rocking response of a masonry arch to in-plane seismic loading. Through evaluation of the rate of energy input to the system, the model reveals the ground motions that cause maximum rocking amplification. An experimental investigation of small-scale masonry arches subjected to past earthquake time histories is used to evaluate the analytical model and to explore arch rocking behaviour. The results demonstrate that rocking amplification can occur, but is highly sensitive to slight variations in the ground motion. Thus, the accuracy to which the arch response can be predicted is brought into perspective. The concept that the primary impulse of an expected ground motion is fundamentally important in predicting arch collapse is evaluated in light of the developed energy approach. Finally, a statistical method is proposed for predicting the probability of arch collapse during seismic loading.